tidb tracker 源码
tidb tracker 代码
// Copyright 2018 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package memory
import (
atomicutil "go.uber.org/atomic"
// TrackMemWhenExceeds is the threshold when memory usage needs to be tracked.
const TrackMemWhenExceeds = 104857600 // 100MB
// Tracker is used to track the memory usage during query execution.
// It contains an optional limit and can be arranged into a tree structure
// such that the consumption tracked by a Tracker is also tracked by
// its ancestors. The main idea comes from Apache Impala:
// https://github.com/cloudera/Impala/blob/cdh5-trunk/be/src/runtime/mem-tracker.h
// By default, memory consumption is tracked via calls to "Consume()", either to
// the tracker itself or to one of its descendents. A typical sequence of calls
// for a single Tracker is:
// 1. tracker.SetLabel() / tracker.SetActionOnExceed() / tracker.AttachTo()
// 2. tracker.Consume() / tracker.ReplaceChild() / tracker.BytesConsumed()
// NOTE: We only protect concurrent access to "bytesConsumed" and "children",
// that is to say:
// 1. Only "BytesConsumed()", "Consume()" and "AttachTo()" are thread-safe.
// 2. Other operations of a Tracker tree is not thread-safe.
// We have two limits for the memory quota: soft limit and hard limit.
// If the soft limit is exceeded, we will trigger the action that alleviates the
// speed of memory growth. The soft limit is hard-coded as `0.8*hard limit`.
// The actions that could be triggered are: AggSpillDiskAction.
// If the hard limit is exceeded, we will trigger the action that immediately
// reduces memory usage. The hard limit is set by the system variable `tidb_mem_query_quota`.
// The actions that could be triggered are: SpillDiskAction, SortAndSpillDiskAction, rateLimitAction,
// PanicOnExceed, globalPanicOnExceed, LogOnExceed.
type Tracker struct {
bytesLimit atomic.Value
actionMuForHardLimit actionMu
actionMuForSoftLimit actionMu
mu struct {
// The children memory trackers. If the Tracker is the Global Tracker, like executor.GlobalDiskUsageTracker,
// we wouldn't maintain its children in order to avoiding mutex contention.
children map[int][]*Tracker
parMu struct {
parent *Tracker // The parent memory tracker.
label int // Label of this "Tracker".
bytesConsumed int64 // Consumed bytes.
bytesReleased int64 // Released bytes.
maxConsumed atomicutil.Int64 // max number of bytes consumed during execution.
isGlobal bool // isGlobal indicates whether this tracker is global tracker
type actionMu struct {
actionOnExceed ActionOnExceed
// EnableGCAwareMemoryTrack is used to turn on/off the GC-aware memory track
var EnableGCAwareMemoryTrack = atomicutil.NewBool(false)
// https://golang.google.cn/pkg/runtime/#SetFinalizer
// It is not guaranteed that a finalizer will run if the size of *obj is zero bytes.
type finalizerRef struct {
byte //nolint:unused
// softScale means the scale of the soft limit to the hard limit.
const softScale = 0.8
// bytesLimits holds limit config atomically.
type bytesLimits struct {
bytesHardLimit int64 // bytesHardLimit <= 0 means no limit, used for actionMuForHardLimit.
bytesSoftLimit int64 // bytesSoftLimit <= 0 means no limit, used for actionMuForSoftLimit.
// InitTracker initializes a memory tracker.
// 1. "label" is the label used in the usage string.
// 2. "bytesLimit <= 0" means no limit.
// For the common tracker, isGlobal is default as false
func InitTracker(t *Tracker, label int, bytesLimit int64, action ActionOnExceed) {
t.mu.children = nil
t.actionMuForHardLimit.actionOnExceed = action
t.actionMuForSoftLimit.actionOnExceed = nil
t.parMu.parent = nil
t.label = label
bytesHardLimit: bytesLimit,
bytesSoftLimit: int64(float64(bytesLimit) * softScale),
t.isGlobal = false
// NewTracker creates a memory tracker.
// 1. "label" is the label used in the usage string.
// 2. "bytesLimit <= 0" means no limit.
