hadoop Server 源码

  • 2022-10-20
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haddop Server 代码


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.hadoop.ipc;

import static org.apache.hadoop.ipc.ProcessingDetails.Timing;
import static org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RpcConstants.AUTHORIZATION_FAILED_CALL_ID;
import static org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RpcConstants.CONNECTION_CONTEXT_CALL_ID;
import static org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RpcConstants.CURRENT_VERSION;
import static org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RpcConstants.HEADER_LEN_AFTER_HRPC_PART;
import static org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RpcConstants.PING_CALL_ID;

import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.DataOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException;
import java.net.BindException;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
import java.net.ServerSocket;
import java.net.Socket;
import java.net.SocketException;
import java.net.StandardSocketOptions;
import java.net.UnknownHostException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.CancelledKeyException;
import java.nio.channels.Channels;
import java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException;
import java.nio.channels.ReadableByteChannel;
import java.nio.channels.SelectionKey;
import java.nio.channels.Selector;
import java.nio.channels.ServerSocketChannel;
import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel;
import java.nio.channels.WritableByteChannel;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.security.PrivilegedExceptionAction;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Timer;
import java.util.TimerTask;
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.LongAdder;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;

import javax.security.sasl.Sasl;
import javax.security.sasl.SaslException;
import javax.security.sasl.SaslServer;

import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience.Private;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience.Public;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration.IntegerRanges;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.CommonConfigurationKeys;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.CommonConfigurationKeysPublic;
import org.apache.hadoop.ha.HealthCheckFailedException;
import org.apache.hadoop.io.IOUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.io.Writable;
import org.apache.hadoop.io.WritableUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.ipc.CallQueueManager.CallQueueOverflowException;
import org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RPC.RpcInvoker;
import org.apache.hadoop.ipc.RPC.VersionMismatch;
import org.apache.hadoop.ipc.metrics.RpcDetailedMetrics;
import org.apache.hadoop.ipc.metrics.RpcMetrics;
import org.apache.hadoop.ipc.protobuf.IpcConnectionContextProtos.IpcConnectionContextProto;
import org.apache.hadoop.ipc.protobuf.RpcHeaderProtos.RpcKindProto;
import org.apache.hadoop.ipc.protobuf.RpcHeaderProtos.RpcRequestHeaderProto;
import org.apache.hadoop.ipc.protobuf.RpcHeaderProtos.RpcResponseHeaderProto;
import org.apache.hadoop.ipc.protobuf.RpcHeaderProtos.RpcResponseHeaderProto.RpcErrorCodeProto;
import org.apache.hadoop.ipc.protobuf.RpcHeaderProtos.RpcResponseHeaderProto.RpcStatusProto;
import org.apache.hadoop.ipc.protobuf.RpcHeaderProtos.RpcSaslProto;
import org.apache.hadoop.ipc.protobuf.RpcHeaderProtos.RpcSaslProto.SaslAuth;
import org.apache.hadoop.ipc.protobuf.RpcHeaderProtos.RpcSaslProto.SaslState;
import org.apache.hadoop.ipc.protobuf.RpcHeaderProtos.RPCTraceInfoProto;
import org.apache.hadoop.net.NetUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.security.AccessControlException;
import org.apache.hadoop.security.SaslPropertiesResolver;
import org.apache.hadoop.security.SaslRpcServer;
import org.apache.hadoop.security.SaslRpcServer.AuthMethod;
import org.apache.hadoop.security.SecurityUtil;
import org.apache.hadoop.security.UserGroupInformation;
import org.apache.hadoop.security.UserGroupInformation.AuthenticationMethod;
import org.apache.hadoop.security.authorize.AuthorizationException;
import org.apache.hadoop.security.authorize.PolicyProvider;
import org.apache.hadoop.security.authorize.ProxyUsers;
import org.apache.hadoop.security.authorize.ServiceAuthorizationManager;
import org.apache.hadoop.security.token.SecretManager;
import org.apache.hadoop.security.token.SecretManager.InvalidToken;
import org.apache.hadoop.security.token.TokenIdentifier;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.ExitUtil;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.ProtoUtil;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils;
import org.apache.hadoop.util.Time;
import org.apache.hadoop.tracing.Span;
import org.apache.hadoop.tracing.SpanContext;
import org.apache.hadoop.tracing.TraceScope;
import org.apache.hadoop.tracing.Tracer;
import org.apache.hadoop.tracing.TraceUtils;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import org.apache.hadoop.classification.VisibleForTesting;

import org.apache.hadoop.thirdparty.com.google.common.util.concurrent.ThreadFactoryBuilder;
import org.apache.hadoop.thirdparty.protobuf.ByteString;
import org.apache.hadoop.thirdparty.protobuf.CodedOutputStream;
import org.apache.hadoop.thirdparty.protobuf.Message;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

/** An abstract IPC service.  IPC calls take a single {@link Writable} as a
 * parameter, and return a {@link Writable} as their value.  A service runs on
 * a port and is defined by a parameter class and a value class.
 * @see Client
public abstract class Server {
  private final boolean authorize;
  private List<AuthMethod> enabledAuthMethods;
  private RpcSaslProto negotiateResponse;
  private ExceptionsHandler exceptionsHandler = new ExceptionsHandler();
  private Tracer tracer;
  private AlignmentContext alignmentContext;
   * Logical name of the server used in metrics and monitor.
  private final String serverName;

   * Add exception classes for which server won't log stack traces.
   * @param exceptionClass exception classes
  public void addTerseExceptions(Class<?>... exceptionClass) {

   * Add exception classes which server won't log at all.
   * @param exceptionClass exception classes
  public void addSuppressedLoggingExceptions(Class<?>... exceptionClass) {

   * Set alignment context to pass state info thru RPC.
   * @param alignmentContext alignment state context
  public void setAlignmentContext(AlignmentContext alignmentContext) {
    this.alignmentContext = alignmentContext;

   * ExceptionsHandler manages Exception groups for special handling
   * e.g., terse exception group for concise logging messages
  static class ExceptionsHandler {

    private final Set<String> terseExceptions =
    private final Set<String> suppressedExceptions =

     * Add exception classes for which server won't log stack traces.
     * Optimized for infrequent invocation.
     * @param exceptionClass exception classes 
    void addTerseLoggingExceptions(Class<?>... exceptionClass) {

     * Add exception classes which server won't log at all.
     * Optimized for infrequent invocation.
     * @param exceptionClass exception classes
    void addSuppressedLoggingExceptions(Class<?>... exceptionClass) {

    boolean isTerseLog(Class<?> t) {
      return terseExceptions.contains(t.toString());

    boolean isSuppressedLog(Class<?> t) {
      return suppressedExceptions.contains(t.toString());


   * If the user accidentally sends an HTTP GET to an IPC port, we detect this
   * and send back a nicer response.
  private static final ByteBuffer HTTP_GET_BYTES = ByteBuffer.wrap(
      "GET ".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
   * An HTTP response to send back if we detect an HTTP request to our IPC
   * port.
  static final String RECEIVED_HTTP_REQ_RESPONSE =
    "HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\r\n" +
    "Content-type: text/plain\r\n\r\n" +
    "It looks like you are making an HTTP request to a Hadoop IPC port. " +
    "This is not the correct port for the web interface on this daemon.\r\n";

   * Initial and max size of response buffer
  static int INITIAL_RESP_BUF_SIZE = 10240;
  static class RpcKindMapValue {
    final Class<? extends Writable> rpcRequestWrapperClass;
    final RpcInvoker rpcInvoker;

    RpcKindMapValue (Class<? extends Writable> rpcRequestWrapperClass,
          RpcInvoker rpcInvoker) {
      this.rpcInvoker = rpcInvoker;
      this.rpcRequestWrapperClass = rpcRequestWrapperClass;
  static Map<RPC.RpcKind, RpcKindMapValue> rpcKindMap = new HashMap<>(4);

   * Register a RPC kind and the class to deserialize the rpc request.
   * Called by static initializers of rpcKind Engines
   * @param rpcKind - input rpcKind.
   * @param rpcRequestWrapperClass - this class is used to deserialze the
   *  the rpc request.
   * @param rpcInvoker - use to process the calls on SS.
  public static void registerProtocolEngine(RPC.RpcKind rpcKind, 
          Class<? extends Writable> rpcRequestWrapperClass,
          RpcInvoker rpcInvoker) {
    RpcKindMapValue  old = 
        rpcKindMap.put(rpcKind, new RpcKindMapValue(rpcRequestWrapperClass, rpcInvoker));
    if (old != null) {
      rpcKindMap.put(rpcKind, old);
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("ReRegistration of rpcKind: " +
    LOG.debug("rpcKind={}, rpcRequestWrapperClass={}, rpcInvoker={}.",
        rpcKind, rpcRequestWrapperClass, rpcInvoker);
  public Class<? extends Writable> getRpcRequestWrapper(
      RpcKindProto rpcKind) {
    if (rpcRequestClass != null)
       return rpcRequestClass;
    RpcKindMapValue val = rpcKindMap.get(ProtoUtil.convert(rpcKind));
    return (val == null) ? null : val.rpcRequestWrapperClass; 

  protected RpcInvoker getServerRpcInvoker(RPC.RpcKind rpcKind) {
    return getRpcInvoker(rpcKind);

  public static RpcInvoker  getRpcInvoker(RPC.RpcKind rpcKind) {
    RpcKindMapValue val = rpcKindMap.get(rpcKind);
    return (val == null) ? null : val.rpcInvoker; 

  public static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Server.class);
  public static final Logger AUDITLOG =
  private static final String AUTH_FAILED_FOR = "Auth failed for ";
  private static final String AUTH_SUCCESSFUL_FOR = "Auth successful for ";
  private static final ThreadLocal<Server> SERVER = new ThreadLocal<Server>();

  private static final Map<String, Class<?>> PROTOCOL_CACHE = 
    new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Class<?>>();
  static Class<?> getProtocolClass(String protocolName, Configuration conf) 
  throws ClassNotFoundException {
    Class<?> protocol = PROTOCOL_CACHE.get(protocolName);
    if (protocol == null) {
      protocol = conf.getClassByName(protocolName);
      PROTOCOL_CACHE.put(protocolName, protocol);
    return protocol;
  /** @return Returns the server instance called under or null.  May be called under
   * {@link #call(Writable, long)} implementations, and under {@link Writable}
   * methods of paramters and return values.  Permits applications to access
   * the server context.*/
  public static Server get() {
    return SERVER.get();
  /** This is set to Call object before Handler invokes an RPC and reset
   * after the call returns.
  private static final ThreadLocal<Call> CurCall = new ThreadLocal<Call>();
  /** @return Get the current call. */
  public static ThreadLocal<Call> getCurCall() {
    return CurCall;
   * Returns the currently active RPC call's sequential ID number.  A negative
   * call ID indicates an invalid value, such as if there is no currently active
   * RPC call.
   * @return int sequential ID number of currently active RPC call
  public static int getCallId() {
    Call call = CurCall.get();
    return call != null ? call.callId : RpcConstants.INVALID_CALL_ID;
   * @return The current active RPC call's retry count. -1 indicates the retry
   *         cache is not supported in the client side.
  public static int getCallRetryCount() {
    Call call = CurCall.get();
    return call != null ? call.retryCount : RpcConstants.INVALID_RETRY_COUNT;

   * @return Returns the remote side ip address when invoked inside an RPC
   *  Returns null in case of an error.
  public static InetAddress getRemoteIp() {
    Call call = CurCall.get();
    return (call != null) ? call.getHostInetAddress() : null;

   * @return Returns the remote side port when invoked inside an RPC
   * Returns 0 in case of an error.
  public static int getRemotePort() {
    Call call = CurCall.get();
    return (call != null) ? call.getRemotePort() : 0;

   * Returns the SASL qop for the current call, if the current call is
   * set, and the SASL negotiation is done. Otherwise return null
   * Note this only returns established QOP for auxiliary port, and
   * returns null for primary (non-auxiliary) port.
   * Also note that CurCall is thread local object. So in fact, different
   * handler threads will process different CurCall object.
   * Also, only return for RPC calls, not supported for other protocols.
   * @return the QOP of the current connection.
  public static String getAuxiliaryPortEstablishedQOP() {
    Call call = CurCall.get();
    if (!(call instanceof RpcCall)) {
      return null;
    RpcCall rpcCall = (RpcCall)call;
    if (rpcCall.connection.isOnAuxiliaryPort()) {
      return rpcCall.connection.getEstablishedQOP();
    } else {
      // Not sending back QOP for primary port
      return null;

   * @return Returns the clientId from the current RPC request.
  public static byte[] getClientId() {
    Call call = CurCall.get();
    return call != null ? call.clientId : RpcConstants.DUMMY_CLIENT_ID;

  /** @return Returns remote address as a string when invoked inside an RPC.
   *  Returns null in case of an error.
  public static String getRemoteAddress() {
    InetAddress addr = getRemoteIp();
    return (addr == null) ? null : addr.getHostAddress();

  /** Returns the RPC remote user when invoked inside an RPC.  Note this
   *  may be different than the current user if called within another doAs
   *  @return connection's UGI or null if not an RPC
  public static UserGroupInformation getRemoteUser() {
    Call call = CurCall.get();
    return (call != null) ? call.getRemoteUser() : null;

  public static String getProtocol() {
    Call call = CurCall.get();
    return (call != null) ? call.getProtocol() : null;

  /** @return Return true if the invocation was through an RPC.
  public static boolean isRpcInvocation() {
    return CurCall.get() != null;

   * @return Return the priority level assigned by call queue to an RPC
   * Returns 0 in case no priority is assigned.
  public static int getPriorityLevel() {
    Call call = CurCall.get();
    return call != null? call.getPriorityLevel() : 0;

  private String bindAddress;
  private int port;                               // port we listen on
  private int handlerCount;                       // number of handler threads
  private int readThreads;                        // number of read threads
  private int readerPendingConnectionQueue;         // number of connections to queue per read thread
  private Class<? extends Writable> rpcRequestClass;   // class used for deserializing the rpc request
  final protected RpcMetrics rpcMetrics;
  final protected RpcDetailedMetrics rpcDetailedMetrics;

  private Configuration conf;
  private String portRangeConfig = null;
  private SecretManager<TokenIdentifier> secretManager;
  private SaslPropertiesResolver saslPropsResolver;
  private ServiceAuthorizationManager serviceAuthorizationManager = new ServiceAuthorizationManager();

  private int maxQueueSize;
  private final int maxRespSize;
  private final ThreadLocal<ResponseBuffer> responseBuffer =
      new ThreadLocal<ResponseBuffer>(){
        protected ResponseBuffer initialValue() {
          return new ResponseBuffer(INITIAL_RESP_BUF_SIZE);
  private int socketSendBufferSize;
  private final int maxDataLength;
  private final boolean tcpNoDelay; // if T then disable Nagle's Algorithm

  volatile private boolean running = true;         // true while server runs
  private CallQueueManager<Call> callQueue;

  private long purgeIntervalNanos;

