kubernetes eviction_manager_test 源码
kubernetes eviction_manager_test 代码
Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package eviction
import (
gomock "github.com/golang/mock/gomock"
v1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
utilfeature "k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/util/feature"
featuregatetesting "k8s.io/component-base/featuregate/testing"
statsapi "k8s.io/kubelet/pkg/apis/stats/v1alpha1"
kubeapi "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/core"
evictionapi "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet/eviction/api"
kubelettypes "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/kubelet/types"
testingclock "k8s.io/utils/clock/testing"
const (
lowPriority = -1
defaultPriority = 0
highPriority = 1
// mockPodKiller is used to testing which pod is killed
type mockPodKiller struct {
pod *v1.Pod
evict bool
statusFn func(*v1.PodStatus)
gracePeriodOverride *int64
// killPodNow records the pod that was killed
func (m *mockPodKiller) killPodNow(pod *v1.Pod, evict bool, gracePeriodOverride *int64, statusFn func(*v1.PodStatus)) error {
m.pod = pod
m.statusFn = statusFn
m.evict = evict
m.gracePeriodOverride = gracePeriodOverride
return nil
// mockDiskInfoProvider is used to simulate testing.
type mockDiskInfoProvider struct {
dedicatedImageFs bool
// HasDedicatedImageFs returns the mocked value
func (m *mockDiskInfoProvider) HasDedicatedImageFs() (bool, error) {
return m.dedicatedImageFs, nil
// mockDiskGC is used to simulate invoking image and container garbage collection.
type mockDiskGC struct {
err error
imageGCInvoked bool
containerGCInvoked bool
fakeSummaryProvider *fakeSummaryProvider
summaryAfterGC *statsapi.Summary
// DeleteUnusedImages returns the mocked values.
func (m *mockDiskGC) DeleteUnusedImages() error {
m.imageGCInvoked = true
if m.summaryAfterGC != nil && m.fakeSummaryProvider != nil {
m.fakeSummaryProvider.result = m.summaryAfterGC
return m.err
// DeleteAllUnusedContainers returns the mocked value
func (m *mockDiskGC) DeleteAllUnusedContainers() error {
m.containerGCInvoked = true
if m.summaryAfterGC != nil && m.fakeSummaryProvider != nil {
m.fakeSummaryProvider.result = m.summaryAfterGC
return m.err
func makePodWithMemoryStats(name string, priority int32, requests v1.ResourceList, limits v1.ResourceList, memoryWorkingSet string) (*v1.Pod, statsapi.PodStats) {
pod := newPod(name, priority, []v1.Container{
newContainer(name, requests, limits),
}, nil)
podStats := newPodMemoryStats(pod, resource.MustParse(memoryWorkingSet))
return pod, podStats
func makePodWithDiskStats(name string, priority int32, requests v1.ResourceList, limits v1.ResourceList, rootFsUsed, logsUsed, perLocalVolumeUsed string) (*v1.Pod, statsapi.PodStats) {
pod := newPod(name, priority, []v1.Container{
newContainer(name, requests, limits),
}, nil)
podStats := newPodDiskStats(pod, parseQuantity(rootFsUsed), parseQuantity(logsUsed), parseQuantity(perLocalVolumeUsed))
return pod, podStats
func makeMemoryStats(nodeAvailableBytes string, podStats map[*v1.Pod]statsapi.PodStats) *statsapi.Summary {
val := resource.MustParse(nodeAvailableBytes)
availableBytes := uint64(val.Value())
WorkingSetBytes := uint64(val.Value())
result := &statsapi.Summary{
Node: statsapi.NodeStats{
Memory: &statsapi.MemoryStats{
AvailableBytes: &availableBytes,
WorkingSetBytes: &WorkingSetBytes,
SystemContainers: []statsapi.ContainerStats{
Name: statsapi.SystemContainerPods,
Memory: &statsapi.MemoryStats{
AvailableBytes: &availableBytes,
WorkingSetBytes: &WorkingSetBytes,
Pods: []statsapi.PodStats{},
for _, podStat := range podStats {
result.Pods = append(result.Pods, podStat)
return result
func makeDiskStats(rootFsAvailableBytes, imageFsAvailableBytes string, podStats map[*v1.Pod]statsapi.PodStats) *statsapi.Summary {
rootFsVal := resource.MustParse(rootFsAvailableBytes)
rootFsBytes := uint64(rootFsVal.Value())
rootFsCapacityBytes := uint64(rootFsVal.Value() * 2)
imageFsVal := resource.MustParse(imageFsAvailableBytes)
imageFsBytes := uint64(imageFsVal.Value())
imageFsCapacityBytes := uint64(imageFsVal.Value() * 2)
result := &statsapi.Summary{
Node: statsapi.NodeStats{
Fs: &statsapi.FsStats{
AvailableBytes: &rootFsBytes,
CapacityBytes: &rootFsCapacityBytes,
Runtime: &statsapi.RuntimeStats{
ImageFs: &statsapi.FsStats{
AvailableBytes: &imageFsBytes,
CapacityBytes: &imageFsCapacityBytes,
Pods: []statsapi.PodStats{},
for _, podStat := range podStats {
result.Pods = append(result.Pods, podStat)
return result
type podToMake struct {
name string
priority int32
requests v1.ResourceList
limits v1.ResourceList
memoryWorkingSet string
rootFsUsed string
logsFsUsed string
logsFsInodesUsed string
rootFsInodesUsed string
perLocalVolumeUsed string
perLocalVolumeInodesUsed string
// TestMemoryPressure
func TestMemoryPressure(t *testing.T) {
podMaker := makePodWithMemoryStats
summaryStatsMaker := makeMemoryStats
podsToMake := []podToMake{
{name: "guaranteed-low-priority-high-usage", priority: lowPriority, requests: newResourceList("100m", "1Gi", ""), limits: newResourceList("100m", "1Gi", ""), memoryWorkingSet: "900Mi"},
{name: "burstable-below-requests", priority: defaultPriority, requests: newResourceList("100m", "100Mi", ""), limits: newResourceList("200m", "1Gi", ""), memoryWorkingSet: "50Mi"},
{name: "burstable-above-requests", priority: defaultPriority, requests: newResourceList("100m", "100Mi", ""), limits: newResourceList("200m", "1Gi", ""), memoryWorkingSet: "400Mi"},
{name: "best-effort-high-priority-high-usage", priority: highPriority, requests: newResourceList("", "", ""), limits: newResourceList("", "", ""), memoryWorkingSet: "400Mi"},
{name: "best-effort-low-priority-low-usage", priority: lowPriority, requests: newResourceList("", "", ""), limits: newResourceList("", "", ""), memoryWorkingSet: "100Mi"},
pods := []*v1.Pod{}
podStats := map[*v1.Pod]statsapi.PodStats{}
for _, podToMake := range podsToMake {
pod, podStat := podMaker(podToMake.name, podToMake.priority, podToMake.requests, podToMake.limits, podToMake.memoryWorkingSet)
pods = append(pods, pod)
podStats[pod] = podStat
podToEvict := pods[4]
activePodsFunc := func() []*v1.Pod {
return pods
fakeClock := testingclock.NewFakeClock(time.Now())
podKiller := &mockPodKiller{}
diskInfoProvider := &mockDiskInfoProvider{dedicatedImageFs: false}
diskGC := &mockDiskGC{err: nil}
nodeRef := &v1.ObjectReference{Kind: "Node", Name: "test", UID: types.UID("test"), Namespace: ""}
config := Config{
MaxPodGracePeriodSeconds: 5,
PressureTransitionPeriod: time.Minute * 5,
Thresholds: []evictionapi.Threshold{
Signal: evictionapi.SignalMemoryAvailable,
Operator: evictionapi.OpLessThan,
Value: evictionapi.ThresholdValue{
Quantity: quantityMustParse("1Gi"),
Signal: evictionapi.SignalMemoryAvailable,
Operator: evictionapi.OpLessThan,
Value: evictionapi.ThresholdValue{
Quantity: quantityMustParse("2Gi"),
GracePeriod: time.Minute * 2,
summaryProvider := &fakeSummaryProvider{result: summaryStatsMaker("2Gi", podStats)}
manager := &managerImpl{
clock: fakeClock,
killPodFunc: podKiller.killPodNow,
imageGC: diskGC,
containerGC: diskGC,
config: config,
recorder: &record.FakeRecorder{},
summaryProvider: summaryProvider,
nodeRef: nodeRef,
nodeConditionsLastObservedAt: nodeConditionsObservedAt{},
thresholdsFirstObservedAt: thresholdsObservedAt{},
// create a best effort pod to test admission
bestEffortPodToAdmit, _ := podMaker("best-admit", defaultPriority, newResourceList("", "", ""), newResourceList("", "", ""), "0Gi")
burstablePodToAdmit, _ := podMaker("burst-admit", defaultPriority, newResourceList("100m", "100Mi", ""), newResourceList("200m", "200Mi", ""), "0Gi")
// synchronize
manager.synchronize(diskInfoProvider, activePodsFunc)
// we should not have memory pressure
if manager.IsUnderMemoryPressure() {
t.Errorf("Manager should not report memory pressure")
// try to admit our pods (they should succeed)
expected := []bool{true, true}
for i, pod := range []*v1.Pod{bestEffortPodToAdmit, burstablePodToAdmit} {
if result := manager.Admit(&lifecycle.PodAdmitAttributes{Pod: pod}); expected[i] != result.Admit {
t.Errorf("Admit pod: %v, expected: %v, actual: %v", pod, expected[i], result.Admit)
// induce soft threshold
fakeClock.Step(1 * time.Minute)
summaryProvider.result = summaryStatsMaker("1500Mi", podStats)
manager.synchronize(diskInfoProvider, activePodsFunc)
// we should have memory pressure
if !manager.IsUnderMemoryPressure() {
t.Errorf("Manager should report memory pressure since soft threshold was met")
// verify no pod was yet killed because there has not yet been enough time passed.
