harmony 鸿蒙@ohos.batteryStatistics (Battery Statistics)

  • 2022-12-22
  • 浏览 (681)

@ohos.batteryStatistics (Battery Statistics)

The batteryStatistics module provides APIs for querying software and hardware power consumption statistics.


  • The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 8. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

  • The APIs provided by this module are system APIs.

Modules to Import

import batteryStats from '@ohos.batteryStatistics';


getBatteryStats(): Promise

Obtains the power consumption information list. This API uses a promise to return the result.

System API: This is a system API.

System capability: SystemCapability.PowerManager.BatteryStatistics

Return value

Type Description
Promise> Promise used to return the power consumption information list.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Thermal Manager Error Codes.

Code Error Message
4600101 If connecting to the service failed.


.then((data: batteryStats.BatteryStatsInfo[]) => {
    console.info('battery statistics info: ' + data);
.catch((err: Error) => {
    console.error('get battery statistics failed, err: ' + err);


getBatteryStats(callback: AsyncCallback): void

Obtains the power consumption information list. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.

System API: This is a system API.

System capability: SystemCapability.PowerManager.BatteryStatistics


Name Type Mandatory Description
callback AsyncCallback> Yes Callback used to return the result. If the operation is successful, err is undefined and data is the array of power consumption information obtained (that is, Array<BatteryStatsInfo>>). If the operation failed, err is an error object.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Thermal Manager Error Codes.

Code Error Message
4600101 If connecting to the service failed.


batteryStats.getBatteryStats((err: Error, data : batteryStats.BatteryStatsInfo[]) => {
    if (typeof err === 'undefined') {
        console.info('battery statistics info: ' + data);
    } else {
        console.error('get battery statistics failed, err: ' + err);


getAppPowerValue(uid: number): number

Obtains the power consumption of an application.

System API: This is a system API.

System capability: SystemCapability.PowerManager.BatteryStatistics


Name Type Mandatory Description
uid number Yes Application UID.

Return value

Type Description
number Power consumption of the application with this UID, in unit of mAh.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Thermal Manager Error Codes.

Code Error Message
4600101 If connecting to the service failed.


try {
    let value = batteryStats.getAppPowerValue(10021);
    console.info('battery statistics value of app is: ' + value);
} catch(err) {
    console.error('get battery statistics value of app failed, err: ' + err);


getAppPowerPercent(uid: number): number

Obtains the proportion of the power consumption of an application.

System API: This is a system API.

System capability: SystemCapability.PowerManager.BatteryStatistics


Name Type Mandatory Description
uid number Yes Application UID.

Return value

Type Description
number Proportion of the power consumption of an application with this UID.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Thermal Manager Error Codes.

Code Error Message
4600101 If connecting to the service failed.


try {
    let percent = batteryStats.getAppPowerPercent(10021);
    console.info('battery statistics percent of app is: ' + percent);
} catch(err) {
    console.error('get battery statistics percent of app failed, err: ' + err);


getHardwareUnitPowerValue(type: ConsumptionType): number

Obtains the power consumption of a hardware unit according to the consumption type.

System API: This is a system API.

System capability: SystemCapability.PowerManager.BatteryStatistics


Name Type Mandatory Description
type ConsumptionType Yes Power consumption type.

Return value

Type Description
number Power consumption of the hardware unit corresponding to the power consumption type, in unit of mAh.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Thermal Manager Error Codes.

Code Error Message
4600101 If connecting to the service failed.


try {
    let value = batteryStats.getHardwareUnitPowerValue(batteryStats.ConsumptionType.CONSUMPTION_TYPE_SCREEN);
    console.info('battery statistics value of hardware is: ' + value);
} catch(err) {
    console.error('get battery statistics percent of hardware failed, err: ' + err);


getHardwareUnitPowerPercent(type: ConsumptionType): number

Obtains the proportion of the power consumption of a hardware unit according to the power consumption type.

System API: This is a system API.

System capability: SystemCapability.PowerManager.BatteryStatistics


Name Type Mandatory Description
type ConsumptionType Yes Power consumption type.

Return value

Type Description
number Proportion of the power consumption of the hardware unit corresponding to the power consumption type.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Thermal Manager Error Codes.

Code Error Message
4600101 If connecting to the service failed.


try {
    let percent = batteryStats.getHardwareUnitPowerPercent(batteryStats.ConsumptionType.CONSUMPTION_TYPE_SCREEN);
    console.info('battery statistics percent of hardware is: ' + percent);
} catch(err) {
    console.error('get battery statistics percent of hardware failed, err: ' + err);


Describes the device power consumption information.

System API: This is a system API.

System capability: SystemCapability.PowerManager.BatteryStatistics


Name Type Readable Writable Description
uid number Yes No UID related to power consumption information.
type ConsumptionType Yes No Power consumption type.
power number Yes No Power consumption, in unit of mAh.


Enumerates power consumption types.

System API: This is a system API.

System capability: SystemCapability.PowerManager.BatteryStatistics

Name Value Description
CONSUMPTION_TYPE_APP -16 Power consumption of an application.
CONSUMPTION_TYPE_BLUETOOTH -15 Power consumption of Bluetooth.
CONSUMPTION_TYPE_IDLE -14 Power consumption when the CPU is idle.
CONSUMPTION_TYPE_PHONE -13 Power consumption of a phone call.
CONSUMPTION_TYPE_RADIO -12 Power consumption of wireless communication.
CONSUMPTION_TYPE_SCREEN -11 Power consumption of the screen.
CONSUMPTION_TYPE_USER -10 Power consumption of the user.
CONSUMPTION_TYPE_WIFI -9 Power consumption of Wi-Fi.


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