echarts GraphSeries 源码

  • 2022-10-20
  • 浏览 (694)

echarts GraphSeries 代码


* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.

import SeriesData from '../../data/SeriesData';
import * as zrUtil from 'zrender/src/core/util';
import {defaultEmphasis} from '../../util/model';
import Model from '../../model/Model';
import createGraphFromNodeEdge from '../helper/createGraphFromNodeEdge';
import LegendVisualProvider from '../../visual/LegendVisualProvider';
import {
} from '../../util/types';
import SeriesModel from '../../model/Series';
import Graph from '../../data/Graph';
import GlobalModel from '../../model/Global';
import { VectorArray } from 'zrender/src/core/vector';
import { ForceLayoutInstance } from './forceLayout';
import { LineDataVisual } from '../../visual/commonVisualTypes';
import { createTooltipMarkup } from '../../component/tooltip/tooltipMarkup';
import { defaultSeriesFormatTooltip } from '../../component/tooltip/seriesFormatTooltip';
import {initCurvenessList, createEdgeMapForCurveness} from '../helper/multipleGraphEdgeHelper';

type GraphDataValue = OptionDataValue | OptionDataValue[];

interface GraphEdgeLineStyleOption extends LineStyleOption {
    curveness?: number

export interface GraphNodeStateOption<TCbParams = never> {
    itemStyle?: ItemStyleOption<TCbParams>
    label?: SeriesLabelOption

interface ExtraEmphasisState {
    focus?: DefaultEmphasisFocus | 'adjacency'
interface GraphNodeStatesMixin {
    emphasis?: ExtraEmphasisState

interface GraphEdgeStatesMixin {
    emphasis?: ExtraEmphasisState

export interface GraphNodeItemOption extends SymbolOptionMixin, GraphNodeStateOption,
    GraphNodeStateOption, StatesOptionMixin<GraphNodeStateOption, GraphNodeStatesMixin> {

    id?: string
    name?: string
    value?: GraphDataValue

     * Fixed x position
    x?: number
     * Fixed y position
    y?: number

     * If this node is fixed during force layout.
    fixed?: boolean

     * Index or name of category
    category?: number | string

    draggable?: boolean
    cursor?: string

export interface GraphEdgeStateOption {
    lineStyle?: GraphEdgeLineStyleOption
    label?: SeriesLineLabelOption
export interface GraphEdgeItemOption extends
        StatesOptionMixin<GraphEdgeStateOption, GraphEdgeStatesMixin>,
        GraphEdgeItemObject<OptionDataValueNumeric> {

    value?: number

     * Symbol of both line ends
    symbol?: string | string[]

    symbolSize?: number | number[]

    ignoreForceLayout?: boolean

export interface GraphCategoryItemOption extends SymbolOptionMixin,
    GraphNodeStateOption, StatesOptionMixin<GraphNodeStateOption, GraphNodeStatesMixin> {
    name?: string

    value?: OptionDataValue

export interface GraphSeriesOption
    extends SeriesOption<GraphNodeStateOption<CallbackDataParams>, GraphNodeStatesMixin>,
    SeriesOnCartesianOptionMixin, SeriesOnPolarOptionMixin, SeriesOnCalendarOptionMixin,
    SeriesOnGeoOptionMixin, SeriesOnSingleOptionMixin,
    BoxLayoutOptionMixin {

    type?: 'graph'

    coordinateSystem?: string

    legendHoverLink?: boolean

    layout?: 'none' | 'force' | 'circular'

    data?: (GraphNodeItemOption | GraphDataValue)[]
    nodes?: (GraphNodeItemOption | GraphDataValue)[]

    edges?: GraphEdgeItemOption[]
    links?: GraphEdgeItemOption[]

    categories?: GraphCategoryItemOption[]