if podKiller.pod != nil {
t.Errorf("Manager should not have killed a pod yet, but killed: %v", podKiller.pod.Name)
// step forward in time pass the grace period
fakeClock.Step(3 * time.Minute)
summaryProvider.result = summaryStatsMaker("1500Mi", podStats)
manager.synchronize(diskInfoProvider, activePodsFunc)
// we should have memory pressure
if !manager.IsUnderMemoryPressure() {
t.Errorf("Manager should report memory pressure since soft threshold was met")
// verify the right pod was killed with the right grace period.
if podKiller.pod != podToEvict {
t.Errorf("Manager chose to kill pod: %v, but should have chosen %v", podKiller.pod.Name, podToEvict.Name)
if podKiller.gracePeriodOverride == nil {
t.Errorf("Manager chose to kill pod but should have had a grace period override.")
observedGracePeriod := *podKiller.gracePeriodOverride
if observedGracePeriod != manager.config.MaxPodGracePeriodSeconds {
t.Errorf("Manager chose to kill pod with incorrect grace period. Expected: %d, actual: %d", manager.config.MaxPodGracePeriodSeconds, observedGracePeriod)
// reset state
podKiller.pod = nil
podKiller.gracePeriodOverride = nil
// remove memory pressure
fakeClock.Step(20 * time.Minute)
summaryProvider.result = summaryStatsMaker("3Gi", podStats)
manager.synchronize(diskInfoProvider, activePodsFunc)
// we should not have memory pressure
if manager.IsUnderMemoryPressure() {
t.Errorf("Manager should not report memory pressure")
// induce memory pressure!
fakeClock.Step(1 * time.Minute)
summaryProvider.result = summaryStatsMaker("500Mi", podStats)
manager.synchronize(diskInfoProvider, activePodsFunc)
// we should have memory pressure
if !manager.IsUnderMemoryPressure() {
t.Errorf("Manager should report memory pressure")
// check the right pod was killed
if podKiller.pod != podToEvict {
t.Errorf("Manager chose to kill pod: %v, but should have chosen %v", podKiller.pod.Name, podToEvict.Name)
observedGracePeriod = *podKiller.gracePeriodOverride
if observedGracePeriod != int64(0) {
t.Errorf("Manager chose to kill pod with incorrect grace period. Expected: %d, actual: %d", 0, observedGracePeriod)
// the best-effort pod should not admit, burstable should
expected = []bool{false, true}
for i, pod := range []*v1.Pod{bestEffortPodToAdmit, burstablePodToAdmit} {
if result := manager.Admit(&lifecycle.PodAdmitAttributes{Pod: pod}); expected[i] != result.Admit {
t.Errorf("Admit pod: %v, expected: %v, actual: %v", pod, expected[i], result.Admit)
// reduce memory pressure
fakeClock.Step(1 * time.Minute)
summaryProvider.result = summaryStatsMaker("2Gi", podStats)
podKiller.pod = nil // reset state
manager.synchronize(diskInfoProvider, activePodsFunc)
// we should have memory pressure (because transition period not yet met)
if !manager.IsUnderMemoryPressure() {
t.Errorf("Manager should report memory pressure")
// no pod should have been killed
if podKiller.pod != nil {
t.Errorf("Manager chose to kill pod: %v when no pod should have been killed", podKiller.pod.Name)
// the best-effort pod should not admit, burstable should
expected = []bool{false, true}
for i, pod := range []*v1.Pod{bestEffortPodToAdmit, burstablePodToAdmit} {
if result := manager.Admit(&lifecycle.PodAdmitAttributes{Pod: pod}); expected[i] != result.Admit {
t.Errorf("Admit pod: %v, expected: %v, actual: %v", pod, expected[i], result.Admit)
// move the clock past transition period to ensure that we stop reporting pressure
fakeClock.Step(5 * time.Minute)
summaryProvider.result = summaryStatsMaker("2Gi", podStats)
podKiller.pod = nil // reset state
manager.synchronize(diskInfoProvider, activePodsFunc)
// we should not have memory pressure (because transition period met)
if manager.IsUnderMemoryPressure() {
t.Errorf("Manager should not report memory pressure")
// no pod should have been killed
if podKiller.pod != nil {
t.Errorf("Manager chose to kill pod: %v when no pod should have been killed", podKiller.pod.Name)
// all pods should admit now
expected = []bool{true, true}
for i, pod := range []*v1.Pod{bestEffortPodToAdmit, burstablePodToAdmit} {
if result := manager.Admit(&lifecycle.PodAdmitAttributes{Pod: pod}); expected[i] != result.Admit {
t.Errorf("Admit pod: %v, expected: %v, actual: %v", pod, expected[i], result.Admit)
func makeContainersByQOS(class v1.PodQOSClass) []v1.Container {
resource := newResourceList("100m", "1Gi", "")
switch class {
case v1.PodQOSGuaranteed:
return []v1.Container{newContainer("guaranteed-container", resource, resource)}
case v1.PodQOSBurstable:
return []v1.Container{newContainer("burtable-container", resource, nil)}
case v1.PodQOSBestEffort:
return []v1.Container{newContainer("best-effort-container", nil, nil)}
func TestAdmitUnderNodeConditions(t *testing.T) {
manager := &managerImpl{}
pods := []*v1.Pod{
newPod("guaranteed-pod", scheduling.DefaultPriorityWhenNoDefaultClassExists, makeContainersByQOS(v1.PodQOSGuaranteed), nil),
newPod("burstable-pod", scheduling.DefaultPriorityWhenNoDefaultClassExists, makeContainersByQOS(v1.PodQOSBurstable), nil),
newPod("best-effort-pod", scheduling.DefaultPriorityWhenNoDefaultClassExists, makeContainersByQOS(v1.PodQOSBestEffort), nil),
expected := []bool{true, true, true}
for i, pod := range pods {
if result := manager.Admit(&lifecycle.PodAdmitAttributes{Pod: pod}); expected[i] != result.Admit {
t.Errorf("Admit pod: %v, expected: %v, actual: %v", pod, expected[i], result.Admit)
manager.nodeConditions = []v1.NodeConditionType{v1.NodeMemoryPressure}
expected = []bool{true, true, false}
for i, pod := range pods {
if result := manager.Admit(&lifecycle.PodAdmitAttributes{Pod: pod}); expected[i] != result.Admit {
t.Errorf("Admit pod: %v, expected: %v, actual: %v", pod, expected[i], result.Admit)
manager.nodeConditions = []v1.NodeConditionType{v1.NodeMemoryPressure, v1.NodeDiskPressure}
expected = []bool{false, false, false}
for i, pod := range pods {
if result := manager.Admit(&lifecycle.PodAdmitAttributes{Pod: pod}); expected[i] != result.Admit {
t.Errorf("Admit pod: %v, expected: %v, actual: %v", pod, expected[i], result.Admit)
// parseQuantity parses the specified value (if provided) otherwise returns 0 value
func parseQuantity(value string) resource.Quantity {
if len(value) == 0 {
return resource.MustParse("0")
return resource.MustParse(value)
func TestDiskPressureNodeFs(t *testing.T) {
defer featuregatetesting.SetFeatureGateDuringTest(t, utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate, features.LocalStorageCapacityIsolation, true)()
podMaker := makePodWithDiskStats
summaryStatsMaker := makeDiskStats
podsToMake := []podToMake{
{name: "low-priority-high-usage", priority: lowPriority, requests: newResourceList("100m", "1Gi", ""), limits: newResourceList("100m", "1Gi", ""), rootFsUsed: "900Mi"},
{name: "below-requests", priority: defaultPriority, requests: newResourceList("100m", "100Mi", ""), limits: newResourceList("200m", "1Gi", ""), logsFsUsed: "50Mi"},
