harmony(鸿蒙)Overview of Distributed Call Chain Tracing

  • 2022-08-09
  • 浏览 (716)

Overview of Distributed Call Chain Tracing

hiTraceChain is a lightweight implementation of the cloud-based distributed call chain tracing. It allows applications to trace cross-thread, cross-process, and cross-device service calls.

Basic Concepts

  • chainId

Distributed call chain tracing ID, which is a part of HiTraceId and is used to identify the service process being traced.

Working Principles

The hiTraceChain module generates a unique chainId for a service process and passes it to various information (including application events, system time, and logs) specific to the service process. During debugging and fault locating, you can use the unique chainId to quickly correlate various information related to the service process.


All APIs provided by the hiTraceChain module work in synchronous mode.



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