// For the common tracker, isGlobal is default as false
func NewTracker(label int, bytesLimit int64) *Tracker {
t := &Tracker{
label: label,
bytesHardLimit: bytesLimit,
bytesSoftLimit: int64(float64(bytesLimit) * softScale),
t.actionMuForHardLimit.actionOnExceed = &LogOnExceed{}
t.isGlobal = false
return t
// NewGlobalTracker creates a global tracker, its isGlobal is default as true
func NewGlobalTracker(label int, bytesLimit int64) *Tracker {
t := &Tracker{
label: label,
bytesHardLimit: bytesLimit,
bytesSoftLimit: int64(float64(bytesLimit) * softScale),
t.actionMuForHardLimit.actionOnExceed = &LogOnExceed{}
t.isGlobal = true
return t
// CheckBytesLimit check whether the bytes limit of the tracker is equal to a value.
// Only used in test.
func (t *Tracker) CheckBytesLimit(val int64) bool {
return t.bytesLimit.Load().(*bytesLimits).bytesHardLimit == val
// SetBytesLimit sets the bytes limit for this tracker.
// "bytesHardLimit <= 0" means no limit.
func (t *Tracker) SetBytesLimit(bytesLimit int64) {
bytesHardLimit: bytesLimit,
bytesSoftLimit: int64(float64(bytesLimit) * softScale),
// GetBytesLimit gets the bytes limit for this tracker.
// "bytesHardLimit <= 0" means no limit.
func (t *Tracker) GetBytesLimit() int64 {
return t.bytesLimit.Load().(*bytesLimits).bytesHardLimit
// CheckExceed checks whether the consumed bytes is exceed for this tracker.
func (t *Tracker) CheckExceed() bool {
bytesHardLimit := t.bytesLimit.Load().(*bytesLimits).bytesHardLimit
return atomic.LoadInt64(&t.bytesConsumed) >= bytesHardLimit && bytesHardLimit > 0
// SetActionOnExceed sets the action when memory usage exceeds bytesHardLimit.
func (t *Tracker) SetActionOnExceed(a ActionOnExceed) {
t.actionMuForHardLimit.actionOnExceed = a
// FallbackOldAndSetNewAction sets the action when memory usage exceeds bytesHardLimit
// and set the original action as its fallback.
func (t *Tracker) FallbackOldAndSetNewAction(a ActionOnExceed) {
defer t.actionMuForHardLimit.Unlock()
t.actionMuForHardLimit.actionOnExceed = reArrangeFallback(a, t.actionMuForHardLimit.actionOnExceed)
// FallbackOldAndSetNewActionForSoftLimit sets the action when memory usage exceeds bytesSoftLimit
// and set the original action as its fallback.
func (t *Tracker) FallbackOldAndSetNewActionForSoftLimit(a ActionOnExceed) {
defer t.actionMuForSoftLimit.Unlock()
t.actionMuForSoftLimit.actionOnExceed = reArrangeFallback(a, t.actionMuForSoftLimit.actionOnExceed)
// GetFallbackForTest get the oom action used by test.
func (t *Tracker) GetFallbackForTest(ignoreFinishedAction bool) ActionOnExceed {
defer t.actionMuForHardLimit.Unlock()
if t.actionMuForHardLimit.actionOnExceed != nil && t.actionMuForHardLimit.actionOnExceed.IsFinished() && ignoreFinishedAction {
t.actionMuForHardLimit.actionOnExceed = t.actionMuForHardLimit.actionOnExceed.GetFallback()
return t.actionMuForHardLimit.actionOnExceed
// reArrangeFallback merge two action chains and rearrange them by priority in descending order.
func reArrangeFallback(a ActionOnExceed, b ActionOnExceed) ActionOnExceed {
if a == nil {
return b
if b == nil {
return a
if a.GetPriority() < b.GetPriority() {
a, b = b, a
a.SetFallback(reArrangeFallback(a.GetFallback(), b))
return a
// SetLabel sets the label of a Tracker.
func (t *Tracker) SetLabel(label int) {
parent := t.getParent()
t.label = label
if parent != nil {
// Label gets the label of a Tracker.
func (t *Tracker) Label() int {
return t.label
// AttachTo attaches this memory tracker as a child to another Tracker. If it
// already has a parent, this function will remove it from the old parent.