{name: "above-requests", priority: defaultPriority, requests: newResourceList("100m", "100Mi", ""), limits: newResourceList("200m", "1Gi", ""), rootFsUsed: "400Mi"},
{name: "high-priority-high-usage", priority: highPriority, requests: newResourceList("", "", ""), limits: newResourceList("", "", ""), perLocalVolumeUsed: "400Mi"},
{name: "low-priority-low-usage", priority: lowPriority, requests: newResourceList("", "", ""), limits: newResourceList("", "", ""), rootFsUsed: "100Mi"},
pods := []*v1.Pod{}
podStats := map[*v1.Pod]statsapi.PodStats{}
for _, podToMake := range podsToMake {
pod, podStat := podMaker(podToMake.name, podToMake.priority, podToMake.requests, podToMake.limits, podToMake.rootFsUsed, podToMake.logsFsUsed, podToMake.perLocalVolumeUsed)
pods = append(pods, pod)
podStats[pod] = podStat
podToEvict := pods[0]
activePodsFunc := func() []*v1.Pod {
return pods
fakeClock := testingclock.NewFakeClock(time.Now())
podKiller := &mockPodKiller{}
diskInfoProvider := &mockDiskInfoProvider{dedicatedImageFs: false}
diskGC := &mockDiskGC{err: nil}
nodeRef := &v1.ObjectReference{Kind: "Node", Name: "test", UID: types.UID("test"), Namespace: ""}
config := Config{
MaxPodGracePeriodSeconds: 5,
PressureTransitionPeriod: time.Minute * 5,
Thresholds: []evictionapi.Threshold{
Signal: evictionapi.SignalNodeFsAvailable,
Operator: evictionapi.OpLessThan,
Value: evictionapi.ThresholdValue{
Quantity: quantityMustParse("1Gi"),
Signal: evictionapi.SignalNodeFsAvailable,
Operator: evictionapi.OpLessThan,
Value: evictionapi.ThresholdValue{
Quantity: quantityMustParse("2Gi"),
GracePeriod: time.Minute * 2,
summaryProvider := &fakeSummaryProvider{result: summaryStatsMaker("16Gi", "200Gi", podStats)}
manager := &managerImpl{
clock: fakeClock,
killPodFunc: podKiller.killPodNow,
imageGC: diskGC,
containerGC: diskGC,
config: config,
recorder: &record.FakeRecorder{},
summaryProvider: summaryProvider,
nodeRef: nodeRef,
nodeConditionsLastObservedAt: nodeConditionsObservedAt{},
thresholdsFirstObservedAt: thresholdsObservedAt{},
// create a best effort pod to test admission
podToAdmit, _ := podMaker("pod-to-admit", defaultPriority, newResourceList("", "", ""), newResourceList("", "", ""), "0Gi", "0Gi", "0Gi")
// synchronize
manager.synchronize(diskInfoProvider, activePodsFunc)
// we should not have disk pressure
if manager.IsUnderDiskPressure() {
t.Errorf("Manager should not report disk pressure")
// try to admit our pod (should succeed)
if result := manager.Admit(&lifecycle.PodAdmitAttributes{Pod: podToAdmit}); !result.Admit {
t.Errorf("Admit pod: %v, expected: %v, actual: %v", podToAdmit, true, result.Admit)
// induce soft threshold
fakeClock.Step(1 * time.Minute)
summaryProvider.result = summaryStatsMaker("1.5Gi", "200Gi", podStats)
manager.synchronize(diskInfoProvider, activePodsFunc)
// we should have disk pressure
if !manager.IsUnderDiskPressure() {
t.Errorf("Manager should report disk pressure since soft threshold was met")
// verify no pod was yet killed because there has not yet been enough time passed.
if podKiller.pod != nil {
t.Errorf("Manager should not have killed a pod yet, but killed: %v", podKiller.pod.Name)
// step forward in time pass the grace period
fakeClock.Step(3 * time.Minute)
summaryProvider.result = summaryStatsMaker("1.5Gi", "200Gi", podStats)
manager.synchronize(diskInfoProvider, activePodsFunc)
// we should have disk pressure
if !manager.IsUnderDiskPressure() {
t.Errorf("Manager should report disk pressure since soft threshold was met")
// verify the right pod was killed with the right grace period.
if podKiller.pod != podToEvict {
t.Errorf("Manager chose to kill pod: %v, but should have chosen %v", podKiller.pod.Name, podToEvict.Name)
if podKiller.gracePeriodOverride == nil {
t.Errorf("Manager chose to kill pod but should have had a grace period override.")
observedGracePeriod := *podKiller.gracePeriodOverride
if observedGracePeriod != manager.config.MaxPodGracePeriodSeconds {
t.Errorf("Manager chose to kill pod with incorrect grace period. Expected: %d, actual: %d", manager.config.MaxPodGracePeriodSeconds, observedGracePeriod)
// reset state
podKiller.pod = nil
podKiller.gracePeriodOverride = nil
// remove disk pressure
fakeClock.Step(20 * time.Minute)
summaryProvider.result = summaryStatsMaker("16Gi", "200Gi", podStats)
manager.synchronize(diskInfoProvider, activePodsFunc)
// we should not have disk pressure
if manager.IsUnderDiskPressure() {
t.Errorf("Manager should not report disk pressure")
// induce disk pressure!
fakeClock.Step(1 * time.Minute)
summaryProvider.result = summaryStatsMaker("500Mi", "200Gi", podStats)
manager.synchronize(diskInfoProvider, activePodsFunc)
// we should have disk pressure
if !manager.IsUnderDiskPressure() {
t.Errorf("Manager should report disk pressure")
// check the right pod was killed
if podKiller.pod != podToEvict {
t.Errorf("Manager chose to kill pod: %v, but should have chosen %v", podKiller.pod.Name, podToEvict.Name)
observedGracePeriod = *podKiller.gracePeriodOverride
if observedGracePeriod != int64(0) {
t.Errorf("Manager chose to kill pod with incorrect grace period. Expected: %d, actual: %d", 0, observedGracePeriod)
// try to admit our pod (should fail)
if result := manager.Admit(&lifecycle.PodAdmitAttributes{Pod: podToAdmit}); result.Admit {
t.Errorf("Admit pod: %v, expected: %v, actual: %v", podToAdmit, false, result.Admit)
// reduce disk pressure
fakeClock.Step(1 * time.Minute)
summaryProvider.result = summaryStatsMaker("16Gi", "200Gi", podStats)
podKiller.pod = nil // reset state
manager.synchronize(diskInfoProvider, activePodsFunc)
// we should have disk pressure (because transition period not yet met)
if !manager.IsUnderDiskPressure() {
t.Errorf("Manager should report disk pressure")
// no pod should have been killed
if podKiller.pod != nil {
t.Errorf("Manager chose to kill pod: %v when no pod should have been killed", podKiller.pod.Name)
// try to admit our pod (should fail)
if result := manager.Admit(&lifecycle.PodAdmitAttributes{Pod: podToAdmit}); result.Admit {
t.Errorf("Admit pod: %v, expected: %v, actual: %v", podToAdmit, false, result.Admit)
// move the clock past transition period to ensure that we stop reporting pressure
fakeClock.Step(5 * time.Minute)
summaryProvider.result = summaryStatsMaker("16Gi", "200Gi", podStats)
podKiller.pod = nil // reset state
manager.synchronize(diskInfoProvider, activePodsFunc)
// we should not have disk pressure (because transition period met)
if manager.IsUnderDiskPressure() {
t.Errorf("Manager should not report disk pressure")
// no pod should have been killed
if podKiller.pod != nil {
t.Errorf("Manager chose to kill pod: %v when no pod should have been killed", podKiller.pod.Name)
// try to admit our pod (should succeed)
if result := manager.Admit(&lifecycle.PodAdmitAttributes{Pod: podToAdmit}); !result.Admit {
t.Errorf("Admit pod: %v, expected: %v, actual: %v", podToAdmit, true, result.Admit)
// TestMinReclaim verifies that min-reclaim works as desired.