  // maintains the set of client connections and handles idle timeouts
  private ConnectionManager connectionManager;
  private Listener listener = null;
  // Auxiliary listeners maintained as in a map, to allow
  // arbitrary number of of auxiliary listeners. A map from
  // the port to the listener binding to it.
  private Map<Integer, Listener> auxiliaryListenerMap;
  private Responder responder = null;
  private Handler[] handlers = null;
  private final AtomicInteger numInProcessHandler = new AtomicInteger();
  private final LongAdder totalRequests = new LongAdder();
  private long lastSeenTotalRequests = 0;
  private long totalRequestsPerSecond = 0;
  private final long metricsUpdaterInterval;
  private final ScheduledExecutorService scheduledExecutorService;

  private boolean logSlowRPC = false;

   * Checks if LogSlowRPC is set true.
   * @return true, if LogSlowRPC is set true, false, otherwise.
  protected boolean isLogSlowRPC() {
    return logSlowRPC;

  public int getNumInProcessHandler() {
    return numInProcessHandler.get();

  public long getTotalRequests() {
    return totalRequests.sum();

  public long getTotalRequestsPerSecond() {
    return totalRequestsPerSecond;

   * Sets slow RPC flag.
   * @param logSlowRPCFlag input logSlowRPCFlag.
  protected void setLogSlowRPC(boolean logSlowRPCFlag) {
    this.logSlowRPC = logSlowRPCFlag;

  private void setPurgeIntervalNanos(int purgeInterval) {
    int tmpPurgeInterval = CommonConfigurationKeysPublic.
    if (purgeInterval > 0) {
      tmpPurgeInterval = purgeInterval;
    this.purgeIntervalNanos = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.convert(
            tmpPurgeInterval, TimeUnit.MINUTES);

  public long getPurgeIntervalNanos() {
    return this.purgeIntervalNanos;

   * Logs a Slow RPC Request.
   * @param methodName - RPC Request method name
   * @param details - Processing Detail.
   * if this request took too much time relative to other requests
   * we consider that as a slow RPC. 3 is a magic number that comes
   * from 3 sigma deviation. A very simple explanation can be found
   * by searching for 68-95-99.7 rule. We flag an RPC as slow RPC
   * if and only if it falls above 99.7% of requests. We start this logic
   * only once we have enough sample size.
  void logSlowRpcCalls(String methodName, Call call,
      ProcessingDetails details) {
    final int deviation = 3;

    // 1024 for minSampleSize just a guess -- not a number computed based on
    // sample size analysis. It is chosen with the hope that this
    // number is high enough to avoid spurious logging, yet useful
    // in practice.
    final int minSampleSize = 1024;
    final double threeSigma = rpcMetrics.getProcessingMean() +
        (rpcMetrics.getProcessingStdDev() * deviation);

    long processingTime =
            details.get(Timing.PROCESSING, rpcMetrics.getMetricsTimeUnit());
    if ((rpcMetrics.getProcessingSampleCount() > minSampleSize) &&
        (processingTime > threeSigma)) {
          "Slow RPC : {} took {} {} to process from client {},"
              + " the processing detail is {}",
          methodName, processingTime, rpcMetrics.getMetricsTimeUnit(), call,

  void updateMetrics(Call call, long startTime, boolean connDropped) {
    // delta = handler + processing + response
    long deltaNanos = Time.monotonicNowNanos() - startTime;
    long timestampNanos = call.timestampNanos;

    ProcessingDetails details = call.getProcessingDetails();
    // queue time is the delta between when the call first arrived and when it
    // began being serviced, minus the time it took to be put into the queue
        startTime - timestampNanos - details.get(Timing.ENQUEUE));
    deltaNanos -= details.get(Timing.PROCESSING);
    deltaNanos -= details.get(Timing.RESPONSE);
    details.set(Timing.HANDLER, deltaNanos);

    long queueTime = details.get(Timing.QUEUE, rpcMetrics.getMetricsTimeUnit());

    if (call.isResponseDeferred() || connDropped) {
      // call was skipped; don't include it in processing metrics

    long processingTime =
        details.get(Timing.PROCESSING, rpcMetrics.getMetricsTimeUnit());
    long waitTime =
        details.get(Timing.LOCKWAIT, rpcMetrics.getMetricsTimeUnit());
    // don't include lock wait for detailed metrics.
    processingTime -= waitTime;
    String name = call.getDetailedMetricsName();
    rpcDetailedMetrics.addProcessingTime(name, processingTime);
    callQueue.addResponseTime(name, call, details);
    if (isLogSlowRPC()) {
      logSlowRpcCalls(name, call, details);

  void updateDeferredMetrics(String name, long processingTime) {
    rpcDetailedMetrics.addDeferredProcessingTime(name, processingTime);

   * A convenience method to bind to a given address and report 
   * better exceptions if the address is not a valid host.
   * @param socket the socket to bind
   * @param address the address to bind to
   * @param backlog the number of connections allowed in the queue
   * @throws BindException if the address can't be bound
   * @throws UnknownHostException if the address isn't a valid host name
   * @throws IOException other random errors from bind
  public static void bind(ServerSocket socket, InetSocketAddress address, 
                          int backlog) throws IOException {
    bind(socket, address, backlog, null, null);

  public static void bind(ServerSocket socket, InetSocketAddress address, 
      int backlog, Configuration conf, String rangeConf) throws IOException {
    try {
      IntegerRanges range = null;
      if (rangeConf != null) {
        range = conf.getRange(rangeConf, "");
      if (range == null || range.isEmpty() || (address.getPort() != 0)) {
        socket.bind(address, backlog);
      } else {
        for (Integer port : range) {
          if (socket.isBound()) break;
          try {
            InetSocketAddress temp = new InetSocketAddress(address.getAddress(),
            socket.bind(temp, backlog);
          } catch(BindException e) {
        if (!socket.isBound()) {
          throw new BindException("Could not find a free port in "+range);
    } catch (SocketException e) {
      throw NetUtils.wrapException(null,
          address.getPort(), e);

  int getPriorityLevel(Schedulable e) {
    return callQueue.getPriorityLevel(e);

  int getPriorityLevel(UserGroupInformation ugi) {
    return callQueue.getPriorityLevel(ugi);

  void setPriorityLevel(UserGroupInformation ugi, int priority) {
    callQueue.setPriorityLevel(ugi, priority);

   * Returns a handle to the rpcMetrics (required in tests)
   * @return rpc metrics
  public RpcMetrics getRpcMetrics() {
    return rpcMetrics;

  public RpcDetailedMetrics getRpcDetailedMetrics() {
    return rpcDetailedMetrics;
  Iterable<? extends Thread> getHandlers() {
    return Arrays.asList(handlers);

  Connection[] getConnections() {
    return connectionManager.toArray();

   * Refresh the service authorization ACL for the service handled by this server.
   * @param conf input Configuration.
   * @param provider input PolicyProvider.
  public void refreshServiceAcl(Configuration conf, PolicyProvider provider) {
    serviceAuthorizationManager.refresh(conf, provider);

   * Refresh the service authorization ACL for the service handled by this server
   * using the specified Configuration.
   * @param conf input Configuration.
   * @param provider input provider.
  public void refreshServiceAclWithLoadedConfiguration(Configuration conf,
      PolicyProvider provider) {
    serviceAuthorizationManager.refreshWithLoadedConfiguration(conf, provider);
   * Returns a handle to the serviceAuthorizationManager (required in tests)
   * @return instance of ServiceAuthorizationManager for this server
  @InterfaceAudience.LimitedPrivate({"HDFS", "MapReduce"})
  public ServiceAuthorizationManager getServiceAuthorizationManager() {
    return serviceAuthorizationManager;

  private String getQueueClassPrefix() {
    return CommonConfigurationKeys.IPC_NAMESPACE + "." + port;

  static Class<? extends BlockingQueue<Call>> getQueueClass(
      String prefix, Configuration conf) {
    String name = prefix + "." + CommonConfigurationKeys.IPC_CALLQUEUE_IMPL_KEY;
    Class<?> queueClass = conf.getClass(name, LinkedBlockingQueue.class);
    return CallQueueManager.convertQueueClass(queueClass, Call.class);

   * Return class configured by property 'ipc.<port>.callqueue.impl' if it is
   * present. If the config is not present, default config (without port) is
   * used to derive class i.e 'ipc.callqueue.impl', and derived class is
   * returned if class value is present and valid. If default config is also
   * not present, default class {@link LinkedBlockingQueue} is returned.
   * @param namespace Namespace "ipc".
   * @param port Server's listener port.
   * @param conf Configuration properties.
   * @return Class returned based on configuration.
  static Class<? extends BlockingQueue<Call>> getQueueClass(
      String namespace, int port, Configuration conf) {
    String nameWithPort = namespace + "." + port + "."
        + CommonConfigurationKeys.IPC_CALLQUEUE_IMPL_KEY;
    String nameWithoutPort = namespace + "."
        + CommonConfigurationKeys.IPC_CALLQUEUE_IMPL_KEY;
    Class<?> queueClass = conf.getClass(nameWithPort, null);
    if(queueClass == null) {
      queueClass = conf.getClass(nameWithoutPort, LinkedBlockingQueue.class);
    return CallQueueManager.convertQueueClass(queueClass, Call.class);

  static Class<? extends RpcScheduler> getSchedulerClass(
      String prefix, Configuration conf) {
    String schedulerKeyname = prefix + "." + CommonConfigurationKeys
    Class<?> schedulerClass = conf.getClass(schedulerKeyname, null);
    // Patch the configuration for legacy fcq configuration that does not have
    // a separate scheduler setting
    if (schedulerClass == null) {
      String queueKeyName = prefix + "." + CommonConfigurationKeys
      Class<?> queueClass = conf.getClass(queueKeyName, null);
      if (queueClass != null) {
        if (queueClass.getCanonicalName().equals(
            FairCallQueue.class.getCanonicalName())) {
          conf.setClass(schedulerKeyname, DecayRpcScheduler.class,
    schedulerClass = conf.getClass(schedulerKeyname,

    return CallQueueManager.convertSchedulerClass(schedulerClass);

   * Return class configured by property 'ipc.<port>.scheduler.impl' if it is
   * present. If the config is not present, and if property
   * 'ipc.<port>.callqueue.impl' represents FairCallQueue class,
   * return DecayRpcScheduler. If config 'ipc.<port>.callqueue.impl'
   * does not have value FairCallQueue, default config (without port) is used
   * to derive class i.e 'ipc.scheduler.impl'. If default config is also not
   * present, default class {@link DefaultRpcScheduler} is returned.
   * @param namespace Namespace "ipc".
   * @param port Server's listener port.
   * @param conf Configuration properties.
   * @return Class returned based on configuration.
  static Class<? extends RpcScheduler> getSchedulerClass(
      String namespace, int port, Configuration conf) {
    String schedulerKeyNameWithPort = namespace + "." + port + "."
        + CommonConfigurationKeys.IPC_SCHEDULER_IMPL_KEY;
    String schedulerKeyNameWithoutPort = namespace + "."
        + CommonConfigurationKeys.IPC_SCHEDULER_IMPL_KEY;

    Class<?> schedulerClass = conf.getClass(schedulerKeyNameWithPort, null);
    // Patch the configuration for legacy fcq configuration that does not have
    // a separate scheduler setting
    if (schedulerClass == null) {
      String queueKeyNameWithPort = namespace + "." + port + "."
          + CommonConfigurationKeys.IPC_CALLQUEUE_IMPL_KEY;
      Class<?> queueClass = conf.getClass(queueKeyNameWithPort, null);
      if (queueClass != null) {
        if (queueClass.getCanonicalName().equals(
            FairCallQueue.class.getCanonicalName())) {
          conf.setClass(schedulerKeyNameWithPort, DecayRpcScheduler.class,

    schedulerClass = conf.getClass(schedulerKeyNameWithPort, null);
    if (schedulerClass == null) {
      schedulerClass = conf.getClass(schedulerKeyNameWithoutPort,
    return CallQueueManager.convertSchedulerClass(schedulerClass);

   * Refresh the call queue
  public synchronized void refreshCallQueue(Configuration conf) {
    // Create the next queue
    String prefix = getQueueClassPrefix();
    this.maxQueueSize = handlerCount * conf.getInt(
        getSchedulerClass(CommonConfigurationKeys.IPC_NAMESPACE, port, conf),
        getQueueClass(CommonConfigurationKeys.IPC_NAMESPACE, port, conf),
        maxQueueSize, prefix, conf);
        CommonConfigurationKeys.IPC_NAMESPACE, port, conf));

   * Get from config if client backoff is enabled on that port.
  static boolean getClientBackoffEnable(
      String prefix, Configuration conf) {
    String name = prefix + "." +
    return conf.getBoolean(name,

   * Return boolean value configured by property 'ipc.<port>.backoff.enable'
   * if it is present. If the config is not present, default config
   * (without port) is used to derive class i.e 'ipc.backoff.enable',
   * and derived value is returned if configured. Otherwise, default value
   * {@link CommonConfigurationKeys#IPC_BACKOFF_ENABLE_DEFAULT} is returned.
   * @param namespace Namespace "ipc".
   * @param port Server's listener port.
   * @param conf Configuration properties.
   * @return Value returned based on configuration.
  static boolean getClientBackoffEnable(
      String namespace, int port, Configuration conf) {
    String name = namespace + "." + port + "." +
    boolean valueWithPort = conf.getBoolean(name,
    if (valueWithPort != CommonConfigurationKeys.IPC_BACKOFF_ENABLE_DEFAULT) {
      return valueWithPort;
    return conf.getBoolean(namespace + "."
            + CommonConfigurationKeys.IPC_BACKOFF_ENABLE,

  /** A generic call queued for handling. */
  public static class Call implements Schedulable,
  PrivilegedExceptionAction<Void> {
    private final ProcessingDetails processingDetails =
        new ProcessingDetails(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS);
    // the method name to use in metrics
    private volatile String detailedMetricsName = "";
    final int callId;            // the client's call id
    final int retryCount;        // the retry count of the call
    private final long timestampNanos; // time the call was received
    long responseTimestampNanos; // time the call was served
    private AtomicInteger responseWaitCount = new AtomicInteger(1);
    final RPC.RpcKind rpcKind;
    final byte[] clientId;
    private final Span span; // the trace span on the server side
    private final CallerContext callerContext; // the call context
    private boolean deferredResponse = false;
    private int priorityLevel;
    // the priority level assigned by scheduler, 0 by default
    private long clientStateId;
    private boolean isCallCoordinated;
    // Serialized RouterFederatedStateProto message to
    // store last seen states for multiple namespaces.
    private ByteString federatedNamespaceState;

