echarts DataZoomModel 源码

  • 2022-10-20
  • 浏览 (611)

echarts DataZoomModel 代码


* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.

import { each, createHashMap, merge, HashMap, assert } from 'zrender/src/core/util';
import AxisProxy from './AxisProxy';
import ComponentModel from '../../model/Component';
import {
} from '../../util/types';
import Model from '../../model/Model';
import GlobalModel from '../../model/Global';
import { AxisBaseModel } from '../../coord/AxisBaseModel';
import {
    getAxisMainType, DATA_ZOOM_AXIS_DIMENSIONS, DataZoomAxisDimension
} from './helper';
import SingleAxisModel from '../../coord/single/AxisModel';
import { MULTIPLE_REFERRING, SINGLE_REFERRING } from '../../util/model';

export interface DataZoomOption extends ComponentOption {

    mainType?: 'dataZoom'

     * Default auto by axisIndex
    orient?: LayoutOrient

     * Default the first horizontal category axis.
    xAxisIndex?: number | number[]
    xAxisId?: string | string[]

     * Default the first vertical category axis.
    yAxisIndex?: number | number[]
    yAxisId?: string | string[]

    radiusAxisIndex?: number | number[]
    radiusAxisId?: string | string[]
    angleAxisIndex?: number | number[]
    angleAxisId?: string | string[]

    singleAxisIndex?: number | number[]
    singleAxisId?: string | string[]

     * Possible values: 'filter' or 'empty' or 'weakFilter'.
     * 'filter': data items which are out of window will be removed. This option is
     *         applicable when filtering outliers. For each data item, it will be
     *         filtered if one of the relevant dimensions is out of the window.
     * 'weakFilter': data items which are out of window will be removed. This option
     *         is applicable when filtering outliers. For each data item, it will be
     *         filtered only if all  of the relevant dimensions are out of the same
     *         side of the window.
     * 'empty': data items which are out of window will be set to empty.
     *         This option is applicable when user should not neglect
     *         that there are some data items out of window.
     * 'none': Do not filter.
     * Taking line chart as an example, line will be broken in
     * the filtered points when filterModel is set to 'empty', but
     * be connected when set to 'filter'.
    filterMode?: 'filter' | 'weakFilter' | 'empty' | 'none'

     * Dispatch action by the fixed rate, avoid frequency.
     * default 100. Do not throttle when use null/undefined.
     * If animation === true and animationDurationUpdate > 0,
     * default value is 100, otherwise 20.
    throttle?: number | null | undefined
     * Start percent. 0 ~ 100
    start?: number
     * End percent. 0 ~ 100
    end?: number
     * Start value. If startValue specified, start is ignored
    startValue?: number | string | Date
     * End value. If endValue specified, end is ignored.
    endValue?: number | string | Date
     * Min span percent, 0 - 100
     * The range of dataZoom can not be smaller than that.
    minSpan?: number
     * Max span percent, 0 - 100
     * The range of dataZoom can not be larger than that.
    maxSpan?: number

    minValueSpan?: number

    maxValueSpan?: number

    rangeMode?: ['value' | 'percent', 'value' | 'percent']

    realtime?: boolean

    // Available when type is slider
    textStyle?: LabelOption

type RangeOption = Pick<DataZoomOption, 'start' | 'end' | 'startValue' | 'endValue'>;

export type DataZoomExtendedAxisBaseModel = AxisBaseModel & {
    __dzAxisProxy: AxisProxy

class DataZoomAxisInfo {
    indexList: number[] = [];
    indexMap: boolean[] = [];

    add(axisCmptIdx: number) {
        // Remove duplication.
        if (!this.indexMap[axisCmptIdx]) {
            this.indexMap[axisCmptIdx] = true;
export type DataZoomTargetAxisInfoMap = HashMap<DataZoomAxisInfo, DataZoomAxisDimension>;

class DataZoomModel<Opts extends DataZoomOption = DataZoomOption> extends ComponentModel<Opts> {
    static type = 'dataZoom';
    type = DataZoomModel.type;

    static dependencies = [
        'xAxis', 'yAxis', 'radiusAxis', 'angleAxis', 'singleAxis', 'series', 'toolbox'

    static defaultOption: DataZoomOption = {
        // zlevel: 0,
        z: 4,                   // Higher than normal component (z: 2).

        filterMode: 'filter',

        start: 0,
        end: 100

    private _autoThrottle = true;

    private _orient: LayoutOrient;

    private _targetAxisInfoMap: DataZoomTargetAxisInfoMap;

    private _noTarget: boolean = true;

