hugo filters 源码

  • 2022-10-23
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hugo filters 代码


// Copyright 2019 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

// Package images provides template functions for manipulating images.
package images

import (



// Increment for re-generation of images using these filters.
const filterAPIVersion = 0

type Filters struct {

// Overlay creates a filter that overlays src at position x y.
func (*Filters) Overlay(src ImageSource, x, y any) gift.Filter {
	return filter{
		Options: newFilterOpts(src.Key(), x, y),
		Filter:  overlayFilter{src: src, x: cast.ToInt(x), y: cast.ToInt(y)},

// Text creates a filter that draws text with the given options.
func (*Filters) Text(text string, options ...any) gift.Filter {
	tf := textFilter{
		text:        text,
		color:       "#ffffff",
		size:        20,
		x:           10,
		y:           10,
		linespacing: 2,

	var opt maps.Params
	if len(options) > 0 {
		opt = maps.MustToParamsAndPrepare(options[0])
		for option, v := range opt {
			switch option {
			case "color":
				tf.color = cast.ToString(v)
			case "size":
				tf.size = cast.ToFloat64(v)
			case "x":
				tf.x = cast.ToInt(v)
			case "y":
				tf.y = cast.ToInt(v)
			case "linespacing":
				tf.linespacing = cast.ToInt(v)
			case "font":
				if err, ok := v.(error); ok {
					panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid font source: %s", err))
				fontSource, ok1 := v.(hugio.ReadSeekCloserProvider)
				identifier, ok2 := v.(resource.Identifier)

				if !(ok1 && ok2) {
					panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid text font source: %T", v))

				tf.fontSource = fontSource

				// The input value isn't hashable and will not make a stable key.
				// Replace it with a string in the map used as basis for the
				// hash string.
				opt["font"] = identifier.Key()


	return filter{
		Options: newFilterOpts(text, opt),
		Filter:  tf,

// Brightness creates a filter that changes the brightness of an image.
// The percentage parameter must be in range (-100, 100).
func (*Filters) Brightness(percentage any) gift.Filter {
	return filter{
		Options: newFilterOpts(percentage),
		Filter:  gift.Brightness(cast.ToFloat32(percentage)),

// ColorBalance creates a filter that changes the color balance of an image.
// The percentage parameters for each color channel (red, green, blue) must be in range (-100, 500).
func (*Filters) ColorBalance(percentageRed, percentageGreen, percentageBlue any) gift.Filter {
	return filter{
		Options: newFilterOpts(percentageRed, percentageGreen, percentageBlue),
		Filter:  gift.ColorBalance(cast.ToFloat32(percentageRed), cast.ToFloat32(percentageGreen), cast.ToFloat32(percentageBlue)),

// Colorize creates a filter that produces a colorized version of an image.
// The hue parameter is the angle on the color wheel, typically in range (0, 360).
// The saturation parameter must be in range (0, 100).
// The percentage parameter specifies the strength of the effect, it must be in range (0, 100).
func (*Filters) Colorize(hue, saturation, percentage any) gift.Filter {
	return filter{
		Options: newFilterOpts(hue, saturation, percentage),
		Filter:  gift.Colorize(cast.ToFloat32(hue), cast.ToFloat32(saturation), cast.ToFloat32(percentage)),

// Contrast creates a filter that changes the contrast of an image.
// The percentage parameter must be in range (-100, 100).
func (*Filters) Contrast(percentage any) gift.Filter {
	return filter{
		Options: newFilterOpts(percentage),
		Filter:  gift.Contrast(cast.ToFloat32(percentage)),

// Gamma creates a filter that performs a gamma correction on an image.
// The gamma parameter must be positive. Gamma = 1 gives the original image.
// Gamma less than 1 darkens the image and gamma greater than 1 lightens it.
func (*Filters) Gamma(gamma any) gift.Filter {
	return filter{
		Options: newFilterOpts(gamma),
		Filter:  gift.Gamma(cast.ToFloat32(gamma)),

// GaussianBlur creates a filter that applies a gaussian blur to an image.
func (*Filters) GaussianBlur(sigma any) gift.Filter {
	return filter{
		Options: newFilterOpts(sigma),
		Filter:  gift.GaussianBlur(cast.ToFloat32(sigma)),

// Grayscale creates a filter that produces a grayscale version of an image.
func (*Filters) Grayscale() gift.Filter {
	return filter{
		Filter: gift.Grayscale(),

// Hue creates a filter that rotates the hue of an image.
// The hue angle shift is typically in range -180 to 180.
func (*Filters) Hue(shift any) gift.Filter {
	return filter{
		Options: newFilterOpts(shift),
		Filter:  gift.Hue(cast.ToFloat32(shift)),

// Invert creates a filter that negates the colors of an image.
func (*Filters) Invert() gift.Filter {
	return filter{
		Filter: gift.Invert(),

// Pixelate creates a filter that applies a pixelation effect to an image.
func (*Filters) Pixelate(size any) gift.Filter {
	return filter{
		Options: newFilterOpts(size),
		Filter:  gift.Pixelate(cast.ToInt(size)),

// Saturation creates a filter that changes the saturation of an image.
func (*Filters) Saturation(percentage any) gift.Filter {
	return filter{
		Options: newFilterOpts(percentage),
		Filter:  gift.Saturation(cast.ToFloat32(percentage)),

// Sepia creates a filter that produces a sepia-toned version of an image.
func (*Filters) Sepia(percentage any) gift.Filter {
	return filter{
		Options: newFilterOpts(percentage),
		Filter:  gift.Sepia(cast.ToFloat32(percentage)),

// Sigmoid creates a filter that changes the contrast of an image using a sigmoidal function and returns the adjusted image.
// It's a non-linear contrast change useful for photo adjustments as it preserves highlight and shadow detail.
func (*Filters) Sigmoid(midpoint, factor any) gift.Filter {
	return filter{
		Options: newFilterOpts(midpoint, factor),
		Filter:  gift.Sigmoid(cast.ToFloat32(midpoint), cast.ToFloat32(factor)),

// UnsharpMask creates a filter that sharpens an image.
// The sigma parameter is used in a gaussian function and affects the radius of effect.
// Sigma must be positive. Sharpen radius roughly equals 3 * sigma.
// The amount parameter controls how much darker and how much lighter the edge borders become. Typically between 0.5 and 1.5.
// The threshold parameter controls the minimum brightness change that will be sharpened. Typically between 0 and 0.05.
func (*Filters) UnsharpMask(sigma, amount, threshold any) gift.Filter {
	return filter{
		Options: newFilterOpts(sigma, amount, threshold),
		Filter:  gift.UnsharpMask(cast.ToFloat32(sigma), cast.ToFloat32(amount), cast.ToFloat32(threshold)),

type filter struct {
	Options filterOpts

// For cache-busting.
type filterOpts struct {
	Version int
	Vals    any

func newFilterOpts(vals ...any) filterOpts {
	return filterOpts{
		Version: filterAPIVersion,
		Vals:    vals,


hugo 源码目录


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hugo image 源码

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hugo text 源码

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