    Call() {
      this(RpcConstants.INVALID_CALL_ID, RpcConstants.INVALID_RETRY_COUNT,
        RPC.RpcKind.RPC_BUILTIN, RpcConstants.DUMMY_CLIENT_ID);

    Call(Call call) {
      this(call.callId, call.retryCount, call.rpcKind, call.clientId,
          call.span, call.callerContext);

    Call(int id, int retryCount, RPC.RpcKind kind, byte[] clientId) {
      this(id, retryCount, kind, clientId, null, null);

    @VisibleForTesting // primarily TestNamenodeRetryCache
    public Call(int id, int retryCount, Void ignore1, Void ignore2,
        RPC.RpcKind kind, byte[] clientId) {
      this(id, retryCount, kind, clientId, null, null);

    Call(int id, int retryCount, RPC.RpcKind kind, byte[] clientId,
        Span span, CallerContext callerContext) {
      this.callId = id;
      this.retryCount = retryCount;
      this.timestampNanos = Time.monotonicNowNanos();
      this.responseTimestampNanos = timestampNanos;
      this.rpcKind = kind;
      this.clientId = clientId;
      this.span = span;
      this.callerContext = callerContext;
      this.clientStateId = Long.MIN_VALUE;
      this.isCallCoordinated = false;

     * Indicates whether the call has been processed. Always true unless
     * overridden.
     * @return true
    boolean isOpen() {
      return true;

    String getDetailedMetricsName() {
      return detailedMetricsName;

    void setDetailedMetricsName(String name) {
      detailedMetricsName = name;

    public ProcessingDetails getProcessingDetails() {
      return processingDetails;

    public void setFederatedNamespaceState(ByteString federatedNamespaceState) {
      this.federatedNamespaceState = federatedNamespaceState;

    public ByteString getFederatedNamespaceState() {
      return this.federatedNamespaceState;

    public String toString() {
      return "Call#" + callId + " Retry#" + retryCount;

    public Void run() throws Exception {
      return null;
    // should eventually be abstract but need to avoid breaking tests
    public UserGroupInformation getRemoteUser() {
      return null;
    public InetAddress getHostInetAddress() {
      return null;
    public int getRemotePort() {
      return 0;
    public String getHostAddress() {
      InetAddress addr = getHostInetAddress();
      return (addr != null) ? addr.getHostAddress() : null;

    public String getProtocol() {
      return null;

     * Allow a IPC response to be postponed instead of sent immediately
     * after the handler returns from the proxy method.  The intended use
     * case is freeing up the handler thread when the response is known,
     * but an expensive pre-condition must be satisfied before it's sent
     * to the client.
    public final void postponeResponse() {
      int count = responseWaitCount.incrementAndGet();
      assert count > 0 : "response has already been sent";

    public final void sendResponse() throws IOException {
      int count = responseWaitCount.decrementAndGet();
      assert count >= 0 : "response has already been sent";
      if (count == 0) {

    public final void abortResponse(Throwable t) throws IOException {
      // don't send response if the call was already sent or aborted.
      if (responseWaitCount.getAndSet(-1) > 0) {

    void doResponse(Throwable t) throws IOException {
      doResponse(t, RpcStatusProto.FATAL);

    void doResponse(Throwable t, RpcStatusProto proto) throws IOException {}

    // For Schedulable
    public UserGroupInformation getUserGroupInformation() {
      return getRemoteUser();

    public int getPriorityLevel() {
      return this.priorityLevel;

    public void setPriorityLevel(int priorityLevel) {
      this.priorityLevel = priorityLevel;

    public long getClientStateId() {
      return this.clientStateId;

    public void setClientStateId(long stateId) {
      this.clientStateId = stateId;

    public void markCallCoordinated(boolean flag) {
      this.isCallCoordinated = flag;

    public boolean isCallCoordinated() {
      return this.isCallCoordinated;

    public void deferResponse() {
      this.deferredResponse = true;

    public boolean isResponseDeferred() {
      return this.deferredResponse;

    public void setDeferredResponse(Writable response) {

    public void setDeferredError(Throwable t) {

    public long getTimestampNanos() {
      return timestampNanos;

  /** A RPC extended call queued for handling. */
  private class RpcCall extends Call {
    final Connection connection;  // connection to client
    final Writable rpcRequest;    // Serialized Rpc request from client
    ByteBuffer rpcResponse;       // the response for this call

    private ResponseParams responseParams; // the response params
    private Writable rv;                   // the byte response

    RpcCall(RpcCall call) {
      this.connection = call.connection;
      this.rpcRequest = call.rpcRequest;
      this.rv = call.rv;
      this.responseParams = call.responseParams;

    RpcCall(Connection connection, int id) {
      this(connection, id, RpcConstants.INVALID_RETRY_COUNT);

    RpcCall(Connection connection, int id, int retryCount) {
      this(connection, id, retryCount, null,
          RPC.RpcKind.RPC_BUILTIN, RpcConstants.DUMMY_CLIENT_ID,
          null, null);

    RpcCall(Connection connection, int id, int retryCount,
        Writable param, RPC.RpcKind kind, byte[] clientId,
        Span span, CallerContext context) {
      super(id, retryCount, kind, clientId, span, context);
      this.connection = connection;
      this.rpcRequest = param;

    boolean isOpen() {
      return connection.channel.isOpen();

    void setResponseFields(Writable returnValue,
                           ResponseParams responseParams) {
      this.rv = returnValue;
      this.responseParams = responseParams;

    public String getProtocol() {
      return "rpc";

    public UserGroupInformation getRemoteUser() {
      return connection.user;

    public InetAddress getHostInetAddress() {
      return connection.getHostInetAddress();

    public int getRemotePort() {
      return connection.getRemotePort();

    public Void run() throws Exception {
      if (!connection.channel.isOpen()) {
        Server.LOG.info(Thread.currentThread().getName() + ": skipped " + this);
        return null;

      long startNanos = Time.monotonicNowNanos();
      Writable value = null;
      ResponseParams responseParams = new ResponseParams();

      try {
        value = call(
            rpcKind, connection.protocolName, rpcRequest, getTimestampNanos());
      } catch (Throwable e) {
        populateResponseParamsOnError(e, responseParams);
      if (!isResponseDeferred()) {
        long deltaNanos = Time.monotonicNowNanos() - startNanos;
        ProcessingDetails details = getProcessingDetails();

        details.set(Timing.PROCESSING, deltaNanos, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS);
        deltaNanos -= details.get(Timing.LOCKWAIT, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS);
        deltaNanos -= details.get(Timing.LOCKSHARED, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS);
        deltaNanos -= details.get(Timing.LOCKEXCLUSIVE, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS);
        details.set(Timing.LOCKFREE, deltaNanos, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS);
        startNanos = Time.monotonicNowNanos();

        setResponseFields(value, responseParams);

        deltaNanos = Time.monotonicNowNanos() - startNanos;
        details.set(Timing.RESPONSE, deltaNanos, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS);
      } else {
        LOG.debug("Deferring response for callId: {}", this.callId);
      return null;

     * @param t              the {@link java.lang.Throwable} to use to set
     *                       errorInfo
     * @param responseParams the {@link ResponseParams} instance to populate
    private void populateResponseParamsOnError(Throwable t,
                                               ResponseParams responseParams) {
      if (t instanceof UndeclaredThrowableException) {
        t = t.getCause();
      logException(Server.LOG, t, this);
      if (t instanceof RpcServerException) {
        RpcServerException rse = ((RpcServerException) t);
        responseParams.returnStatus = rse.getRpcStatusProto();
        responseParams.detailedErr = rse.getRpcErrorCodeProto();
      } else {
        responseParams.returnStatus = RpcStatusProto.ERROR;
        responseParams.detailedErr = RpcErrorCodeProto.ERROR_APPLICATION;
      responseParams.errorClass = t.getClass().getName();
      responseParams.error = StringUtils.stringifyException(t);
      // Remove redundant error class name from the beginning of the
      // stack trace
      String exceptionHdr = responseParams.errorClass + ": ";
      if (responseParams.error.startsWith(exceptionHdr)) {
        responseParams.error =

    void setResponse(ByteBuffer response) throws IOException {
      this.rpcResponse = response;

    void doResponse(Throwable t, RpcStatusProto status) throws IOException {
      RpcCall call = this;
      if (t != null) {
        if (status == null) {
          status = RpcStatusProto.FATAL;
        // clone the call to prevent a race with another thread stomping
        // on the response while being sent.  the original call is
        // effectively discarded since the wait count won't hit zero
        call = new RpcCall(this);
        setupResponse(call, status, RpcErrorCodeProto.ERROR_RPC_SERVER,
            null, t.getClass().getName(), StringUtils.stringifyException(t));
      } else {
        setupResponse(call, call.responseParams.returnStatus,
            call.responseParams.detailedErr, call.rv,

     * Send a deferred response, ignoring errors.
    private void sendDeferedResponse() {
      try {
      } catch (Exception e) {
        // For synchronous calls, application code is done once it's returned
        // from a method. It does not expect to receive an error.
        // This is equivalent to what happens in synchronous calls when the
        // Responder is not able to send out the response.
        LOG.error("Failed to send deferred response. ThreadName=" + Thread
            .currentThread().getName() + ", CallId="
            + callId + ", hostname=" + getHostAddress());

    public void setDeferredResponse(Writable response) {
      if (this.connection.getServer().running) {
        try {
          setupResponse(this, RpcStatusProto.SUCCESS, null, response,
              null, null);
        } catch (IOException e) {
          // For synchronous calls, application code is done once it has
          // returned from a method. It does not expect to receive an error.
          // This is equivalent to what happens in synchronous calls when the
          // response cannot be sent.
              "Failed to setup deferred successful response. ThreadName=" +
                  Thread.currentThread().getName() + ", Call=" + this);

    public void setDeferredError(Throwable t) {
      if (this.connection.getServer().running) {
        if (t == null) {
          t = new IOException(
              "User code indicated an error without an exception");
        try {
          ResponseParams responseParams = new ResponseParams();
          populateResponseParamsOnError(t, responseParams);
          setupResponse(this, responseParams.returnStatus,
              null, responseParams.errorClass, responseParams.error);
        } catch (IOException e) {
          // For synchronous calls, application code is done once it has
          // returned from a method. It does not expect to receive an error.
          // This is equivalent to what happens in synchronous calls when the
          // response cannot be sent.
              "Failed to setup deferred error response. ThreadName=" +
                  Thread.currentThread().getName() + ", Call=" + this);

     * Holds response parameters. Defaults set to work for successful
     * invocations
    private class ResponseParams {
      String errorClass = null;
      String error = null;
      RpcErrorCodeProto detailedErr = null;
      RpcStatusProto returnStatus = RpcStatusProto.SUCCESS;

    public String toString() {
      return super.toString() + " " + rpcRequest + " from " + connection;

  /** Listens on the socket. Creates jobs for the handler threads*/
  private class Listener extends Thread {
    private ServerSocketChannel acceptChannel = null; //the accept channel
    private Selector selector = null; //the selector that we use for the server
    private Reader[] readers = null;
    private int currentReader = 0;
    private InetSocketAddress address; //the address we bind at
    private int listenPort; //the port we bind at
    private int backlogLength = conf.getInt(
    private boolean reuseAddr = conf.getBoolean(
    private boolean isOnAuxiliaryPort;

    Listener(int port) throws IOException {
      address = new InetSocketAddress(bindAddress, port);
      // Create a new server socket and set to non blocking mode
      acceptChannel = ServerSocketChannel.open();
      acceptChannel.setOption(StandardSocketOptions.SO_REUSEADDR, reuseAddr);

      // Bind the server socket to the local host and port
      bind(acceptChannel.socket(), address, backlogLength, conf, portRangeConfig);
      //Could be an ephemeral port
      this.listenPort = acceptChannel.socket().getLocalPort();
      Thread.currentThread().setName("Listener at " +
          bindAddress + "/" + this.listenPort);
      // create a selector;
      selector= Selector.open();
      readers = new Reader[readThreads];
      for (int i = 0; i < readThreads; i++) {
        Reader reader = new Reader(
            "Socket Reader #" + (i + 1) + " for port " + port);
        readers[i] = reader;

      // Register accepts on the server socket with the selector.
      acceptChannel.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT);
      this.setName("IPC Server listener on " + port);
      this.isOnAuxiliaryPort = false;

    void setIsAuxiliary() {
      this.isOnAuxiliaryPort = true;
    private class Reader extends Thread {
      final private BlockingQueue<Connection> pendingConnections;
      private final Selector readSelector;

      Reader(String name) throws IOException {

        this.pendingConnections =
            new LinkedBlockingQueue<Connection>(readerPendingConnectionQueue);
        this.readSelector = Selector.open();
      public void run() {
        LOG.info("Starting " + Thread.currentThread().getName());
        try {
        } finally {
          try {
          } catch (IOException ioe) {
            LOG.error("Error closing read selector in " + Thread.currentThread().getName(), ioe);

      private synchronized void doRunLoop() {
        while (running) {
          SelectionKey key = null;
          try {
            // consume as many connections as currently queued to avoid
            // unbridled acceptance of connections that starves the select
            int size = pendingConnections.size();
            for (int i=size; i>0; i--) {
              Connection conn = pendingConnections.take();
              conn.channel.register(readSelector, SelectionKey.OP_READ, conn);

            Iterator<SelectionKey> iter = readSelector.selectedKeys().iterator();
            while (iter.hasNext()) {
              key = iter.next();
              try {
                if (key.isReadable()) {
              } catch (CancelledKeyException cke) {
                // something else closed the connection, ex. responder or
                // the listener doing an idle scan.  ignore it and let them
                // clean up.
                LOG.info(Thread.currentThread().getName() +
                    ": connection aborted from " + key.attachment());
              key = null;
          } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            if (running) {                      // unexpected -- log it
              LOG.info(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " unexpectedly interrupted", e);
          } catch (IOException ex) {
            LOG.error("Error in Reader", ex);
          } catch (Throwable re) {
            LOG.error("Bug in read selector!", re);
            ExitUtil.terminate(1, "Bug in read selector!");