     * It is `[rangeModeForMin, rangeModeForMax]`.
     * The optional values for `rangeMode`:
     * + `'value'` mode: the axis extent will always be determined by
     *     `dataZoom.startValue` and `dataZoom.endValue`, despite
     *     how data like and how `axis.min` and `axis.max` are.
     * + `'percent'` mode: `100` represents 100% of the `[dMin, dMax]`,
     *     where `dMin` is `axis.min` if `axis.min` specified, otherwise `data.extent[0]`,
     *     and `dMax` is `axis.max` if `axis.max` specified, otherwise `data.extent[1]`.
     *     Axis extent will be determined by the result of the percent of `[dMin, dMax]`.
     * For example, when users are using dynamic data (update data periodically via `setOption`),
     * if in `'value`' mode, the window will be kept in a fixed value range despite how
     * data are appended, while if in `'percent'` mode, whe window range will be changed alone with
     * the appended data (suppose `axis.min` and `axis.max` are not specified).
    private _rangePropMode: DataZoomOption['rangeMode'] = ['percent', 'percent'];

     * @readonly
    settledOption: Opts;

    init(option: Opts, parentModel: Model, ecModel: GlobalModel): void {

        const inputRawOption = retrieveRawOption(option);

         * Suppose a "main process" start at the point that model prepared (that is,
         * model initialized or merged or method called in `action`).
         * We should keep the `main process` idempotent, that is, given a set of values
         * on `option`, we get the same result.
         * But sometimes, values on `option` will be updated for providing users
         * a "final calculated value" (`dataZoomProcessor` will do that). Those value
         * should not be the base/input of the `main process`.
         * So in that case we should save and keep the input of the `main process`
         * separately, called `settledOption`.
         * For example, consider the case:
         * (Step_1) brush zoom the grid by `toolbox.dataZoom`,
         *     where the original input `option.startValue`, `option.endValue` are earsed by
         *     calculated value.
         * (Step)2) click the legend to hide and show a series,
         *     where the new range is calculated by the earsed `startValue` and `endValue`,
         *     which brings incorrect result.
        this.settledOption = inputRawOption;

        this.mergeDefaultAndTheme(option, ecModel);


    mergeOption(newOption: Opts): void {
        const inputRawOption = retrieveRawOption(newOption);

        // FIX #2591
        merge(this.option, newOption, true);
        merge(this.settledOption, inputRawOption, true);


    private _doInit(inputRawOption: Opts): void {
        const thisOption = this.option;



        const settledOption = this.settledOption;
        each([['start', 'startValue'], ['end', 'endValue']] as const, function (names, index) {
            // start/end has higher priority over startValue/endValue if they
            // both set, but we should make chart.setOption({endValue: 1000})
            // effective, rather than chart.setOption({endValue: 1000, end: null}).
            if (this._rangePropMode[index] === 'value') {
                thisOption[names[0]] = settledOption[names[0]] = null;
            // Otherwise do nothing and use the merge result.
        }, this);


    private _resetTarget() {
        const optionOrient = this.get('orient', true);
        const targetAxisIndexMap = this._targetAxisInfoMap = createHashMap<DataZoomAxisInfo, DataZoomAxisDimension>();

        const hasAxisSpecified = this._fillSpecifiedTargetAxis(targetAxisIndexMap);

        if (hasAxisSpecified) {
            this._orient = optionOrient || this._makeAutoOrientByTargetAxis();
        else {
            this._orient = optionOrient || 'horizontal';
            this._fillAutoTargetAxisByOrient(targetAxisIndexMap, this._orient);

        this._noTarget = true;
        targetAxisIndexMap.each(function (axisInfo) {
            if (axisInfo.indexList.length) {
                this._noTarget = false;
        }, this);

    private _fillSpecifiedTargetAxis(targetAxisIndexMap: DataZoomTargetAxisInfoMap): boolean {
        let hasAxisSpecified = false;

        each(DATA_ZOOM_AXIS_DIMENSIONS, function (axisDim) {
            const refering = this.getReferringComponents(getAxisMainType(axisDim), MULTIPLE_REFERRING);
            // When user set axisIndex as a empty array, we think that user specify axisIndex
            // but do not want use auto mode. Because empty array may be encountered when
            // some error occured.
            if (!refering.specified) {
            hasAxisSpecified = true;
            const axisInfo = new DataZoomAxisInfo();
            each(refering.models, function (axisModel) {
            targetAxisIndexMap.set(axisDim, axisInfo);
        }, this);

        return hasAxisSpecified;

    private _fillAutoTargetAxisByOrient(targetAxisIndexMap: DataZoomTargetAxisInfoMap, orient: LayoutOrient): void {
        const ecModel = this.ecModel;
        let needAuto = true;