// Its consumed memory usage is used to update all its ancestors.
func (t *Tracker) AttachTo(parent *Tracker) {
if parent.isGlobal {
oldParent := t.getParent()
if oldParent != nil {
if parent.mu.children == nil {
parent.mu.children = make(map[int][]*Tracker)
parent.mu.children[t.label] = append(parent.mu.children[t.label], t)
// Detach de-attach the tracker child from its parent, then set its parent property as nil
func (t *Tracker) Detach() {
parent := t.getParent()
if parent == nil {
if parent.isGlobal {
defer t.mu.Unlock()
func (t *Tracker) remove(oldChild *Tracker) {
found := false
label := oldChild.label
if t.mu.children != nil {
children := t.mu.children[label]
for i, child := range children {
if child == oldChild {
children = append(children[:i], children[i+1:]...)
if len(children) > 0 {
t.mu.children[label] = children
} else {
delete(t.mu.children, label)
found = true
if found {
// ReplaceChild removes the old child specified in "oldChild" and add a new
// child specified in "newChild". old child's memory consumption will be
// removed and new child's memory consumption will be added.
func (t *Tracker) ReplaceChild(oldChild, newChild *Tracker) {
if newChild == nil {
if oldChild.label != newChild.label {
newConsumed := newChild.BytesConsumed()
label := oldChild.label
if t.mu.children != nil {
children := t.mu.children[label]
for i, child := range children {
if child != oldChild {
newConsumed -= oldChild.BytesConsumed()
children[i] = newChild
t.mu.children[label] = children
// Consume is used to consume a memory usage. "bytes" can be a negative value,
// which means this is a memory release operation. When memory usage of a tracker
// exceeds its bytesSoftLimit/bytesHardLimit, the tracker calls its action, so does each of its ancestors.
func (t *Tracker) Consume(bs int64) {
if bs == 0 {
var rootExceed, rootExceedForSoftLimit *Tracker
for tracker := t; tracker != nil; tracker = tracker.getParent() {
bytesConsumed := atomic.AddInt64(&tracker.bytesConsumed, bs)
bytesReleased := atomic.LoadInt64(&tracker.bytesReleased)
limits := tracker.bytesLimit.Load().(*bytesLimits)
if bytesConsumed+bytesReleased >= limits.bytesHardLimit && limits.bytesHardLimit > 0 {
rootExceed = tracker
if bytesConsumed+bytesReleased >= limits.bytesSoftLimit && limits.bytesSoftLimit > 0 {
rootExceedForSoftLimit = tracker
for {
maxNow := tracker.maxConsumed.Load()
consumed := atomic.LoadInt64(&tracker.bytesConsumed)
if consumed > maxNow && !tracker.maxConsumed.CAS(maxNow, consumed) {
if label, ok := MetricsTypes[tracker.label]; ok {
metrics.MemoryUsage.WithLabelValues(label[0], label[1]).Set(float64(consumed))
tryAction := func(mu *actionMu, tracker *Tracker) {
defer mu.Unlock()
for mu.actionOnExceed != nil && mu.actionOnExceed.IsFinished() {
mu.actionOnExceed = mu.actionOnExceed.GetFallback()
if mu.actionOnExceed != nil {
if bs > 0 && rootExceedForSoftLimit != nil {
tryAction(&rootExceedForSoftLimit.actionMuForSoftLimit, rootExceedForSoftLimit)
if bs > 0 && rootExceed != nil {
tryAction(&rootExceed.actionMuForHardLimit, rootExceed)
// BufferedConsume is used to buffer memory usage and do late consume
// not thread-safe, should be called in one goroutine
func (t *Tracker) BufferedConsume(bufferedMemSize *int64, bytes int64) {
*bufferedMemSize += bytes
if *bufferedMemSize >= int64(TrackMemWhenExceeds) {
*bufferedMemSize = int64(0)
// Release is used to release memory tracked, track the released memory until GC triggered if needed
// If you want your track to be GC-aware, please use Release(bytes) instead of Consume(-bytes), and pass the memory size of the real object.
// Only Analyze is integrated with Release so far.