       * Updating the readSelector while it's being used is not thread-safe,
       * so the connection must be queued.  The reader will drain the queue
       * and update its readSelector before performing the next select
      public void addConnection(Connection conn) throws InterruptedException {

      void shutdown() {
        assert !running;
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException ie) {

    public void run() {
      LOG.info(Thread.currentThread().getName() + ": starting");
      while (running) {
        SelectionKey key = null;
        try {
          Iterator<SelectionKey> iter = getSelector().selectedKeys().iterator();
          while (iter.hasNext()) {
            key = iter.next();
            try {
              if (key.isValid()) {
                if (key.isAcceptable())
            } catch (IOException e) {
            key = null;
        } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) {
          // we can run out of memory if we have too many threads
          // log the event and sleep for a minute and give 
          // some thread(s) a chance to finish
          LOG.warn("Out of Memory in server select", e);
          closeCurrentConnection(key, e);
          try { Thread.sleep(60000); } catch (Exception ie) {}
        } catch (Exception e) {
          closeCurrentConnection(key, e);
      LOG.info("Stopping " + Thread.currentThread().getName());

      synchronized (this) {
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) { }

        selector= null;
        acceptChannel= null;
        // close all connections

    private void closeCurrentConnection(SelectionKey key, Throwable e) {
      if (key != null) {
        Connection c = (Connection)key.attachment();
        if (c != null) {
          c = null;

    InetSocketAddress getAddress() {
      return (InetSocketAddress)acceptChannel.socket().getLocalSocketAddress();
    void doAccept(SelectionKey key) throws InterruptedException, IOException,  OutOfMemoryError {
      ServerSocketChannel server = (ServerSocketChannel) key.channel();
      SocketChannel channel;
      while ((channel = server.accept()) != null) {

        Reader reader = getReader();
        Connection c = connectionManager.register(channel,
            this.listenPort, this.isOnAuxiliaryPort);
        // If the connectionManager can't take it, close the connection.
        if (c == null) {
          if (channel.isOpen()) {
            IOUtils.cleanupWithLogger(LOG, channel);
        key.attach(c);  // so closeCurrentConnection can get the object

    void doRead(SelectionKey key) throws InterruptedException {
      int count;
      Connection c = (Connection)key.attachment();
      if (c == null) {
      try {
        count = c.readAndProcess();
      } catch (InterruptedException ieo) {
        LOG.info(Thread.currentThread().getName() + ": readAndProcess caught InterruptedException", ieo);
        throw ieo;
      } catch (Exception e) {
        // Any exceptions that reach here are fatal unexpected internal errors
        // that could not be sent to the client.
        LOG.info(Thread.currentThread().getName() +
            ": readAndProcess from client " + c +
            " threw exception [" + e + "]", e);
        count = -1; //so that the (count < 0) block is executed
      // setupResponse will signal the connection should be closed when a
      // fatal response is sent.
      if (count < 0 || c.shouldClose()) {
        c = null;
      else {

    synchronized void doStop() {
      if (selector != null) {
      if (acceptChannel != null) {
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
          LOG.info(Thread.currentThread().getName() + ":Exception in closing listener socket. " + e);
      for (Reader r : readers) {
    synchronized Selector getSelector() { return selector; }
    // The method that will return the next reader to work with
    // Simplistic implementation of round robin for now
    Reader getReader() {
      currentReader = (currentReader + 1) % readers.length;
      return readers[currentReader];

  // Sends responses of RPC back to clients.
  private class Responder extends Thread {
    private final Selector writeSelector;
    private int pending;         // connections waiting to register

    Responder() throws IOException {
      this.setName("IPC Server Responder");
      writeSelector = Selector.open(); // create a selector
      pending = 0;

    public void run() {
      LOG.info(Thread.currentThread().getName() + ": starting");
      try {
      } finally {
        LOG.info("Stopping " + Thread.currentThread().getName());
        try {
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
          LOG.error("Couldn't close write selector in " + Thread.currentThread().getName(), ioe);
    private void doRunLoop() {
      long lastPurgeTimeNanos = 0;   // last check for old calls.

      while (running) {
        try {
          waitPending();     // If a channel is being registered, wait.
          Iterator<SelectionKey> iter = writeSelector.selectedKeys().iterator();
          while (iter.hasNext()) {
            SelectionKey key = iter.next();
            try {
              if (key.isWritable()) {
            } catch (CancelledKeyException cke) {
              // something else closed the connection, ex. reader or the
              // listener doing an idle scan.  ignore it and let them clean
              // up
              RpcCall call = (RpcCall)key.attachment();
              if (call != null) {
                LOG.info(Thread.currentThread().getName() +
                    ": connection aborted from " + call.connection);
            } catch (IOException e) {
              LOG.info(Thread.currentThread().getName() + ": doAsyncWrite threw exception " + e);
          long nowNanos = Time.monotonicNowNanos();
          if (nowNanos < lastPurgeTimeNanos + purgeIntervalNanos) {
          lastPurgeTimeNanos = nowNanos;
          // If there were some calls that have not been sent out for a
          // long time, discard them.
          LOG.debug("Checking for old call responses.");
          ArrayList<RpcCall> calls;
          // get the list of channels from list of keys.
          synchronized (writeSelector.keys()) {
            calls = new ArrayList<RpcCall>(writeSelector.keys().size());
            iter = writeSelector.keys().iterator();
            while (iter.hasNext()) {
              SelectionKey key = iter.next();
              RpcCall call = (RpcCall)key.attachment();
              if (call != null && key.channel() == call.connection.channel) { 

          for (RpcCall call : calls) {
            doPurge(call, nowNanos);
        } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) {
          // we can run out of memory if we have too many threads
          // log the event and sleep for a minute and give
          // some thread(s) a chance to finish
          LOG.warn("Out of Memory in server select", e);
          try { Thread.sleep(60000); } catch (Exception ie) {}
        } catch (Exception e) {
          LOG.warn("Exception in Responder", e);

    private void doAsyncWrite(SelectionKey key) throws IOException {
      RpcCall call = (RpcCall)key.attachment();
      if (call == null) {
      if (key.channel() != call.connection.channel) {
        throw new IOException("doAsyncWrite: bad channel");

      synchronized(call.connection.responseQueue) {
        if (processResponse(call.connection.responseQueue, false)) {
          try {
          } catch (CancelledKeyException e) {
            /* The Listener/reader might have closed the socket.
             * We don't explicitly cancel the key, so not sure if this will
             * ever fire.
             * This warning could be removed.
            LOG.warn("Exception while changing ops : " + e);

    // Remove calls that have been pending in the responseQueue 
    // for a long time.
    private void doPurge(RpcCall call, long now) {
      LinkedList<RpcCall> responseQueue = call.connection.responseQueue;
      synchronized (responseQueue) {
        Iterator<RpcCall> iter = responseQueue.listIterator(0);
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
          call = iter.next();
          if (now > call.responseTimestampNanos + purgeIntervalNanos) {

    // Processes one response. Returns true if there are no more pending
    // data for this channel.
    private boolean processResponse(LinkedList<RpcCall> responseQueue,
                                    boolean inHandler) throws IOException {
      boolean error = true;
      boolean done = false;       // there is more data for this channel.
      int numElements = 0;
      RpcCall call = null;
      try {
        synchronized (responseQueue) {
          // If there are no items for this channel, then we are done
          numElements = responseQueue.size();
          if (numElements == 0) {
            error = false;
            return true;              // no more data for this channel.
          // Extract the first call
          call = responseQueue.removeFirst();
          SocketChannel channel = call.connection.channel;

          LOG.debug("{}: responding to {}.", Thread.currentThread().getName(), call);
          // Send as much data as we can in the non-blocking fashion
          int numBytes = channelWrite(channel, call.rpcResponse);
          if (numBytes < 0) {
            return true;
          if (!call.rpcResponse.hasRemaining()) {
            //Clear out the response buffer so it can be collected
            call.rpcResponse = null;
            if (numElements == 1) {    // last call fully processes.
              done = true;             // no more data for this channel.
            } else {
              done = false;            // more calls pending to be sent.
            LOG.debug("{}: responding to {} Wrote {} bytes.",
                Thread.currentThread().getName(), call, numBytes);
          } else {
            // If we were unable to write the entire response out, then 
            // insert in Selector queue. 
            if (inHandler) {
              // set the serve time when the response has to be sent later
              call.responseTimestampNanos = Time.monotonicNowNanos();
              try {
                // Wakeup the thread blocked on select, only then can the call 
                // to channel.register() complete.
                channel.register(writeSelector, SelectionKey.OP_WRITE, call);
              } catch (ClosedChannelException e) {
                //Its ok. channel might be closed else where.
                done = true;
              } finally {
            LOG.debug("{}: responding to {} Wrote partial {} bytes.",
                Thread.currentThread().getName(), call, numBytes);
          error = false;              // everything went off well
      } finally {
        if (error && call != null) {
          LOG.warn(Thread.currentThread().getName()+", call " + call + ": output error");
          done = true;               // error. no more data for this channel.
      return done;

    // Enqueue a response from the application.
    void doRespond(RpcCall call) throws IOException {
      synchronized (call.connection.responseQueue) {
        // must only wrap before adding to the responseQueue to prevent
        // postponed responses from being encrypted and sent out of order.
        if (call.connection.useWrap) {
        if (call.connection.responseQueue.size() == 1) {
          processResponse(call.connection.responseQueue, true);

    private synchronized void incPending() {   // call waiting to be enqueued.

    private synchronized void decPending() { // call done enqueueing.

    private synchronized void waitPending() throws InterruptedException {
      while (pending > 0) {

  public enum AuthProtocol {
    public final int callId;
    AuthProtocol(int callId) {
      this.callId = callId;
    static AuthProtocol valueOf(int callId) {
      for (AuthProtocol authType : AuthProtocol.values()) {
        if (authType.callId == callId) {
          return authType;
      return null;
   * Wrapper for RPC IOExceptions to be returned to the client.  Used to
   * let exceptions bubble up to top of processOneRpc where the correct
   * callId can be associated with the response.  Also used to prevent
   * unnecessary stack trace logging if it's not an internal server error. 
  private static class FatalRpcServerException extends RpcServerException {
    private final RpcErrorCodeProto errCode;
    public FatalRpcServerException(RpcErrorCodeProto errCode, IOException ioe) {
      super(ioe.toString(), ioe);
      this.errCode = errCode;
    public FatalRpcServerException(RpcErrorCodeProto errCode, String message) {
      this(errCode, new RpcServerException(message));
    public RpcStatusProto getRpcStatusProto() {
      return RpcStatusProto.FATAL;
    public RpcErrorCodeProto getRpcErrorCodeProto() {
      return errCode;
    public String toString() {
      return getCause().toString();

  /** Reads calls from a connection and queues them for handling. */
  public class Connection {
    private boolean connectionHeaderRead = false; // connection  header is read?
    private boolean connectionContextRead = false; //if connection context that
                                            //follows connection header is read

    private SocketChannel channel;
    private ByteBuffer data;
    private final ByteBuffer dataLengthBuffer;
    private LinkedList<RpcCall> responseQueue;
    // number of outstanding rpcs
    private AtomicInteger rpcCount = new AtomicInteger();
    private long lastContact;
    private int dataLength;
    private Socket socket;
    // Cache the remote host & port info so that even if the socket is 
    // disconnected, we can say where it used to connect to.
    private String hostAddress;
    private int remotePort;
    private InetAddress addr;
    IpcConnectionContextProto connectionContext;
    String protocolName;
    SaslServer saslServer;
    private String establishedQOP;
    private AuthMethod authMethod;
    private AuthProtocol authProtocol;
    private boolean saslContextEstablished;
    private ByteBuffer connectionHeaderBuf = null;
    private ByteBuffer unwrappedData;
    private ByteBuffer unwrappedDataLengthBuffer;
    private int serviceClass;
    private boolean shouldClose = false;
    private int ingressPort;
    private boolean isOnAuxiliaryPort;

    UserGroupInformation user = null;
    public UserGroupInformation attemptingUser = null; // user name before auth

    // Fake 'call' for failed authorization response
    private final RpcCall authFailedCall =
        new RpcCall(this, AUTHORIZATION_FAILED_CALL_ID);

    private boolean sentNegotiate = false;
    private boolean useWrap = false;
    public Connection(SocketChannel channel, long lastContact,
        int ingressPort, boolean isOnAuxiliaryPort) {
      this.channel = channel;
      this.lastContact = lastContact;
      this.data = null;
      // the buffer is initialized to read the "hrpc" and after that to read
      // the length of the Rpc-packet (i.e 4 bytes)
      this.dataLengthBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(4);
      this.unwrappedData = null;
      this.unwrappedDataLengthBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(4);
      this.socket = channel.socket();
      this.addr = socket.getInetAddress();
      this.ingressPort = ingressPort;
      this.isOnAuxiliaryPort = isOnAuxiliaryPort;
      if (addr == null) {
        this.hostAddress = "*Unknown*";
      } else {
        this.hostAddress = addr.getHostAddress();
      this.remotePort = socket.getPort();
      this.responseQueue = new LinkedList<RpcCall>();
      if (socketSendBufferSize != 0) {
        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
          LOG.warn("Connection: unable to set socket send buffer size to " +

    public String toString() {
      return getHostAddress() + ":" + remotePort; 

    boolean setShouldClose() {
      return shouldClose = true;

    boolean shouldClose() {
      return shouldClose;

    public String getHostAddress() {
      return hostAddress;

    public int getIngressPort() {
      return ingressPort;

    public int getRemotePort() {
      return remotePort;

    public InetAddress getHostInetAddress() {
      return addr;

    public String getEstablishedQOP() {
      return establishedQOP;

    public boolean isOnAuxiliaryPort() {
      return isOnAuxiliaryPort;

    public void setLastContact(long lastContact) {
      this.lastContact = lastContact;

    public long getLastContact() {
      return lastContact;

    public Server getServer() {
      return Server.this;

    /* Return true if the connection has no outstanding rpc */
    private boolean isIdle() {
      return rpcCount.get() == 0;
    /* Decrement the outstanding RPC count */
    private void decRpcCount() {
    /* Increment the outstanding RPC count */
    private void incRpcCount() {
    private UserGroupInformation getAuthorizedUgi(String authorizedId)
        throws InvalidToken, AccessControlException {
      if (authMethod == AuthMethod.TOKEN) {
        TokenIdentifier tokenId = SaslRpcServer.getIdentifier(authorizedId,
        UserGroupInformation ugi = tokenId.getUser();
        if (ugi == null) {
          throw new AccessControlException(
              "Can't retrieve username from tokenIdentifier.");
        return ugi;
      } else {
        return UserGroupInformation.createRemoteUser(authorizedId, authMethod);

    private void saslReadAndProcess(RpcWritable.Buffer buffer) throws
        RpcServerException, IOException, InterruptedException {
      final RpcSaslProto saslMessage =
          getMessage(RpcSaslProto.getDefaultInstance(), buffer);
      switch (saslMessage.getState()) {
        case WRAP: {
          if (!saslContextEstablished || !useWrap) {
            throw new FatalRpcServerException(
                new SaslException("Server is not wrapping data"));
          // loops over decoded data and calls processOneRpc