        // Find axis that parallel to dataZoom as default.
        if (needAuto) {
            const axisDim = orient === 'vertical' ? 'y' : 'x';
            const axisModels = ecModel.findComponents({ mainType: axisDim + 'Axis' });
            setParallelAxis(axisModels, axisDim);
        // Find axis that parallel to dataZoom as default.
        if (needAuto) {
            const axisModels = ecModel.findComponents({
                mainType: 'singleAxis',
                filter: (axisModel: SingleAxisModel) => axisModel.get('orient', true) === orient
            setParallelAxis(axisModels, 'single');

        function setParallelAxis(axisModels: ComponentModel[], axisDim: DataZoomAxisDimension): void {
            // At least use the first parallel axis as the target axis.
            const axisModel = axisModels[0];
            if (!axisModel) {

            const axisInfo = new DataZoomAxisInfo();
            targetAxisIndexMap.set(axisDim, axisInfo);
            needAuto = false;

            // Find parallel axes in the same grid.
            if (axisDim === 'x' || axisDim === 'y') {
                const gridModel = axisModel.getReferringComponents('grid', SINGLE_REFERRING).models[0];
                gridModel && each(axisModels, function (axModel) {
                    if (axisModel.componentIndex !== axModel.componentIndex
                        && gridModel === axModel.getReferringComponents('grid', SINGLE_REFERRING).models[0]
                    ) {

        if (needAuto) {
            // If no parallel axis, find the first category axis as default. (Also consider polar).
            each(DATA_ZOOM_AXIS_DIMENSIONS, function (axisDim) {
                if (!needAuto) {
                const axisModels = ecModel.findComponents({
                    mainType: getAxisMainType(axisDim),
                    filter: (axisModel: SingleAxisModel) => axisModel.get('type', true) === 'category'
                if (axisModels[0]) {
                    const axisInfo = new DataZoomAxisInfo();
                    targetAxisIndexMap.set(axisDim, axisInfo);
                    needAuto = false;
            }, this);

    private _makeAutoOrientByTargetAxis(): LayoutOrient {
        let dim: string;

        // Find the first axis
        this.eachTargetAxis(function (axisDim) {
            !dim && (dim = axisDim);
        }, this);

        return dim === 'y' ? 'vertical' : 'horizontal';

    private _setDefaultThrottle(inputRawOption: DataZoomOption): void {
        // When first time user set throttle, auto throttle ends.
        if (inputRawOption.hasOwnProperty('throttle')) {
            this._autoThrottle = false;
        if (this._autoThrottle) {
            const globalOption = this.ecModel.option;
            this.option.throttle = (
                globalOption.animation && globalOption.animationDurationUpdate > 0
            ) ? 100 : 20;

    private _updateRangeUse(inputRawOption: RangeOption): void {
        const rangePropMode = this._rangePropMode;
        const rangeModeInOption = this.get('rangeMode');

        each([['start', 'startValue'], ['end', 'endValue']] as const, function (names, index) {
            const percentSpecified = inputRawOption[names[0]] != null;
            const valueSpecified = inputRawOption[names[1]] != null;
            if (percentSpecified && !valueSpecified) {
                rangePropMode[index] = 'percent';
            else if (!percentSpecified && valueSpecified) {
                rangePropMode[index] = 'value';
            else if (rangeModeInOption) {
                rangePropMode[index] = rangeModeInOption[index];
            else if (percentSpecified) { // percentSpecified && valueSpecified
                rangePropMode[index] = 'percent';
            // else remain its original setting.

    noTarget(): boolean {
        return this._noTarget;

    getFirstTargetAxisModel(): AxisBaseModel {
        let firstAxisModel: AxisBaseModel;
        this.eachTargetAxis(function (axisDim, axisIndex) {
            if (firstAxisModel == null) {
                firstAxisModel = this.ecModel.getComponent(
                    getAxisMainType(axisDim), axisIndex
                ) as AxisBaseModel;
        }, this);

        return firstAxisModel;

     * @param {Function} callback param: axisModel, dimNames, axisIndex, dataZoomModel, ecModel
        callback: (
            this: Ctx,
            axisDim: DataZoomAxisDimension,
            axisIndex: number
        ) => void,
        context?: Ctx
    ): void {
        this._targetAxisInfoMap.each(function (axisInfo, axisDim) {
            each(axisInfo.indexList, function (axisIndex) {
      , axisDim, axisIndex);

     * @return If not found, return null/undefined.
    getAxisProxy(axisDim: DataZoomAxisDimension, axisIndex: number): AxisProxy {
        const axisModel = this.getAxisModel(axisDim, axisIndex);
        if (axisModel) {
            return (axisModel as DataZoomExtendedAxisBaseModel).__dzAxisProxy;

