kubernetes reconciler_test 源码
kubernetes reconciler_test 代码
Copyright 2019 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package endpointslice
import (
corev1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
discovery "k8s.io/api/discovery/v1"
apiequality "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/equality"
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
utilfeature "k8s.io/apiserver/pkg/util/feature"
corelisters "k8s.io/client-go/listers/core/v1"
k8stesting "k8s.io/client-go/testing"
featuregatetesting "k8s.io/component-base/featuregate/testing"
endpointsliceutil "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/controller/util/endpointslice"
utilpointer "k8s.io/utils/pointer"
var defaultMaxEndpointsPerSlice = int32(100)
// Even when there are no pods, we want to have a placeholder slice for each service
func TestReconcileEmpty(t *testing.T) {
client := newClientset()
namespace := "test"
svc, _ := newServiceAndEndpointMeta("foo", namespace)
r := newReconciler(client, []*corev1.Node{{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "node-1"}}}, defaultMaxEndpointsPerSlice)
reconcileHelper(t, r, &svc, []*corev1.Pod{}, []*discovery.EndpointSlice{}, time.Now())
expectActions(t, client.Actions(), 1, "create", "endpointslices")
slices := fetchEndpointSlices(t, client, namespace)
assert.Len(t, slices, 1, "Expected 1 endpoint slices")
assert.Regexp(t, "^"+svc.Name, slices[0].Name)
assert.Equal(t, svc.Name, slices[0].Labels[discovery.LabelServiceName])
assert.EqualValues(t, []discovery.EndpointPort{}, slices[0].Ports)
assert.EqualValues(t, []discovery.Endpoint{}, slices[0].Endpoints)
expectTrackedGeneration(t, r.endpointSliceTracker, &slices[0], 1)
expectMetrics(t, expectedMetrics{desiredSlices: 1, actualSlices: 1, desiredEndpoints: 0, addedPerSync: 0, removedPerSync: 0, numCreated: 1, numUpdated: 0, numDeleted: 0, slicesChangedPerSync: 1})
// Given a single pod matching a service selector and no existing endpoint slices,
// a slice should be created
func TestReconcile1Pod(t *testing.T) {
namespace := "test"
noFamilyService, _ := newServiceAndEndpointMeta("foo", namespace)
noFamilyService.Spec.ClusterIP = ""
noFamilyService.Spec.IPFamilies = nil
svcv4, _ := newServiceAndEndpointMeta("foo", namespace)
svcv4ClusterIP, _ := newServiceAndEndpointMeta("foo", namespace)
svcv4ClusterIP.Spec.ClusterIP = ""
svcv4Labels, _ := newServiceAndEndpointMeta("foo", namespace)
svcv4Labels.Labels = map[string]string{"foo": "bar"}
svcv4BadLabels, _ := newServiceAndEndpointMeta("foo", namespace)
svcv4BadLabels.Labels = map[string]string{discovery.LabelServiceName: "bad",
discovery.LabelManagedBy: "actor", corev1.IsHeadlessService: "invalid"}
svcv6, _ := newServiceAndEndpointMeta("foo", namespace)
svcv6.Spec.IPFamilies = []corev1.IPFamily{corev1.IPv6Protocol}
svcv6ClusterIP, _ := newServiceAndEndpointMeta("foo", namespace)
svcv6ClusterIP.Spec.ClusterIP = "1234::5678:0000:0000:9abc:def1"
// newServiceAndEndpointMeta generates v4 single stack
svcv6ClusterIP.Spec.IPFamilies = []corev1.IPFamily{corev1.IPv6Protocol}
// dual stack
dualStackSvc, _ := newServiceAndEndpointMeta("foo", namespace)
dualStackSvc.Spec.IPFamilies = []corev1.IPFamily{corev1.IPv4Protocol, corev1.IPv6Protocol}
dualStackSvc.Spec.ClusterIP = ""
dualStackSvc.Spec.ClusterIPs = []string{"", "2000::1"}
pod1 := newPod(1, namespace, true, 1, false)
pod1.Status.PodIPs = []corev1.PodIP{{IP: ""}, {IP: "1234::5678:0000:0000:9abc:def0"}}
pod1.Spec.Hostname = "example-hostname"
node1 := &corev1.Node{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: pod1.Spec.NodeName,
Labels: map[string]string{
"topology.kubernetes.io/zone": "us-central1-a",
"topology.kubernetes.io/region": "us-central1",
testCases := map[string]struct {
service corev1.Service
expectedAddressType discovery.AddressType
expectedEndpoint discovery.Endpoint
expectedLabels map[string]string
expectedEndpointPerSlice map[discovery.AddressType][]discovery.Endpoint
terminatingGateEnabled bool
"no-family-service": {
service: noFamilyService,
expectedEndpointPerSlice: map[discovery.AddressType][]discovery.Endpoint{
discovery.AddressTypeIPv4: {
Addresses: []string{""},
Conditions: discovery.EndpointConditions{Ready: utilpointer.BoolPtr(true)},
Zone: utilpointer.StringPtr("us-central1-a"),
NodeName: utilpointer.StringPtr("node-1"),
TargetRef: &corev1.ObjectReference{
Kind: "Pod",
Namespace: namespace,
Name: "pod1",
expectedLabels: map[string]string{
discovery.LabelManagedBy: controllerName,
discovery.LabelServiceName: "foo",
"ipv4": {
service: svcv4,
expectedEndpointPerSlice: map[discovery.AddressType][]discovery.Endpoint{
discovery.AddressTypeIPv4: {
Addresses: []string{""},
Conditions: discovery.EndpointConditions{Ready: utilpointer.BoolPtr(true)},
Zone: utilpointer.StringPtr("us-central1-a"),
NodeName: utilpointer.StringPtr("node-1"),
TargetRef: &corev1.ObjectReference{
Kind: "Pod",
Namespace: namespace,
Name: "pod1",
expectedLabels: map[string]string{
discovery.LabelManagedBy: controllerName,
discovery.LabelServiceName: "foo",
corev1.IsHeadlessService: "",
"ipv4-with-terminating-gate-enabled": {
service: svcv4,
expectedEndpointPerSlice: map[discovery.AddressType][]discovery.Endpoint{
discovery.AddressTypeIPv4: {
Addresses: []string{""},
Conditions: discovery.EndpointConditions{
Ready: utilpointer.BoolPtr(true),
Serving: utilpointer.BoolPtr(true),
Terminating: utilpointer.BoolPtr(false),
Zone: utilpointer.StringPtr("us-central1-a"),
NodeName: utilpointer.StringPtr("node-1"),
TargetRef: &corev1.ObjectReference{
Kind: "Pod",
Namespace: namespace,
Name: "pod1",
expectedLabels: map[string]string{
discovery.LabelManagedBy: controllerName,
discovery.LabelServiceName: "foo",
corev1.IsHeadlessService: "",
terminatingGateEnabled: true,
"ipv4-clusterip": {
service: svcv4ClusterIP,
expectedEndpointPerSlice: map[discovery.AddressType][]discovery.Endpoint{
discovery.AddressTypeIPv4: {
Addresses: []string{""},
Conditions: discovery.EndpointConditions{Ready: utilpointer.BoolPtr(true)},
Zone: utilpointer.StringPtr("us-central1-a"),
NodeName: utilpointer.StringPtr("node-1"),
TargetRef: &corev1.ObjectReference{
Kind: "Pod",
Namespace: namespace,
Name: "pod1",
expectedAddressType: discovery.AddressTypeIPv4,
expectedEndpoint: discovery.Endpoint{
Addresses: []string{""},
Conditions: discovery.EndpointConditions{Ready: utilpointer.BoolPtr(true)},
Zone: utilpointer.StringPtr("us-central1-a"),
NodeName: utilpointer.StringPtr("node-1"),
TargetRef: &corev1.ObjectReference{
Kind: "Pod",
Namespace: namespace,
Name: "pod1",
expectedLabels: map[string]string{
discovery.LabelManagedBy: controllerName,
discovery.LabelServiceName: "foo",
"ipv4-labels": {
service: svcv4Labels,
expectedEndpointPerSlice: map[discovery.AddressType][]discovery.Endpoint{
discovery.AddressTypeIPv4: {
Addresses: []string{""},
Conditions: discovery.EndpointConditions{Ready: utilpointer.BoolPtr(true)},
Zone: utilpointer.StringPtr("us-central1-a"),
NodeName: utilpointer.StringPtr("node-1"),
TargetRef: &corev1.ObjectReference{
Kind: "Pod",
Namespace: namespace,
Name: "pod1",
expectedAddressType: discovery.AddressTypeIPv4,
expectedEndpoint: discovery.Endpoint{
Addresses: []string{""},
Conditions: discovery.EndpointConditions{Ready: utilpointer.BoolPtr(true)},
Zone: utilpointer.StringPtr("us-central1-a"),
NodeName: utilpointer.StringPtr("node-1"),
TargetRef: &corev1.ObjectReference{
Kind: "Pod",
Namespace: namespace,
Name: "pod1",
expectedLabels: map[string]string{
discovery.LabelManagedBy: controllerName,
discovery.LabelServiceName: "foo",
"foo": "bar",
corev1.IsHeadlessService: "",
"ipv4-bad-labels": {
service: svcv4BadLabels,
expectedEndpointPerSlice: map[discovery.AddressType][]discovery.Endpoint{
discovery.AddressTypeIPv4: {
Addresses: []string{""},
Conditions: discovery.EndpointConditions{Ready: utilpointer.BoolPtr(true)},
Zone: utilpointer.StringPtr("us-central1-a"),
NodeName: utilpointer.StringPtr("node-1"),
TargetRef: &corev1.ObjectReference{
Kind: "Pod",
Namespace: namespace,
Name: "pod1",
expectedAddressType: discovery.AddressTypeIPv4,
expectedEndpoint: discovery.Endpoint{
Addresses: []string{""},
Conditions: discovery.EndpointConditions{Ready: utilpointer.BoolPtr(true)},
Zone: utilpointer.StringPtr("us-central1-a"),
NodeName: utilpointer.StringPtr("node-1"),
TargetRef: &corev1.ObjectReference{
Kind: "Pod",
Namespace: namespace,
Name: "pod1",
expectedLabels: map[string]string{
discovery.LabelManagedBy: controllerName,
discovery.LabelServiceName: "foo",
corev1.IsHeadlessService: "",
"ipv6": {
service: svcv6,
expectedEndpointPerSlice: map[discovery.AddressType][]discovery.Endpoint{
discovery.AddressTypeIPv6: {
Addresses: []string{"1234::5678:0000:0000:9abc:def0"},
Conditions: discovery.EndpointConditions{Ready: utilpointer.BoolPtr(true)},
Zone: utilpointer.StringPtr("us-central1-a"),
NodeName: utilpointer.StringPtr("node-1"),
TargetRef: &corev1.ObjectReference{
Kind: "Pod",
Namespace: namespace,
Name: "pod1",
expectedLabels: map[string]string{