     * Some exceptions ({@link RetriableException} and {@link StandbyException})
     * that are wrapped as a cause of parameter e are unwrapped so that they can
     * be sent as the true cause to the client side. In case of
     * {@link InvalidToken} we go one level deeper to get the true cause.
     * @param e the exception that may have a cause we want to unwrap.
     * @return the true cause for some exceptions.
    private Throwable getTrueCause(IOException e) {
      Throwable cause = e;
      while (cause != null) {
        if (cause instanceof RetriableException) {
          return cause;
        } else if (cause instanceof StandbyException) {
          return cause;
        } else if (cause instanceof InvalidToken) {
          // FIXME: hadoop method signatures are restricting the SASL
          // callbacks to only returning InvalidToken, but some services
          // need to throw other exceptions (ex. NN + StandyException),
          // so for now we'll tunnel the real exceptions via an
          // InvalidToken's cause which normally is not set 
          if (cause.getCause() != null) {
            cause = cause.getCause();
          return cause;
        cause = cause.getCause();
      return e;
     * Process saslMessage and send saslResponse back
     * @param saslMessage received SASL message
     * @throws RpcServerException setup failed due to SASL negotiation
     *         failure, premature or invalid connection context, or other state 
     *         errors. This exception needs to be sent to the client. This 
     *         exception will wrap {@link RetriableException}, 
     *         {@link InvalidToken}, {@link StandbyException} or 
     *         {@link SaslException}.
     * @throws IOException if sending reply fails
     * @throws InterruptedException
    private void saslProcess(RpcSaslProto saslMessage)
        throws RpcServerException, IOException, InterruptedException {
      if (saslContextEstablished) {
        throw new FatalRpcServerException(
            new SaslException("Negotiation is already complete"));
      RpcSaslProto saslResponse = null;
      try {
        try {
          saslResponse = processSaslMessage(saslMessage);
        } catch (IOException e) {
          if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
          // attempting user could be null
          IOException tce = (IOException) getTrueCause(e);
          AUDITLOG.warn(AUTH_FAILED_FOR + this.toString() + ":"
              + attemptingUser + " (" + e.getLocalizedMessage()
              + ") with true cause: (" + tce.getLocalizedMessage() + ")");
          throw tce;
        if (saslServer != null && saslServer.isComplete()) {
          if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug("SASL server context established. Negotiated QoP is {}.",
          user = getAuthorizedUgi(saslServer.getAuthorizationID());
          LOG.debug("SASL server successfully authenticated client: {}.", user);
          AUDITLOG.info(AUTH_SUCCESSFUL_FOR + user + " from " + toString());
          saslContextEstablished = true;
      } catch (RpcServerException rse) { // don't re-wrap
        throw rse;
      } catch (IOException ioe) {
        throw new FatalRpcServerException(
            RpcErrorCodeProto.FATAL_UNAUTHORIZED, ioe);
      // send back response if any, may throw IOException
      if (saslResponse != null) {
      // do NOT enable wrapping until the last auth response is sent
      if (saslContextEstablished) {
        String qop = (String) saslServer.getNegotiatedProperty(Sasl.QOP);
        establishedQOP = qop;
        // SASL wrapping is only used if the connection has a QOP, and
        // the value is not auth.  ex. auth-int & auth-priv
        useWrap = (qop != null && !"auth".equalsIgnoreCase(qop));
        if (!useWrap) {
     * Process a saslMessge.
     * @param saslMessage received SASL message
     * @return the sasl response to send back to client
     * @throws SaslException if authentication or generating response fails, 
     *                       or SASL protocol mixup
     * @throws IOException if a SaslServer cannot be created
     * @throws AccessControlException if the requested authentication type 
     *         is not supported or trying to re-attempt negotiation.
     * @throws InterruptedException
    private RpcSaslProto processSaslMessage(RpcSaslProto saslMessage)
        throws SaslException, IOException, AccessControlException,
        InterruptedException {
      final RpcSaslProto saslResponse;
      final SaslState state = saslMessage.getState(); // required      
      switch (state) {
        case NEGOTIATE: {
          if (sentNegotiate) {
            // FIXME shouldn't this be SaslException?
            throw new AccessControlException(
                "Client already attempted negotiation");
          saslResponse = buildSaslNegotiateResponse();
          // simple-only server negotiate response is success which client
          // interprets as switch to simple
          if (saslResponse.getState() == SaslState.SUCCESS) {
        case INITIATE: {
          if (saslMessage.getAuthsCount() != 1) {
            throw new SaslException("Client mechanism is malformed");
          // verify the client requested an advertised authType
          SaslAuth clientSaslAuth = saslMessage.getAuths(0);
          if (!negotiateResponse.getAuthsList().contains(clientSaslAuth)) {
            if (sentNegotiate) {
              throw new AccessControlException(
                  clientSaslAuth.getMethod() + " authentication is not enabled."
                      + "  Available:" + enabledAuthMethods);
            saslResponse = buildSaslNegotiateResponse();
          authMethod = AuthMethod.valueOf(clientSaslAuth.getMethod());
          // abort SASL for SIMPLE auth, server has already ensured that
          // SIMPLE is a legit option above.  we will send no response
          if (authMethod == AuthMethod.SIMPLE) {
            saslResponse = null;
          // sasl server for tokens may already be instantiated
          if (saslServer == null || authMethod != AuthMethod.TOKEN) {
            saslServer = createSaslServer(authMethod);
          saslResponse = processSaslToken(saslMessage);
        case RESPONSE: {
          saslResponse = processSaslToken(saslMessage);
          throw new SaslException("Client sent unsupported state " + state);
      return saslResponse;

    private RpcSaslProto processSaslToken(RpcSaslProto saslMessage)
        throws SaslException {
      if (!saslMessage.hasToken()) {
        throw new SaslException("Client did not send a token");
      byte[] saslToken = saslMessage.getToken().toByteArray();
      LOG.debug("Have read input token of size {} for processing by saslServer.evaluateResponse()",
      saslToken = saslServer.evaluateResponse(saslToken);
      return buildSaslResponse(
          saslServer.isComplete() ? SaslState.SUCCESS : SaslState.CHALLENGE,

    private void switchToSimple() {
      // disable SASL and blank out any SASL server
      authProtocol = AuthProtocol.NONE;

    private RpcSaslProto buildSaslResponse(SaslState state, byte[] replyToken) {
      if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("Will send {} token of size {} from saslServer.", state,
            ((replyToken != null) ? replyToken.length : null));
      RpcSaslProto.Builder response = RpcSaslProto.newBuilder();
      if (replyToken != null) {
      return response.build();

    private void doSaslReply(Message message) throws IOException {
      final RpcCall saslCall = new RpcCall(this, AuthProtocol.SASL.callId);
          RpcStatusProto.SUCCESS, null,
          RpcWritable.wrap(message), null, null);

    private void doSaslReply(Exception ioe) throws IOException {
          RpcStatusProto.FATAL, RpcErrorCodeProto.FATAL_UNAUTHORIZED,
          null, ioe.getClass().getName(), ioe.getMessage());

    private void disposeSasl() {
      if (saslServer != null) {
        try {
        } catch (SaslException ignored) {
        } finally {
          saslServer = null;

    private void checkDataLength(int dataLength) throws IOException {
      if (dataLength < 0) {
        String error = "Unexpected data length " + dataLength +
                       "!! from " + getHostAddress();
        throw new IOException(error);
      } else if (dataLength > maxDataLength) {
        String error = "Requested data length " + dataLength +
              " is longer than maximum configured RPC length " + 
            maxDataLength + ".  RPC came from " + getHostAddress();
        throw new IOException(error);

     * This method reads in a non-blocking fashion from the channel: 
     * this method is called repeatedly when data is present in the channel; 
     * when it has enough data to process one rpc it processes that rpc.
     * On the first pass, it processes the connectionHeader, 
     * connectionContext (an outOfBand RPC) and at most one RPC request that 
     * follows that. On future passes it will process at most one RPC request.
     * Quirky things: dataLengthBuffer (4 bytes) is used to read "hrpc" OR 
     * rpc request length.
     * @return -1 in case of error, else num bytes read so far
     * @throws IOException - internal error that should not be returned to
     *         client, typically failure to respond to client
     * @throws InterruptedException - if the thread is interrupted.
    public int readAndProcess() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
      while (!shouldClose()) { // stop if a fatal response has been sent.
        // dataLengthBuffer is used to read "hrpc" or the rpc-packet length
        int count = -1;
        if (dataLengthBuffer.remaining() > 0) {
          count = channelRead(channel, dataLengthBuffer);       
          if (count < 0 || dataLengthBuffer.remaining() > 0) 
            return count;
        if (!connectionHeaderRead) {
          // Every connection is expected to send the header;
          // so far we read "hrpc" of the connection header.
          if (connectionHeaderBuf == null) {
            // for the bytes that follow "hrpc", in the connection header
            connectionHeaderBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(HEADER_LEN_AFTER_HRPC_PART);
          count = channelRead(channel, connectionHeaderBuf);
          if (count < 0 || connectionHeaderBuf.remaining() > 0) {
            return count;
          int version = connectionHeaderBuf.get(0);
          // TODO we should add handler for service class later
          // Check if it looks like the user is hitting an IPC port
          // with an HTTP GET - this is a common error, so we can
          // send back a simple string indicating as much.
          if (HTTP_GET_BYTES.equals(dataLengthBuffer)) {
            return -1;

          if(!RpcConstants.HEADER.equals(dataLengthBuffer)) {
            LOG.warn("Incorrect RPC Header length from {}:{} "
                + "expected length: {} got length: {}",
                hostAddress, remotePort, RpcConstants.HEADER, dataLengthBuffer);
            return -1;
          if (version != CURRENT_VERSION) {
            //Warning is ok since this is not supposed to happen.
            LOG.warn("Version mismatch from " +
                     hostAddress + ":" + remotePort +
                     " got version " + version + 
                     " expected version " + CURRENT_VERSION);
            return -1;
          // this may switch us into SIMPLE
          authProtocol = initializeAuthContext(connectionHeaderBuf.get(2));          
          dataLengthBuffer.clear(); // clear to next read rpc packet len
          connectionHeaderBuf = null;
          connectionHeaderRead = true;
          continue; // connection header read, now read  4 bytes rpc packet len
        if (data == null) { // just read 4 bytes -  length of RPC packet
          dataLength = dataLengthBuffer.getInt();
          // Set buffer for reading EXACTLY the RPC-packet length and no more.
          data = ByteBuffer.allocate(dataLength);
        // Now read the RPC packet
        count = channelRead(channel, data);
        if (data.remaining() == 0) {
          dataLengthBuffer.clear(); // to read length of future rpc packets
          ByteBuffer requestData = data;
          data = null; // null out in case processOneRpc throws.
          boolean isHeaderRead = connectionContextRead;
          // the last rpc-request we processed could have simply been the
          // connectionContext; if so continue to read the first RPC.
          if (!isHeaderRead) {
        return count;
      return -1;

    private AuthProtocol initializeAuthContext(int authType)
        throws IOException {
      AuthProtocol authProtocol = AuthProtocol.valueOf(authType);
      if (authProtocol == null) {
        IOException ioe = new IpcException("Unknown auth protocol:" + authType);
        throw ioe;        
      boolean isSimpleEnabled = enabledAuthMethods.contains(AuthMethod.SIMPLE);
      switch (authProtocol) {
        case NONE: {
          // don't reply if client is simple and server is insecure
          if (!isSimpleEnabled) {
            IOException ioe = new AccessControlException(
                "SIMPLE authentication is not enabled."
                    + "  Available:" + enabledAuthMethods);
            throw ioe;
        default: {
      return authProtocol;

     * Process the Sasl's Negotiate request, including the optimization of 
     * accelerating token negotiation.
     * @return the response to Negotiate request - the list of enabled 
     *         authMethods and challenge if the TOKENS are supported. 
     * @throws SaslException - if attempt to generate challenge fails.
     * @throws IOException - if it fails to create the SASL server for Tokens
    private RpcSaslProto buildSaslNegotiateResponse()
        throws InterruptedException, SaslException, IOException {
      RpcSaslProto negotiateMessage = negotiateResponse;
      // accelerate token negotiation by sending initial challenge
      // in the negotiation response
      if (enabledAuthMethods.contains(AuthMethod.TOKEN)) {
        saslServer = createSaslServer(AuthMethod.TOKEN);
        byte[] challenge = saslServer.evaluateResponse(new byte[0]);
        RpcSaslProto.Builder negotiateBuilder =
        negotiateBuilder.getAuthsBuilder(0)  // TOKEN is always first
        negotiateMessage = negotiateBuilder.build();
      sentNegotiate = true;
      return negotiateMessage;
    private SaslServer createSaslServer(AuthMethod authMethod)
        throws IOException, InterruptedException {
      final Map<String,?> saslProps =
                  saslPropsResolver.getServerProperties(addr, ingressPort);
      return new SaslRpcServer(authMethod).create(this, saslProps, secretManager);
     * Try to set up the response to indicate that the client version
     * is incompatible with the server. This can contain special-case
     * code to speak enough of past IPC protocols to pass back
     * an exception to the caller.
     * @param clientVersion the version the caller is using 
     * @throws IOException
    private void setupBadVersionResponse(int clientVersion) throws IOException {
      String errMsg = "Server IPC version " + CURRENT_VERSION +
      " cannot communicate with client version " + clientVersion;
      ByteArrayOutputStream buffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
      if (clientVersion >= 9) {
        // Versions >>9  understand the normal response
        RpcCall fakeCall = new RpcCall(this, -1);
            RpcStatusProto.FATAL, RpcErrorCodeProto.FATAL_VERSION_MISMATCH,
            null, VersionMismatch.class.getName(), errMsg);
      } else if (clientVersion >= 3) {
        RpcCall fakeCall = new RpcCall(this, -1);
        // Versions 3 to 8 use older response
        setupResponseOldVersionFatal(buffer, fakeCall,
            null, VersionMismatch.class.getName(), errMsg);

