spark BlockGenerator 源码
spark BlockGenerator 代码
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.spark.streaming.receiver
import java.util.concurrent.{ArrayBlockingQueue, TimeUnit}
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkException}
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.streaming.StreamingConf.BLOCK_INTERVAL
import org.apache.spark.streaming.util.RecurringTimer
import org.apache.spark.util.{Clock, SystemClock}
/** Listener object for BlockGenerator events */
private[streaming] trait BlockGeneratorListener {
* Called after a data item is added into the BlockGenerator. The data addition and this
* callback are synchronized with the block generation and its associated callback,
* so block generation waits for the active data addition+callback to complete. This is useful
* for updating metadata on successful buffering of a data item, specifically that metadata
* that will be useful when a block is generated. Any long blocking operation in this callback
* will hurt the throughput.
def onAddData(data: Any, metadata: Any): Unit
* Called when a new block of data is generated by the block generator. The block generation
* and this callback are synchronized with the data addition and its associated callback, so
* the data addition waits for the block generation+callback to complete. This is useful
* for updating metadata when a block has been generated, specifically metadata that will
* be useful when the block has been successfully stored. Any long blocking operation in this
* callback will hurt the throughput.
def onGenerateBlock(blockId: StreamBlockId): Unit
* Called when a new block is ready to be pushed. Callers are supposed to store the block into
* Spark in this method. Internally this is called from a single
* thread, that is not synchronized with any other callbacks. Hence it is okay to do long
* blocking operation in this callback.
def onPushBlock(blockId: StreamBlockId, arrayBuffer: ArrayBuffer[_]): Unit
* Called when an error has occurred in the BlockGenerator. Can be called form many places
* so better to not do any long block operation in this callback.
def onError(message: String, throwable: Throwable): Unit
* Generates batches of objects received by a
* [[org.apache.spark.streaming.receiver.Receiver]] and puts them into appropriately
* named blocks at regular intervals. This class starts two threads,
* one to periodically start a new batch and prepare the previous batch of as a block,
* the other to push the blocks into the block manager.
* Note: Do not create BlockGenerator instances directly inside receivers. Use
* `ReceiverSupervisor.createBlockGenerator` to create a BlockGenerator and use it.
private[streaming] class BlockGenerator(
listener: BlockGeneratorListener,
receiverId: Int,
conf: SparkConf,
clock: Clock = new SystemClock()
) extends RateLimiter(conf) with Logging {
private case class Block(id: StreamBlockId, buffer: ArrayBuffer[Any])
* The BlockGenerator can be in 5 possible states, in the order as follows.
* - Initialized: Nothing has been started.
* - Active: start() has been called, and it is generating blocks on added data.
* - StoppedAddingData: stop() has been called, the adding of data has been stopped,
* but blocks are still being generated and pushed.
* - StoppedGeneratingBlocks: Generating of blocks has been stopped, but
* they are still being pushed.
* - StoppedAll: Everything has been stopped, and the BlockGenerator object can be GCed.
private object GeneratorState extends Enumeration {
type GeneratorState = Value
val Initialized, Active, StoppedAddingData, StoppedGeneratingBlocks, StoppedAll = Value
import GeneratorState._
private val blockIntervalMs = conf.get(BLOCK_INTERVAL)
require(blockIntervalMs > 0, s"'${BLOCK_INTERVAL.key}' should be a positive value")
private val blockIntervalTimer =
new RecurringTimer(clock, blockIntervalMs, updateCurrentBuffer, "BlockGenerator")
private val blockQueueSize = conf.getInt("spark.streaming.blockQueueSize", 10)
private val blocksForPushing = new ArrayBlockingQueue[Block](blockQueueSize)
private val blockPushingThread =
new Thread() { override def run(): Unit = keepPushingBlocks() }
@volatile private var currentBuffer = new ArrayBuffer[Any]
@volatile private var state = Initialized
/** Start block generating and pushing threads. */
def start(): Unit = synchronized {
if (state == Initialized) {
state = Active
logInfo("Started BlockGenerator")
} else {
throw new SparkException(
s"Cannot start BlockGenerator as its not in the Initialized state [state = $state]")
* Stop everything in the right order such that all the data added is pushed out correctly.
* - First, stop adding data to the current buffer.
* - Second, stop generating blocks.
