greenplumn cdbappendonlystoragewrite 源码
greenplumn cdbappendonlystoragewrite 代码
* cdbappendonlystoragewrite.h
* Portions Copyright (c) 2007-2008, Greenplum inc
* Portions Copyright (c) 2012-Present VMware, Inc. or its affiliates.
* src/include/cdb/cdbappendonlystoragewrite.h
#include "catalog/pg_appendonly.h"
#include "catalog/pg_compression.h"
#include "cdb/cdbappendonlystorage.h"
#include "cdb/cdbappendonlystoragelayer.h"
#include "cdb/cdbbufferedappend.h"
#include "utils/palloc.h"
#include "storage/fd.h"
* This structure contains write session information. Consider the fields
* inside to be private.
typedef struct AppendOnlyStorageWrite
bool isActive;
* The memory context to use for buffers and other memory needs.
MemoryContext memoryContext;
* The maximum Append-Only Storage Block length including all storage
* headers.
int32 maxBufferLen;
* The large write length given to the BufferedAppend module.
* The buffer in BufferedAppend will be flushed to disk when
* maxLargeWriteLen is reached.
int32 maxLargeWriteLen;
* Version number indicating the AO table format version to write in.
AORelationVersion formatVersion;
* Name of the relation to use in system logging and error messages.
char *relationName;
* A phrase that better describes the purpose of the this open.
* The caller manages the storage for this.
char *title;
* The Append-Only Storage Attributes from relation creation.
AppendOnlyStorageAttributes storageAttributes;
* Fixed header length as determined by the checksum flag in
* storageAttributes.
int32 regularHeaderLen;
* The BufferedAppend module's object that holds write session data.
BufferedAppend bufferedAppend;
* Name of the current segment file name to use in system logging and
* error messages.
char *segmentFileName;
* The handle to the current open segment file.
File file;
* The committed EOF at the beginning of the write open.
int64 startEof;
RelFileNodeBackend relFileNode;
int32 segmentFileNum;
* The number of blocks written since the beginning of the segment file.
int64 bufferCount;
* When true, the first row number for the next block has been explicitly
* set and will be stored in the Append-Only Storage Header.
bool isFirstRowNumSet;
/* Explicitly set first row number for the next block. */
int64 firstRowNum;
* The beginning of the logical block which will be used to record in
* block-directory. So, incase of datum broken down into multiple blocks
* this points to first / starting block, which would be large content
* block for such a case.
int64 logicalBlockStartOffset;
/* The kind of header specifed to ~_GetBuffer. */
AoHeaderKind getBufferAoHeaderKind;
* Complete header length of the current block. Varies depending on
* whether the first row number was set.
int32 currentCompleteHeaderLen;
* Current block pointer within the BufferedAppend buffer.
uint8 *currentBuffer;
* A temporary buffer that is given back from *_GetBuffer when compression
* is being done.
uint8 *uncompressedBuffer;
* Number of bytes of extra buffer must have beyond the output compression
* buffer needed for spillover for some compression libraries.
int32 compressionOverrunLen;
/* The maximum buffer plus compression overrun byte length */
int32 maxBufferWithCompressionOverrrunLen;
* When non-null, we are doing VerifyBlock and this is the buffer to
* decompress the just compressed block into so we can memory comprare it
* with the input.
uint8 *verifyWriteBuffer;
* Add these two byte lengths to get the length of the
* qlzScratchDecompress buffer.
/* Storage attributes */
CompressionState *compressionState;
CompressionState *verifyWriteCompressionState; /* This is only valid if
* the
* gp_appendonly_verify_w
* rite_block GUC is
* set. */
int blocksize; /* For AO or CO uncompresed block size */
PGFunction *compression_functions; /* For AO or CO compression. */
/* The array index corresponds to COMP_FUNC_* */
bool needsWAL;
} AppendOnlyStorageWrite;
extern void AppendOnlyStorageWrite_Init(AppendOnlyStorageWrite *storageWrite,
MemoryContext memoryContext,
int32 maxBufferLen,
char *relationName,
char *title,
AppendOnlyStorageAttributes *storageAttributes,
bool needsWAL);
extern void AppendOnlyStorageWrite_FinishSession(AppendOnlyStorageWrite *storageWrite);
extern void AppendOnlyStorageWrite_TransactionCreateFile(AppendOnlyStorageWrite *storageWrite,
RelFileNodeBackend *relFileNode,
int32 segmentFileNum);
extern void AppendOnlyStorageWrite_OpenFile(AppendOnlyStorageWrite *storageWrite,
char *filePathName,
int version,
int64 logicalEof,
int64 fileLen_uncompressed,
RelFileNodeBackend *relFileNode,
int32 segmentFileNum);
extern void AppendOnlyStorageWrite_FlushAndCloseFile(AppendOnlyStorageWrite *storageWrite,
int64 *newLogicalEof,
int64 *fileLen_uncompressed);
extern void AppendOnlyStorageWrite_TransactionFlushAndCloseFile(AppendOnlyStorageWrite *storageWrite,
int64 *newLogicalEof,
int64 *fileLen_uncompressed);
extern int32 AppendOnlyStorageWrite_CompleteHeaderLen(AppendOnlyStorageWrite *storageWrite,
AoHeaderKind aoHeaderKind);
extern uint8 *AppendOnlyStorageWrite_GetBuffer(AppendOnlyStorageWrite *storageWrite,
int aoHeaderKind);
extern bool AppendOnlyStorageWrite_IsBufferAllocated(
AppendOnlyStorageWrite *storageWrite);
extern int64 AppendOnlyStorageWrite_LogicalBlockStartOffset(
AppendOnlyStorageWrite *storageWrite);
extern void AppendOnlyStorageWrite_FinishBuffer(
AppendOnlyStorageWrite *storageWrite,
int32 contentLen,
int executorBlockKind,
int rowCount);
extern void AppendOnlyStorageWrite_CancelLastBuffer(AppendOnlyStorageWrite *storageWrite);
extern void AppendOnlyStorageWrite_Content(AppendOnlyStorageWrite *storageWrite,
uint8 *content,
int32 contentLen,
int executorBlockKind,
int rowCount);
extern void AppendOnlyStorageWrite_SetFirstRowNum(AppendOnlyStorageWrite *storageWrite,
int64 firstRowNum);
extern char *AppendOnlyStorageWrite_ContextStr(AppendOnlyStorageWrite *storageWrite);
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