      } else if (clientVersion == 2) { // Hadoop 0.18.3
        RpcCall fakeCall = new RpcCall(this, 0);
        DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(buffer);
        out.writeInt(0); // call ID
        out.writeBoolean(true); // error
        WritableUtils.writeString(out, VersionMismatch.class.getName());
        WritableUtils.writeString(out, errMsg);
    private void setupHttpRequestOnIpcPortResponse() throws IOException {
      RpcCall fakeCall = new RpcCall(this, 0);

    /** Reads the connection context following the connection header
     * @throws RpcServerException - if the header cannot be
     *         deserialized, or the user is not authorized
    private void processConnectionContext(RpcWritable.Buffer buffer)
        throws RpcServerException {
      // allow only one connection context during a session
      if (connectionContextRead) {
        throw new FatalRpcServerException(
            "Connection context already processed");
      connectionContext = getMessage(IpcConnectionContextProto.getDefaultInstance(), buffer);
      protocolName = connectionContext.hasProtocol() ? connectionContext
          .getProtocol() : null;

      UserGroupInformation protocolUser = ProtoUtil.getUgi(connectionContext);
      if (authProtocol == AuthProtocol.NONE) {
        user = protocolUser;
      } else {
        // user is authenticated
        //Now we check if this is a proxy user case. If the protocol user is
        //different from the 'user', it is a proxy user scenario. However, 
        //this is not allowed if user authenticated with DIGEST.
        if ((protocolUser != null)
            && (!protocolUser.getUserName().equals(user.getUserName()))) {
          if (authMethod == AuthMethod.TOKEN) {
            // Not allowed to doAs if token authentication is used
            throw new FatalRpcServerException(
                new AccessControlException("Authenticated user (" + user
                    + ") doesn't match what the client claims to be ("
                    + protocolUser + ")"));
          } else {
            // Effective user can be different from authenticated user
            // for simple auth or kerberos auth
            // The user is the real user. Now we create a proxy user
            UserGroupInformation realUser = user;
            user = UserGroupInformation.createProxyUser(protocolUser
                .getUserName(), realUser);
      // don't set until after authz because connection isn't established
      connectionContextRead = true;
      if (user != null) {
     * Process a wrapped RPC Request - unwrap the SASL packet and process
     * each embedded RPC request 
     * @param inBuf - SASL wrapped request of one or more RPCs
     * @throws IOException - SASL packet cannot be unwrapped
     * @throws InterruptedException
    private void unwrapPacketAndProcessRpcs(byte[] inBuf)
        throws IOException, InterruptedException {
      LOG.debug("Have read input token of size {} for processing by saslServer.unwrap()",
      inBuf = saslServer.unwrap(inBuf, 0, inBuf.length);
      ReadableByteChannel ch = Channels.newChannel(new ByteArrayInputStream(
      // Read all RPCs contained in the inBuf, even partial ones
      while (!shouldClose()) { // stop if a fatal response has been sent.
        int count = -1;
        if (unwrappedDataLengthBuffer.remaining() > 0) {
          count = channelRead(ch, unwrappedDataLengthBuffer);
          if (count <= 0 || unwrappedDataLengthBuffer.remaining() > 0)

        if (unwrappedData == null) {
          int unwrappedDataLength = unwrappedDataLengthBuffer.getInt();
          unwrappedData = ByteBuffer.allocate(unwrappedDataLength);

        count = channelRead(ch, unwrappedData);
        if (count <= 0 || unwrappedData.remaining() > 0)

        if (unwrappedData.remaining() == 0) {
          ByteBuffer requestData = unwrappedData;
          unwrappedData = null; // null out in case processOneRpc throws.
     * Process one RPC Request from buffer read from socket stream 
     *  - decode rpc in a rpc-Call
     *  - handle out-of-band RPC requests such as the initial connectionContext
     *  - A successfully decoded RpcCall will be deposited in RPC-Q and
     *    its response will be sent later when the request is processed.
     * Prior to this call the connectionHeader ("hrpc...") has been handled and
     * if SASL then SASL has been established and the buf we are passed
     * has been unwrapped from SASL.
     * @param bb - contains the RPC request header and the rpc request
     * @throws IOException - internal error that should not be returned to
     *         client, typically failure to respond to client
     * @throws InterruptedException
    private void processOneRpc(ByteBuffer bb)
        throws IOException, InterruptedException {
      // exceptions that escape this method are fatal to the connection.
      // setupResponse will use the rpc status to determine if the connection
      // should be closed.
      int callId = -1;
      int retry = RpcConstants.INVALID_RETRY_COUNT;
      try {
        final RpcWritable.Buffer buffer = RpcWritable.Buffer.wrap(bb);
        final RpcRequestHeaderProto header =
            getMessage(RpcRequestHeaderProto.getDefaultInstance(), buffer);
        callId = header.getCallId();
        retry = header.getRetryCount();
        LOG.debug(" got #{}", callId);

        if (callId < 0) { // callIds typically used during connection setup
          processRpcOutOfBandRequest(header, buffer);
        } else if (!connectionContextRead) {
          throw new FatalRpcServerException(
              "Connection context not established");
        } else {
          processRpcRequest(header, buffer);
      } catch (RpcServerException rse) {
        // inform client of error, but do not rethrow else non-fatal
        // exceptions will close connection!
        LOG.debug("{}: processOneRpc from client {} threw exception [{}]",
            Thread.currentThread().getName(), this, rse);
        // use the wrapped exception if there is one.
        Throwable t = (rse.getCause() != null) ? rse.getCause() : rse;
        final RpcCall call = new RpcCall(this, callId, retry);
            rse.getRpcStatusProto(), rse.getRpcErrorCodeProto(), null,
            t.getClass().getName(), t.getMessage());

     * Verify RPC header is valid
     * @param header - RPC request header
     * @throws RpcServerException - header contains invalid values
    private void checkRpcHeaders(RpcRequestHeaderProto header)
        throws RpcServerException {
      if (!header.hasRpcOp()) {
        String err = " IPC Server: No rpc op in rpcRequestHeader";
        throw new FatalRpcServerException(
            RpcErrorCodeProto.FATAL_INVALID_RPC_HEADER, err);
      if (header.getRpcOp() != 
          RpcRequestHeaderProto.OperationProto.RPC_FINAL_PACKET) {
        String err = "IPC Server does not implement rpc header operation" + 
        throw new FatalRpcServerException(
            RpcErrorCodeProto.FATAL_INVALID_RPC_HEADER, err);
      // If we know the rpc kind, get its class so that we can deserialize
      // (Note it would make more sense to have the handler deserialize but 
      // we continue with this original design.
      if (!header.hasRpcKind()) {
        String err = " IPC Server: No rpc kind in rpcRequestHeader";
        throw new FatalRpcServerException(
            RpcErrorCodeProto.FATAL_INVALID_RPC_HEADER, err);

     * Process an RPC Request 
     *   - the connection headers and context must have been already read.
     *   - Based on the rpcKind, decode the rpcRequest.
     *   - A successfully decoded RpcCall will be deposited in RPC-Q and
     *     its response will be sent later when the request is processed.
     * @param header - RPC request header
     * @param buffer - stream to request payload
     * @throws RpcServerException - generally due to fatal rpc layer issues
     *   such as invalid header or deserialization error.  The call queue
     *   may also throw a fatal or non-fatal exception on overflow.
     * @throws IOException - fatal internal error that should/could not
     *   be sent to client.
     * @throws InterruptedException
    private void processRpcRequest(RpcRequestHeaderProto header,
        RpcWritable.Buffer buffer) throws RpcServerException,
        InterruptedException {
      Class<? extends Writable> rpcRequestClass = 
      if (rpcRequestClass == null) {
        LOG.warn("Unknown rpc kind "  + header.getRpcKind() + 
            " from client " + getHostAddress());
        final String err = "Unknown rpc kind in rpc header"  + 
        throw new FatalRpcServerException(
            RpcErrorCodeProto.FATAL_INVALID_RPC_HEADER, err);
      Writable rpcRequest;
      try { //Read the rpc request
        rpcRequest = buffer.newInstance(rpcRequestClass, conf);
      } catch (RpcServerException rse) { // lets tests inject failures.
        throw rse;
      } catch (Throwable t) { // includes runtime exception from newInstance
        LOG.warn("Unable to read call parameters for client " +
                 getHostAddress() + "on connection protocol " +
            this.protocolName + " for rpcKind " + header.getRpcKind(),  t);
        String err = "IPC server unable to read call parameters: "+ t.getMessage();
        throw new FatalRpcServerException(
            RpcErrorCodeProto.FATAL_DESERIALIZING_REQUEST, err);

      Span span = null;
      if (header.hasTraceInfo()) {
        RPCTraceInfoProto traceInfoProto = header.getTraceInfo();
        if (traceInfoProto.hasSpanContext()) {
          if (tracer == null) {
          if (tracer != null) {
            // If the incoming RPC included tracing info, always continue the
            // trace
            SpanContext spanCtx = TraceUtils.byteStringToSpanContext(
            if (spanCtx != null) {
              span = tracer.newSpan(
                  RpcClientUtil.toTraceName(rpcRequest.toString()), spanCtx);

      CallerContext callerContext = null;
      if (header.hasCallerContext()) {
        callerContext =
            new CallerContext.Builder(header.getCallerContext().getContext())

      RpcCall call = new RpcCall(this, header.getCallId(),
          header.getRetryCount(), rpcRequest,
          header.getClientId().toByteArray(), span, callerContext);

      // Save the priority level assignment by the scheduler
      if(alignmentContext != null && call.rpcRequest != null &&
          (call.rpcRequest instanceof ProtobufRpcEngine2.RpcProtobufRequest)) {
        // if call.rpcRequest is not RpcProtobufRequest, will skip the following
        // step and treat the call as uncoordinated. As currently only certain
        // ClientProtocol methods request made through RPC protobuf needs to be
        // coordinated.
        String methodName;
        String protoName;
        ProtobufRpcEngine2.RpcProtobufRequest req =
            (ProtobufRpcEngine2.RpcProtobufRequest) call.rpcRequest;
        try {
          methodName = req.getRequestHeader().getMethodName();
          protoName = req.getRequestHeader().getDeclaringClassProtocolName();
          if (alignmentContext.isCoordinatedCall(protoName, methodName)) {
            long stateId;
            stateId = alignmentContext.receiveRequestState(
                header, getMaxIdleTime());
            if (header.hasRouterFederatedState()) {
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
          throw new RpcServerException("Processing RPC request caught ", ioe);

      try {
      } catch (RpcServerException rse) {
        throw rse;
      } catch (IOException ioe) {
        throw new FatalRpcServerException(
            RpcErrorCodeProto.ERROR_RPC_SERVER, ioe);
      incRpcCount();  // Increment the rpc count

     * Establish RPC connection setup by negotiating SASL if required, then
     * reading and authorizing the connection header
     * @param header - RPC header
     * @param buffer - stream to request payload
     * @throws RpcServerException - setup failed due to SASL
     *         negotiation failure, premature or invalid connection context,
     *         or other state errors. This exception needs to be sent to the 
     *         client.
     * @throws IOException - failed to send a response back to the client
     * @throws InterruptedException
    private void processRpcOutOfBandRequest(RpcRequestHeaderProto header,
        RpcWritable.Buffer buffer) throws RpcServerException,
            IOException, InterruptedException {
      final int callId = header.getCallId();
      if (callId == CONNECTION_CONTEXT_CALL_ID) {
        // SASL must be established prior to connection context
        if (authProtocol == AuthProtocol.SASL && !saslContextEstablished) {
          throw new FatalRpcServerException(
              "Connection header sent during SASL negotiation");
        // read and authorize the user
      } else if (callId == AuthProtocol.SASL.callId) {
        // if client was switched to simple, ignore first SASL message
        if (authProtocol != AuthProtocol.SASL) {
          throw new FatalRpcServerException(
              "SASL protocol not requested by client");
      } else if (callId == PING_CALL_ID) {
        LOG.debug("Received ping message");
      } else {
        throw new FatalRpcServerException(
            "Unknown out of band call #" + callId);

     * Authorize proxy users to access this server
     * @throws RpcServerException - user is not allowed to proxy
    private void authorizeConnection() throws RpcServerException {
      try {
        // If auth method is TOKEN, the token was obtained by the
        // real user for the effective user, therefore not required to
        // authorize real user. doAs is allowed only for simple or kerberos
        // authentication
        if (user != null && user.getRealUser() != null
            && (authMethod != AuthMethod.TOKEN)) {
          ProxyUsers.authorize(user, this.getHostAddress());
        authorize(user, protocolName, getHostInetAddress());
        LOG.debug("Successfully authorized {}.", connectionContext);
      } catch (AuthorizationException ae) {
        LOG.info("Connection from " + this
            + " for protocol " + connectionContext.getProtocol()
            + " is unauthorized for user " + user);
        throw new FatalRpcServerException(
            RpcErrorCodeProto.FATAL_UNAUTHORIZED, ae);
     * Decode the a protobuf from the given input stream 
     * @return Message - decoded protobuf
     * @throws RpcServerException - deserialization failed
    <T extends Message> T getMessage(Message message,
        RpcWritable.Buffer buffer) throws RpcServerException {
      try {
        return (T)buffer.getValue(message);
      } catch (Exception ioe) {
        Class<?> protoClass = message.getClass();
        throw new FatalRpcServerException(
            "Error decoding " + protoClass.getSimpleName() + ": "+ ioe);

    // ipc reader threads should invoke this directly, whereas handlers
    // must invoke call.sendResponse to allow lifecycle management of
    // external, postponed, deferred calls, etc.
    private void sendResponse(RpcCall call) throws IOException {

     * Get service class for connection
     * @return the serviceClass
    public int getServiceClass() {
      return serviceClass;

     * Set service class for connection
     * @param serviceClass the serviceClass to set
    public void setServiceClass(int serviceClass) {
      this.serviceClass = serviceClass;

    private synchronized void close() {
      data = null;
      if (!channel.isOpen())
      try {socket.shutdownOutput();} catch(Exception e) {
        LOG.debug("Ignoring socket shutdown exception", e);
      if (channel.isOpen()) {
        IOUtils.cleanupWithLogger(LOG, channel);
      IOUtils.cleanupWithLogger(LOG, socket);

  public void queueCall(Call call) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    // external non-rpc calls don't need server exception wrapper.
    try {
    } catch (RpcServerException rse) {
      throw (IOException)rse.getCause();

  private void internalQueueCall(Call call)
      throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    internalQueueCall(call, true);

  private void internalQueueCall(Call call, boolean blocking)
      throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    try {
      // queue the call, may be blocked if blocking is true.
      if (blocking) {
      } else {
      long deltaNanos = Time.monotonicNowNanos() - call.timestampNanos;
      call.getProcessingDetails().set(Timing.ENQUEUE, deltaNanos,
    } catch (CallQueueOverflowException cqe) {
      // If rpc scheduler indicates back off based on performance degradation
      // such as response time or rpc queue is full, we will ask the client
      // to back off by throwing RetriableException. Whether the client will
      // honor RetriableException and retry depends the client and its policy.
      // For example, IPC clients using FailoverOnNetworkExceptionRetry handle
      // RetriableException.
      // unwrap retriable exception.
      throw cqe.getCause();

  /** Handles queued calls . */
  private class Handler extends Thread {
    public Handler(int instanceNumber) {
      this.setName("IPC Server handler "+ instanceNumber +
          " on default port " + port);

    public void run() {
      LOG.debug("{}: starting", Thread.currentThread().getName());
      while (running) {
        TraceScope traceScope = null;
        Call call = null;
        long startTimeNanos = 0;
        // True iff the connection for this call has been dropped.
        // Set to true by default and update to false later if the connection
        // can be succesfully read.
        boolean connDropped = true;

        try {
          call = callQueue.take(); // pop the queue; maybe blocked here
          startTimeNanos = Time.monotonicNowNanos();
          if (alignmentContext != null && call.isCallCoordinated() &&
              call.getClientStateId() > alignmentContext.getLastSeenStateId()) {
             * The call processing should be postponed until the client call's
             * state id is aligned (<=) with the server state id.