discovery.LabelManagedBy: controllerName,
discovery.LabelServiceName: "foo",
corev1.IsHeadlessService: "",
"ipv6-clusterip": {
service: svcv6ClusterIP,
expectedEndpointPerSlice: map[discovery.AddressType][]discovery.Endpoint{
discovery.AddressTypeIPv6: {
Addresses: []string{"1234::5678:0000:0000:9abc:def0"},
Conditions: discovery.EndpointConditions{Ready: utilpointer.BoolPtr(true)},
Zone: utilpointer.StringPtr("us-central1-a"),
NodeName: utilpointer.StringPtr("node-1"),
TargetRef: &corev1.ObjectReference{
Kind: "Pod",
Namespace: namespace,
Name: "pod1",
expectedLabels: map[string]string{
discovery.LabelManagedBy: controllerName,
discovery.LabelServiceName: "foo",
"dualstack-service": {
service: dualStackSvc,
expectedEndpointPerSlice: map[discovery.AddressType][]discovery.Endpoint{
discovery.AddressTypeIPv6: {
Addresses: []string{"1234::5678:0000:0000:9abc:def0"},
Conditions: discovery.EndpointConditions{Ready: utilpointer.BoolPtr(true)},
Zone: utilpointer.StringPtr("us-central1-a"),
NodeName: utilpointer.StringPtr("node-1"),
TargetRef: &corev1.ObjectReference{
Kind: "Pod",
Namespace: namespace,
Name: "pod1",
discovery.AddressTypeIPv4: {
Addresses: []string{""},
Conditions: discovery.EndpointConditions{Ready: utilpointer.BoolPtr(true)},
Zone: utilpointer.StringPtr("us-central1-a"),
NodeName: utilpointer.StringPtr("node-1"),
TargetRef: &corev1.ObjectReference{
Kind: "Pod",
Namespace: namespace,
Name: "pod1",
expectedLabels: map[string]string{
discovery.LabelManagedBy: controllerName,
discovery.LabelServiceName: "foo",
for name, testCase := range testCases {
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
defer featuregatetesting.SetFeatureGateDuringTest(t, utilfeature.DefaultFeatureGate, features.EndpointSliceTerminatingCondition, testCase.terminatingGateEnabled)()
client := newClientset()
triggerTime := time.Now().UTC()
r := newReconciler(client, []*corev1.Node{node1}, defaultMaxEndpointsPerSlice)
reconcileHelper(t, r, &testCase.service, []*corev1.Pod{pod1}, []*discovery.EndpointSlice{}, triggerTime)
if len(client.Actions()) != len(testCase.expectedEndpointPerSlice) {
t.Errorf("Expected %v clientset action, got %d", len(testCase.expectedEndpointPerSlice), len(client.Actions()))
slices := fetchEndpointSlices(t, client, namespace)
if len(slices) != len(testCase.expectedEndpointPerSlice) {
t.Fatalf("Expected %v EndpointSlice, got %d", len(testCase.expectedEndpointPerSlice), len(slices))
for _, slice := range slices {
if !strings.HasPrefix(slice.Name, testCase.service.Name) {
t.Fatalf("Expected EndpointSlice name to start with %s, got %s", testCase.service.Name, slice.Name)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(testCase.expectedLabels, slice.Labels) {
t.Errorf("Expected EndpointSlice to have labels: %v , got %v", testCase.expectedLabels, slice.Labels)
if slice.Labels[discovery.LabelServiceName] != testCase.service.Name {
t.Fatalf("Expected EndpointSlice to have label set with %s value, got %s", testCase.service.Name, slice.Labels[discovery.LabelServiceName])
if slice.Annotations[corev1.EndpointsLastChangeTriggerTime] != triggerTime.Format(time.RFC3339Nano) {
t.Fatalf("Expected EndpointSlice trigger time annotation to be %s, got %s", triggerTime.Format(time.RFC3339Nano), slice.Annotations[corev1.EndpointsLastChangeTriggerTime])
// validate that this slice has address type matching expected
expectedEndPointList := testCase.expectedEndpointPerSlice[slice.AddressType]
if expectedEndPointList == nil {
t.Fatalf("address type %v is not expected", slice.AddressType)
if len(slice.Endpoints) != len(expectedEndPointList) {
t.Fatalf("Expected %v Endpoint, got %d", len(expectedEndPointList), len(slice.Endpoints))
// test is limited to *ONE* endpoint
endpoint := slice.Endpoints[0]
if !reflect.DeepEqual(endpoint, expectedEndPointList[0]) {
t.Fatalf("Expected endpoint: %+v, got: %+v", expectedEndPointList[0], endpoint)
expectTrackedGeneration(t, r.endpointSliceTracker, &slice, 1)
expectSlicesChangedPerSync := 1
if testCase.service.Spec.IPFamilies != nil && len(testCase.service.Spec.IPFamilies) > 0 {
expectSlicesChangedPerSync = len(testCase.service.Spec.IPFamilies)
desiredSlices: 1,
actualSlices: 1,
desiredEndpoints: 1,
addedPerSync: len(testCase.expectedEndpointPerSlice),
removedPerSync: 0,
numCreated: len(testCase.expectedEndpointPerSlice),
numUpdated: 0,
numDeleted: 0,
slicesChangedPerSync: expectSlicesChangedPerSync,
// given an existing placeholder endpoint slice and no pods matching the service, the existing
// slice should not change the placeholder
func TestReconcile1EndpointSlice(t *testing.T) {
namespace := "test"
svc, epMeta := newServiceAndEndpointMeta("foo", namespace)
emptySlice := newEmptyEndpointSlice(1, namespace, epMeta, svc)
emptySlice.ObjectMeta.Labels = map[string]string{"bar": "baz"}
testCases := []struct {
desc string
existing *discovery.EndpointSlice
wantUpdate bool
wantMetrics expectedMetrics
desc: "No existing placeholder",
wantUpdate: true,
wantMetrics: expectedMetrics{desiredSlices: 1, actualSlices: 1, desiredEndpoints: 0, addedPerSync: 0, removedPerSync: 0, numCreated: 1, numUpdated: 0, numDeleted: 0, slicesChangedPerSync: 1},
desc: "Existing placeholder that's the same",
existing: newEndpointSlice(&svc, &endpointMeta{Ports: []discovery.EndpointPort{}, AddressType: discovery.AddressTypeIPv4}),
wantMetrics: expectedMetrics{desiredSlices: 1, actualSlices: 1, desiredEndpoints: 0, addedPerSync: 0, removedPerSync: 0, numCreated: 0, numUpdated: 0, numDeleted: 0, slicesChangedPerSync: 0},
desc: "Existing placeholder that's different",
existing: emptySlice,
wantUpdate: true,
wantMetrics: expectedMetrics{desiredSlices: 1, actualSlices: 1, desiredEndpoints: 0, addedPerSync: 0, removedPerSync: 0, numCreated: 0, numUpdated: 1, numDeleted: 0, slicesChangedPerSync: 1},
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.desc, func(t *testing.T) {
client := newClientset()
existingSlices := []*discovery.EndpointSlice{}
if tc.existing != nil {
existingSlices = append(existingSlices, tc.existing)
_, createErr := client.DiscoveryV1().EndpointSlices(namespace).Create(context.TODO(), tc.existing, metav1.CreateOptions{})
assert.Nil(t, createErr, "Expected no error creating endpoint slice")
numActionsBefore := len(client.Actions())
r := newReconciler(client, []*corev1.Node{{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "node-1"}}}, defaultMaxEndpointsPerSlice)
reconcileHelper(t, r, &svc, []*corev1.Pod{}, existingSlices, time.Now())
var numUpdates int
if tc.wantUpdate {
numUpdates = 1
wantActions := numActionsBefore + numUpdates
assert.Len(t, client.Actions(), wantActions, "Expected %d additional clientset actions", numUpdates)
slices := fetchEndpointSlices(t, client, namespace)
assert.Len(t, slices, 1, "Expected 1 endpoint slices")
if !tc.wantUpdate {
assert.Regexp(t, "^"+svc.Name, slices[0].Name)
assert.Equal(t, svc.Name, slices[0].Labels[discovery.LabelServiceName])
assert.EqualValues(t, []discovery.EndpointPort{}, slices[0].Ports)
assert.EqualValues(t, []discovery.Endpoint{}, slices[0].Endpoints)
if tc.existing == nil {
expectTrackedGeneration(t, r.endpointSliceTracker, &slices[0], 1)
expectMetrics(t, tc.wantMetrics)
func TestPlaceHolderSliceCompare(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
desc string
x *discovery.EndpointSlice
y *discovery.EndpointSlice
want bool
desc: "Both nil",
want: true,
desc: "Y is nil",
x: &discovery.EndpointSlice{},
want: false,
desc: "X is nil",
y: &discovery.EndpointSlice{},
want: false,
desc: "Both are empty and non-nil",
x: &discovery.EndpointSlice{},
y: &discovery.EndpointSlice{},
want: true,
desc: "Only ObjectMeta.Name has diff",
x: &discovery.EndpointSlice{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "foo",
y: &discovery.EndpointSlice{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "bar",
want: true,
desc: "Only ObjectMeta.Labels has diff",
x: &discovery.EndpointSlice{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Labels: map[string]string{
"foo": "true",
y: &discovery.EndpointSlice{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Labels: map[string]string{
"bar": "true",
want: false,
desc: "Creation time is different",
x: &discovery.EndpointSlice{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
CreationTimestamp: metav1.Unix(1, 0),
y: &discovery.EndpointSlice{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
CreationTimestamp: metav1.Unix(2, 0),
want: true,
desc: "Different except for ObjectMeta",
x: &discovery.EndpointSlice{AddressType: discovery.AddressTypeIPv4},
y: &discovery.EndpointSlice{AddressType: discovery.AddressTypeIPv6},
want: false,
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.desc, func(t *testing.T) {
got := placeholderSliceCompare.DeepEqual(tc.x, tc.y)
if got != tc.want {
t.Errorf("sliceEqual(%v, %v) = %t, want %t", tc.x, tc.y, got, tc.want)
// when a Service has PublishNotReadyAddresses set to true, corresponding
// Endpoints should be considered ready, even if the backing Pod is not.