func TestMinReclaim(t *testing.T) {
podMaker := makePodWithMemoryStats
summaryStatsMaker := makeMemoryStats
podsToMake := []podToMake{
{name: "guaranteed-low-priority-high-usage", priority: lowPriority, requests: newResourceList("100m", "1Gi", ""), limits: newResourceList("100m", "1Gi", ""), memoryWorkingSet: "900Mi"},
{name: "burstable-below-requests", priority: defaultPriority, requests: newResourceList("100m", "100Mi", ""), limits: newResourceList("200m", "1Gi", ""), memoryWorkingSet: "50Mi"},
{name: "burstable-above-requests", priority: defaultPriority, requests: newResourceList("100m", "100Mi", ""), limits: newResourceList("200m", "1Gi", ""), memoryWorkingSet: "400Mi"},
{name: "best-effort-high-priority-high-usage", priority: highPriority, requests: newResourceList("", "", ""), limits: newResourceList("", "", ""), memoryWorkingSet: "400Mi"},
{name: "best-effort-low-priority-low-usage", priority: lowPriority, requests: newResourceList("", "", ""), limits: newResourceList("", "", ""), memoryWorkingSet: "100Mi"},
pods := []*v1.Pod{}
podStats := map[*v1.Pod]statsapi.PodStats{}
for _, podToMake := range podsToMake {
pod, podStat := podMaker(podToMake.name, podToMake.priority, podToMake.requests, podToMake.limits, podToMake.memoryWorkingSet)
pods = append(pods, pod)
podStats[pod] = podStat
podToEvict := pods[4]
activePodsFunc := func() []*v1.Pod {
return pods
fakeClock := testingclock.NewFakeClock(time.Now())
podKiller := &mockPodKiller{}
diskInfoProvider := &mockDiskInfoProvider{dedicatedImageFs: false}
diskGC := &mockDiskGC{err: nil}
nodeRef := &v1.ObjectReference{Kind: "Node", Name: "test", UID: types.UID("test"), Namespace: ""}
config := Config{
MaxPodGracePeriodSeconds: 5,
PressureTransitionPeriod: time.Minute * 5,
Thresholds: []evictionapi.Threshold{
Signal: evictionapi.SignalMemoryAvailable,
Operator: evictionapi.OpLessThan,
Value: evictionapi.ThresholdValue{
Quantity: quantityMustParse("1Gi"),
MinReclaim: &evictionapi.ThresholdValue{
Quantity: quantityMustParse("500Mi"),
summaryProvider := &fakeSummaryProvider{result: summaryStatsMaker("2Gi", podStats)}
manager := &managerImpl{
clock: fakeClock,
killPodFunc: podKiller.killPodNow,
imageGC: diskGC,
containerGC: diskGC,
config: config,
recorder: &record.FakeRecorder{},
summaryProvider: summaryProvider,
nodeRef: nodeRef,
nodeConditionsLastObservedAt: nodeConditionsObservedAt{},
thresholdsFirstObservedAt: thresholdsObservedAt{},
// synchronize
manager.synchronize(diskInfoProvider, activePodsFunc)
// we should not have memory pressure
if manager.IsUnderMemoryPressure() {
t.Errorf("Manager should not report memory pressure")
// induce memory pressure!
fakeClock.Step(1 * time.Minute)
summaryProvider.result = summaryStatsMaker("500Mi", podStats)
manager.synchronize(diskInfoProvider, activePodsFunc)
// we should have memory pressure
if !manager.IsUnderMemoryPressure() {
t.Errorf("Manager should report memory pressure")
// check the right pod was killed
if podKiller.pod != podToEvict {
t.Errorf("Manager chose to kill pod: %v, but should have chosen %v", podKiller.pod.Name, podToEvict.Name)
observedGracePeriod := *podKiller.gracePeriodOverride
if observedGracePeriod != int64(0) {
t.Errorf("Manager chose to kill pod with incorrect grace period. Expected: %d, actual: %d", 0, observedGracePeriod)
// reduce memory pressure, but not below the min-reclaim amount
fakeClock.Step(1 * time.Minute)
summaryProvider.result = summaryStatsMaker("1.2Gi", podStats)
podKiller.pod = nil // reset state
manager.synchronize(diskInfoProvider, activePodsFunc)
// we should have memory pressure (because transition period not yet met)
if !manager.IsUnderMemoryPressure() {
t.Errorf("Manager should report memory pressure")
// check the right pod was killed
if podKiller.pod != podToEvict {
t.Errorf("Manager chose to kill pod: %v, but should have chosen %v", podKiller.pod.Name, podToEvict.Name)
observedGracePeriod = *podKiller.gracePeriodOverride
if observedGracePeriod != int64(0) {
t.Errorf("Manager chose to kill pod with incorrect grace period. Expected: %d, actual: %d", 0, observedGracePeriod)
// reduce memory pressure and ensure the min-reclaim amount
fakeClock.Step(1 * time.Minute)
summaryProvider.result = summaryStatsMaker("2Gi", podStats)
podKiller.pod = nil // reset state
manager.synchronize(diskInfoProvider, activePodsFunc)
// we should have memory pressure (because transition period not yet met)
if !manager.IsUnderMemoryPressure() {
t.Errorf("Manager should report memory pressure")
// no pod should have been killed
if podKiller.pod != nil {
t.Errorf("Manager chose to kill pod: %v when no pod should have been killed", podKiller.pod.Name)
// move the clock past transition period to ensure that we stop reporting pressure
fakeClock.Step(5 * time.Minute)
summaryProvider.result = summaryStatsMaker("2Gi", podStats)
podKiller.pod = nil // reset state
manager.synchronize(diskInfoProvider, activePodsFunc)
// we should not have memory pressure (because transition period met)
if manager.IsUnderMemoryPressure() {
t.Errorf("Manager should not report memory pressure")
// no pod should have been killed
if podKiller.pod != nil {
t.Errorf("Manager chose to kill pod: %v when no pod should have been killed", podKiller.pod.Name)
func TestNodeReclaimFuncs(t *testing.T) {
defer featuregatetesting.SetFeatureGateDuringTest(t, utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate, features.LocalStorageCapacityIsolation, true)()
podMaker := makePodWithDiskStats
summaryStatsMaker := makeDiskStats
podsToMake := []podToMake{
{name: "low-priority-high-usage", priority: lowPriority, requests: newResourceList("100m", "1Gi", ""), limits: newResourceList("100m", "1Gi", ""), rootFsUsed: "900Mi"},
{name: "below-requests", priority: defaultPriority, requests: newResourceList("100m", "100Mi", ""), limits: newResourceList("200m", "1Gi", ""), logsFsUsed: "50Mi"},
{name: "above-requests", priority: defaultPriority, requests: newResourceList("100m", "100Mi", ""), limits: newResourceList("200m", "1Gi", ""), rootFsUsed: "400Mi"},
{name: "high-priority-high-usage", priority: highPriority, requests: newResourceList("", "", ""), limits: newResourceList("", "", ""), perLocalVolumeUsed: "400Mi"},
{name: "low-priority-low-usage", priority: lowPriority, requests: newResourceList("", "", ""), limits: newResourceList("", "", ""), rootFsUsed: "100Mi"},
