harmony 鸿蒙js-apidiff-accessibility

  • 2023-06-24
  • 浏览 (459)

Change Type Old Version New Version d.ts File
Added NA Class name: config;
Method or attribute name: function enableAbility(name: string, capability: Array<accessibility.Capability>): Promise<void>;
Added NA Class name: config;
Method or attribute name: function enableAbility(name: string, capability: Array<accessibility.Capability>, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Added NA Class name: config;
Method or attribute name: function disableAbility(name: string): Promise<void>;
Added NA Class name: config;
Method or attribute name: function disableAbility(name: string, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Added NA Class name: config;
Method or attribute name: function on(type: ‘enabledAccessibilityExtensionListChange’, callback: Callback<void>): void;
Added NA Class name: config;
Method or attribute name: function off(type: ‘enabledAccessibilityExtensionListChange’, callback?: Callback<void>): void;
Added NA Class name: config;
Method or attribute name: type DaltonizationColorFilter = ‘Normal’ |‘Protanomaly’ |‘Deuteranomaly’ |‘Tritanomaly’;
Added NA Class name: Config;
Method or attribute name: set(value: T): Promise<void>;
Added NA Class name: Config;
Method or attribute name: set(value: T, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Added NA Class name: Config;
Method or attribute name: get(): Promise<T>;
Added NA Class name: Config;
Method or attribute name: get(callback: AsyncCallback<T>): void;
Added NA Class name: Config;
Method or attribute name: on(callback: Callback<T>): void;
Added NA Class name: Config;
Method or attribute name: off(callback?: Callback<T>): void;
Added NA Class name: accessibility;
Method or attribute name: function getAccessibilityExtensionList(abilityType: AbilityType, stateType: AbilityState): Promise<Array<AccessibilityAbilityInfo>>;
Added NA Class name: accessibility;
Method or attribute name: function getAccessibilityExtensionList(abilityType: AbilityType, stateType: AbilityState, callback: AsyncCallback<Array<AccessibilityAbilityInfo>>): void;
Added NA Class name: accessibility;
Method or attribute name: function sendAccessibilityEvent(event: EventInfo, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Added NA Class name: accessibility;
Method or attribute name: function sendAccessibilityEvent(event: EventInfo): Promise<void>;
Added NA Class name: GesturePath;
Method or attribute name: constructor(durationTime: number);
Added NA Class name: GesturePath;
Method or attribute name: points: Array<GesturePoint>;
Added NA Class name: GesturePath;
Method or attribute name: durationTime: number;
Added NA Class name: GesturePoint;
Method or attribute name: constructor(positionX: number, positionY: number);
Added NA Class name: GesturePoint;
Method or attribute name: positionX: number;
Added NA Class name: GesturePoint;
Method or attribute name: positionY: number;
Added NA Class name: sourcefile;
Method or attribute name: type GestureType = ‘left’ |‘leftThenRight’ |‘leftThenUp’ |‘leftThenDown’ |
‘right’ |‘rightThenLeft’ |‘rightThenUp’ |‘rightThenDown’ |
‘up’ |‘upThenLeft’ |‘upThenRight’ |‘upThenDown’ |
‘down’ |‘downThenLeft’ |‘downThenRight’ |‘downThenUp’;
Added NA Class name: sourcefile;
Method or attribute name: type PageUpdateType = ‘pageContentUpdate’ |‘pageStateUpdate’;
Added NA Class name: sourcefile;
Method or attribute name: type TouchGuideType = ‘touchBegin’ |‘touchEnd’;
Added NA Class name: AccessibilityExtensionAbility;
Method or attribute name: context: AccessibilityExtensionContext;
Added NA Class name: AccessibilityExtensionAbility;
Method or attribute name: onConnect(): void;
Added NA Class name: AccessibilityExtensionAbility;
Method or attribute name: onDisconnect(): void;
Added NA Class name: AccessibilityExtensionAbility;
Method or attribute name: onAccessibilityEvent(event: AccessibilityEvent): void;
Added NA Class name: AccessibilityExtensionAbility;
Method or attribute name: onKeyEvent(keyEvent: KeyEvent): boolean;
Added NA Class name: AccessibilityEvent;
Method or attribute name: eventType: accessibility.EventType |accessibility.WindowUpdateType |
TouchGuideType |GestureType |PageUpdateType;
Added NA Class name: AccessibilityEvent;
Method or attribute name: target?: AccessibilityElement;
Added NA Class name: AccessibilityEvent;
Method or attribute name: timeStamp?: number;
Added NA Class name: sourcefile;
Method or attribute name: type ElementAttributeValues = {
* Indicates accessibility focus state.
‘accessibilityFocused’: boolean;