* - Finally, wait for queue of to-be-pushed blocks to be drained.
def stop(): Unit = {
// Set the state to stop adding data
synchronized {
if (state == Active) {
state = StoppedAddingData
} else {
logWarning(s"Cannot stop BlockGenerator as its not in the Active state [state = $state]")
// Stop generating blocks and set the state for block pushing thread to start draining the queue
logInfo("Stopping BlockGenerator")
blockIntervalTimer.stop(interruptTimer = false)
synchronized { state = StoppedGeneratingBlocks }
// Wait for the queue to drain and mark state as StoppedAll
logInfo("Waiting for block pushing thread to terminate")
synchronized { state = StoppedAll }
logInfo("Stopped BlockGenerator")
* Push a single data item into the buffer.
def addData(data: Any): Unit = {
if (state == Active) {
synchronized {
if (state == Active) {
currentBuffer += data
} else {
throw new SparkException(
"Cannot add data as BlockGenerator has not been started or has been stopped")
} else {
throw new SparkException(
"Cannot add data as BlockGenerator has not been started or has been stopped")
* Push a single data item into the buffer. After buffering the data, the
* `BlockGeneratorListener.onAddData` callback will be called.
def addDataWithCallback(data: Any, metadata: Any): Unit = {
if (state == Active) {
synchronized {
if (state == Active) {
currentBuffer += data
listener.onAddData(data, metadata)
} else {
throw new SparkException(
"Cannot add data as BlockGenerator has not been started or has been stopped")
} else {
throw new SparkException(
"Cannot add data as BlockGenerator has not been started or has been stopped")
* Push multiple data items into the buffer. After buffering the data, the
* `BlockGeneratorListener.onAddData` callback will be called. Note that all the data items
* are atomically added to the buffer, and are hence guaranteed to be present in a single block.
def addMultipleDataWithCallback(dataIterator: Iterator[Any], metadata: Any): Unit = {
if (state == Active) {
// Unroll iterator into a temp buffer, and wait for pushing in the process
val tempBuffer = new ArrayBuffer[Any]
dataIterator.foreach { data =>
tempBuffer += data
synchronized {
if (state == Active) {
currentBuffer ++= tempBuffer
listener.onAddData(tempBuffer, metadata)
} else {
throw new SparkException(
"Cannot add data as BlockGenerator has not been started or has been stopped")
} else {
throw new SparkException(
"Cannot add data as BlockGenerator has not been started or has been stopped")
def isActive(): Boolean = state == Active
def isStopped(): Boolean = state == StoppedAll
/** Change the buffer to which single records are added to. */
private def updateCurrentBuffer(time: Long): Unit = {
try {
var newBlock: Block = null
synchronized {
if (currentBuffer.nonEmpty) {
val newBlockBuffer = currentBuffer
currentBuffer = new ArrayBuffer[Any]
val blockId = StreamBlockId(receiverId, time - blockIntervalMs)
newBlock = new Block(blockId, newBlockBuffer)
if (newBlock != null) {
blocksForPushing.put(newBlock) // put is blocking when queue is full
} catch {
case ie: InterruptedException =>
logInfo("Block updating timer thread was interrupted")
case e: Exception =>
reportError("Error in block updating thread", e)
/** Keep pushing blocks to the BlockManager. */
private def keepPushingBlocks(): Unit = {
logInfo("Started block pushing thread")
def areBlocksBeingGenerated: Boolean = synchronized {
state != StoppedGeneratingBlocks
try {
// While blocks are being generated, keep polling for to-be-pushed blocks and push them.
while (areBlocksBeingGenerated) {
Option(blocksForPushing.poll(10, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) match {
case Some(block) => pushBlock(block)
case None =>
// At this point, state is StoppedGeneratingBlock. So drain the queue of to-be-pushed blocks.
logInfo("Pushing out the last " + blocksForPushing.size() + " blocks")
while (!blocksForPushing.isEmpty) {
val block = blocksForPushing.take()
logDebug(s"Pushing block $block")
logInfo("Blocks left to push " + blocksForPushing.size())
logInfo("Stopped block pushing thread")
} catch {
case ie: InterruptedException =>
logInfo("Block pushing thread was interrupted")
case e: Exception =>
reportError("Error in block pushing thread", e)
private def reportError(message: String, t: Throwable): Unit = {
logError(message, t)
listener.onError(message, t)
private def pushBlock(block: Block): Unit = {
listener.onPushBlock(, block.buffer)
logInfo("Pushed block " +
- 所属分类: 前端技术
- 本文标签:
2、 - 优质文章
8、 golang
9、 openharmony
10、 Vue中input框自动聚焦