     * @return If not found, return null/undefined.
    getAxisModel(axisDim: DataZoomAxisDimension, axisIndex: number): AxisBaseModel {
        if (__DEV__) {
            assert(axisDim && axisIndex != null);
        const axisInfo = this._targetAxisInfoMap.get(axisDim);
        if (axisInfo && axisInfo.indexMap[axisIndex]) {
            return this.ecModel.getComponent(getAxisMainType(axisDim), axisIndex) as AxisBaseModel;

     * If not specified, set to undefined.
    setRawRange(opt: RangeOption): void {
        const thisOption = this.option;
        const settledOption = this.settledOption;
        each([['start', 'startValue'], ['end', 'endValue']] as const, function (names) {
            // Consider the pair <start, startValue>:
            // If one has value and the other one is `null/undefined`, we both set them
            // to `settledOption`. This strategy enables the feature to clear the original
            // value in `settledOption` to `null/undefined`.
            // But if both of them are `null/undefined`, we do not set them to `settledOption`
            // and keep `settledOption` with the original value. This strategy enables users to
            // only set <end or endValue> but not set <start or startValue> when calling
            // `dispatchAction`.
            // The pair <end, endValue> is treated in the same way.
            if (opt[names[0]] != null || opt[names[1]] != null) {
                thisOption[names[0]] = settledOption[names[0]] = opt[names[0]];
                thisOption[names[1]] = settledOption[names[1]] = opt[names[1]];
        }, this);


    setCalculatedRange(opt: RangeOption): void {
        const option = this.option;
        each(['start', 'startValue', 'end', 'endValue'] as const, function (name) {
            (option as any)[name] = opt[name];

    getPercentRange(): number[] {
        const axisProxy = this.findRepresentativeAxisProxy();
        if (axisProxy) {
            return axisProxy.getDataPercentWindow();

     * For example, chart.getModel().getComponent('dataZoom').getValueRange('y', 0);
     * @return [startValue, endValue] value can only be '-' or finite number.
    getValueRange(axisDim: DataZoomAxisDimension, axisIndex: number): number[] {
        if (axisDim == null && axisIndex == null) {
            const axisProxy = this.findRepresentativeAxisProxy();
            if (axisProxy) {
                return axisProxy.getDataValueWindow();
        else {
            return this.getAxisProxy(axisDim, axisIndex).getDataValueWindow();

     * @param axisModel If axisModel given, find axisProxy
     *      corresponding to the axisModel
    findRepresentativeAxisProxy(axisModel?: AxisBaseModel): AxisProxy {
        if (axisModel) {
            return (axisModel as DataZoomExtendedAxisBaseModel).__dzAxisProxy;

        // Find the first hosted axisProxy
        let firstProxy;
        const axisDimList = this._targetAxisInfoMap.keys();
        for (let i = 0; i < axisDimList.length; i++) {
            const axisDim = axisDimList[i];
            const axisInfo = this._targetAxisInfoMap.get(axisDim);
            for (let j = 0; j < axisInfo.indexList.length; j++) {
                const proxy = this.getAxisProxy(axisDim, axisInfo.indexList[j]);
                if (proxy.hostedBy(this)) {
                    return proxy;
                if (!firstProxy) {
                    firstProxy = proxy;

        // If no hosted proxy found, still need to return a proxy.
        // This case always happens in toolbox dataZoom, where axes are all hosted by
        // other dataZooms.
        return firstProxy;

    getRangePropMode(): DataZoomModel['_rangePropMode'] {
        return this._rangePropMode.slice() as DataZoomModel['_rangePropMode'];

    getOrient(): LayoutOrient {
        if (__DEV__) {
            // Should not be called before initialized.
        return this._orient;

 * Retrieve the those raw params from option, which will be cached separately.
 * becasue they will be overwritten by normalized/calculated values in the main
 * process.
function retrieveRawOption<T extends DataZoomOption>(option: T) {
    const ret = {} as T;
        ['start', 'end', 'startValue', 'endValue', 'throttle'] as const,
        function (name) {
            option.hasOwnProperty(name) && ((ret as any)[name] = option[name]);
    return ret;

export default DataZoomModel;


echarts 源码目录


echarts AxisProxy 源码

echarts DataZoomView 源码

echarts InsideZoomModel 源码

echarts InsideZoomView 源码

echarts SelectZoomModel 源码

echarts SelectZoomView 源码

echarts SliderZoomModel 源码

echarts SliderZoomView 源码

echarts dataZoomAction 源码

echarts dataZoomProcessor 源码

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