kubernetes policy 源码

  • 2022-09-18
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kubernetes policy 代码


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package topologymanager

import (

// Policy interface for Topology Manager Pod Admit Result
type Policy interface {
	// Returns Policy Name
	Name() string
	// Returns a merged TopologyHint based on input from hint providers
	// and a Pod Admit Handler Response based on hints and policy type
	Merge(providersHints []map[string][]TopologyHint) (TopologyHint, bool)

// Merge a TopologyHints permutation to a single hint by performing a bitwise-AND
// of their affinity masks. The hint shall be preferred if all hits in the permutation
// are preferred.
func mergePermutation(numaNodes []int, permutation []TopologyHint) TopologyHint {
	// Get the NUMANodeAffinity from each hint in the permutation and see if any
	// of them encode unpreferred allocations.
	preferred := true
	defaultAffinity, _ := bitmask.NewBitMask(numaNodes...)
	var numaAffinities []bitmask.BitMask
	for _, hint := range permutation {
		// Only consider hints that have an actual NUMANodeAffinity set.
		if hint.NUMANodeAffinity != nil {
			numaAffinities = append(numaAffinities, hint.NUMANodeAffinity)
			// Only mark preferred if all affinities are equal.
			if !hint.NUMANodeAffinity.IsEqual(numaAffinities[0]) {
				preferred = false
		// Only mark preferred if all affinities are preferred.
		if !hint.Preferred {
			preferred = false

	// Merge the affinities using a bitwise-and operation.
	mergedAffinity := bitmask.And(defaultAffinity, numaAffinities...)
	// Build a mergedHint from the merged affinity mask, setting preferred as
	// appropriate based on the logic above.
	return TopologyHint{mergedAffinity, preferred}

func filterProvidersHints(providersHints []map[string][]TopologyHint) [][]TopologyHint {
	// Loop through all hint providers and save an accumulated list of the
	// hints returned by each hint provider. If no hints are provided, assume
	// that provider has no preference for topology-aware allocation.
	var allProviderHints [][]TopologyHint
	for _, hints := range providersHints {
		// If hints is nil, insert a single, preferred any-numa hint into allProviderHints.
		if len(hints) == 0 {
			klog.InfoS("Hint Provider has no preference for NUMA affinity with any resource")
			allProviderHints = append(allProviderHints, []TopologyHint{{nil, true}})

		// Otherwise, accumulate the hints for each resource type into allProviderHints.
		for resource := range hints {
			if hints[resource] == nil {
				klog.InfoS("Hint Provider has no preference for NUMA affinity with resource", "resource", resource)
				allProviderHints = append(allProviderHints, []TopologyHint{{nil, true}})

			if len(hints[resource]) == 0 {
				klog.InfoS("Hint Provider has no possible NUMA affinities for resource", "resource", resource)
				allProviderHints = append(allProviderHints, []TopologyHint{{nil, false}})

			allProviderHints = append(allProviderHints, hints[resource])
	return allProviderHints

func narrowestHint(hints []TopologyHint) *TopologyHint {
	if len(hints) == 0 {
		return nil
	var narrowestHint *TopologyHint
	for i := range hints {
		if hints[i].NUMANodeAffinity == nil {
		if narrowestHint == nil {
			narrowestHint = &hints[i]
		if hints[i].NUMANodeAffinity.IsNarrowerThan(narrowestHint.NUMANodeAffinity) {
			narrowestHint = &hints[i]
	return narrowestHint

func maxOfMinAffinityCounts(filteredHints [][]TopologyHint) int {
	maxOfMinCount := 0
	for _, resourceHints := range filteredHints {
		narrowestHint := narrowestHint(resourceHints)
		if narrowestHint == nil {
		if narrowestHint.NUMANodeAffinity.Count() > maxOfMinCount {
			maxOfMinCount = narrowestHint.NUMANodeAffinity.Count()
	return maxOfMinCount

func compareHints(bestNonPreferredAffinityCount int, current *TopologyHint, candidate *TopologyHint) *TopologyHint {
	// Only consider candidates that result in a NUMANodeAffinity > 0 to
	// replace the current bestHint.
	if candidate.NUMANodeAffinity.Count() == 0 {
		return current