* Indicates the bundle name to which it belongs.
‘bundleName’: string;
* Indicates whether the element is checkable.
‘checkable’: boolean;

* Indicates whether the element is checked.
‘checked’: boolean;
* Indicates all child elements.
‘children’: Array<AccessibilityElement>;

* Indicates whether the element is clickable.
‘clickable’: boolean;
* Indicates the component ID to which the element belongs.
‘componentId’: number;

* Indicates the component type to which the element belongs.
‘componentType’: string;
* Indicates the content.
‘contents’: Array<string>;

* Indicates the index of the current item.
‘currentIndex’: number;
* Indicates the description of the element.
‘description’: string;

* Indicates whether the element is editable.
‘editable’: boolean;
* Indicates the list index of the last item displayed on the screen.
‘endIndex’: number;

* Indicates the string of error state.
‘error’: string;
* Indicates whether the element is focusable.
‘focusable’: boolean;

* Indicates the hint text.
‘hintText’: string;
* Indicates the type of input text.
‘inputType’: number;

* Indicates the inspector key.
‘inspectorKey’: string
* Indicates whether the element is active or not.
‘isActive’: boolean;

* Indicates whether the element is enable or not.
‘isEnable’: boolean;
* Indicates whether the element is hint state or not.
‘isHint’: boolean;

* Indicates whether the element is focused or not.
‘isFocused’: boolean;
* Indicates whether the element is password or not.
‘isPassword’: boolean;

* Indicates whether the element is visible or not.
‘isVisible’: boolean;
* Indicates the total count of the items.
‘itemCount’: number;

* Indicates the last content.
‘lastContent’: string;
* Indicates the display layer of the element.
‘layer’: number;

* Indicates whether the element is long clickable.
‘longClickable’: boolean;
* Indicates the page id.
‘pageId’: number;

* Indicates the parent of the element.
‘parent’: AccessibilityElement;
* Indicates whether the element supports multiple lines of text.
‘pluralLineSupported’: boolean;

* Indicates the area of the element.
‘rect’: Rect;
* Indicates the resource name of the element.
‘resourceName’: string;

* Indicates the root element of the window element.
‘rootElement’: AccessibilityElement;
* Indicates the display area of the element.
‘screenRect’: Rect;

* Indicates whether the element is scrollable.
‘scrollable’: boolean;
* Indicates whether the element is selected.
‘selected’: boolean;

* Indicates the list index of the first item displayed on the screen.
‘startIndex’: number;
* Indicates the text of the element.
‘text’: string;

* Indicates the maximum length limit of the element text.
‘textLengthLimit’: number;
* Indicates the unit of movement of the element text as it is read.
‘textMoveUnit’: accessibility.TextMoveUnit;

* Indicates the action that triggered the element event.
‘triggerAction’: accessibility.Action;
* Indicates the window type of the element.
‘type’: WindowType;

* Indicates the maximum value.
‘valueMax’: number;
* Indicates the minimum value.
‘valueMin’: number;