pods := []*v1.Pod{}
podStats := map[*v1.Pod]statsapi.PodStats{}
for _, podToMake := range podsToMake {
pod, podStat := podMaker(podToMake.name, podToMake.priority, podToMake.requests, podToMake.limits, podToMake.rootFsUsed, podToMake.logsFsUsed, podToMake.perLocalVolumeUsed)
pods = append(pods, pod)
podStats[pod] = podStat
podToEvict := pods[0]
activePodsFunc := func() []*v1.Pod {
return pods
fakeClock := testingclock.NewFakeClock(time.Now())
podKiller := &mockPodKiller{}
diskInfoProvider := &mockDiskInfoProvider{dedicatedImageFs: false}
nodeRef := &v1.ObjectReference{Kind: "Node", Name: "test", UID: types.UID("test"), Namespace: ""}
config := Config{
MaxPodGracePeriodSeconds: 5,
PressureTransitionPeriod: time.Minute * 5,
Thresholds: []evictionapi.Threshold{
Signal: evictionapi.SignalNodeFsAvailable,
Operator: evictionapi.OpLessThan,
Value: evictionapi.ThresholdValue{
Quantity: quantityMustParse("1Gi"),
MinReclaim: &evictionapi.ThresholdValue{
Quantity: quantityMustParse("500Mi"),
summaryProvider := &fakeSummaryProvider{result: summaryStatsMaker("16Gi", "200Gi", podStats)}
diskGC := &mockDiskGC{fakeSummaryProvider: summaryProvider, err: nil}
manager := &managerImpl{
clock: fakeClock,
killPodFunc: podKiller.killPodNow,
imageGC: diskGC,
containerGC: diskGC,
config: config,
recorder: &record.FakeRecorder{},
summaryProvider: summaryProvider,
nodeRef: nodeRef,
nodeConditionsLastObservedAt: nodeConditionsObservedAt{},
thresholdsFirstObservedAt: thresholdsObservedAt{},
// synchronize
manager.synchronize(diskInfoProvider, activePodsFunc)
// we should not have disk pressure
if manager.IsUnderDiskPressure() {
t.Errorf("Manager should not report disk pressure")
// induce hard threshold
fakeClock.Step(1 * time.Minute)
summaryProvider.result = summaryStatsMaker(".9Gi", "200Gi", podStats)
// make GC successfully return disk usage to previous levels
diskGC.summaryAfterGC = summaryStatsMaker("16Gi", "200Gi", podStats)
manager.synchronize(diskInfoProvider, activePodsFunc)
// we should have disk pressure
if !manager.IsUnderDiskPressure() {
t.Errorf("Manager should report disk pressure since soft threshold was met")
// verify image gc was invoked
if !diskGC.imageGCInvoked || !diskGC.containerGCInvoked {
t.Errorf("Manager should have invoked image gc")
// verify no pod was killed because image gc was sufficient
if podKiller.pod != nil {
t.Errorf("Manager should not have killed a pod, but killed: %v", podKiller.pod.Name)
// reset state
diskGC.imageGCInvoked = false
diskGC.containerGCInvoked = false
// remove disk pressure
fakeClock.Step(20 * time.Minute)
summaryProvider.result = summaryStatsMaker("16Gi", "200Gi", podStats)
manager.synchronize(diskInfoProvider, activePodsFunc)
// we should not have disk pressure
if manager.IsUnderDiskPressure() {
t.Errorf("Manager should not report disk pressure")
// synchronize
manager.synchronize(diskInfoProvider, activePodsFunc)
// we should not have disk pressure
if manager.IsUnderDiskPressure() {
t.Errorf("Manager should not report disk pressure")
// induce hard threshold
fakeClock.Step(1 * time.Minute)
summaryProvider.result = summaryStatsMaker(".9Gi", "200Gi", podStats)
// make GC return disk usage bellow the threshold, but not satisfying minReclaim
diskGC.summaryAfterGC = summaryStatsMaker("1.1Gi", "200Gi", podStats)
manager.synchronize(diskInfoProvider, activePodsFunc)
// we should have disk pressure
if !manager.IsUnderDiskPressure() {
t.Errorf("Manager should report disk pressure since soft threshold was met")
// verify image gc was invoked
if !diskGC.imageGCInvoked || !diskGC.containerGCInvoked {
t.Errorf("Manager should have invoked image gc")
// verify a pod was killed because image gc was not enough to satisfy minReclaim
if podKiller.pod == nil {
t.Errorf("Manager should have killed a pod, but didn't")
// reset state
diskGC.imageGCInvoked = false
diskGC.containerGCInvoked = false
podKiller.pod = nil
// remove disk pressure
fakeClock.Step(20 * time.Minute)
summaryProvider.result = summaryStatsMaker("16Gi", "200Gi", podStats)
manager.synchronize(diskInfoProvider, activePodsFunc)
// we should not have disk pressure
if manager.IsUnderDiskPressure() {
t.Errorf("Manager should not report disk pressure")
// induce disk pressure!
fakeClock.Step(1 * time.Minute)
summaryProvider.result = summaryStatsMaker("400Mi", "200Gi", podStats)
// Don't reclaim any disk
diskGC.summaryAfterGC = summaryStatsMaker("400Mi", "200Gi", podStats)
manager.synchronize(diskInfoProvider, activePodsFunc)
// we should have disk pressure
if !manager.IsUnderDiskPressure() {
t.Errorf("Manager should report disk pressure")
// ensure disk gc was invoked
if !diskGC.imageGCInvoked || !diskGC.containerGCInvoked {
t.Errorf("Manager should have invoked image gc")
// check the right pod was killed
if podKiller.pod != podToEvict {
t.Errorf("Manager chose to kill pod: %v, but should have chosen %v", podKiller.pod.Name, podToEvict.Name)
observedGracePeriod := *podKiller.gracePeriodOverride
if observedGracePeriod != int64(0) {
t.Errorf("Manager chose to kill pod with incorrect grace period. Expected: %d, actual: %d", 0, observedGracePeriod)
// reduce disk pressure
fakeClock.Step(1 * time.Minute)
summaryProvider.result = summaryStatsMaker("16Gi", "200Gi", podStats)
diskGC.imageGCInvoked = false // reset state
diskGC.containerGCInvoked = false // reset state
podKiller.pod = nil // reset state
manager.synchronize(diskInfoProvider, activePodsFunc)
// we should have disk pressure (because transition period not yet met)
if !manager.IsUnderDiskPressure() {
t.Errorf("Manager should report disk pressure")
// no image gc should have occurred
if diskGC.imageGCInvoked || diskGC.containerGCInvoked {
t.Errorf("Manager chose to perform image gc when it was not needed")
// no pod should have been killed
if podKiller.pod != nil {
t.Errorf("Manager chose to kill pod: %v when no pod should have been killed", podKiller.pod.Name)
// move the clock past transition period to ensure that we stop reporting pressure
fakeClock.Step(5 * time.Minute)
summaryProvider.result = summaryStatsMaker("16Gi", "200Gi", podStats)
diskGC.imageGCInvoked = false // reset state
diskGC.containerGCInvoked = false // reset state
podKiller.pod = nil // reset state
manager.synchronize(diskInfoProvider, activePodsFunc)
// we should not have disk pressure (because transition period met)
if manager.IsUnderDiskPressure() {