func TestReconcile1EndpointSlicePublishNotReadyAddresses(t *testing.T) {
client := newClientset()
namespace := "test"
svc, _ := newServiceAndEndpointMeta("foo", namespace)
svc.Spec.PublishNotReadyAddresses = true
// start with 50 pods, 1/3 not ready
pods := []*corev1.Pod{}
for i := 0; i < 50; i++ {
ready := !(i%3 == 0)
pods = append(pods, newPod(i, namespace, ready, 1, false))
r := newReconciler(client, []*corev1.Node{{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "node-1"}}}, defaultMaxEndpointsPerSlice)
reconcileHelper(t, r, &svc, pods, []*discovery.EndpointSlice{}, time.Now())
// Only 1 action, an EndpointSlice create
assert.Len(t, client.Actions(), 1, "Expected 1 additional clientset action")
expectActions(t, client.Actions(), 1, "create", "endpointslices")
// Two endpoint slices should be completely full, the remainder should be in another one
endpointSlices := fetchEndpointSlices(t, client, namespace)
for _, endpointSlice := range endpointSlices {
for i, endpoint := range endpointSlice.Endpoints {
if !endpointsliceutil.EndpointReady(endpoint) {
t.Errorf("Expected endpoints[%d] to be ready", i)
expectUnorderedSlicesWithLengths(t, endpointSlices, []int{50})
// a simple use case with 250 pods matching a service and no existing slices
// reconcile should create 3 slices, completely filling 2 of them
func TestReconcileManyPods(t *testing.T) {
client := newClientset()
namespace := "test"
svc, _ := newServiceAndEndpointMeta("foo", namespace)
// start with 250 pods
pods := []*corev1.Pod{}
for i := 0; i < 250; i++ {
ready := !(i%3 == 0)
pods = append(pods, newPod(i, namespace, ready, 1, false))
r := newReconciler(client, []*corev1.Node{{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "node-1"}}}, defaultMaxEndpointsPerSlice)
reconcileHelper(t, r, &svc, pods, []*discovery.EndpointSlice{}, time.Now())
// This is an ideal scenario where only 3 actions are required, and they're all creates
assert.Len(t, client.Actions(), 3, "Expected 3 additional clientset actions")
expectActions(t, client.Actions(), 3, "create", "endpointslices")
// Two endpoint slices should be completely full, the remainder should be in another one
expectUnorderedSlicesWithLengths(t, fetchEndpointSlices(t, client, namespace), []int{100, 100, 50})
expectMetrics(t, expectedMetrics{desiredSlices: 3, actualSlices: 3, desiredEndpoints: 250, addedPerSync: 250, removedPerSync: 0, numCreated: 3, numUpdated: 0, numDeleted: 0, slicesChangedPerSync: 3})
// now with preexisting slices, we have 250 pods matching a service
// the first endpoint slice contains 62 endpoints, all desired
// the second endpoint slice contains 61 endpoints, all desired
// that leaves 127 to add
// to minimize writes, our strategy is to create new slices for multiples of 100
// that leaves 27 to drop in an existing slice
// dropping them in the first slice will result in the slice being closest to full
// this approach requires 1 update + 1 create instead of 2 updates + 1 create
func TestReconcileEndpointSlicesSomePreexisting(t *testing.T) {
client := newClientset()
namespace := "test"
svc, endpointMeta := newServiceAndEndpointMeta("foo", namespace)
// start with 250 pods
pods := []*corev1.Pod{}
for i := 0; i < 250; i++ {
ready := !(i%3 == 0)
pods = append(pods, newPod(i, namespace, ready, 1, false))
// have approximately 1/4 in first slice
endpointSlice1 := newEmptyEndpointSlice(1, namespace, endpointMeta, svc)
for i := 1; i < len(pods)-4; i += 4 {
endpointSlice1.Endpoints = append(endpointSlice1.Endpoints, podToEndpoint(pods[i], &corev1.Node{}, &svc, discovery.AddressTypeIPv4))
// have approximately 1/4 in second slice
endpointSlice2 := newEmptyEndpointSlice(2, namespace, endpointMeta, svc)
for i := 3; i < len(pods)-4; i += 4 {
endpointSlice2.Endpoints = append(endpointSlice2.Endpoints, podToEndpoint(pods[i], &corev1.Node{}, &svc, discovery.AddressTypeIPv4))
existingSlices := []*discovery.EndpointSlice{endpointSlice1, endpointSlice2}
cmc := newCacheMutationCheck(existingSlices)
createEndpointSlices(t, client, namespace, existingSlices)
numActionsBefore := len(client.Actions())
r := newReconciler(client, []*corev1.Node{{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "node-1"}}}, defaultMaxEndpointsPerSlice)
reconcileHelper(t, r, &svc, pods, existingSlices, time.Now())
actions := client.Actions()
assert.Equal(t, numActionsBefore+2, len(actions), "Expected 2 additional client actions as part of reconcile")
assert.True(t, actions[numActionsBefore].Matches("create", "endpointslices"), "First action should be create endpoint slice")
assert.True(t, actions[numActionsBefore+1].Matches("update", "endpointslices"), "Second action should be update endpoint slice")
// 1 new slice (0->100) + 1 updated slice (62->89)
expectUnorderedSlicesWithLengths(t, fetchEndpointSlices(t, client, namespace), []int{89, 61, 100})
expectMetrics(t, expectedMetrics{desiredSlices: 3, actualSlices: 3, desiredEndpoints: 250, addedPerSync: 127, removedPerSync: 0, numCreated: 1, numUpdated: 1, numDeleted: 0, slicesChangedPerSync: 2})
// ensure cache mutation has not occurred
// now with preexisting slices, we have 300 pods matching a service
// this scenario will show some less ideal allocation
// the first endpoint slice contains 74 endpoints, all desired
// the second endpoint slice contains 74 endpoints, all desired
// that leaves 152 to add
// to minimize writes, our strategy is to create new slices for multiples of 100
// that leaves 52 to drop in an existing slice
// that capacity could fit if split in the 2 existing slices
// to minimize writes though, reconcile create a new slice with those 52 endpoints
// this approach requires 2 creates instead of 2 updates + 1 create
func TestReconcileEndpointSlicesSomePreexistingWorseAllocation(t *testing.T) {
client := newClientset()
namespace := "test"
svc, endpointMeta := newServiceAndEndpointMeta("foo", namespace)
// start with 300 pods
pods := []*corev1.Pod{}
for i := 0; i < 300; i++ {
ready := !(i%3 == 0)
pods = append(pods, newPod(i, namespace, ready, 1, false))
// have approximately 1/4 in first slice
endpointSlice1 := newEmptyEndpointSlice(1, namespace, endpointMeta, svc)
for i := 1; i < len(pods)-4; i += 4 {
endpointSlice1.Endpoints = append(endpointSlice1.Endpoints, podToEndpoint(pods[i], &corev1.Node{}, &svc, discovery.AddressTypeIPv4))
// have approximately 1/4 in second slice
endpointSlice2 := newEmptyEndpointSlice(2, namespace, endpointMeta, svc)
for i := 3; i < len(pods)-4; i += 4 {
endpointSlice2.Endpoints = append(endpointSlice2.Endpoints, podToEndpoint(pods[i], &corev1.Node{}, &svc, discovery.AddressTypeIPv4))
existingSlices := []*discovery.EndpointSlice{endpointSlice1, endpointSlice2}
cmc := newCacheMutationCheck(existingSlices)
createEndpointSlices(t, client, namespace, existingSlices)
numActionsBefore := len(client.Actions())
r := newReconciler(client, []*corev1.Node{{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "node-1"}}}, defaultMaxEndpointsPerSlice)
reconcileHelper(t, r, &svc, pods, existingSlices, time.Now())
actions := client.Actions()
assert.Equal(t, numActionsBefore+2, len(actions), "Expected 2 additional client actions as part of reconcile")
expectActions(t, client.Actions(), 2, "create", "endpointslices")
// 2 new slices (100, 52) in addition to existing slices (74, 74)
expectUnorderedSlicesWithLengths(t, fetchEndpointSlices(t, client, namespace), []int{74, 74, 100, 52})
expectMetrics(t, expectedMetrics{desiredSlices: 3, actualSlices: 4, desiredEndpoints: 300, addedPerSync: 152, removedPerSync: 0, numCreated: 2, numUpdated: 0, numDeleted: 0, slicesChangedPerSync: 2})
// ensure cache mutation has not occurred
// In some cases, such as a service port change, all slices for that service will require a change
// This test ensures that we are updating those slices and not calling create + delete for each
func TestReconcileEndpointSlicesUpdating(t *testing.T) {
client := newClientset()
namespace := "test"
svc, _ := newServiceAndEndpointMeta("foo", namespace)
// start with 250 pods
pods := []*corev1.Pod{}
for i := 0; i < 250; i++ {
ready := !(i%3 == 0)
pods = append(pods, newPod(i, namespace, ready, 1, false))
r := newReconciler(client, []*corev1.Node{{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "node-1"}}}, defaultMaxEndpointsPerSlice)
reconcileHelper(t, r, &svc, pods, []*discovery.EndpointSlice{}, time.Now())
numActionsExpected := 3
assert.Len(t, client.Actions(), numActionsExpected, "Expected 3 additional clientset actions")
slices := fetchEndpointSlices(t, client, namespace)
expectUnorderedSlicesWithLengths(t, slices, []int{100, 100, 50})
svc.Spec.Ports[0].TargetPort.IntVal = 81
reconcileHelper(t, r, &svc, pods, []*discovery.EndpointSlice{&slices[0], &slices[1], &slices[2]}, time.Now())
numActionsExpected += 3
assert.Len(t, client.Actions(), numActionsExpected, "Expected 3 additional clientset actions")
expectActions(t, client.Actions(), 3, "update", "endpointslices")
expectUnorderedSlicesWithLengths(t, fetchEndpointSlices(t, client, namespace), []int{100, 100, 50})
// In some cases, such as service labels updates, all slices for that service will require a change
// This test ensures that we are updating those slices and not calling create + delete for each
func TestReconcileEndpointSlicesServicesLabelsUpdating(t *testing.T) {
client := newClientset()
namespace := "test"
