harmony 鸿蒙@ohos.font (Custom Font Registration)

  • 2023-06-24
  • 浏览 (680)

@ohos.font (Custom Font Registration)

The font module provides APIs for registering custom fonts.


The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 9. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

The functionality of this module depends on UI context. This means that the APIs of this module cannot be used where the UI context is unclear. For details, see UIContext.

Since API version 10, you can use the getFont API in UIContext to obtain the Font object associated with the current UI context.

Modules to Import

import font from '@ohos.font'


registerFont(options: FontOptions): void

Registers a custom font with the font manager.

System capability: SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full


Name Type Mandatory Description
options FontOptions Yes Information about the custom font to register.


System capability: SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full

Name Type Mandatory Description
familyName string |Resource10+ Yes Name of the custom font to register.
familySrc string |Resource10+ Yes Path of the custom font to register.


// xxx.ets
import font from '@ohos.font';

struct FontExample {
  @State message: string =' Hello, World'

  aboutToAppear() {
    // Both familyName and familySrc support the string type.
      familyName: 'medium',
      familySrc: '/font/medium.ttf' // The font file is at the same level as the pages directory.

    // Both familyName and familySrc support the Resource type.
      familyName: $r('app.string.mediumFamilyName'),
      familySrc: $r('app.string.mediumFamilySrc')

    // familySrc supports the $rawfile type.
      familyName: 'mediumRawFile',
      familySrc: $rawfile('font/medium.ttf')

  build() {
    Column() {
        .fontFamily('medium') // medium: name of the custom font to register. (Registered fonts such as $r('app.string.mediumFamilyName') and 'mediumRawFile' can also be used.)


getSystemFontList(): Array<string>

Obtains the list of supported fonts.

System capability: SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full

Return value

Type Description
Array<string> List of supported fonts.


// xxx.ets
import font from '@ohos.font';

struct FontExample {
  fontList: Array<string> = new Array<string>();
  build() {
    Column() {
          this.fontList = font.getSystemFontList()


getFontByName(fontName: string): FontInfo;

Obtains information about a system font based on the font name.

System capability: SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full


Name Type Mandatory Description
fontName string Yes System font name.

Return value

Type Description
FontInfo Information about the system font.


System capability: SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full

Name Type Mandatory Description
path string Yes File path of the system font.
postScriptName string Yes PostScript name of the system font.
fullName string Yes Name of the system font.
family string Yes Family of the system font.
subfamily string Yes Subfamily of the system font.
weight number Yes Weight of the system font.
width number Yes Width of the system font.
italic boolean Yes Whether the system font is italic.
monoSpace boolean Yes Whether the system font is monospaced.
symbolic boolean Yes Whether the system font supports symbols.


// xxx.ets
import font from '@ohos.font';

struct FontExample {
  fontList: Array<string> = new Array<string>();
  fontInfo: font.FontInfo = font.getFontByName('');
  build() {
    Column() {
        .onClick(() => {
          this.fontInfo = font.getFontByName('Sans Italic')
          console.log("getFontByName(): path = " + this.fontInfo.path)
          console.log("getFontByName(): postScriptName = " + this.fontInfo.postScriptName)
          console.log("getFontByName(): fullName = " + this.fontInfo.fullName)
          console.log("getFontByName(): Family = " + this.fontInfo.family)
          console.log("getFontByName(): Subfamily = " + this.fontInfo.subfamily)
          console.log("getFontByName(): weight = " + this.fontInfo.weight)
          console.log("getFontByName(): width = " + this.fontInfo.width)
          console.log("getFontByName(): italic = " + this.fontInfo.italic)
          console.log("getFontByName(): monoSpace = " + this.fontInfo.monoSpace)
          console.log("getFontByName(): symbolic = " + this.fontInfo.symbolic)


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