* Indicates the current value.
‘valueNow’: number;
* Indicates the window id.
‘windowId’: number;
Added NA Class name: sourcefile;
Method or attribute name: type FocusDirection = ‘up’ |‘down’ |‘left’ |‘right’ |‘forward’ |‘backward’;
Added NA Class name: sourcefile;
Method or attribute name: type FocusType = ‘accessibility’ |‘normal’;
Added NA Class name: sourcefile;
Method or attribute name: type WindowType = ‘application’ |‘system’;
Added NA Class name: AccessibilityExtensionContext;
Method or attribute name: setTargetBundleName(targetNames: Array<string>): Promise<void>;
Added NA Class name: AccessibilityExtensionContext;
Method or attribute name: setTargetBundleName(targetNames: Array<string>, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Added NA Class name: AccessibilityExtensionContext;
Method or attribute name: getFocusElement(isAccessibilityFocus?: boolean): Promise<AccessibilityElement>;
Added NA Class name: AccessibilityExtensionContext;
Method or attribute name: getFocusElement(callback: AsyncCallback<AccessibilityElement>): void;
Added NA Class name: AccessibilityExtensionContext;
Method or attribute name: getFocusElement(isAccessibilityFocus: boolean, callback: AsyncCallback<AccessibilityElement>): void;
Added NA Class name: AccessibilityExtensionContext;
Method or attribute name: getWindowRootElement(windowId?: number): Promise<AccessibilityElement>;
Added NA Class name: AccessibilityExtensionContext;
Method or attribute name: getWindowRootElement(callback: AsyncCallback<AccessibilityElement>): void;
Added NA Class name: AccessibilityExtensionContext;
Method or attribute name: getWindowRootElement(windowId: number, callback: AsyncCallback<AccessibilityElement>): void;
Added NA Class name: AccessibilityExtensionContext;
Method or attribute name: getWindows(displayId?: number): Promise<Array<AccessibilityElement>>;
Added NA Class name: AccessibilityExtensionContext;
Method or attribute name: getWindows(callback: AsyncCallback<Array<AccessibilityElement>>): void;
Added NA Class name: AccessibilityExtensionContext;
Method or attribute name: getWindows(displayId: number, callback: AsyncCallback<Array<AccessibilityElement>>): void;
Added NA Class name: AccessibilityExtensionContext;
Method or attribute name: injectGesture(gesturePath: GesturePath): Promise<void>;
Added NA Class name: AccessibilityExtensionContext;
Method or attribute name: injectGesture(gesturePath: GesturePath, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Added NA Class name: AccessibilityElement;
Method or attribute name: attributeNames<T extends keyof ElementAttributeValues>(): Promise<Array<T>>;
Added NA Class name: AccessibilityElement;
Method or attribute name: attributeNames<T extends keyof ElementAttributeValues>(callback: AsyncCallback<Array<T>>): void;
Added NA Class name: AccessibilityElement;
Method or attribute name: attributeValue<T extends keyof ElementAttributeValues>(attributeName: T): Promise<ElementAttributeValues[T]>;
Added NA Class name: AccessibilityElement;
Method or attribute name: attributeValue<T extends keyof ElementAttributeValues>(attributeName: T,
callback: AsyncCallback<ElementAttributeValues[T]>): void;
Added NA Class name: AccessibilityElement;
Method or attribute name: actionNames(): Promise<Array<string>>;
Added NA Class name: AccessibilityElement;
Method or attribute name: actionNames(callback: AsyncCallback<Array<string>>): void;
Added NA Class name: AccessibilityElement;
Method or attribute name: performAction(actionName: string, parameters?: object): Promise<void>;
Added NA Class name: AccessibilityElement;
Method or attribute name: performAction(actionName: string, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Added NA Class name: AccessibilityElement;
Method or attribute name: performAction(actionName: string, parameters: object, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Added NA Class name: AccessibilityElement;
Method or attribute name: findElement(type: ‘content’, condition: string): Promise<Array<AccessibilityElement>>;
Added NA Class name: AccessibilityElement;
Method or attribute name: findElement(type: ‘content’, condition: string, callback: AsyncCallback<Array<AccessibilityElement>>): void
Added NA Class name: AccessibilityElement;
Method or attribute name: findElement(type: ‘focusType’, condition: FocusType): Promise<AccessibilityElement>;
Added NA Class name: AccessibilityElement;
Method or attribute name: findElement(type: ‘focusType’, condition: FocusType, callback: AsyncCallback<AccessibilityElement>): void
Added NA Class name: AccessibilityElement;
Method or attribute name: findElement(type: ‘focusDirection’, condition: FocusDirection): Promise<AccessibilityElement>;
Added NA Class name: AccessibilityElement;
Method or attribute name: findElement(type: ‘focusDirection’, condition: FocusDirection, callback: AsyncCallback<AccessibilityElement>): void
Added NA Class name: Rect;
Method or attribute name: left: number;
Added NA Class name: Rect;
Method or attribute name: top: number;
Added NA Class name: Rect;
Method or attribute name: width: number;
Added NA Class name: Rect;
Method or attribute name: height: number;
Deprecated version changed Class name: accessibility;
Method or attribute name: function getAbilityLists(abilityType: AbilityType, stateType: AbilityState,

callback: AsyncCallback<Array<AccessibilityAbilityInfo>>): void;
Old version:
Class name: accessibility;
Method or attribute name: function getAbilityLists(abilityType: AbilityType, stateType: AbilityState,

callback: AsyncCallback<Array<AccessibilityAbilityInfo>>): void;
New version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.accessibility#getAccessibilityExtensionList
Deprecated version changed Class name: accessibility;
Method or attribute name: function getAbilityLists(abilityType: AbilityType,

stateType: AbilityState): Promise<Array<AccessibilityAbilityInfo>>;
Old version:
Class name: accessibility;
Method or attribute name: function getAbilityLists(abilityType: AbilityType,