svc, _ := newServiceAndEndpointMeta("foo", namespace)
// start with 250 pods
pods := []*corev1.Pod{}
for i := 0; i < 250; i++ {
ready := !(i%3 == 0)
pods = append(pods, newPod(i, namespace, ready, 1, false))
r := newReconciler(client, []*corev1.Node{{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "node-1"}}}, defaultMaxEndpointsPerSlice)
reconcileHelper(t, r, &svc, pods, []*discovery.EndpointSlice{}, time.Now())
numActionsExpected := 3
assert.Len(t, client.Actions(), numActionsExpected, "Expected 3 additional clientset actions")
slices := fetchEndpointSlices(t, client, namespace)
expectUnorderedSlicesWithLengths(t, slices, []int{100, 100, 50})
// update service with new labels
svc.Labels = map[string]string{"foo": "bar"}
reconcileHelper(t, r, &svc, pods, []*discovery.EndpointSlice{&slices[0], &slices[1], &slices[2]}, time.Now())
numActionsExpected += 3
assert.Len(t, client.Actions(), numActionsExpected, "Expected 3 additional clientset actions")
expectActions(t, client.Actions(), 3, "update", "endpointslices")
newSlices := fetchEndpointSlices(t, client, namespace)
expectUnorderedSlicesWithLengths(t, newSlices, []int{100, 100, 50})
// check that the labels were updated
for _, slice := range newSlices {
w, ok := slice.Labels["foo"]
if !ok {
t.Errorf("Expected label \"foo\" from parent service not found")
} else if "bar" != w {
t.Errorf("Expected EndpointSlice to have parent service labels: have %s value, expected bar", w)
// In some cases, such as service labels updates, all slices for that service will require a change
// However, this should not happen for reserved labels
func TestReconcileEndpointSlicesServicesReservedLabels(t *testing.T) {
client := newClientset()
namespace := "test"
svc, _ := newServiceAndEndpointMeta("foo", namespace)
// start with 250 pods
pods := []*corev1.Pod{}
for i := 0; i < 250; i++ {
ready := !(i%3 == 0)
pods = append(pods, newPod(i, namespace, ready, 1, false))
r := newReconciler(client, []*corev1.Node{{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "node-1"}}}, defaultMaxEndpointsPerSlice)
reconcileHelper(t, r, &svc, pods, []*discovery.EndpointSlice{}, time.Now())
numActionsExpected := 3
assert.Len(t, client.Actions(), numActionsExpected, "Expected 3 additional clientset actions")
slices := fetchEndpointSlices(t, client, namespace)
expectUnorderedSlicesWithLengths(t, slices, []int{100, 100, 50})
// update service with new labels
svc.Labels = map[string]string{discovery.LabelServiceName: "bad", discovery.LabelManagedBy: "actor", corev1.IsHeadlessService: "invalid"}
reconcileHelper(t, r, &svc, pods, []*discovery.EndpointSlice{&slices[0], &slices[1], &slices[2]}, time.Now())
assert.Len(t, client.Actions(), numActionsExpected, "Expected no additional clientset actions")
newSlices := fetchEndpointSlices(t, client, namespace)
expectUnorderedSlicesWithLengths(t, newSlices, []int{100, 100, 50})
// In this test, we start with 10 slices that only have 30 endpoints each
// An initial reconcile makes no changes (as desired to limit writes)
// When we change a service port, all slices will need to be updated in some way
// reconcile repacks the endpoints into 3 slices, and deletes the extras
func TestReconcileEndpointSlicesRecycling(t *testing.T) {
client := newClientset()
namespace := "test"
svc, endpointMeta := newServiceAndEndpointMeta("foo", namespace)
// start with 300 pods
pods := []*corev1.Pod{}
for i := 0; i < 300; i++ {
ready := !(i%3 == 0)
pods = append(pods, newPod(i, namespace, ready, 1, false))
// generate 10 existing slices with 30 pods/endpoints each
existingSlices := []*discovery.EndpointSlice{}
for i, pod := range pods {
sliceNum := i / 30
if i%30 == 0 {
existingSlices = append(existingSlices, newEmptyEndpointSlice(sliceNum, namespace, endpointMeta, svc))
existingSlices[sliceNum].Endpoints = append(existingSlices[sliceNum].Endpoints, podToEndpoint(pod, &corev1.Node{}, &svc, discovery.AddressTypeIPv4))
cmc := newCacheMutationCheck(existingSlices)
createEndpointSlices(t, client, namespace, existingSlices)
numActionsBefore := len(client.Actions())
r := newReconciler(client, []*corev1.Node{{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "node-1"}}}, defaultMaxEndpointsPerSlice)
reconcileHelper(t, r, &svc, pods, existingSlices, time.Now())
// initial reconcile should be a no op, all pods are accounted for in slices, no repacking should be done
assert.Equal(t, numActionsBefore+0, len(client.Actions()), "Expected 0 additional client actions as part of reconcile")
// changing a service port should require all slices to be updated, time for a repack
svc.Spec.Ports[0].TargetPort.IntVal = 81
reconcileHelper(t, r, &svc, pods, existingSlices, time.Now())
// this should reflect 3 updates + 7 deletes
assert.Equal(t, numActionsBefore+10, len(client.Actions()), "Expected 10 additional client actions as part of reconcile")
// thanks to recycling, we get a free repack of endpoints, resulting in 3 full slices instead of 10 mostly empty slices
expectUnorderedSlicesWithLengths(t, fetchEndpointSlices(t, client, namespace), []int{100, 100, 100})
expectMetrics(t, expectedMetrics{desiredSlices: 3, actualSlices: 3, desiredEndpoints: 300, addedPerSync: 300, removedPerSync: 0, numCreated: 0, numUpdated: 3, numDeleted: 7, slicesChangedPerSync: 10})
// ensure cache mutation has not occurred
// In this test, we want to verify that endpoints are added to a slice that will
// be closest to full after the operation, even when slices are already marked
// for update.
func TestReconcileEndpointSlicesUpdatePacking(t *testing.T) {
client := newClientset()
namespace := "test"
svc, endpointMeta := newServiceAndEndpointMeta("foo", namespace)
existingSlices := []*discovery.EndpointSlice{}
pods := []*corev1.Pod{}
slice1 := newEmptyEndpointSlice(1, namespace, endpointMeta, svc)
for i := 0; i < 80; i++ {
pod := newPod(i, namespace, true, 1, false)
slice1.Endpoints = append(slice1.Endpoints, podToEndpoint(pod, &corev1.Node{}, &svc, discovery.AddressTypeIPv4))
pods = append(pods, pod)
existingSlices = append(existingSlices, slice1)
slice2 := newEmptyEndpointSlice(2, namespace, endpointMeta, svc)
for i := 100; i < 120; i++ {
pod := newPod(i, namespace, true, 1, false)
slice2.Endpoints = append(slice2.Endpoints, podToEndpoint(pod, &corev1.Node{}, &svc, discovery.AddressTypeIPv4))
pods = append(pods, pod)
existingSlices = append(existingSlices, slice2)
cmc := newCacheMutationCheck(existingSlices)
createEndpointSlices(t, client, namespace, existingSlices)
// ensure that endpoints in each slice will be marked for update.
for i, pod := range pods {
if i%10 == 0 {
pod.Status.Conditions = []corev1.PodCondition{{
Type: corev1.PodReady,
Status: corev1.ConditionFalse,
// add a few additional endpoints - no more than could fit in either slice.
for i := 200; i < 215; i++ {
pods = append(pods, newPod(i, namespace, true, 1, false))
r := newReconciler(client, []*corev1.Node{{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "node-1"}}}, defaultMaxEndpointsPerSlice)
reconcileHelper(t, r, &svc, pods, existingSlices, time.Now())
// ensure that both endpoint slices have been updated
expectActions(t, client.Actions(), 2, "update", "endpointslices")
expectMetrics(t, expectedMetrics{desiredSlices: 2, actualSlices: 2, desiredEndpoints: 115, addedPerSync: 15, removedPerSync: 0, numCreated: 0, numUpdated: 2, numDeleted: 0, slicesChangedPerSync: 2})
// additional pods should get added to fuller slice
expectUnorderedSlicesWithLengths(t, fetchEndpointSlices(t, client, namespace), []int{95, 20})
// ensure cache mutation has not occurred
// In this test, we want to verify that old EndpointSlices with a deprecated IP
// address type will be replaced with a newer IPv4 type.
func TestReconcileEndpointSlicesReplaceDeprecated(t *testing.T) {
client := newClientset()
namespace := "test"
svc, endpointMeta := newServiceAndEndpointMeta("foo", namespace)
// "IP" is a deprecated address type, ensuring that it is handled properly.
endpointMeta.AddressType = discovery.AddressType("IP")
existingSlices := []*discovery.EndpointSlice{}
pods := []*corev1.Pod{}
slice1 := newEmptyEndpointSlice(1, namespace, endpointMeta, svc)
for i := 0; i < 80; i++ {
pod := newPod(i, namespace, true, 1, false)
slice1.Endpoints = append(slice1.Endpoints, podToEndpoint(pod, &corev1.Node{}, &corev1.Service{Spec: corev1.ServiceSpec{}}, discovery.AddressTypeIPv4))
pods = append(pods, pod)
existingSlices = append(existingSlices, slice1)
slice2 := newEmptyEndpointSlice(2, namespace, endpointMeta, svc)
for i := 100; i < 150; i++ {
pod := newPod(i, namespace, true, 1, false)
slice2.Endpoints = append(slice2.Endpoints, podToEndpoint(pod, &corev1.Node{}, &corev1.Service{Spec: corev1.ServiceSpec{}}, discovery.AddressTypeIPv4))
pods = append(pods, pod)
existingSlices = append(existingSlices, slice2)
createEndpointSlices(t, client, namespace, existingSlices)
cmc := newCacheMutationCheck(existingSlices)
r := newReconciler(client, []*corev1.Node{{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "node-1"}}}, defaultMaxEndpointsPerSlice)
reconcileHelper(t, r, &svc, pods, existingSlices, time.Now())
// ensure that both original endpoint slices have been deleted
expectActions(t, client.Actions(), 2, "delete", "endpointslices")
endpointSlices := fetchEndpointSlices(t, client, namespace)
// since this involved replacing both EndpointSlices, the result should be
// perfectly packed.