t.Errorf("Manager should not report disk pressure")
// no image gc should have occurred
if diskGC.imageGCInvoked || diskGC.containerGCInvoked {
t.Errorf("Manager chose to perform image gc when it was not needed")
// no pod should have been killed
if podKiller.pod != nil {
t.Errorf("Manager chose to kill pod: %v when no pod should have been killed", podKiller.pod.Name)
func TestInodePressureNodeFsInodes(t *testing.T) {
podMaker := func(name string, priority int32, requests v1.ResourceList, limits v1.ResourceList, rootInodes, logInodes, volumeInodes string) (*v1.Pod, statsapi.PodStats) {
pod := newPod(name, priority, []v1.Container{
newContainer(name, requests, limits),
}, nil)
podStats := newPodInodeStats(pod, parseQuantity(rootInodes), parseQuantity(logInodes), parseQuantity(volumeInodes))
return pod, podStats
summaryStatsMaker := func(rootFsInodesFree, rootFsInodes string, podStats map[*v1.Pod]statsapi.PodStats) *statsapi.Summary {
rootFsInodesFreeVal := resource.MustParse(rootFsInodesFree)
internalRootFsInodesFree := uint64(rootFsInodesFreeVal.Value())
rootFsInodesVal := resource.MustParse(rootFsInodes)
internalRootFsInodes := uint64(rootFsInodesVal.Value())
result := &statsapi.Summary{
Node: statsapi.NodeStats{
Fs: &statsapi.FsStats{
InodesFree: &internalRootFsInodesFree,
Inodes: &internalRootFsInodes,
Pods: []statsapi.PodStats{},
for _, podStat := range podStats {
result.Pods = append(result.Pods, podStat)
return result
podsToMake := []podToMake{
{name: "low-priority-high-usage", priority: lowPriority, requests: newResourceList("100m", "1Gi", ""), limits: newResourceList("100m", "1Gi", ""), rootFsInodesUsed: "900Mi"},
{name: "below-requests", priority: defaultPriority, requests: newResourceList("100m", "100Mi", ""), limits: newResourceList("200m", "1Gi", ""), rootFsInodesUsed: "50Mi"},
{name: "above-requests", priority: defaultPriority, requests: newResourceList("100m", "100Mi", ""), limits: newResourceList("200m", "1Gi", ""), rootFsInodesUsed: "400Mi"},
{name: "high-priority-high-usage", priority: highPriority, requests: newResourceList("", "", ""), limits: newResourceList("", "", ""), rootFsInodesUsed: "400Mi"},
{name: "low-priority-low-usage", priority: lowPriority, requests: newResourceList("", "", ""), limits: newResourceList("", "", ""), rootFsInodesUsed: "100Mi"},
pods := []*v1.Pod{}
podStats := map[*v1.Pod]statsapi.PodStats{}
for _, podToMake := range podsToMake {
pod, podStat := podMaker(podToMake.name, podToMake.priority, podToMake.requests, podToMake.limits, podToMake.rootFsInodesUsed, podToMake.logsFsInodesUsed, podToMake.perLocalVolumeInodesUsed)
pods = append(pods, pod)
podStats[pod] = podStat
podToEvict := pods[0]
activePodsFunc := func() []*v1.Pod {
return pods
fakeClock := testingclock.NewFakeClock(time.Now())
podKiller := &mockPodKiller{}
diskInfoProvider := &mockDiskInfoProvider{dedicatedImageFs: false}
diskGC := &mockDiskGC{err: nil}
nodeRef := &v1.ObjectReference{Kind: "Node", Name: "test", UID: types.UID("test"), Namespace: ""}
config := Config{
MaxPodGracePeriodSeconds: 5,
PressureTransitionPeriod: time.Minute * 5,
Thresholds: []evictionapi.Threshold{
Signal: evictionapi.SignalNodeFsInodesFree,
Operator: evictionapi.OpLessThan,
Value: evictionapi.ThresholdValue{
Quantity: quantityMustParse("1Mi"),
Signal: evictionapi.SignalNodeFsInodesFree,
Operator: evictionapi.OpLessThan,
Value: evictionapi.ThresholdValue{
Quantity: quantityMustParse("2Mi"),
GracePeriod: time.Minute * 2,
summaryProvider := &fakeSummaryProvider{result: summaryStatsMaker("3Mi", "4Mi", podStats)}
manager := &managerImpl{
clock: fakeClock,
killPodFunc: podKiller.killPodNow,
imageGC: diskGC,
containerGC: diskGC,
config: config,
recorder: &record.FakeRecorder{},
summaryProvider: summaryProvider,
nodeRef: nodeRef,
nodeConditionsLastObservedAt: nodeConditionsObservedAt{},
thresholdsFirstObservedAt: thresholdsObservedAt{},
// create a best effort pod to test admission
podToAdmit, _ := podMaker("pod-to-admit", defaultPriority, newResourceList("", "", ""), newResourceList("", "", ""), "0", "0", "0")
// synchronize
manager.synchronize(diskInfoProvider, activePodsFunc)
// we should not have disk pressure
if manager.IsUnderDiskPressure() {
t.Errorf("Manager should not report inode pressure")
// try to admit our pod (should succeed)
if result := manager.Admit(&lifecycle.PodAdmitAttributes{Pod: podToAdmit}); !result.Admit {
t.Errorf("Admit pod: %v, expected: %v, actual: %v", podToAdmit, true, result.Admit)
// induce soft threshold
fakeClock.Step(1 * time.Minute)
summaryProvider.result = summaryStatsMaker("1.5Mi", "4Mi", podStats)
manager.synchronize(diskInfoProvider, activePodsFunc)
// we should have disk pressure
if !manager.IsUnderDiskPressure() {
t.Errorf("Manager should report inode pressure since soft threshold was met")
// verify no pod was yet killed because there has not yet been enough time passed.
if podKiller.pod != nil {
t.Errorf("Manager should not have killed a pod yet, but killed: %v", podKiller.pod.Name)
// step forward in time pass the grace period
fakeClock.Step(3 * time.Minute)
summaryProvider.result = summaryStatsMaker("1.5Mi", "4Mi", podStats)
manager.synchronize(diskInfoProvider, activePodsFunc)
// we should have disk pressure
if !manager.IsUnderDiskPressure() {
t.Errorf("Manager should report inode pressure since soft threshold was met")
// verify the right pod was killed with the right grace period.
if podKiller.pod != podToEvict {
t.Errorf("Manager chose to kill pod: %v, but should have chosen %v", podKiller.pod.Name, podToEvict.Name)
if podKiller.gracePeriodOverride == nil {
t.Errorf("Manager chose to kill pod but should have had a grace period override.")
observedGracePeriod := *podKiller.gracePeriodOverride
if observedGracePeriod != manager.config.MaxPodGracePeriodSeconds {
t.Errorf("Manager chose to kill pod with incorrect grace period. Expected: %d, actual: %d", manager.config.MaxPodGracePeriodSeconds, observedGracePeriod)
// reset state
podKiller.pod = nil
podKiller.gracePeriodOverride = nil
// remove inode pressure
fakeClock.Step(20 * time.Minute)
summaryProvider.result = summaryStatsMaker("3Mi", "4Mi", podStats)
manager.synchronize(diskInfoProvider, activePodsFunc)
// we should not have disk pressure
if manager.IsUnderDiskPressure() {
t.Errorf("Manager should not report inode pressure")
// induce inode pressure!