	// If no current bestHint is set, return the candidate as the bestHint.
	if current == nil {
		return candidate

	// If the current bestHint is non-preferred and the candidate hint is
	// preferred, always choose the preferred hint over the non-preferred one.
	if !current.Preferred && candidate.Preferred {
		return candidate

	// If the current bestHint is preferred and the candidate hint is
	// non-preferred, never update the bestHint, regardless of the
	// candidate hint's narowness.
	if current.Preferred && !candidate.Preferred {
		return current

	// If the current bestHint and the candidate hint are both preferred,
	// then only consider candidate hints that have a narrower
	// NUMANodeAffinity than the NUMANodeAffinity in the current bestHint.
	if current.Preferred && candidate.Preferred {
		if candidate.NUMANodeAffinity.IsNarrowerThan(current.NUMANodeAffinity) {
			return candidate
		return current

	// The only case left is if the current best bestHint and the candidate
	// hint are both non-preferred. In this case, try and find a hint whose
	// affinity count is as close to (but not higher than) the
	// bestNonPreferredAffinityCount as possible. To do this we need to
	// consider the following cases and react accordingly:
	//   1. current.NUMANodeAffinity.Count() >  bestNonPreferredAffinityCount
	//   2. current.NUMANodeAffinity.Count() == bestNonPreferredAffinityCount
	//   3. current.NUMANodeAffinity.Count() <  bestNonPreferredAffinityCount
	// For case (1), the current bestHint is larger than the
	// bestNonPreferredAffinityCount, so updating to any narrower mergeHint
	// is preferred over staying where we are.
	// For case (2), the current bestHint is equal to the
	// bestNonPreferredAffinityCount, so we would like to stick with what
	// we have *unless* the candidate hint is also equal to
	// bestNonPreferredAffinityCount and it is narrower.
	// For case (3), the current bestHint is less than
	// bestNonPreferredAffinityCount, so we would like to creep back up to
	// bestNonPreferredAffinityCount as close as we can. There are three
	// cases to consider here:
	//   3a. candidate.NUMANodeAffinity.Count() >  bestNonPreferredAffinityCount
	//   3b. candidate.NUMANodeAffinity.Count() == bestNonPreferredAffinityCount
	//   3c. candidate.NUMANodeAffinity.Count() <  bestNonPreferredAffinityCount
	// For case (3a), we just want to stick with the current bestHint
	// because choosing a new hint that is greater than
	// bestNonPreferredAffinityCount would be counter-productive.
	// For case (3b), we want to immediately update bestHint to the
	// candidate hint, making it now equal to bestNonPreferredAffinityCount.
	// For case (3c), we know that *both* the current bestHint and the
	// candidate hint are less than bestNonPreferredAffinityCount, so we
	// want to choose one that brings us back up as close to
	// bestNonPreferredAffinityCount as possible. There are three cases to
	// consider here:
	//   3ca. candidate.NUMANodeAffinity.Count() >  current.NUMANodeAffinity.Count()
	//   3cb. candidate.NUMANodeAffinity.Count() <  current.NUMANodeAffinity.Count()
	//   3cc. candidate.NUMANodeAffinity.Count() == current.NUMANodeAffinity.Count()
	// For case (3ca), we want to immediately update bestHint to the
	// candidate hint because that will bring us closer to the (higher)
	// value of bestNonPreferredAffinityCount.
	// For case (3cb), we want to stick with the current bestHint because
	// choosing the candidate hint would strictly move us further away from
	// the bestNonPreferredAffinityCount.
	// Finally, for case (3cc), we know that the current bestHint and the
	// candidate hint are equal, so we simply choose the narrower of the 2.