expectUnorderedSlicesWithLengths(t, endpointSlices, []int{100, 30})
for _, endpointSlice := range endpointSlices {
if endpointSlice.AddressType != discovery.AddressTypeIPv4 {
t.Errorf("Expected address type to be IPv4, got %s", endpointSlice.AddressType)
// ensure cache mutation has not occurred
// In this test, we want to verify that a Service recreation will result in new
// EndpointSlices being created.
func TestReconcileEndpointSlicesRecreation(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
name string
ownedByService bool
expectChanges bool
name: "slice owned by Service",
ownedByService: true,
expectChanges: false,
}, {
name: "slice owned by other Service UID",
ownedByService: false,
expectChanges: true,
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
client := newClientset()
namespace := "test"
svc, endpointMeta := newServiceAndEndpointMeta("foo", namespace)
slice := newEmptyEndpointSlice(1, namespace, endpointMeta, svc)
pod := newPod(1, namespace, true, 1, false)
slice.Endpoints = append(slice.Endpoints, podToEndpoint(pod, &corev1.Node{}, &corev1.Service{Spec: corev1.ServiceSpec{}}, discovery.AddressTypeIPv4))
if !tc.ownedByService {
slice.OwnerReferences[0].UID = "different"
existingSlices := []*discovery.EndpointSlice{slice}
createEndpointSlices(t, client, namespace, existingSlices)
cmc := newCacheMutationCheck(existingSlices)
numActionsBefore := len(client.Actions())
r := newReconciler(client, []*corev1.Node{{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "node-1"}}}, defaultMaxEndpointsPerSlice)
reconcileHelper(t, r, &svc, []*corev1.Pod{pod}, existingSlices, time.Now())
if tc.expectChanges {
if len(client.Actions()) != numActionsBefore+2 {
t.Fatalf("Expected 2 additional actions, got %d", len(client.Actions())-numActionsBefore)
expectAction(t, client.Actions(), numActionsBefore, "create", "endpointslices")
expectAction(t, client.Actions(), numActionsBefore+1, "delete", "endpointslices")
fetchedSlices := fetchEndpointSlices(t, client, namespace)
if len(fetchedSlices) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("Expected 1 EndpointSlice to exist, got %d", len(fetchedSlices))
} else {
if len(client.Actions()) != numActionsBefore {
t.Errorf("Expected no additional actions, got %d", len(client.Actions())-numActionsBefore)
// ensure cache mutation has not occurred
// Named ports can map to different port numbers on different pods.
// This test ensures that EndpointSlices are grouped correctly in that case.
func TestReconcileEndpointSlicesNamedPorts(t *testing.T) {
client := newClientset()
namespace := "test"
portNameIntStr := intstr.IntOrString{
Type: intstr.String,
StrVal: "http",
svc := corev1.Service{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "named-port-example", Namespace: namespace},
Spec: corev1.ServiceSpec{
Ports: []corev1.ServicePort{{
TargetPort: portNameIntStr,
Protocol: corev1.ProtocolTCP,
Selector: map[string]string{"foo": "bar"},
IPFamilies: []corev1.IPFamily{corev1.IPv4Protocol},
// start with 300 pods
pods := []*corev1.Pod{}
for i := 0; i < 300; i++ {
ready := !(i%3 == 0)
portOffset := i % 5
pod := newPod(i, namespace, ready, 1, false)
pod.Spec.Containers[0].Ports = []corev1.ContainerPort{{
Name: portNameIntStr.StrVal,
ContainerPort: int32(8080 + portOffset),
Protocol: corev1.ProtocolTCP,
pods = append(pods, pod)
r := newReconciler(client, []*corev1.Node{{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "node-1"}}}, defaultMaxEndpointsPerSlice)
reconcileHelper(t, r, &svc, pods, []*discovery.EndpointSlice{}, time.Now())
// reconcile should create 5 endpoint slices
assert.Equal(t, 5, len(client.Actions()), "Expected 5 client actions as part of reconcile")
expectActions(t, client.Actions(), 5, "create", "endpointslices")
expectMetrics(t, expectedMetrics{desiredSlices: 5, actualSlices: 5, desiredEndpoints: 300, addedPerSync: 300, removedPerSync: 0, numCreated: 5, numUpdated: 0, numDeleted: 0, slicesChangedPerSync: 5})
fetchedSlices := fetchEndpointSlices(t, client, namespace)
// each slice should have 60 endpoints to match 5 unique variations of named port mapping
expectUnorderedSlicesWithLengths(t, fetchedSlices, []int{60, 60, 60, 60, 60})
// generate data structures for expected slice ports and address types
protoTCP := corev1.ProtocolTCP
expectedSlices := []discovery.EndpointSlice{}
for i := range fetchedSlices {
expectedSlices = append(expectedSlices, discovery.EndpointSlice{
Ports: []discovery.EndpointPort{{
Name: utilpointer.StringPtr(""),
Protocol: &protoTCP,
Port: utilpointer.Int32Ptr(int32(8080 + i)),
AddressType: discovery.AddressTypeIPv4,
// slices fetched should match expected address type and ports
expectUnorderedSlicesWithTopLevelAttrs(t, fetchedSlices, expectedSlices)
// This test ensures that maxEndpointsPerSlice configuration results in
// appropriate endpoints distribution among slices
func TestReconcileMaxEndpointsPerSlice(t *testing.T) {
namespace := "test"
svc, _ := newServiceAndEndpointMeta("foo", namespace)
// start with 250 pods
pods := []*corev1.Pod{}
for i := 0; i < 250; i++ {
ready := !(i%3 == 0)
pods = append(pods, newPod(i, namespace, ready, 1, false))
testCases := []struct {
maxEndpointsPerSlice int32
expectedSliceLengths []int
expectedMetricValues expectedMetrics
maxEndpointsPerSlice: int32(50),
expectedSliceLengths: []int{50, 50, 50, 50, 50},
expectedMetricValues: expectedMetrics{desiredSlices: 5, actualSlices: 5, desiredEndpoints: 250, addedPerSync: 250, numCreated: 5, slicesChangedPerSync: 5},
}, {
maxEndpointsPerSlice: int32(80),
expectedSliceLengths: []int{80, 80, 80, 10},
expectedMetricValues: expectedMetrics{desiredSlices: 4, actualSlices: 4, desiredEndpoints: 250, addedPerSync: 250, numCreated: 4, slicesChangedPerSync: 4},
}, {
maxEndpointsPerSlice: int32(150),
expectedSliceLengths: []int{150, 100},
expectedMetricValues: expectedMetrics{desiredSlices: 2, actualSlices: 2, desiredEndpoints: 250, addedPerSync: 250, numCreated: 2, slicesChangedPerSync: 2},
}, {
maxEndpointsPerSlice: int32(250),
expectedSliceLengths: []int{250},
expectedMetricValues: expectedMetrics{desiredSlices: 1, actualSlices: 1, desiredEndpoints: 250, addedPerSync: 250, numCreated: 1, slicesChangedPerSync: 1},
}, {
maxEndpointsPerSlice: int32(500),
expectedSliceLengths: []int{250},
expectedMetricValues: expectedMetrics{desiredSlices: 1, actualSlices: 1, desiredEndpoints: 250, addedPerSync: 250, numCreated: 1, slicesChangedPerSync: 1},
for _, testCase := range testCases {
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("maxEndpointsPerSlice: %d", testCase.maxEndpointsPerSlice), func(t *testing.T) {
client := newClientset()
r := newReconciler(client, []*corev1.Node{{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "node-1"}}}, testCase.maxEndpointsPerSlice)
reconcileHelper(t, r, &svc, pods, []*discovery.EndpointSlice{}, time.Now())
expectUnorderedSlicesWithLengths(t, fetchEndpointSlices(t, client, namespace), testCase.expectedSliceLengths)
expectMetrics(t, testCase.expectedMetricValues)
func TestReconcileEndpointSlicesMetrics(t *testing.T) {
client := newClientset()
namespace := "test"
svc, _ := newServiceAndEndpointMeta("foo", namespace)
// start with 20 pods
pods := []*corev1.Pod{}
for i := 0; i < 20; i++ {
pods = append(pods, newPod(i, namespace, true, 1, false))
r := newReconciler(client, []*corev1.Node{{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "node-1"}}}, defaultMaxEndpointsPerSlice)
reconcileHelper(t, r, &svc, pods, []*discovery.EndpointSlice{}, time.Now())
actions := client.Actions()
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(actions), "Expected 1 additional client actions as part of reconcile")
assert.True(t, actions[0].Matches("create", "endpointslices"), "First action should be create endpoint slice")
expectMetrics(t, expectedMetrics{desiredSlices: 1, actualSlices: 1, desiredEndpoints: 20, addedPerSync: 20, removedPerSync: 0, numCreated: 1, numUpdated: 0, numDeleted: 0, slicesChangedPerSync: 1})
fetchedSlices := fetchEndpointSlices(t, client, namespace)
reconcileHelper(t, r, &svc, pods[0:10], []*discovery.EndpointSlice{&fetchedSlices[0]}, time.Now())
expectMetrics(t, expectedMetrics{desiredSlices: 1, actualSlices: 1, desiredEndpoints: 10, addedPerSync: 20, removedPerSync: 10, numCreated: 1, numUpdated: 1, numDeleted: 0, slicesChangedPerSync: 2})
// When a Service has a non-nil deletionTimestamp we want to avoid creating any
// new EndpointSlices but continue to allow updates and deletes through. This
// test uses 3 EndpointSlices, 1 "to-create", 1 "to-update", and 1 "to-delete".