     * @deprecated
    focusNodeAdjacency?: boolean

     * Symbol size scale ratio in roam
    nodeScaleRatio?: 0.6,

    draggable?: boolean

    edgeSymbol?: string | string[]
    edgeSymbolSize?: number | number[]

    edgeLabel?: SeriesLineLabelOption
    label?: SeriesLabelOption

    itemStyle?: ItemStyleOption<CallbackDataParams>
    lineStyle?: GraphEdgeLineStyleOption

    emphasis?: {
        focus?: Exclude<GraphNodeItemOption['emphasis'], undefined>['focus']
        scale?: boolean | number
        label?: SeriesLabelOption
        edgeLabel?: SeriesLabelOption
        itemStyle?: ItemStyleOption
        lineStyle?: LineStyleOption

    blur?: {
        label?: SeriesLabelOption
        edgeLabel?: SeriesLabelOption
        itemStyle?: ItemStyleOption
        lineStyle?: LineStyleOption

    select?: {
        label?: SeriesLabelOption
        edgeLabel?: SeriesLabelOption
        itemStyle?: ItemStyleOption
        lineStyle?: LineStyleOption

    // Configuration of circular layout
    circular?: {
        rotateLabel?: boolean

    // Configuration of force directed layout
    force?: {
        initLayout?: 'circular' | 'none'
        // Node repulsion. Can be an array to represent range.
        repulsion?: number | number[]
        gravity?: number
        // Initial friction
        friction?: number

        // Edge length. Can be an array to represent range.
        edgeLength?: number | number[]

        layoutAnimation?: boolean

     * auto curveness for multiple edge, invalid when `lineStyle.curveness` is set
    autoCurveness?: boolean | number | number[]

class GraphSeriesModel extends SeriesModel<GraphSeriesOption> {
    static readonly type = 'series.graph';
    readonly type = GraphSeriesModel.type;

    static readonly dependencies = ['grid', 'polar', 'geo', 'singleAxis', 'calendar'];

    private _categoriesData: SeriesData;
    private _categoriesModels: Model<GraphCategoryItemOption>[];

     * Preserved points during layouting
    preservedPoints?: Dictionary<VectorArray>;

    forceLayout?: ForceLayoutInstance;

    hasSymbolVisual = true;

    init(option: GraphSeriesOption) {
        super.init.apply(this, arguments as any);

        const self = this;
        function getCategoriesData() {
            return self._categoriesData;
        // Provide data for legend select
        this.legendVisualProvider = new LegendVisualProvider(
            getCategoriesData, getCategoriesData

        this.fillDataTextStyle(option.edges || option.links);


    mergeOption(option: GraphSeriesOption) {
        super.mergeOption.apply(this, arguments as any);

        this.fillDataTextStyle(option.edges || option.links);


    mergeDefaultAndTheme(option: GraphSeriesOption) {
        super.mergeDefaultAndTheme.apply(this, arguments as any);
        defaultEmphasis(option, 'edgeLabel', ['show']);

    getInitialData(option: GraphSeriesOption, ecModel: GlobalModel): SeriesData {
        const edges = option.edges || option.links || [];
        const nodes = || option.nodes || [];
        const self = this;

        if (nodes && edges) {
            // auto curveness
            const graph = createGraphFromNodeEdge(nodes as GraphNodeItemOption[], edges, this, true, beforeLink);
            zrUtil.each(graph.edges, function (edge) {
                createEdgeMapForCurveness(edge.node1, edge.node2, this, edge.dataIndex);
            }, this);

        function beforeLink(nodeData: SeriesData, edgeData: SeriesData) {
            // Overwrite nodeData.getItemModel to
            nodeData.wrapMethod('getItemModel', function (model) {
                const categoriesModels = self._categoriesModels;
                const categoryIdx = model.getShallow('category');
                const categoryModel = categoriesModels[categoryIdx];
                if (categoryModel) {
                    categoryModel.parentModel = model.parentModel;
                    model.parentModel = categoryModel;
                return model;

            // TODO Inherit resolveParentPath by default in Model#getModel?
            const oldGetModel = Model.prototype.getModel;
            function newGetModel(this: Model, path: any, parentModel?: Model) {
                const model =, path, parentModel);
                model.resolveParentPath = resolveParentPath;
                return model;

            edgeData.wrapMethod('getItemModel', function (model: Model) {
                model.resolveParentPath = resolveParentPath;
                model.getModel = newGetModel;
                return model;