fakeClock.Step(1 * time.Minute)
summaryProvider.result = summaryStatsMaker("0.5Mi", "4Mi", podStats)
manager.synchronize(diskInfoProvider, activePodsFunc)
// we should have disk pressure
if !manager.IsUnderDiskPressure() {
t.Errorf("Manager should report inode pressure")
// check the right pod was killed
if podKiller.pod != podToEvict {
t.Errorf("Manager chose to kill pod: %v, but should have chosen %v", podKiller.pod.Name, podToEvict.Name)
observedGracePeriod = *podKiller.gracePeriodOverride
if observedGracePeriod != int64(0) {
t.Errorf("Manager chose to kill pod with incorrect grace period. Expected: %d, actual: %d", 0, observedGracePeriod)
// try to admit our pod (should fail)
if result := manager.Admit(&lifecycle.PodAdmitAttributes{Pod: podToAdmit}); result.Admit {
t.Errorf("Admit pod: %v, expected: %v, actual: %v", podToAdmit, false, result.Admit)
// reduce inode pressure
fakeClock.Step(1 * time.Minute)
summaryProvider.result = summaryStatsMaker("3Mi", "4Mi", podStats)
podKiller.pod = nil // reset state
manager.synchronize(diskInfoProvider, activePodsFunc)
// we should have disk pressure (because transition period not yet met)
if !manager.IsUnderDiskPressure() {
t.Errorf("Manager should report inode pressure")
// no pod should have been killed
if podKiller.pod != nil {
t.Errorf("Manager chose to kill pod: %v when no pod should have been killed", podKiller.pod.Name)
// try to admit our pod (should fail)
if result := manager.Admit(&lifecycle.PodAdmitAttributes{Pod: podToAdmit}); result.Admit {
t.Errorf("Admit pod: %v, expected: %v, actual: %v", podToAdmit, false, result.Admit)
// move the clock past transition period to ensure that we stop reporting pressure
fakeClock.Step(5 * time.Minute)
summaryProvider.result = summaryStatsMaker("3Mi", "4Mi", podStats)
podKiller.pod = nil // reset state
manager.synchronize(diskInfoProvider, activePodsFunc)
// we should not have disk pressure (because transition period met)
if manager.IsUnderDiskPressure() {
t.Errorf("Manager should not report inode pressure")
// no pod should have been killed
if podKiller.pod != nil {
t.Errorf("Manager chose to kill pod: %v when no pod should have been killed", podKiller.pod.Name)
// try to admit our pod (should succeed)
if result := manager.Admit(&lifecycle.PodAdmitAttributes{Pod: podToAdmit}); !result.Admit {
t.Errorf("Admit pod: %v, expected: %v, actual: %v", podToAdmit, true, result.Admit)
// TestStaticCriticalPodsAreNotEvicted
func TestStaticCriticalPodsAreNotEvicted(t *testing.T) {
podMaker := makePodWithMemoryStats
summaryStatsMaker := makeMemoryStats
podsToMake := []podToMake{
{name: "critical", priority: scheduling.SystemCriticalPriority, requests: newResourceList("100m", "1Gi", ""), limits: newResourceList("100m", "1Gi", ""), memoryWorkingSet: "800Mi"},
pods := []*v1.Pod{}
podStats := map[*v1.Pod]statsapi.PodStats{}
for _, podToMake := range podsToMake {
pod, podStat := podMaker(podToMake.name, podToMake.priority, podToMake.requests, podToMake.limits, podToMake.memoryWorkingSet)
pods = append(pods, pod)
podStats[pod] = podStat
pods[0].Annotations = map[string]string{
kubelettypes.ConfigSourceAnnotationKey: kubelettypes.FileSource,
// Mark the pod as critical
podPriority := scheduling.SystemCriticalPriority
pods[0].Spec.Priority = &podPriority
pods[0].Namespace = kubeapi.NamespaceSystem
podToEvict := pods[0]
activePodsFunc := func() []*v1.Pod {
return pods
mirrorPodFunc := func(staticPod *v1.Pod) (*v1.Pod, bool) {
mirrorPod := staticPod.DeepCopy()
mirrorPod.Annotations[kubelettypes.ConfigSourceAnnotationKey] = kubelettypes.ApiserverSource
return mirrorPod, true
fakeClock := testingclock.NewFakeClock(time.Now())
podKiller := &mockPodKiller{}
diskInfoProvider := &mockDiskInfoProvider{dedicatedImageFs: false}
diskGC := &mockDiskGC{err: nil}
nodeRef := &v1.ObjectReference{
Kind: "Node", Name: "test", UID: types.UID("test"), Namespace: "",
config := Config{
MaxPodGracePeriodSeconds: 5,
PressureTransitionPeriod: time.Minute * 5,
Thresholds: []evictionapi.Threshold{
Signal: evictionapi.SignalMemoryAvailable,
Operator: evictionapi.OpLessThan,
Value: evictionapi.ThresholdValue{
Quantity: quantityMustParse("1Gi"),
Signal: evictionapi.SignalMemoryAvailable,
Operator: evictionapi.OpLessThan,
Value: evictionapi.ThresholdValue{
Quantity: quantityMustParse("2Gi"),
GracePeriod: time.Minute * 2,
summaryProvider := &fakeSummaryProvider{result: summaryStatsMaker("2Gi", podStats)}
manager := &managerImpl{
clock: fakeClock,
killPodFunc: podKiller.killPodNow,
mirrorPodFunc: mirrorPodFunc,
imageGC: diskGC,
containerGC: diskGC,
config: config,
recorder: &record.FakeRecorder{},
summaryProvider: summaryProvider,
nodeRef: nodeRef,
nodeConditionsLastObservedAt: nodeConditionsObservedAt{},
thresholdsFirstObservedAt: thresholdsObservedAt{},
fakeClock.Step(1 * time.Minute)
summaryProvider.result = summaryStatsMaker("1500Mi", podStats)
manager.synchronize(diskInfoProvider, activePodsFunc)
// we should have memory pressure
if !manager.IsUnderMemoryPressure() {
t.Errorf("Manager should report memory pressure since soft threshold was met")
// verify no pod was yet killed because there has not yet been enough time passed.
if podKiller.pod != nil {
t.Errorf("Manager should not have killed a pod yet, but killed: %v", podKiller.pod.Name)
// step forward in time pass the grace period
fakeClock.Step(3 * time.Minute)
summaryProvider.result = summaryStatsMaker("1500Mi", podStats)
manager.synchronize(diskInfoProvider, activePodsFunc)
// we should have memory pressure
if !manager.IsUnderMemoryPressure() {
t.Errorf("Manager should report memory pressure since soft threshold was met")
// verify the right pod was killed with the right grace period.
if podKiller.pod == podToEvict {
t.Errorf("Manager chose to kill critical pod: %v, but should have ignored it", podKiller.pod.Name)
// reset state
podKiller.pod = nil
podKiller.gracePeriodOverride = nil
// remove memory pressure
fakeClock.Step(20 * time.Minute)
summaryProvider.result = summaryStatsMaker("3Gi", podStats)
manager.synchronize(diskInfoProvider, activePodsFunc)
// we should not have memory pressure
if manager.IsUnderMemoryPressure() {
t.Errorf("Manager should not report memory pressure")
pods[0].Annotations = map[string]string{
kubelettypes.ConfigSourceAnnotationKey: kubelettypes.FileSource,
pods[0].Spec.Priority = nil
pods[0].Namespace = kubeapi.NamespaceSystem
// induce memory pressure!
fakeClock.Step(1 * time.Minute)
summaryProvider.result = summaryStatsMaker("500Mi", podStats)
manager.synchronize(diskInfoProvider, activePodsFunc)
// we should have memory pressure
if !manager.IsUnderMemoryPressure() {
t.Errorf("Manager should report memory pressure")
// TestAllocatableMemoryPressure
func TestAllocatableMemoryPressure(t *testing.T) {
podMaker := makePodWithMemoryStats
summaryStatsMaker := makeMemoryStats
podsToMake := []podToMake{
{name: "guaranteed-low-priority-high-usage", priority: lowPriority, requests: newResourceList("100m", "1Gi", ""), limits: newResourceList("100m", "1Gi", ""), memoryWorkingSet: "900Mi"},
{name: "burstable-below-requests", priority: defaultPriority, requests: newResourceList("100m", "100Mi", ""), limits: newResourceList("200m", "1Gi", ""), memoryWorkingSet: "50Mi"},
{name: "burstable-above-requests", priority: defaultPriority, requests: newResourceList("100m", "100Mi", ""), limits: newResourceList("200m", "1Gi", ""), memoryWorkingSet: "400Mi"},
{name: "best-effort-high-priority-high-usage", priority: highPriority, requests: newResourceList("", "", ""), limits: newResourceList("", "", ""), memoryWorkingSet: "400Mi"},
{name: "best-effort-low-priority-low-usage", priority: lowPriority, requests: newResourceList("", "", ""), limits: newResourceList("", "", ""), memoryWorkingSet: "100Mi"},
pods := []*v1.Pod{}
podStats := map[*v1.Pod]statsapi.PodStats{}
for _, podToMake := range podsToMake {
pod, podStat := podMaker(podToMake.name, podToMake.priority, podToMake.requests, podToMake.limits, podToMake.memoryWorkingSet)
pods = append(pods, pod)
podStats[pod] = podStat
podToEvict := pods[4]
activePodsFunc := func() []*v1.Pod {
return pods
fakeClock := testingclock.NewFakeClock(time.Now())
podKiller := &mockPodKiller{}
diskInfoProvider := &mockDiskInfoProvider{dedicatedImageFs: false}
diskGC := &mockDiskGC{err: nil}
nodeRef := &v1.ObjectReference{Kind: "Node", Name: "test", UID: types.UID("test"), Namespace: ""}
config := Config{
MaxPodGracePeriodSeconds: 5,
PressureTransitionPeriod: time.Minute * 5,
Thresholds: []evictionapi.Threshold{
Signal: evictionapi.SignalAllocatableMemoryAvailable,
Operator: evictionapi.OpLessThan,
Value: evictionapi.ThresholdValue{
Quantity: quantityMustParse("1Gi"),
summaryProvider := &fakeSummaryProvider{result: summaryStatsMaker("4Gi", podStats)}
manager := &managerImpl{
clock: fakeClock,
killPodFunc: podKiller.killPodNow,
imageGC: diskGC,
containerGC: diskGC,
config: config,
recorder: &record.FakeRecorder{},
summaryProvider: summaryProvider,
nodeRef: nodeRef,
nodeConditionsLastObservedAt: nodeConditionsObservedAt{},
thresholdsFirstObservedAt: thresholdsObservedAt{},
// create a best effort pod to test admission
bestEffortPodToAdmit, _ := podMaker("best-admit", defaultPriority, newResourceList("", "", ""), newResourceList("", "", ""), "0Gi")
burstablePodToAdmit, _ := podMaker("burst-admit", defaultPriority, newResourceList("100m", "100Mi", ""), newResourceList("200m", "200Mi", ""), "0Gi")
// synchronize
manager.synchronize(diskInfoProvider, activePodsFunc)
// we should not have memory pressure
if manager.IsUnderMemoryPressure() {
t.Errorf("Manager should not report memory pressure")
// try to admit our pods (they should succeed)
expected := []bool{true, true}
for i, pod := range []*v1.Pod{bestEffortPodToAdmit, burstablePodToAdmit} {
if result := manager.Admit(&lifecycle.PodAdmitAttributes{Pod: pod}); expected[i] != result.Admit {
t.Errorf("Admit pod: %v, expected: %v, actual: %v", pod, expected[i], result.Admit)
// induce memory pressure!