// Each test case exercises different combinations of calls to finalize with
// those resources.
func TestReconcilerFinalizeSvcDeletionTimestamp(t *testing.T) {
now := metav1.Now()
testCases := []struct {
name string
deletionTimestamp *metav1.Time
attemptCreate bool
attemptUpdate bool
attemptDelete bool
expectCreatedSlice bool
expectUpdatedSlice bool
expectDeletedSlice bool
name: "Attempt create and update, nil deletion timestamp",
deletionTimestamp: nil,
attemptCreate: true,
attemptUpdate: true,
expectCreatedSlice: true,
expectUpdatedSlice: true,
expectDeletedSlice: true,
}, {
name: "Attempt create and update, deletion timestamp set",
deletionTimestamp: &now,
attemptCreate: true,
attemptUpdate: true,
expectCreatedSlice: false,
expectUpdatedSlice: true,
expectDeletedSlice: true,
}, {
// Slice scheduled for creation is transitioned to update of Slice
// scheduled for deletion.
name: "Attempt create, update, and delete, nil deletion timestamp, recycling in action",
deletionTimestamp: nil,
attemptCreate: true,
attemptUpdate: true,
attemptDelete: true,
expectCreatedSlice: false,
expectUpdatedSlice: true,
expectDeletedSlice: true,
}, {
// Slice scheduled for creation is transitioned to update of Slice
// scheduled for deletion.
name: "Attempt create, update, and delete, deletion timestamp set, recycling in action",
deletionTimestamp: &now,
attemptCreate: true,
attemptUpdate: true,
attemptDelete: true,
expectCreatedSlice: false,
expectUpdatedSlice: true,
expectDeletedSlice: true,
}, {
// Update and delete continue to work when deletionTimestamp is set.
name: "Attempt update delete, deletion timestamp set",
deletionTimestamp: &now,
attemptCreate: false,
attemptUpdate: true,
attemptDelete: true,
expectCreatedSlice: false,
expectUpdatedSlice: true,
expectDeletedSlice: false,
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
client := newClientset()
r := newReconciler(client, []*corev1.Node{{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "node-1"}}}, defaultMaxEndpointsPerSlice)
namespace := "test"
svc, endpointMeta := newServiceAndEndpointMeta("foo", namespace)
svc.DeletionTimestamp = tc.deletionTimestamp
gvk := schema.GroupVersionKind{Version: "v1", Kind: "Service"}
ownerRef := metav1.NewControllerRef(&svc, gvk)
esToCreate := &discovery.EndpointSlice{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "to-create",
OwnerReferences: []metav1.OwnerReference{*ownerRef},
AddressType: endpointMeta.AddressType,
Ports: endpointMeta.Ports,
// Add EndpointSlice that can be updated.
esToUpdate, err := client.DiscoveryV1().EndpointSlices(namespace).Create(context.TODO(), &discovery.EndpointSlice{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "to-update",
OwnerReferences: []metav1.OwnerReference{*ownerRef},
AddressType: endpointMeta.AddressType,
Ports: endpointMeta.Ports,
}, metav1.CreateOptions{})
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Expected no error creating EndpointSlice during test setup, got %v", err)
// Add an endpoint so we can see if this has actually been updated by
// finalize func.
esToUpdate.Endpoints = []discovery.Endpoint{{Addresses: []string{""}}}
// Add EndpointSlice that can be deleted.
esToDelete, err := client.DiscoveryV1().EndpointSlices(namespace).Create(context.TODO(), &discovery.EndpointSlice{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: "to-delete",
OwnerReferences: []metav1.OwnerReference{*ownerRef},
AddressType: endpointMeta.AddressType,
Ports: endpointMeta.Ports,
}, metav1.CreateOptions{})
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Expected no error creating EndpointSlice during test setup, got %v", err)
slicesToCreate := []*discovery.EndpointSlice{}
if tc.attemptCreate {
slicesToCreate = append(slicesToCreate, esToCreate.DeepCopy())
slicesToUpdate := []*discovery.EndpointSlice{}
if tc.attemptUpdate {
slicesToUpdate = append(slicesToUpdate, esToUpdate.DeepCopy())
slicesToDelete := []*discovery.EndpointSlice{}
if tc.attemptDelete {
slicesToDelete = append(slicesToDelete, esToDelete.DeepCopy())
err = r.finalize(&svc, slicesToCreate, slicesToUpdate, slicesToDelete, time.Now())
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Error calling r.finalize(): %v", err)
fetchedSlices := fetchEndpointSlices(t, client, namespace)
createdSliceFound := false
updatedSliceFound := false
deletedSliceFound := false
for _, epSlice := range fetchedSlices {
if epSlice.Name == esToCreate.Name {
createdSliceFound = true
if epSlice.Name == esToUpdate.Name {
updatedSliceFound = true
if tc.attemptUpdate && len(epSlice.Endpoints) != len(esToUpdate.Endpoints) {
t.Errorf("Expected EndpointSlice to be updated with %d endpoints, got %d endpoints", len(esToUpdate.Endpoints), len(epSlice.Endpoints))
if epSlice.Name == esToDelete.Name {
deletedSliceFound = true
if createdSliceFound != tc.expectCreatedSlice {
t.Errorf("Expected created EndpointSlice existence to be %t, got %t", tc.expectCreatedSlice, createdSliceFound)
if updatedSliceFound != tc.expectUpdatedSlice {
t.Errorf("Expected updated EndpointSlice existence to be %t, got %t", tc.expectUpdatedSlice, updatedSliceFound)
if deletedSliceFound != tc.expectDeletedSlice {
t.Errorf("Expected deleted EndpointSlice existence to be %t, got %t", tc.expectDeletedSlice, deletedSliceFound)
// When a Pod references a Node that is not present in the informer cache the
// EndpointSlices will continue to allow create, updates and deletes through.
// The Pod with the missing reference will be published or retried depending of
// the service.spec.PublishNotReadyAddresses.
// The test considers two Pods on different nodes, one of the Nodes is not present.
func TestReconcilerPodMissingNode(t *testing.T) {
namespace := "test"
nodes := make([]*corev1.Node, 2)
nodes[0] = &corev1.Node{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "node-0"}}
nodes[1] = &corev1.Node{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: "node-1"}}
pods := make([]*corev1.Pod, 2)
pods[0] = newPod(0, namespace, true, 1, false)
pods[0].Spec.NodeName = nodes[0].Name
pods[1] = newPod(1, namespace, true, 1, false)
pods[1].Spec.NodeName = nodes[1].Name
service, endpointMeta := newServiceAndEndpointMeta("foo", namespace)
testCases := []struct {
name string
publishNotReady bool
existingNodes []*corev1.Node
existingSlice func() *discovery.EndpointSlice
expectedMetrics expectedMetrics
expectError bool
name: "Create and publishNotReady false",
publishNotReady: false,
existingNodes: []*corev1.Node{nodes[0]},
expectedMetrics: expectedMetrics{
desiredSlices: 1,
actualSlices: 1,
desiredEndpoints: 1,
addedPerSync: 1,
removedPerSync: 0,
numCreated: 1,
numUpdated: 0,
numDeleted: 0,
slicesChangedPerSync: 1,
expectError: true,
}, {
name: "Create and publishNotReady true",
publishNotReady: true,
existingNodes: []*corev1.Node{nodes[0]},
expectedMetrics: expectedMetrics{
desiredSlices: 1,
actualSlices: 1,
desiredEndpoints: 2,
addedPerSync: 2,
removedPerSync: 0,
numCreated: 1,
numUpdated: 0,
numDeleted: 0,
slicesChangedPerSync: 1,
expectError: false,
}, {
name: "Update and publishNotReady false",
publishNotReady: false,
existingNodes: []*corev1.Node{nodes[0]},
existingSlice: func() *discovery.EndpointSlice {
slice := newEmptyEndpointSlice(1, namespace, endpointMeta, service)
slice.Endpoints = append(slice.Endpoints, podToEndpoint(pods[0], nodes[0], &service, discovery.AddressTypeIPv4))
slice.Endpoints = append(slice.Endpoints, podToEndpoint(pods[1], nodes[1], &service, discovery.AddressTypeIPv4))
return slice
expectedMetrics: expectedMetrics{
desiredSlices: 1,
actualSlices: 1,
desiredEndpoints: 1,
addedPerSync: 0,
removedPerSync: 1,
numCreated: 0,
numUpdated: 1,
numDeleted: 0,
slicesChangedPerSync: 1,
expectError: true,
}, {
name: "Update and publishNotReady true and all nodes missing",
publishNotReady: true,
existingSlice: func() *discovery.EndpointSlice {
slice := newEmptyEndpointSlice(1, namespace, endpointMeta, service)
slice.Endpoints = append(slice.Endpoints, podToEndpoint(pods[0], nodes[0], &service, discovery.AddressTypeIPv4))
slice.Endpoints = append(slice.Endpoints, podToEndpoint(pods[1], nodes[1], &service, discovery.AddressTypeIPv4))
return slice
expectedMetrics: expectedMetrics{
desiredSlices: 1,
actualSlices: 1,
desiredEndpoints: 2,
addedPerSync: 0,
removedPerSync: 0,
numCreated: 0,
numUpdated: 0,
numDeleted: 0,
slicesChangedPerSync: 0,
expectError: false,
}, {
name: "Update and publishNotReady true",
publishNotReady: true,
existingNodes: []*corev1.Node{nodes[0]},
existingSlice: func() *discovery.EndpointSlice {
slice := newEmptyEndpointSlice(1, namespace, endpointMeta, service)
slice.Endpoints = append(slice.Endpoints, podToEndpoint(pods[0], nodes[0], &service, discovery.AddressTypeIPv4))
slice.Endpoints = append(slice.Endpoints, podToEndpoint(pods[1], nodes[1], &service, discovery.AddressTypeIPv4))
return slice
expectedMetrics: expectedMetrics{
desiredSlices: 1,
actualSlices: 1,
desiredEndpoints: 2,
addedPerSync: 0,
removedPerSync: 0,
numCreated: 0,
numUpdated: 0,
numDeleted: 0,
slicesChangedPerSync: 0,
expectError: false,
}, {
name: "Update if publishNotReady false and no nodes are present",
publishNotReady: false,
existingNodes: []*corev1.Node{},
existingSlice: func() *discovery.EndpointSlice {
slice := newEmptyEndpointSlice(1, namespace, endpointMeta, service)
slice.Endpoints = append(slice.Endpoints, podToEndpoint(pods[0], nodes[0], &service, discovery.AddressTypeIPv4))
slice.Endpoints = append(slice.Endpoints, podToEndpoint(pods[1], nodes[1], &service, discovery.AddressTypeIPv4))
return slice
expectedMetrics: expectedMetrics{