             * NOTE:
             * Inserting the call back to the queue can change the order of call
             * execution comparing to their original placement into the queue.
             * This is not a problem, because Hadoop RPC does not have any
             * constraints on ordering the incoming rpc requests.
             * In case of Observer, it handles only reads, which are
             * commutative.
            // Re-queue the call and continue
            call = null;
          LOG.debug("{}: {} for RpcKind {}.", Thread.currentThread().getName(), call, call.rpcKind);
          if (call.span != null) {
            traceScope = tracer.activateSpan(call.span);
          // always update the current call context
          UserGroupInformation remoteUser = call.getRemoteUser();
          connDropped = !call.isOpen();
          if (remoteUser != null) {
          } else {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
          if (running) {                          // unexpected -- log it
            LOG.info(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " unexpectedly interrupted", e);
            if (traceScope != null) {
              traceScope.addTimelineAnnotation("unexpectedly interrupted: " +
        } catch (Exception e) {
          LOG.info(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " caught an exception", e);
          if (traceScope != null) {
            traceScope.addTimelineAnnotation("Exception: " +
        } finally {
          IOUtils.cleanupWithLogger(LOG, traceScope);
          if (call != null) {
            updateMetrics(call, startTimeNanos, connDropped);
            ProcessingDetails.LOG.debug("Served: [{}]{} name={} user={} details={}",
                call, (call.isResponseDeferred() ? ", deferred" : ""),
                call.getDetailedMetricsName(), call.getRemoteUser(),
      LOG.debug("{}: exiting", Thread.currentThread().getName());

    private void requeueCall(Call call)
        throws IOException, InterruptedException {
      try {
        internalQueueCall(call, false);
      } catch (RpcServerException rse) {
        call.doResponse(rse.getCause(), rse.getRpcStatusProto());


  void logException(Logger logger, Throwable e, Call call) {
    if (exceptionsHandler.isSuppressedLog(e.getClass())) {
      return; // Log nothing.

    final String logMsg = Thread.currentThread().getName() + ", call " + call;
    if (exceptionsHandler.isTerseLog(e.getClass())) {
      // Don't log the whole stack trace. Way too noisy!
      logger.info(logMsg + ": " + e);
    } else if (e instanceof RuntimeException || e instanceof Error) {
      // These exception types indicate something is probably wrong
      // on the server side, as opposed to just a normal exceptional
      // result.
      logger.warn(logMsg, e);
    } else {
      logger.info(logMsg, e);
  protected Server(String bindAddress, int port,
                  Class<? extends Writable> paramClass, int handlerCount, 
                  Configuration conf)
    throws IOException 
    this(bindAddress, port, paramClass, handlerCount, -1, -1, conf, Integer
        .toString(port), null, null);
  protected Server(String bindAddress, int port,
      Class<? extends Writable> rpcRequestClass, int handlerCount,
      int numReaders, int queueSizePerHandler, Configuration conf,
      String serverName, SecretManager<? extends TokenIdentifier> secretManager)
    throws IOException {
    this(bindAddress, port, rpcRequestClass, handlerCount, numReaders, 
        queueSizePerHandler, conf, serverName, secretManager, null);
   * Constructs a server listening on the named port and address.  Parameters passed must
   * be of the named class.  The <code>handlerCount</code> determines
   * the number of handler threads that will be used to process calls.
   * If queueSizePerHandler or numReaders are not -1 they will be used instead of parameters
   * from configuration. Otherwise the configuration will be picked up.
   * If rpcRequestClass is null then the rpcRequestClass must have been 
   * registered via {@link #registerProtocolEngine(RPC.RpcKind,
   *  Class, RPC.RpcInvoker)}
   * This parameter has been retained for compatibility with existing tests
   * and usage.
   * @param bindAddress input bindAddress.
   * @param port input port.
   * @param rpcRequestClass input rpcRequestClass.
   * @param handlerCount input handlerCount.
   * @param numReaders input numReaders.
   * @param queueSizePerHandler input queueSizePerHandler.
   * @param conf input Configuration.
   * @param serverName input serverName.
   * @param secretManager input secretManager.
   * @param portRangeConfig input portRangeConfig.
   * @throws IOException raised on errors performing I/O.
  protected Server(String bindAddress, int port,
      Class<? extends Writable> rpcRequestClass, int handlerCount,
      int numReaders, int queueSizePerHandler, Configuration conf,
      String serverName, SecretManager<? extends TokenIdentifier> secretManager,
      String portRangeConfig)
    throws IOException {
    this.bindAddress = bindAddress;
    this.conf = conf;
    this.portRangeConfig = portRangeConfig;
    this.port = port;
    this.rpcRequestClass = rpcRequestClass; 
    this.handlerCount = handlerCount;
    this.socketSendBufferSize = 0;
    this.serverName = serverName;
    this.auxiliaryListenerMap = null;
    this.maxDataLength = conf.getInt(CommonConfigurationKeys.IPC_MAXIMUM_DATA_LENGTH,
    if (queueSizePerHandler != -1) {
      this.maxQueueSize = handlerCount * queueSizePerHandler;
    } else {
      this.maxQueueSize = handlerCount * conf.getInt(
    this.maxRespSize = conf.getInt(
    if (numReaders != -1) {
      this.readThreads = numReaders;
    } else {
      this.readThreads = conf.getInt(
    this.readerPendingConnectionQueue = conf.getInt(

    // Setup appropriate callqueue
    final String prefix = getQueueClassPrefix();
    this.callQueue = new CallQueueManager<>(
        getQueueClass(CommonConfigurationKeys.IPC_NAMESPACE, port, conf),
        getSchedulerClass(CommonConfigurationKeys.IPC_NAMESPACE, port, conf),
        getClientBackoffEnable(CommonConfigurationKeys.IPC_NAMESPACE, port, conf),
        maxQueueSize, prefix, conf);

    this.secretManager = (SecretManager<TokenIdentifier>) secretManager;
    this.authorize = 

    // configure supported authentications
    this.enabledAuthMethods = getAuthMethods(secretManager, conf);
    this.negotiateResponse = buildNegotiateResponse(enabledAuthMethods);
    // Start the listener here and let it bind to the port
    listener = new Listener(port);
    // set the server port to the default listener port.
    this.port = listener.getAddress().getPort();
    connectionManager = new ConnectionManager();
    this.rpcMetrics = RpcMetrics.create(this, conf);
    this.rpcDetailedMetrics = RpcDetailedMetrics.create(this.port);
    this.tcpNoDelay = conf.getBoolean(



    // Create the responder here
    responder = new Responder();
    if (secretManager != null || UserGroupInformation.isSecurityEnabled()) {
      saslPropsResolver = SaslPropertiesResolver.getInstance(conf);
    this.metricsUpdaterInterval =
    this.scheduledExecutorService = new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(1,
        new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setDaemon(true).setNameFormat("Hadoop-Metrics-Updater-%d")
    this.scheduledExecutorService.scheduleWithFixedDelay(new MetricsUpdateRunner(),
        metricsUpdaterInterval, metricsUpdaterInterval, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

  public synchronized void addAuxiliaryListener(int auxiliaryPort)
      throws IOException {
    if (auxiliaryListenerMap == null) {
      auxiliaryListenerMap = new HashMap<>();
    if (auxiliaryListenerMap.containsKey(auxiliaryPort) && auxiliaryPort != 0) {
      throw new IOException(
          "There is already a listener binding to: " + auxiliaryPort);
    Listener newListener = new Listener(auxiliaryPort);

    // in the case of port = 0, the listener would be on a != 0 port.
    LOG.info("Adding a server listener on port " +
    auxiliaryListenerMap.put(newListener.getAddress().getPort(), newListener);

  private RpcSaslProto buildNegotiateResponse(List<AuthMethod> authMethods)
      throws IOException {
    RpcSaslProto.Builder negotiateBuilder = RpcSaslProto.newBuilder();
    if (authMethods.contains(AuthMethod.SIMPLE) && authMethods.size() == 1) {
      // SIMPLE-only servers return success in response to negotiate
    } else {
      for (AuthMethod authMethod : authMethods) {
        SaslRpcServer saslRpcServer = new SaslRpcServer(authMethod);      
        SaslAuth.Builder builder = negotiateBuilder.addAuthsBuilder()
        if (saslRpcServer.protocol != null) {
        if (saslRpcServer.serverId != null) {
    return negotiateBuilder.build();

  // get the security type from the conf. implicitly include token support
  // if a secret manager is provided, or fail if token is the conf value but
  // there is no secret manager
  private List<AuthMethod> getAuthMethods(SecretManager<?> secretManager,
                                             Configuration conf) {
    AuthenticationMethod confAuthenticationMethod =
    List<AuthMethod> authMethods = new ArrayList<AuthMethod>();
    if (confAuthenticationMethod == AuthenticationMethod.TOKEN) {
      if (secretManager == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(AuthenticationMethod.TOKEN +
            " authentication requires a secret manager");
    } else if (secretManager != null) {
      LOG.debug("{} authentication enabled for secret manager", AuthenticationMethod.TOKEN);
      // most preferred, go to the front of the line!
    LOG.debug("Server accepts auth methods:{}", authMethods);
    return authMethods;
  private void closeConnection(Connection connection) {

   * Setup response for the IPC Call.
   * @param call {@link Call} to which we are setting up the response
   * @param status of the IPC call
   * @param rv return value for the IPC Call, if the call was successful
   * @param errorClass error class, if the the call failed
   * @param error error message, if the call failed
   * @throws IOException
  private void setupResponse(
      RpcCall call, RpcStatusProto status, RpcErrorCodeProto erCode,
      Writable rv, String errorClass, String error)
          throws IOException {
    // fatal responses will cause the reader to close the connection.
    if (status == RpcStatusProto.FATAL) {
    RpcResponseHeaderProto.Builder headerBuilder =
    if (alignmentContext != null) {

    if (status == RpcStatusProto.SUCCESS) {
      RpcResponseHeaderProto header = headerBuilder.build();
      try {
        setupResponse(call, header, rv);
      } catch (Throwable t) {
        LOG.warn("Error serializing call response for call " + call, t);
        // Call back to same function - this is OK since the
        // buffer is reset at the top, and since status is changed
        // to ERROR it won't infinite loop.
        setupResponse(call, RpcStatusProto.ERROR,
            null, t.getClass().getName(),
    } else { // Rpc Failure
      setupResponse(call, headerBuilder.build(), null);

  private void setupResponse(RpcCall call,
      RpcResponseHeaderProto header, Writable rv) throws IOException {
    final byte[] response;
    if (rv == null || (rv instanceof RpcWritable.ProtobufWrapper)) {
      response = setupResponseForProtobuf(header, rv);
    } else {
      response = setupResponseForWritable(header, rv);
    if (response.length > maxRespSize) {
      LOG.warn("Large response size " + response.length + " for call "
          + call.toString());

  private byte[] setupResponseForWritable(
      RpcResponseHeaderProto header, Writable rv) throws IOException {
    ResponseBuffer buf = responseBuffer.get().reset();
    try {
      if (rv != null) {
      return buf.toByteArray();
    } finally {
      // Discard a large buf and reset it back to smaller size
      // to free up heap.
      if (buf.capacity() > maxRespSize) {

  // writing to a pre-allocated array is the most efficient way to construct
  // a protobuf response.
  private byte[] setupResponseForProtobuf(
      RpcResponseHeaderProto header, Writable rv) throws IOException {
    Message payload = (rv != null)
        ? ((RpcWritable.ProtobufWrapper)rv).getMessage() : null;
    int length = getDelimitedLength(header);
    if (payload != null) {
      length += getDelimitedLength(payload);
    byte[] buf = new byte[length + 4];
    CodedOutputStream cos = CodedOutputStream.newInstance(buf);
    // the stream only supports little endian ints
    cos.writeRawByte((byte)((length >>> 24) & 0xFF));
    cos.writeRawByte((byte)((length >>> 16) & 0xFF));
    cos.writeRawByte((byte)((length >>>  8) & 0xFF));
    cos.writeRawByte((byte)((length >>>  0) & 0xFF));
    if (payload != null) {
    return buf;

  private static int getDelimitedLength(Message message) {
    int length = message.getSerializedSize();
    return length + CodedOutputStream.computeUInt32SizeNoTag(length);