func (t *Tracker) Release(bytes int64) {
if bytes == 0 {
defer t.Consume(-bytes)
for tracker := t; tracker != nil; tracker = tracker.getParent() {
if tracker.shouldRecordRelease() {
// use fake ref instead of obj ref, otherwise obj will be reachable again and gc in next cycle
newRef := &finalizerRef{}
finalizer := func(tracker *Tracker) func(ref *finalizerRef) {
return func(ref *finalizerRef) {
tracker.release(bytes) // finalizer func is called async
runtime.SetFinalizer(newRef, finalizer(tracker))
// BufferedRelease is used to buffer memory release and do late release
// not thread-safe, should be called in one goroutine
func (t *Tracker) BufferedRelease(bufferedMemSize *int64, bytes int64) {
*bufferedMemSize += bytes
if *bufferedMemSize >= int64(TrackMemWhenExceeds) {
*bufferedMemSize = int64(0)
func (t *Tracker) shouldRecordRelease() bool {
return EnableGCAwareMemoryTrack.Load() && t.label == LabelForGlobalAnalyzeMemory
func (t *Tracker) recordRelease(bytes int64) {
for tracker := t; tracker != nil; tracker = tracker.getParent() {
bytesReleased := atomic.AddInt64(&tracker.bytesReleased, bytes)
if label, ok := MetricsTypes[tracker.label]; ok {
metrics.MemoryUsage.WithLabelValues(label[0], label[2]).Set(float64(bytesReleased))
func (t *Tracker) release(bytes int64) {
for tracker := t; tracker != nil; tracker = tracker.getParent() {
bytesReleased := atomic.AddInt64(&tracker.bytesReleased, -bytes)
if label, ok := MetricsTypes[tracker.label]; ok {
metrics.MemoryUsage.WithLabelValues(label[0], label[2]).Set(float64(bytesReleased))
// BytesConsumed returns the consumed memory usage value in bytes.
func (t *Tracker) BytesConsumed() int64 {
return atomic.LoadInt64(&t.bytesConsumed)
// BytesReleased returns the released memory value in bytes.
func (t *Tracker) BytesReleased() int64 {
return atomic.LoadInt64(&t.bytesReleased)
// MaxConsumed returns max number of bytes consumed during execution.
// Note: Don't make this method return -1 for special meanings in the future. Because binary plan has used -1 to
// distinguish between "0 bytes" and "N/A". ref: binaryOpFromFlatOp()
func (t *Tracker) MaxConsumed() int64 {
return t.maxConsumed.Load()
// SearchTrackerWithoutLock searches the specific tracker under this tracker without lock.
func (t *Tracker) SearchTrackerWithoutLock(label int) *Tracker {
if t.label == label {
return t
children := t.mu.children[label]
if len(children) > 0 {
return children[0]
return nil
// SearchTrackerConsumedMoreThanNBytes searches the specific tracker that consumes more than NBytes.
func (t *Tracker) SearchTrackerConsumedMoreThanNBytes(limit int64) (res []*Tracker) {
defer t.mu.Unlock()
for _, childSlice := range t.mu.children {
for _, tracker := range childSlice {
if tracker.BytesConsumed() > limit {
res = append(res, tracker)
// String returns the string representation of this Tracker tree.
func (t *Tracker) String() string {
buffer := bytes.NewBufferString("\n")
t.toString("", buffer)
return buffer.String()
func (t *Tracker) toString(indent string, buffer *bytes.Buffer) {
fmt.Fprintf(buffer, "%s\"%d\"{\n", indent, t.label)
bytesLimit := t.GetBytesLimit()
if bytesLimit > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(buffer, "%s \"quota\": %s\n", indent, t.FormatBytes(bytesLimit))
fmt.Fprintf(buffer, "%s \"consumed\": %s\n", indent, t.FormatBytes(t.BytesConsumed()))
labels := make([]int, 0, len(t.mu.children))
for label := range t.mu.children {
labels = append(labels, label)
for _, label := range labels {
children := t.mu.children[label]
for _, child := range children {
child.toString(indent+" ", buffer)
buffer.WriteString(indent + "}\n")
// FormatBytes uses to format bytes, this function will prune precision before format bytes.
func (*Tracker) FormatBytes(numBytes int64) string {
return FormatBytes(numBytes)
// BytesToString converts the memory consumption to a readable string.
func BytesToString(numBytes int64) string {
gb := float64(numBytes) / float64(byteSizeGB)
if gb > 1 {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v GB", gb)
mb := float64(numBytes) / float64(byteSizeMB)
if mb > 1 {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v MB", mb)
kb := float64(numBytes) / float64(byteSizeKB)
if kb > 1 {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v KB", kb)
return fmt.Sprintf("%v Bytes", numBytes)
const (
byteSizeGB = int64(1 << 30)
byteSizeMB = int64(1 << 20)
byteSizeKB = int64(1 << 10)
byteSizeBB = int64(1)
// FormatBytes uses to format bytes, this function will prune precision before format bytes.