desiredSlices: 1,
actualSlices: 1,
desiredEndpoints: 0,
addedPerSync: 0,
removedPerSync: 2,
numCreated: 0,
// the slice is updated not deleted
numUpdated: 1,
numDeleted: 0,
slicesChangedPerSync: 1,
expectError: true,
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
client := newClientset()
r := newReconciler(client, tc.existingNodes, defaultMaxEndpointsPerSlice)
svc := service.DeepCopy()
svc.Spec.PublishNotReadyAddresses = tc.publishNotReady
existingSlices := []*discovery.EndpointSlice{}
if tc.existingSlice != nil {
slice := tc.existingSlice()
existingSlices = append(existingSlices, slice)
_, createErr := client.DiscoveryV1().EndpointSlices(namespace).Create(context.TODO(), slice, metav1.CreateOptions{})
if createErr != nil {
t.Errorf("Expected no error creating endpoint slice")
err := r.reconcile(svc, pods, existingSlices, time.Now())
if err == nil && tc.expectError {
t.Errorf("Expected error but no error received")
if err != nil && !tc.expectError {
t.Errorf("Unexpected error: %v", err)
fetchedSlices := fetchEndpointSlices(t, client, namespace)
if len(fetchedSlices) != tc.expectedMetrics.actualSlices {
t.Fatalf("Actual slices %d doesn't match metric %d", len(fetchedSlices), tc.expectedMetrics.actualSlices)
expectMetrics(t, tc.expectedMetrics)
func TestReconcileTopology(t *testing.T) {
ns := "testing"
svc, endpointMeta := newServiceAndEndpointMeta("foo", ns)
// 3 zones, 10 nodes and pods per zone
zones := []string{"zone-a", "zone-b", "zone-c"}
pods := []*corev1.Pod{}
nodes := []*corev1.Node{}
nodesByName := map[string]*corev1.Node{}
for i, zone := range zones {
for j := 0; j < 10; j++ {
node := &corev1.Node{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: fmt.Sprintf("node-%s-%d", zone, j),
Labels: map[string]string{
corev1.LabelTopologyZone: zone,
Status: corev1.NodeStatus{
Conditions: []corev1.NodeCondition{{
Type: corev1.NodeReady,
Status: corev1.ConditionTrue,
Allocatable: corev1.ResourceList{"cpu": resource.MustParse("100m")},
nodesByName[node.Name] = node
nodes = append(nodes, node)
pod := newPod(i*100+j, ns, true, 1, false)
pod.Spec.NodeName = node.Name
pods = append(pods, pod)
slicesByName := map[string]*discovery.EndpointSlice{}
slicePods := map[string][]*corev1.Pod{
"zone-a-b": {pods[7], pods[8], pods[16], pods[17], pods[18]},
"zone-a-c": {pods[5], pods[6], pods[25], pods[26]},
"zone-c": {pods[27], pods[28], pods[29]},
gvk := schema.GroupVersionKind{Version: "v1", Kind: "Service"}
ownerRef := metav1.NewControllerRef(&svc, gvk)
for name, pods := range slicePods {
endpoints := []discovery.Endpoint{}
for _, pod := range pods {
endpoints = append(endpoints, podToEndpoint(pod, nodesByName[pod.Spec.NodeName], &svc, endpointMeta.AddressType))
slicesByName[name] = &discovery.EndpointSlice{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
Name: name,
OwnerReferences: []metav1.OwnerReference{*ownerRef},
Labels: map[string]string{
discovery.LabelManagedBy: controllerName,
discovery.LabelServiceName: svc.Name,
AddressType: endpointMeta.AddressType,
Ports: endpointMeta.Ports,
Endpoints: endpoints,
testCases := []struct {
name string
topologyCacheEnabled bool
hintsAnnotation string
existingSlices []*discovery.EndpointSlice
pods []*corev1.Pod
nodes []*corev1.Node
expectedHints map[string]int
expectedCrossZoneHints int
expectedMetrics expectedMetrics
name: "no change, topologyCache disabled, annotation == auto",
topologyCacheEnabled: false,
hintsAnnotation: "auto",
existingSlices: []*discovery.EndpointSlice{slicesByName["zone-c"]},
pods: slicePods["zone-c"],
nodes: nodes,
expectedHints: nil,
expectedCrossZoneHints: 0,
expectedMetrics: expectedMetrics{
desiredSlices: 1,
actualSlices: 1,
desiredEndpoints: 3,
addedPerSync: 0,
removedPerSync: 0,
numCreated: 0,
numUpdated: 0,
numDeleted: 0,
slicesChangedPerSync: 0,
}, {
name: "enabling topologyCache, hintsAnnotation == auto",
topologyCacheEnabled: true,
hintsAnnotation: "auto",
existingSlices: []*discovery.EndpointSlice{slicesByName["zone-c"]},
pods: slicePods["zone-c"],
nodes: nodes,
expectedHints: map[string]int{
"zone-a": 1,
"zone-b": 1,
"zone-c": 1,
expectedCrossZoneHints: 2,
expectedMetrics: expectedMetrics{
desiredSlices: 1,
actualSlices: 1,
desiredEndpoints: 3,
addedPerSync: 0,
removedPerSync: 0,
numCreated: 0,
numUpdated: 1,
numDeleted: 0,
slicesChangedPerSyncTopology: 1,
}, {
name: "topology enabled, hintsAnnotation==auto, ratio beyond threshold",
topologyCacheEnabled: true,
hintsAnnotation: "auto",
existingSlices: []*discovery.EndpointSlice{slicesByName["zone-a-c"]},
pods: slicePods["zone-a-c"],
nodes: nodes,
expectedHints: nil,
expectedCrossZoneHints: 0,
expectedMetrics: expectedMetrics{
desiredSlices: 1,
actualSlices: 1,
desiredEndpoints: 4,
addedPerSync: 0,
removedPerSync: 0,
numCreated: 0,
numUpdated: 0,
numDeleted: 0,
slicesChangedPerSyncTopology: 0,
}, {
name: "topology enabled, hintsAnnotation==Auto, more slices and endpoints",
topologyCacheEnabled: true,
hintsAnnotation: "Auto",
existingSlices: []*discovery.EndpointSlice{slicesByName["zone-a-c"], slicesByName["zone-a-b"]},
pods: append(slicePods["zone-a-c"], slicePods["zone-a-b"]...),
nodes: nodes,
expectedHints: map[string]int{
"zone-a": 3,
"zone-b": 3,
"zone-c": 3,
expectedCrossZoneHints: 1,
expectedMetrics: expectedMetrics{
desiredSlices: 1,
actualSlices: 2,
desiredEndpoints: 9,
addedPerSync: 0,
removedPerSync: 0,
numCreated: 0,
// TODO(robscott): Since we're potentially changing more slices when
// adding topology hints we could use it as a free repacking
// opportunity. That would make this value 1.
numUpdated: 2,
numDeleted: 0,
slicesChangedPerSyncTopology: 2,
}, {
name: "topology enabled, hintsAnnotation==disabled, more slices and endpoints",
topologyCacheEnabled: true,
hintsAnnotation: "disabled",
existingSlices: []*discovery.EndpointSlice{slicesByName["zone-a-c"], slicesByName["zone-a-b"]},
pods: append(slicePods["zone-a-c"], slicePods["zone-a-b"]...),
nodes: nodes,
expectedHints: nil,
expectedCrossZoneHints: 0,
expectedMetrics: expectedMetrics{
desiredSlices: 1,
actualSlices: 2,
desiredEndpoints: 9,
addedPerSync: 0,
removedPerSync: 0,
numCreated: 0,
numUpdated: 0,
numDeleted: 0,
slicesChangedPerSync: 0,
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
client := newClientset()
cmc := newCacheMutationCheck(tc.existingSlices)
createEndpointSlices(t, client, ns, tc.existingSlices)
r := newReconciler(client, tc.nodes, defaultMaxEndpointsPerSlice)
if tc.topologyCacheEnabled {
r.topologyCache = topologycache.NewTopologyCache()
service := svc.DeepCopy()
service.Annotations = map[string]string{
corev1.AnnotationTopologyAwareHints: tc.hintsAnnotation,
r.reconcile(service, tc.pods, tc.existingSlices, time.Now())
expectMetrics(t, tc.expectedMetrics)
fetchedSlices := fetchEndpointSlices(t, client, ns)
if len(fetchedSlices) != tc.expectedMetrics.actualSlices {
t.Fatalf("Actual slices %d doesn't match metric %d", len(fetchedSlices), tc.expectedMetrics.actualSlices)
if tc.expectedHints == nil {
for _, slice := range fetchedSlices {
for _, endpoint := range slice.Endpoints {
if endpoint.Hints != nil && len(endpoint.Hints.ForZones) > 0 {
t.Fatalf("Expected endpoint not to have zone hints: %+v", endpoint)
actualCrossZoneHints := 0
actualHints := map[string]int{}
for _, slice := range fetchedSlices {
for _, endpoint := range slice.Endpoints {
if endpoint.Hints == nil || len(endpoint.Hints.ForZones) == 0 {
t.Fatalf("Expected endpoint to have zone hints: %+v", endpoint)
if len(endpoint.Hints.ForZones) > 1 {
t.Fatalf("Expected endpoint to only have 1 zone hint, got %d", len(endpoint.Hints.ForZones))
if endpoint.Zone == nil || *endpoint.Zone == "" {
t.Fatalf("Expected endpoint to have zone: %+v", endpoint)
zoneHint := endpoint.Hints.ForZones[0].Name
if *endpoint.Zone != zoneHint {
if len(actualHints) != len(tc.expectedHints) {
t.Errorf("Expected hints for %d zones, got %d", len(tc.expectedHints), len(actualHints))
for zone, expectedNum := range tc.expectedHints {
actualNum, _ := actualHints[zone]
if actualNum != expectedNum {
t.Errorf("Expected %d hints for %s zone, got %d", expectedNum, zone, actualNum)
if actualCrossZoneHints != tc.expectedCrossZoneHints {
t.Errorf("Expected %d cross zone hints, got %d", tc.expectedCrossZoneHints, actualCrossZoneHints)
// Test Helpers
func newReconciler(client *fake.Clientset, nodes []*corev1.Node, maxEndpointsPerSlice int32) *reconciler {
informerFactory := informers.NewSharedInformerFactory(client, controller.NoResyncPeriodFunc())
nodeInformer := informerFactory.Core().V1().Nodes()
indexer := nodeInformer.Informer().GetIndexer()
for _, node := range nodes {
return &reconciler{
client: client,
nodeLister: corelisters.NewNodeLister(indexer),
maxEndpointsPerSlice: maxEndpointsPerSlice,
endpointSliceTracker: endpointsliceutil.NewEndpointSliceTracker(),
metricsCache: metrics.NewCache(maxEndpointsPerSlice),
// ensures endpoint slices exist with the desired set of lengths
func expectUnorderedSlicesWithLengths(t *testing.T, endpointSlices []discovery.EndpointSlice, expectedLengths []int) {
assert.Len(t, endpointSlices, len(expectedLengths), "Expected %d endpoint slices", len(expectedLengths))
lengthsWithNoMatch := []int{}
desiredLengths := expectedLengths
actualLengths := []int{}
for _, endpointSlice := range endpointSlices {
actualLen := len(endpointSlice.Endpoints)
actualLengths = append(actualLengths, actualLen)
matchFound := false
for i := 0; i < len(desiredLengths); i++ {
if desiredLengths[i] == actualLen {
matchFound = true
desiredLengths = append(desiredLengths[:i], desiredLengths[i+1:]...)