	// Case 1
	if current.NUMANodeAffinity.Count() > bestNonPreferredAffinityCount {
		if candidate.NUMANodeAffinity.IsNarrowerThan(current.NUMANodeAffinity) {
			return candidate
		return current
	// Case 2
	if current.NUMANodeAffinity.Count() == bestNonPreferredAffinityCount {
		if candidate.NUMANodeAffinity.Count() != bestNonPreferredAffinityCount {
			return current
		if candidate.NUMANodeAffinity.IsNarrowerThan(current.NUMANodeAffinity) {
			return candidate
		return current
	// Case 3a
	if candidate.NUMANodeAffinity.Count() > bestNonPreferredAffinityCount {
		return current
	// Case 3b
	if candidate.NUMANodeAffinity.Count() == bestNonPreferredAffinityCount {
		return candidate
	// Case 3ca
	if candidate.NUMANodeAffinity.Count() > current.NUMANodeAffinity.Count() {
		return candidate
	// Case 3cb
	if candidate.NUMANodeAffinity.Count() < current.NUMANodeAffinity.Count() {
		return current
	// Case 3cc
	if candidate.NUMANodeAffinity.IsNarrowerThan(current.NUMANodeAffinity) {
		return candidate
	return current

func mergeFilteredHints(numaNodes []int, filteredHints [][]TopologyHint) TopologyHint {
	// Set bestNonPreferredAffinityCount to help decide which affinity mask is
	// preferred amongst all non-preferred hints. We calculate this value as
	// the maximum of the minimum affinity counts supplied for any given hint
	// provider. In other words, prefer a hint that has an affinity mask that
	// includes all of the NUMA nodes from the provider that requires the most
	// NUMA nodes to satisfy its allocation.
	bestNonPreferredAffinityCount := maxOfMinAffinityCounts(filteredHints)

	var bestHint *TopologyHint
	iterateAllProviderTopologyHints(filteredHints, func(permutation []TopologyHint) {
		// Get the NUMANodeAffinity from each hint in the permutation and see if any
		// of them encode unpreferred allocations.
		mergedHint := mergePermutation(numaNodes, permutation)

		// Compare the current bestHint with the candidate mergedHint and
		// update bestHint if appropriate.
		bestHint = compareHints(bestNonPreferredAffinityCount, bestHint, &mergedHint)

	if bestHint == nil {
		defaultAffinity, _ := bitmask.NewBitMask(numaNodes...)
		bestHint = &TopologyHint{defaultAffinity, false}

	return *bestHint

// Iterate over all permutations of hints in 'allProviderHints [][]TopologyHint'.
// This procedure is implemented as a recursive function over the set of hints
// in 'allproviderHints[i]'. It applies the function 'callback' to each
// permutation as it is found. It is the equivalent of:
// for i := 0; i < len(providerHints[0]); i++
//	for j := 0; j < len(providerHints[1]); j++
//	    for k := 0; k < len(providerHints[2]); k++
//	        ...
//	        for z := 0; z < len(providerHints[-1]); z++
//	            permutation := []TopologyHint{
//	                providerHints[0][i],
//	                providerHints[1][j],
//	                providerHints[2][k],
//	                ...
//	                providerHints[-1][z]
//	            }
//	            callback(permutation)
func iterateAllProviderTopologyHints(allProviderHints [][]TopologyHint, callback func([]TopologyHint)) {
	// Internal helper function to accumulate the permutation before calling the callback.
	var iterate func(i int, accum []TopologyHint)
	iterate = func(i int, accum []TopologyHint) {
		// Base case: we have looped through all providers and have a full permutation.
		if i == len(allProviderHints) {

		// Loop through all hints for provider 'i', and recurse to build the
		// the permutation of this hint with all hints from providers 'i++'.
		for j := range allProviderHints[i] {
			iterate(i+1, append(accum, allProviderHints[i][j]))
	iterate(0, []TopologyHint{})


kubernetes 源码目录


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kubernetes fake_topology_manager_test 源码

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kubernetes policy_best_effort_test 源码

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kubernetes policy_single_numa_node_test 源码

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