stateType: AbilityState): Promise<Array<AccessibilityAbilityInfo>>;
New version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.accessibility#getAccessibilityExtensionList
Deprecated version changed Class name: accessibility;
Method or attribute name: function sendEvent(event: EventInfo, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
Old version:
Class name: accessibility;
Method or attribute name: function sendEvent(event: EventInfo, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
New version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.accessibility#sendAccessibilityEvent
Deprecated version changed Class name: accessibility;
Method or attribute name: function sendEvent(event: EventInfo): Promise<void>;
Old version:
Class name: accessibility;
Method or attribute name: function sendEvent(event: EventInfo): Promise<void>;
New version: 9
Substitute API: ohos.accessibility#sendAccessibilityEvent
Error code added Class name: accessibility;
Method or attribute name: function on(type: ‘accessibilityStateChange’, callback: Callback<boolean>): void;
Old version:
Class name: accessibility;
Method or attribute name: function on(type: ‘accessibilityStateChange’, callback: Callback<boolean>): void;
New version: 401
Error code added Class name: accessibility;
Method or attribute name: function on(type: ‘touchGuideStateChange’, callback: Callback<boolean>): void;
Old version:
Class name: accessibility;
Method or attribute name: function on(type: ‘touchGuideStateChange’, callback: Callback<boolean>): void;
New version: 401
Error code added Class name: accessibility;
Method or attribute name: function off(type: ‘accessibilityStateChange’, callback?: Callback<boolean>): void;
Old version:
Class name: accessibility;
Method or attribute name: function off(type: ‘accessibilityStateChange’, callback?: Callback<boolean>): void;
New version: 401
Error code added Class name: accessibility;
Method or attribute name: function off(type: ‘touchGuideStateChange’, callback?: Callback<boolean>): void;
Old version:
Class name: accessibility;
Method or attribute name: function off(type: ‘touchGuideStateChange’, callback?: Callback<boolean>): void;
New version: 401
Error code added Class name: CaptionsManager;
Method or attribute name: on(type: ‘enableChange’, callback: Callback<boolean>): void;
Old version:
Class name: CaptionsManager;
Method or attribute name: on(type: ‘enableChange’, callback: Callback<boolean>): void;
New version: 401
Error code added Class name: CaptionsManager;
Method or attribute name: on(type: ‘styleChange’, callback: Callback<CaptionsStyle>): void;
Old version:
Class name: CaptionsManager;
Method or attribute name: on(type: ‘styleChange’, callback: Callback<CaptionsStyle>): void;
New version: 401
Error code added Class name: CaptionsManager;
Method or attribute name: off(type: ‘enableChange’, callback?: Callback<boolean>): void;
Old version:
Class name: CaptionsManager;
Method or attribute name: off(type: ‘enableChange’, callback?: Callback<boolean>): void;
New version: 401
Error code added Class name: CaptionsManager;
Method or attribute name: off(type: ‘styleChange’, callback?: Callback<CaptionsStyle>): void;
Old version:
Class name: CaptionsManager;
Method or attribute name: off(type: ‘styleChange’, callback?: Callback<CaptionsStyle>): void;
New version: 401
Type changed Class name: accessibility;
Method or attribute name: type AbilityType = ‘audible’ |‘generic’ |‘haptic’ |‘spoken’ |‘visual’ |‘all’;
Old version:
Class name: accessibility;
Method or attribute name: type AbilityType = ‘audible’ |‘generic’ |‘haptic’ |‘spoken’ |‘visual’ |‘all’;
New version: ‘audible’ |‘generic’ |‘haptic’ |‘spoken’ |‘visual’ |‘all’
Function changed Class name: accessibility;
Method or attribute name: type AbilityType = ‘audible’ |‘generic’ |‘haptic’ |‘spoken’ |‘visual’;
Class name: accessibility;
Method or attribute name: type AbilityType = ‘audible’ |‘generic’ |‘haptic’ |‘spoken’ |‘visual’ |‘all’;


harmony 鸿蒙JS API Differences

harmony 鸿蒙js-apidiff-ability

harmony 鸿蒙js-apidiff-account

harmony 鸿蒙js-apidiff-application

harmony 鸿蒙js-apidiff-arkui

harmony 鸿蒙js-apidiff-battery

harmony 鸿蒙js-apidiff-bundle

harmony 鸿蒙js-apidiff-communication

harmony 鸿蒙js-apidiff-compiler-and-runtime

harmony 鸿蒙js-apidiff-customization

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