harmony 鸿蒙OpenHarmony v1.1.3 LTS (EOL)

  • 2022-08-09
  • 浏览 (762)

OpenHarmony v1.1.3 LTS (EOL)


This is an updated long-term support (LTS) version of OpenHarmony. It supports more functions than and fixes some bugs in OpenHarmony 1.1.2.

Version Mapping

Table 1 Version mapping of software and tools

Software Version Remarks
OpenHarmony 1.1.3 LTS N/A
(Optional) HUAWEI DevEco Device Tool HUAWEI DevEco Device Tool 2.1 Release Recommended for developing OpenHarmony smart devices

Source Code Acquisition

Acquiring Source Code Using the repo Tool

Method 1 (recommended): Use the repo tool to download the source code over SSH. (You must have registered an SSH public key for access to Gitee.)

repo init -u git@gitee.com:openharmony/manifest.git -b refs/tags/OpenHarmony-v1.1.3-LTS --no-repo-verify
repo sync -c
repo forall -c 'git lfs pull'

Method 2: Use the repo tool to download the source code over HTTPS.

repo init -u https://gitee.com/openharmony/manifest.git -b refs/tags/OpenHarmony-v1.1.3-LTS --no-repo-verify
repo sync -c
repo forall -c 'git lfs pull'

Acquiring Source Code from Mirrors

Table 2 Mirrors for acquiring source code

Source Code Version Information Mirror SHA-256 Checksum
Full code base 1.1.3 Download Download
Hi3861 solution (binary) 1.1.3 Download Download
Hi3518 solution (binary) 1.1.3 Download Download
Hi3516 solution (binary) 1.1.3 Download Download
Release Notes 1.1.3 Download N/A

What’s New

This version inherits all the features of OpenHarmony v1.1.2 and adds the support for version compilation for mini-system devices in the Windows environment. For details, see Setting Up the Windows Build Environment.

Table 3 Feature updates

Subsystem New Feature Modified Feature Deleted Feature
Chip platform Supports version compilation for mini-system devices in the Windows environment (pulls/60). N/A N/A

Resolved Issues

The following table lists the known issues with OpenHarmony 1.1.2 that have been resolved in this version.

Table 4 Resolved issues

Issue No. Description
I43MZK The release 1.0.1 branch name contains spaces, which does not comply with the external interface standard.
I44ZGK The FFmpeg 4.2.2 component has an unfixed vulnerability.
I41ZMV After ROM flashing on the Hi3516 chip, the module_ActsUiInterfaceTest1.bin test file exists in the bin directory.
I3ZOIO Releasing the los_disk_deinit resource fails.
I43WLG Starting OsMountRootfs fails.
I48FKQ A value other than 0 is returned when osEventFlagsGet is set to NULL.
I48FL1 Thread creation fails when attr of the osThreadNew function is set to NULL.
I48FLX A system error occurs when the shell command rm -r is run to delete a node under dev.
I48FMK The ActsProcessApiTest/UidGidTest/testGetgroup test case of small-system devices fails.
I48FMT The implementation of the nanosleep function has a defect.


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