fakeClock.Step(1 * time.Minute)
pod, podStat := podMaker("guaranteed-high-2", defaultPriority, newResourceList("100m", "1Gi", ""), newResourceList("100m", "1Gi", ""), "1Gi")
podStats[pod] = podStat
summaryProvider.result = summaryStatsMaker("500Mi", podStats)
manager.synchronize(diskInfoProvider, activePodsFunc)
// we should have memory pressure
if !manager.IsUnderMemoryPressure() {
t.Errorf("Manager should report memory pressure")
// check the right pod was killed
if podKiller.pod != podToEvict {
t.Errorf("Manager chose to kill pod: %v, but should have chosen %v", podKiller.pod.Name, podToEvict.Name)
observedGracePeriod := *podKiller.gracePeriodOverride
if observedGracePeriod != int64(0) {
t.Errorf("Manager chose to kill pod with incorrect grace period. Expected: %d, actual: %d", 0, observedGracePeriod)
// reset state
podKiller.pod = nil
podKiller.gracePeriodOverride = nil
// the best-effort pod should not admit, burstable should
expected = []bool{false, true}
for i, pod := range []*v1.Pod{bestEffortPodToAdmit, burstablePodToAdmit} {
if result := manager.Admit(&lifecycle.PodAdmitAttributes{Pod: pod}); expected[i] != result.Admit {
t.Errorf("Admit pod: %v, expected: %v, actual: %v", pod, expected[i], result.Admit)
// reduce memory pressure
fakeClock.Step(1 * time.Minute)
for pod := range podStats {
if pod.Name == "guaranteed-high-2" {
delete(podStats, pod)
summaryProvider.result = summaryStatsMaker("2Gi", podStats)
podKiller.pod = nil // reset state
manager.synchronize(diskInfoProvider, activePodsFunc)
// we should have memory pressure (because transition period not yet met)
if !manager.IsUnderMemoryPressure() {
t.Errorf("Manager should report memory pressure")
// no pod should have been killed
if podKiller.pod != nil {
t.Errorf("Manager chose to kill pod: %v when no pod should have been killed", podKiller.pod.Name)
// the best-effort pod should not admit, burstable should
expected = []bool{false, true}
for i, pod := range []*v1.Pod{bestEffortPodToAdmit, burstablePodToAdmit} {
if result := manager.Admit(&lifecycle.PodAdmitAttributes{Pod: pod}); expected[i] != result.Admit {
t.Errorf("Admit pod: %v, expected: %v, actual: %v", pod, expected[i], result.Admit)
// move the clock past transition period to ensure that we stop reporting pressure
fakeClock.Step(5 * time.Minute)
summaryProvider.result = summaryStatsMaker("2Gi", podStats)
podKiller.pod = nil // reset state
manager.synchronize(diskInfoProvider, activePodsFunc)
// we should not have memory pressure (because transition period met)
if manager.IsUnderMemoryPressure() {
t.Errorf("Manager should not report memory pressure")
// no pod should have been killed
if podKiller.pod != nil {
t.Errorf("Manager chose to kill pod: %v when no pod should have been killed", podKiller.pod.Name)
// all pods should admit now
expected = []bool{true, true}
for i, pod := range []*v1.Pod{bestEffortPodToAdmit, burstablePodToAdmit} {
if result := manager.Admit(&lifecycle.PodAdmitAttributes{Pod: pod}); expected[i] != result.Admit {
t.Errorf("Admit pod: %v, expected: %v, actual: %v", pod, expected[i], result.Admit)
func TestUpdateMemcgThreshold(t *testing.T) {
activePodsFunc := func() []*v1.Pod {
return []*v1.Pod{}
fakeClock := testingclock.NewFakeClock(time.Now())
podKiller := &mockPodKiller{}
diskInfoProvider := &mockDiskInfoProvider{dedicatedImageFs: false}
diskGC := &mockDiskGC{err: nil}
nodeRef := &v1.ObjectReference{Kind: "Node", Name: "test", UID: types.UID("test"), Namespace: ""}
config := Config{
MaxPodGracePeriodSeconds: 5,
PressureTransitionPeriod: time.Minute * 5,
Thresholds: []evictionapi.Threshold{
Signal: evictionapi.SignalMemoryAvailable,
Operator: evictionapi.OpLessThan,
Value: evictionapi.ThresholdValue{
Quantity: quantityMustParse("1Gi"),
PodCgroupRoot: "kubepods",
summaryProvider := &fakeSummaryProvider{result: makeMemoryStats("2Gi", map[*v1.Pod]statsapi.PodStats{})}
mockCtrl := gomock.NewController(t)
defer mockCtrl.Finish()
thresholdNotifier := NewMockThresholdNotifier(mockCtrl)
manager := &managerImpl{
clock: fakeClock,
killPodFunc: podKiller.killPodNow,
imageGC: diskGC,
containerGC: diskGC,
config: config,
recorder: &record.FakeRecorder{},
summaryProvider: summaryProvider,
nodeRef: nodeRef,
nodeConditionsLastObservedAt: nodeConditionsObservedAt{},
thresholdsFirstObservedAt: thresholdsObservedAt{},
thresholdNotifiers: []ThresholdNotifier{thresholdNotifier},
// The UpdateThreshold method should have been called once, since this is the first run.
manager.synchronize(diskInfoProvider, activePodsFunc)
// The UpdateThreshold method should not have been called again, since not enough time has passed
manager.synchronize(diskInfoProvider, activePodsFunc)
// The UpdateThreshold method should be called again since enough time has passed
fakeClock.Step(2 * notifierRefreshInterval)
manager.synchronize(diskInfoProvider, activePodsFunc)
// new memory threshold notifier that returns an error
thresholdNotifier = NewMockThresholdNotifier(mockCtrl)
thresholdNotifier.EXPECT().UpdateThreshold(summaryProvider.result).Return(fmt.Errorf("error updating threshold")).Times(1)
thresholdNotifier.EXPECT().Description().Return("mock thresholdNotifier").Times(1)
manager.thresholdNotifiers = []ThresholdNotifier{thresholdNotifier}
// The UpdateThreshold method should be called because at least notifierRefreshInterval time has passed.
// The Description method should be called because UpdateThreshold returned an error
fakeClock.Step(2 * notifierRefreshInterval)
manager.synchronize(diskInfoProvider, activePodsFunc)
kubernetes eviction_manager 源码
kubernetes memory_threshold_notifier 源码
kubernetes memory_threshold_notifier_test 源码
kubernetes mock_threshold_notifier_test 源码
kubernetes threshold_notifier_linux 源码
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