if !matchFound {
lengthsWithNoMatch = append(lengthsWithNoMatch, actualLen)
if len(lengthsWithNoMatch) > 0 || len(desiredLengths) > 0 {
t.Errorf("Actual slice lengths (%v) don't match expected (%v)", actualLengths, expectedLengths)
// ensures endpoint slices exist with the desired set of ports and address types
func expectUnorderedSlicesWithTopLevelAttrs(t *testing.T, endpointSlices []discovery.EndpointSlice, expectedSlices []discovery.EndpointSlice) {
assert.Len(t, endpointSlices, len(expectedSlices), "Expected %d endpoint slices", len(expectedSlices))
slicesWithNoMatch := []discovery.EndpointSlice{}
for _, endpointSlice := range endpointSlices {
matchFound := false
for i := 0; i < len(expectedSlices); i++ {
if portsAndAddressTypeEqual(expectedSlices[i], endpointSlice) {
matchFound = true
expectedSlices = append(expectedSlices[:i], expectedSlices[i+1:]...)
if !matchFound {
slicesWithNoMatch = append(slicesWithNoMatch, endpointSlice)
assert.Len(t, slicesWithNoMatch, 0, "EndpointSlice(s) found without matching attributes")
assert.Len(t, expectedSlices, 0, "Expected slices(s) not found in EndpointSlices")
func expectActions(t *testing.T, actions []k8stesting.Action, num int, verb, resource string) {
// if actions are less the below logic will panic
if num > len(actions) {
t.Fatalf("len of actions %v is unexpected. Expected to be at least %v", len(actions), num+1)
for i := 0; i < num; i++ {
relativePos := len(actions) - i - 1
assert.Equal(t, verb, actions[relativePos].GetVerb(), "Expected action -%d verb to be %s", i, verb)
assert.Equal(t, resource, actions[relativePos].GetResource().Resource, "Expected action -%d resource to be %s", i, resource)
func expectTrackedGeneration(t *testing.T, tracker *endpointsliceutil.EndpointSliceTracker, slice *discovery.EndpointSlice, expectedGeneration int64) {
gfs, ok := tracker.GenerationsForSliceUnsafe(slice)
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("Expected Service to be tracked for EndpointSlices %s", slice.Name)
generation, ok := gfs[slice.UID]
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("Expected EndpointSlice %s to be tracked", slice.Name)
if generation != expectedGeneration {
t.Errorf("Expected Generation of %s to be %d, got %d", slice.Name, expectedGeneration, generation)
func portsAndAddressTypeEqual(slice1, slice2 discovery.EndpointSlice) bool {
return apiequality.Semantic.DeepEqual(slice1.Ports, slice2.Ports) && apiequality.Semantic.DeepEqual(slice1.AddressType, slice2.AddressType)
func createEndpointSlices(t *testing.T, client *fake.Clientset, namespace string, endpointSlices []*discovery.EndpointSlice) {
for _, endpointSlice := range endpointSlices {
_, err := client.DiscoveryV1().EndpointSlices(namespace).Create(context.TODO(), endpointSlice, metav1.CreateOptions{})
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Expected no error creating Endpoint Slice, got: %v", err)
func fetchEndpointSlices(t *testing.T, client *fake.Clientset, namespace string) []discovery.EndpointSlice {
fetchedSlices, err := client.DiscoveryV1().EndpointSlices(namespace).List(context.TODO(), metav1.ListOptions{})
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Expected no error fetching Endpoint Slices, got: %v", err)
return []discovery.EndpointSlice{}
return fetchedSlices.Items
func reconcileHelper(t *testing.T, r *reconciler, service *corev1.Service, pods []*corev1.Pod, existingSlices []*discovery.EndpointSlice, triggerTime time.Time) {
err := r.reconcile(service, pods, existingSlices, triggerTime)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Expected no error reconciling Endpoint Slices, got: %v", err)
// Metrics helpers
type expectedMetrics struct {
desiredSlices int
actualSlices int
desiredEndpoints int
addedPerSync int
removedPerSync int
numCreated int
numUpdated int
numDeleted int
slicesChangedPerSync int
slicesChangedPerSyncTopology int
syncSuccesses int
syncErrors int
func expectMetrics(t *testing.T, em expectedMetrics) {
actualDesiredSlices, err := testutil.GetGaugeMetricValue(metrics.DesiredEndpointSlices.WithLabelValues())
handleErr(t, err, "desiredEndpointSlices")
if actualDesiredSlices != float64(em.desiredSlices) {
t.Errorf("Expected desiredEndpointSlices to be %d, got %v", em.desiredSlices, actualDesiredSlices)
actualNumSlices, err := testutil.GetGaugeMetricValue(metrics.NumEndpointSlices.WithLabelValues())
handleErr(t, err, "numEndpointSlices")
if actualNumSlices != float64(em.actualSlices) {
t.Errorf("Expected numEndpointSlices to be %d, got %v", em.actualSlices, actualNumSlices)
actualEndpointsDesired, err := testutil.GetGaugeMetricValue(metrics.EndpointsDesired.WithLabelValues())
handleErr(t, err, "desiredEndpoints")
if actualEndpointsDesired != float64(em.desiredEndpoints) {
t.Errorf("Expected desiredEndpoints to be %d, got %v", em.desiredEndpoints, actualEndpointsDesired)
actualAddedPerSync, err := testutil.GetHistogramMetricValue(metrics.EndpointsAddedPerSync.WithLabelValues())
handleErr(t, err, "endpointsAddedPerSync")
if actualAddedPerSync != float64(em.addedPerSync) {
t.Errorf("Expected endpointsAddedPerSync to be %d, got %v", em.addedPerSync, actualAddedPerSync)
actualRemovedPerSync, err := testutil.GetHistogramMetricValue(metrics.EndpointsRemovedPerSync.WithLabelValues())
handleErr(t, err, "endpointsRemovedPerSync")
if actualRemovedPerSync != float64(em.removedPerSync) {
t.Errorf("Expected endpointsRemovedPerSync to be %d, got %v", em.removedPerSync, actualRemovedPerSync)
actualCreated, err := testutil.GetCounterMetricValue(metrics.EndpointSliceChanges.WithLabelValues("create"))
handleErr(t, err, "endpointSliceChangesCreated")
if actualCreated != float64(em.numCreated) {
t.Errorf("Expected endpointSliceChangesCreated to be %d, got %v", em.numCreated, actualCreated)
actualUpdated, err := testutil.GetCounterMetricValue(metrics.EndpointSliceChanges.WithLabelValues("update"))
handleErr(t, err, "endpointSliceChangesUpdated")
if actualUpdated != float64(em.numUpdated) {
t.Errorf("Expected endpointSliceChangesUpdated to be %d, got %v", em.numUpdated, actualUpdated)
actualDeleted, err := testutil.GetCounterMetricValue(metrics.EndpointSliceChanges.WithLabelValues("delete"))
handleErr(t, err, "desiredEndpointSlices")
if actualDeleted != float64(em.numDeleted) {
t.Errorf("Expected endpointSliceChangesDeleted to be %d, got %v", em.numDeleted, actualDeleted)
actualSlicesChangedPerSync, err := testutil.GetHistogramMetricValue(metrics.EndpointSlicesChangedPerSync.WithLabelValues("Disabled"))
handleErr(t, err, "slicesChangedPerSync")
if actualSlicesChangedPerSync != float64(em.slicesChangedPerSync) {
t.Errorf("Expected slicesChangedPerSync to be %d, got %v", em.slicesChangedPerSync, actualSlicesChangedPerSync)
actualSlicesChangedPerSyncTopology, err := testutil.GetHistogramMetricValue(metrics.EndpointSlicesChangedPerSync.WithLabelValues("Auto"))
handleErr(t, err, "slicesChangedPerSyncTopology")
if actualSlicesChangedPerSyncTopology != float64(em.slicesChangedPerSyncTopology) {
t.Errorf("Expected slicesChangedPerSyncTopology to be %d, got %v", em.slicesChangedPerSyncTopology, actualSlicesChangedPerSyncTopology)
actualSyncSuccesses, err := testutil.GetCounterMetricValue(metrics.EndpointSliceSyncs.WithLabelValues("success"))
handleErr(t, err, "syncSuccesses")
if actualSyncSuccesses != float64(em.syncSuccesses) {
t.Errorf("Expected endpointSliceSyncSuccesses to be %d, got %v", em.syncSuccesses, actualSyncSuccesses)
actualSyncErrors, err := testutil.GetCounterMetricValue(metrics.EndpointSliceSyncs.WithLabelValues("error"))
handleErr(t, err, "syncErrors")
if actualSyncErrors != float64(em.syncErrors) {
t.Errorf("Expected endpointSliceSyncErrors to be %d, got %v", em.syncErrors, actualSyncErrors)
func handleErr(t *testing.T, err error, metricName string) {
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("Failed to get %s value, err: %v", metricName, err)
func setupMetrics() {
metrics.EndpointSliceChanges.Delete(map[string]string{"operation": "create"})
metrics.EndpointSliceChanges.Delete(map[string]string{"operation": "update"})
metrics.EndpointSliceChanges.Delete(map[string]string{"operation": "delete"})
metrics.EndpointSlicesChangedPerSync.Delete(map[string]string{"topology": "Disabled"})
metrics.EndpointSlicesChangedPerSync.Delete(map[string]string{"topology": "Auto"})
metrics.EndpointSliceSyncs.Delete(map[string]string{"result": "success"})
metrics.EndpointSliceSyncs.Delete(map[string]string{"result": "error"})
kubernetes endpointslice_controller 源码
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3、 gate.io
8、 golang
9、 openharmony
10、 Vue中input框自动聚焦