            function resolveParentPath(this: Model, pathArr: readonly string[]): string[] {
                if (pathArr && (pathArr[0] === 'label' || pathArr[1] === 'label')) {
                    const newPathArr = pathArr.slice();
                    if (pathArr[0] === 'label') {
                        newPathArr[0] = 'edgeLabel';
                    else if (pathArr[1] === 'label') {
                        newPathArr[1] = 'edgeLabel';
                    return newPathArr;
                return pathArr as string[];

    getGraph(): Graph {
        return this.getData().graph;

    getEdgeData() {
        return this.getGraph().edgeData as SeriesData<GraphSeriesModel, LineDataVisual>;

    getCategoriesData(): SeriesData {
        return this._categoriesData;

        dataIndex: number,
        multipleSeries: boolean,
        dataType: string
    ) {
        if (dataType === 'edge') {
            const nodeData = this.getData();
            const params = this.getDataParams(dataIndex, dataType);
            const edge = nodeData.graph.getEdgeByIndex(dataIndex);
            const sourceName = nodeData.getName(edge.node1.dataIndex);
            const targetName = nodeData.getName(edge.node2.dataIndex);

            const nameArr = [];
            sourceName != null && nameArr.push(sourceName);
            targetName != null && nameArr.push(targetName);

            return createTooltipMarkup('nameValue', {
                name: nameArr.join(' > '),
                value: params.value,
                noValue: params.value == null
        // dataType === 'node' or empty
        const nodeMarkup = defaultSeriesFormatTooltip({
            series: this,
            dataIndex: dataIndex,
            multipleSeries: multipleSeries
        return nodeMarkup;

    _updateCategoriesData() {
        const categories = || [], function (category) {
            // Data must has value
            return category.value != null ? category : zrUtil.extend({
                value: 0
            }, category);
        const categoriesData = new SeriesData(['value'], this);

        this._categoriesData = categoriesData;

        this._categoriesModels = categoriesData.mapArray(function (idx) {
            return categoriesData.getItemModel(idx);

    setZoom(zoom: number) {
        this.option.zoom = zoom;

    setCenter(center: number[]) { = center;

    isAnimationEnabled() {
        return super.isAnimationEnabled()
            // Not enable animation when do force layout
            && !(this.get('layout') === 'force' && this.get(['force', 'layoutAnimation']));

    static defaultOption: GraphSeriesOption = {
        // zlevel: 0,
        z: 2,

        coordinateSystem: 'view',

        // Default option for all coordinate systems
        // xAxisIndex: 0,
        // yAxisIndex: 0,
        // polarIndex: 0,
        // geoIndex: 0,

        legendHoverLink: true,

        layout: null,

        // Configuration of circular layout
        circular: {
            rotateLabel: false
        // Configuration of force directed layout
        force: {
            initLayout: null,
            // Node repulsion. Can be an array to represent range.
            repulsion: [0, 50],
            gravity: 0.1,
            // Initial friction
            friction: 0.6,

            // Edge length. Can be an array to represent range.
            edgeLength: 30,

            layoutAnimation: true

        left: 'center',
        top: 'center',
        // right: null,
        // bottom: null,
        // width: '80%',
        // height: '80%',

        symbol: 'circle',
        symbolSize: 10,

        edgeSymbol: ['none', 'none'],
        edgeSymbolSize: 10,
        edgeLabel: {
            position: 'middle',
            distance: 5

        draggable: false,

        roam: false,

        // Default on center of graph
        center: null,

        zoom: 1,
        // Symbol size scale ratio in roam
        nodeScaleRatio: 0.6,

        // cursor: null,

        // categories: [],

        // data: []
        // Or
        // nodes: []
        // links: []
        // Or
        // edges: []

        label: {
            show: false,
            formatter: '{b}'

        itemStyle: {},

        lineStyle: {
            color: '#aaa',
            width: 1,
            opacity: 0.5
        emphasis: {
            scale: true,
            label: {
                show: true

        select: {
            itemStyle: {
                borderColor: '#212121'

export default GraphSeriesModel;


echarts 源码目录


echarts GraphView 源码

echarts adjustEdge 源码

echarts categoryFilter 源码

echarts categoryVisual 源码

echarts circularLayout 源码

echarts circularLayoutHelper 源码

echarts createView 源码

echarts edgeVisual 源码

echarts forceHelper 源码

echarts forceLayout 源码

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