func FormatBytes(numBytes int64) string {
if numBytes <= byteSizeKB {
return BytesToString(numBytes)
unit, unitStr := getByteUnit(numBytes)
if unit == byteSizeBB {
return BytesToString(numBytes)
v := float64(numBytes) / float64(unit)
decimal := 1
if numBytes%unit == 0 {
decimal = 0
} else if v < 10 {
decimal = 2
return fmt.Sprintf("%v %s", strconv.FormatFloat(v, 'f', decimal, 64), unitStr)
func getByteUnit(b int64) (int64, string) {
if b > byteSizeGB {
return byteSizeGB, "GB"
} else if b > byteSizeMB {
return byteSizeMB, "MB"
} else if b > byteSizeKB {
return byteSizeKB, "KB"
return byteSizeBB, "Bytes"
// AttachToGlobalTracker attach the tracker to the global tracker
// AttachToGlobalTracker should be called at the initialization for the session executor's tracker
func (t *Tracker) AttachToGlobalTracker(globalTracker *Tracker) {
if globalTracker == nil {
if !globalTracker.isGlobal {
panic("Attach to a non-GlobalTracker")
parent := t.getParent()
if parent != nil {
if parent.isGlobal {
} else {
// DetachFromGlobalTracker detach itself from its parent
// Note that only the parent of this tracker is Global Tracker could call this function
// Otherwise it should use Detach
func (t *Tracker) DetachFromGlobalTracker() {
parent := t.getParent()
if parent == nil {
if !parent.isGlobal {
panic("Detach from a non-GlobalTracker")
// ReplaceBytesUsed replace bytesConsume for the tracker
func (t *Tracker) ReplaceBytesUsed(bytes int64) {
func (t *Tracker) getParent() *Tracker {
defer t.parMu.Unlock()
return t.parMu.parent
func (t *Tracker) setParent(parent *Tracker) {
defer t.parMu.Unlock()
t.parMu.parent = parent
const (
// LabelForSQLText represents the label of the SQL Text
LabelForSQLText int = -1
// LabelForIndexWorker represents the label of the index worker
LabelForIndexWorker int = -2
// LabelForInnerList represents the label of the inner list
LabelForInnerList int = -3
// LabelForInnerTable represents the label of the inner table
LabelForInnerTable int = -4
// LabelForOuterTable represents the label of the outer table
LabelForOuterTable int = -5
// LabelForCoprocessor represents the label of the coprocessor
LabelForCoprocessor int = -6
// LabelForChunkList represents the label of the chunk list
LabelForChunkList int = -7
// LabelForGlobalSimpleLRUCache represents the label of the Global SimpleLRUCache
LabelForGlobalSimpleLRUCache int = -8
// LabelForChunkListInDisk represents the label of the chunk list in disk
LabelForChunkListInDisk int = -9
// LabelForRowContainer represents the label of the row container
LabelForRowContainer int = -10
// LabelForGlobalStorage represents the label of the Global Storage
LabelForGlobalStorage int = -11
// LabelForGlobalMemory represents the label of the Global Memory
LabelForGlobalMemory int = -12
// LabelForBuildSideResult represents the label of the BuildSideResult
LabelForBuildSideResult int = -13
// LabelForRowChunks represents the label of the row chunks
LabelForRowChunks int = -14
// LabelForStatsCache represents the label of the stats cache
LabelForStatsCache int = -15
// LabelForOuterList represents the label of the outer list
LabelForOuterList int = -16
// LabelForApplyCache represents the label of the apply cache
LabelForApplyCache int = -17
// LabelForSimpleTask represents the label of the simple task
LabelForSimpleTask int = -18
// LabelForCTEStorage represents the label of CTE storage
LabelForCTEStorage int = -19
// LabelForIndexJoinInnerWorker represents the label of IndexJoin InnerWorker
LabelForIndexJoinInnerWorker int = -20
// LabelForIndexJoinOuterWorker represents the label of IndexJoin OuterWorker
LabelForIndexJoinOuterWorker int = -21
// LabelForBindCache represents the label of the bind cache
LabelForBindCache int = -22
// LabelForNonTransactionalDML represents the label of the non-transactional DML
LabelForNonTransactionalDML = -23
// LabelForAnalyzeMemory represents the label of the memory of each analyze job
LabelForAnalyzeMemory int = -24
// LabelForGlobalAnalyzeMemory represents the label of the global memory of all analyze jobs
LabelForGlobalAnalyzeMemory int = -25
// MetricsTypes is used to get label for metrics
// string[0] is LblModule, string[1] is heap-in-use type, string[2] is released type
var MetricsTypes = map[int][]string{
LabelForGlobalAnalyzeMemory: {"analyze", "inuse", "released"},
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