   * Setup response for the IPC Call on Fatal Error from a 
   * client that is using old version of Hadoop.
   * The response is serialized using the previous protocol's response
   * layout.
   * @param response buffer to serialize the response into
   * @param call {@link Call} to which we are setting up the response
   * @param rv return value for the IPC Call, if the call was successful
   * @param errorClass error class, if the the call failed
   * @param error error message, if the call failed
   * @throws IOException
  private void setupResponseOldVersionFatal(ByteArrayOutputStream response, 
                             RpcCall call,
                             Writable rv, String errorClass, String error) 
  throws IOException {
    final int OLD_VERSION_FATAL_STATUS = -1;
    DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(response);
    out.writeInt(call.callId);                // write call id
    out.writeInt(OLD_VERSION_FATAL_STATUS);   // write FATAL_STATUS
    WritableUtils.writeString(out, errorClass);
    WritableUtils.writeString(out, error);

  private void wrapWithSasl(RpcCall call) throws IOException {
    if (call.connection.saslServer != null) {
      byte[] token = call.rpcResponse.array();
      // synchronization may be needed since there can be multiple Handler
      // threads using saslServer to wrap responses.
      synchronized (call.connection.saslServer) {
        token = call.connection.saslServer.wrap(token, 0, token.length);
      LOG.debug("Adding saslServer wrapped token of size {} as call response.", token.length);
      // rebuild with sasl header and payload
      RpcResponseHeaderProto saslHeader = RpcResponseHeaderProto.newBuilder()
      RpcSaslProto saslMessage = RpcSaslProto.newBuilder()
      setupResponse(call, saslHeader, RpcWritable.wrap(saslMessage));
  Configuration getConf() {
    return conf;
   * Sets the socket buffer size used for responding to RPCs.
   * @param size input size.
  public void setSocketSendBufSize(int size) { this.socketSendBufferSize = size; }

  public void setTracer(Tracer t) {
    this.tracer = t;

  /** Starts the service.  Must be called before any calls will be handled. */
  public synchronized void start() {
    if (auxiliaryListenerMap != null && auxiliaryListenerMap.size() > 0) {
      for (Listener newListener : auxiliaryListenerMap.values()) {

    handlers = new Handler[handlerCount];
    for (int i = 0; i < handlerCount; i++) {
      handlers[i] = new Handler(i);

  /** Stops the service.  No new calls will be handled after this is called. */
  public synchronized void stop() {
    LOG.info("Stopping server on " + port);
    running = false;
    if (handlers != null) {
      for (int i = 0; i < handlerCount; i++) {
        if (handlers[i] != null) {
    if (auxiliaryListenerMap != null && auxiliaryListenerMap.size() > 0) {
      for (Listener newListener : auxiliaryListenerMap.values()) {

  private void shutdownMetricsUpdaterExecutor() {
    try {
      boolean isExecutorShutdown =
          this.scheduledExecutorService.awaitTermination(3, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
      if (!isExecutorShutdown) {
        LOG.info("Hadoop Metrics Updater executor could not be shutdown.");
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
      LOG.info("Hadoop Metrics Updater executor shutdown interrupted.", e);

   * Wait for the server to be stopped.
   * Does not wait for all subthreads to finish.
   *  See {@link #stop()}.
   * @throws InterruptedException if the thread is interrupted.
  public synchronized void join() throws InterruptedException {
    while (running) {

   * Return the socket (ip+port) on which the RPC server is listening to.
   * @return the socket (ip+port) on which the RPC server is listening to.
  public synchronized InetSocketAddress getListenerAddress() {
    return listener.getAddress();

   * Return the set of all the configured auxiliary socket addresses NameNode
   * RPC is listening on. If there are none, or it is not configured at all, an
   * empty set is returned.
   * @return the set of all the auxiliary addresses on which the
   *         RPC server is listening on.
  public synchronized Set<InetSocketAddress> getAuxiliaryListenerAddresses() {
    Set<InetSocketAddress> allAddrs = new HashSet<>();
    if (auxiliaryListenerMap != null && auxiliaryListenerMap.size() > 0) {
      for (Listener auxListener : auxiliaryListenerMap.values()) {
    return allAddrs;
   * Called for each call. 
   * @deprecated Use  {@link #call(RPC.RpcKind, String,
   *  Writable, long)} instead
   * @param param input param.
   * @param receiveTime input receiveTime.
   * @throws Exception if any error occurs.
   * @return Call
  public Writable call(Writable param, long receiveTime) throws Exception {
    return call(RPC.RpcKind.RPC_BUILTIN, null, param, receiveTime);
   * Called for each call.
   * @param rpcKind input rpcKind.
   * @param protocol input protocol.
   * @param param input param.
   * @param receiveTime input receiveTime.
   * @return Call.
   * @throws Exception raised on errors performing I/O.
  public abstract Writable call(RPC.RpcKind rpcKind, String protocol,
      Writable param, long receiveTime) throws Exception;
   * Authorize the incoming client connection.
   * @param user client user
   * @param protocolName - the protocol
   * @param addr InetAddress of incoming connection
   * @throws AuthorizationException when the client isn't authorized to talk the protocol
  private void authorize(UserGroupInformation user, String protocolName,
      InetAddress addr) throws AuthorizationException {
    if (authorize) {
      if (protocolName == null) {
        throw new AuthorizationException("Null protocol not authorized");
      Class<?> protocol = null;
      try {
        protocol = getProtocolClass(protocolName, getConf());
      } catch (ClassNotFoundException cfne) {
        throw new AuthorizationException("Unknown protocol: " + 
      serviceAuthorizationManager.authorize(user, protocol, getConf(), addr);
   * Get the port on which the IPC Server is listening for incoming connections.
   * This could be an ephemeral port too, in which case we return the real
   * port on which the Server has bound.
   * @return port on which IPC Server is listening
  public int getPort() {
    return port;
   * The number of open RPC conections
   * @return the number of open rpc connections
  public int getNumOpenConnections() {
    return connectionManager.size();

   * @return Get the NumOpenConnections/User.
  public String getNumOpenConnectionsPerUser() {
    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    try {
      return mapper
    } catch (IOException ignored) {
    return null;

   * The number of RPC connections dropped due to
   * too many connections.
   * @return the number of dropped rpc connections
  public long getNumDroppedConnections() {
    return connectionManager.getDroppedConnections();


   * The number of rpc calls in the queue.
   * @return The number of rpc calls in the queue.
  public int getCallQueueLen() {
    return callQueue.size();

  public boolean isClientBackoffEnabled() {
    return callQueue.isClientBackoffEnabled();

  public void setClientBackoffEnabled(boolean value) {

   * The maximum size of the rpc call queue of this server.
   * @return The maximum size of the rpc call queue.
  public int getMaxQueueSize() {
    return maxQueueSize;

   * The number of reader threads for this server.
   * @return The number of reader threads.
  public int getNumReaders() {
    return readThreads;

   * When the read or write buffer size is larger than this limit, i/o will be 
   * done in chunks of this size. Most RPC requests and responses would be
   * be smaller.
  private static int NIO_BUFFER_LIMIT = 8*1024; //should not be more than 64KB.
   * This is a wrapper around {@link WritableByteChannel#write(ByteBuffer)}.
   * If the amount of data is large, it writes to channel in smaller chunks. 
   * This is to avoid jdk from creating many direct buffers as the size of 
   * buffer increases. This also minimizes extra copies in NIO layer
   * as a result of multiple write operations required to write a large 
   * buffer.  
   * @see WritableByteChannel#write(ByteBuffer)
  private int channelWrite(WritableByteChannel channel, 
                           ByteBuffer buffer) throws IOException {
    int count =  (buffer.remaining() <= NIO_BUFFER_LIMIT) ?
                 channel.write(buffer) : channelIO(null, channel, buffer);
    if (count > 0) {
    return count;
   * This is a wrapper around {@link ReadableByteChannel#read(ByteBuffer)}.
   * If the amount of data is large, it writes to channel in smaller chunks. 
   * This is to avoid jdk from creating many direct buffers as the size of 
   * ByteBuffer increases. There should not be any performance degredation.
   * @see ReadableByteChannel#read(ByteBuffer)
  private int channelRead(ReadableByteChannel channel, 
                          ByteBuffer buffer) throws IOException {
    int count = (buffer.remaining() <= NIO_BUFFER_LIMIT) ?
                channel.read(buffer) : channelIO(channel, null, buffer);
    if (count > 0) {
    return count;
   * Helper for {@link #channelRead(ReadableByteChannel, ByteBuffer)}
   * and {@link #channelWrite(WritableByteChannel, ByteBuffer)}. Only
   * one of readCh or writeCh should be non-null.
   * @see #channelRead(ReadableByteChannel, ByteBuffer)
   * @see #channelWrite(WritableByteChannel, ByteBuffer)
  private static int channelIO(ReadableByteChannel readCh, 
                               WritableByteChannel writeCh,
                               ByteBuffer buf) throws IOException {
    int originalLimit = buf.limit();
    int initialRemaining = buf.remaining();
    int ret = 0;
    while (buf.remaining() > 0) {
      try {
        int ioSize = Math.min(buf.remaining(), NIO_BUFFER_LIMIT);
        buf.limit(buf.position() + ioSize);
        ret = (readCh == null) ? writeCh.write(buf) : readCh.read(buf); 
        if (ret < ioSize) {

      } finally {

    int nBytes = initialRemaining - buf.remaining(); 
    return (nBytes > 0) ? nBytes : ret;
  private class ConnectionManager {
    final private AtomicInteger count = new AtomicInteger();
    final private AtomicLong droppedConnections = new AtomicLong();
    final private Set<Connection> connections;
    /* Map to maintain the statistics per User */
    final private Map<String, Integer> userToConnectionsMap;
    final private Object userToConnectionsMapLock = new Object();

    final private Timer idleScanTimer;
    final private int idleScanThreshold;
    final private int idleScanInterval;
    final private int maxIdleTime;
    final private int maxIdleToClose;
    final private int maxConnections;
    ConnectionManager() {
      this.idleScanTimer = new Timer(
          "IPC Server idle connection scanner for port " + getPort(), true);
      this.idleScanThreshold = conf.getInt(
      this.idleScanInterval = conf.getInt(
      this.maxIdleTime = 2 * conf.getInt(
      this.maxIdleToClose = conf.getInt(
      this.maxConnections = conf.getInt(
      // create a set with concurrency -and- a thread-safe iterator, add 2
      // for listener and idle closer threads
      this.connections = Collections.newSetFromMap(
          new ConcurrentHashMap<Connection,Boolean>(
              maxQueueSize, 0.75f, readThreads+2));
      this.userToConnectionsMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

    private boolean add(Connection connection) {
      boolean added = connections.add(connection);
      if (added) {
      return added;
    private boolean remove(Connection connection) {
      boolean removed = connections.remove(connection);
      if (removed) {
      return removed;

    void incrUserConnections(String user) {
      synchronized (userToConnectionsMapLock) {
        Integer count = userToConnectionsMap.get(user);
        if (count == null) {
          count = 1;
        } else {
          count = count + 1;
        userToConnectionsMap.put(user, count);

    void decrUserConnections(String user) {
      synchronized (userToConnectionsMapLock) {
        Integer count = userToConnectionsMap.get(user);
        if (count == null) {
        } else {
          count = count - 1;
        if (count == 0) {
        } else {
          userToConnectionsMap.put(user, count);

    Map<String, Integer> getUserToConnectionsMap() {
      return userToConnectionsMap;

    long getDroppedConnections() {
      return droppedConnections.get();

    int size() {
      return count.get();

    boolean isFull() {
      // The check is disabled when maxConnections <= 0.
      return ((maxConnections > 0) && (size() >= maxConnections));

    Connection[] toArray() {
      return connections.toArray(new Connection[0]);

    Connection register(SocketChannel channel, int ingressPort,
        boolean isOnAuxiliaryPort) {
      if (isFull()) {
        return null;
      Connection connection = new Connection(channel, Time.now(),
          ingressPort, isOnAuxiliaryPort);
      LOG.debug("Server connection from {}; # active connections: {}; # queued calls: {}.",
          connection, size(), callQueue.size());
      return connection;
    boolean close(Connection connection) {
      boolean exists = remove(connection);
      if (exists) {
        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
          LOG.debug("{}: disconnecting client {}. Number of active connections: {}.",
              Thread.currentThread().getName(), connection, size());
        // only close if actually removed to avoid double-closing due
        // to possible races
        // Remove authorized users only
        if (connection.user != null && connection.connectionContextRead) {
      return exists;
    // synch'ed to avoid explicit invocation upon OOM from colliding with
    // timer task firing
    synchronized void closeIdle(boolean scanAll) {
      long minLastContact = Time.now() - maxIdleTime;
      // concurrent iterator might miss new connections added
      // during the iteration, but that's ok because they won't
      // be idle yet anyway and will be caught on next scan
      int closed = 0;
      for (Connection connection : connections) {
        // stop if connections dropped below threshold unless scanning all
        if (!scanAll && size() < idleScanThreshold) {
        // stop if not scanning all and max connections are closed
        if (connection.isIdle() &&
            connection.getLastContact() < minLastContact &&
            close(connection) &&
            !scanAll && (++closed == maxIdleToClose)) {
    void closeAll() {
      // use a copy of the connections to be absolutely sure the concurrent
      // iterator doesn't miss a connection
      for (Connection connection : toArray()) {
    void startIdleScan() {
    void stopIdleScan() {
    private void scheduleIdleScanTask() {
      if (!running) {
      TimerTask idleScanTask = new TimerTask(){
        public void run() {
          if (!running) {
          LOG.debug("{}: task running", Thread.currentThread().getName());
          try {
          } finally {
            // explicitly reschedule so next execution occurs relative
            // to the end of this scan, not the beginning
      idleScanTimer.schedule(idleScanTask, idleScanInterval);

  protected int getMaxIdleTime() {
    return connectionManager.maxIdleTime;

  public String getServerName() {
    return serverName;

   * Server metrics updater thread, used to update some metrics on a regular basis.
   * For instance, requests per second.
  private class MetricsUpdateRunner implements Runnable {

    private long lastExecuted = 0;

    public synchronized void run() {
      long currentTime = Time.monotonicNow();
      if (lastExecuted == 0) {
        lastExecuted = currentTime - metricsUpdaterInterval;
      long currentTotalRequests = totalRequests.sum();
      long totalRequestsDiff = currentTotalRequests - lastSeenTotalRequests;
      lastSeenTotalRequests = currentTotalRequests;
      if ((currentTime - lastExecuted) > 0) {
        double totalRequestsPerSecInDouble =
            (double) totalRequestsDiff / TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(
                currentTime - lastExecuted);
        totalRequestsPerSecond = ((long) totalRequestsPerSecInDouble);
      lastExecuted = currentTime;

  CallQueueManager<Call> getCallQueue() {
    return callQueue;

  void setCallQueue(CallQueueManager<Call> callQueue) {
    this.callQueue = callQueue;

  void setRpcRequestClass(Class<? extends Writable> rpcRequestClass) {
    this.rpcRequestClass = rpcRequestClass;


hadoop 源码目录


hadoop AlignmentContext 源码

hadoop AsyncCallLimitExceededException 源码

hadoop CallQueueManager 源码

hadoop CallerContext 源码

hadoop Client 源码

hadoop ClientCache 源码

hadoop ClientId 源码

hadoop CostProvider 源码

hadoop DecayRpcScheduler 源码

hadoop DecayRpcSchedulerMXBean 源码

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