tidb tables 源码

  • 2022-09-19
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tidb tables 代码


// Copyright 2016 PingCAP, Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package infoschema

import (


const (
	// TableSchemata is the string constant of infoschema table.
	TableSchemata = "SCHEMATA"
	// TableTables is the string constant of infoschema table.
	TableTables = "TABLES"
	// TableColumns is the string constant of infoschema table
	TableColumns          = "COLUMNS"
	tableColumnStatistics = "COLUMN_STATISTICS"
	// TableStatistics is the string constant of infoschema table
	TableStatistics = "STATISTICS"
	// TableCharacterSets is the string constant of infoschema charactersets memory table
	TableCharacterSets = "CHARACTER_SETS"
	// TableCollations is the string constant of infoschema collations memory table.
	TableCollations = "COLLATIONS"
	tableFiles      = "FILES"
	// CatalogVal is the string constant of TABLE_CATALOG.
	CatalogVal = "def"
	// TableProfiling is the string constant of infoschema table.
	TableProfiling = "PROFILING"
	// TablePartitions is the string constant of infoschema table.
	TablePartitions = "PARTITIONS"
	// TableKeyColumn is the string constant of KEY_COLUMN_USAGE.
	TableKeyColumn = "KEY_COLUMN_USAGE"
	// TableReferConst is the string constant of REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS.
	// TableSessionVar is the string constant of SESSION_VARIABLES.
	TableSessionVar = "SESSION_VARIABLES"
	tablePlugins    = "PLUGINS"
	// TableConstraints is the string constant of TABLE_CONSTRAINTS.
	TableConstraints = "TABLE_CONSTRAINTS"
	tableTriggers    = "TRIGGERS"
	// TableUserPrivileges is the string constant of infoschema user privilege table.
	TableUserPrivileges   = "USER_PRIVILEGES"
	tableSchemaPrivileges = "SCHEMA_PRIVILEGES"
	tableTablePrivileges  = "TABLE_PRIVILEGES"
	tableColumnPrivileges = "COLUMN_PRIVILEGES"
	// TableEngines is the string constant of infoschema table.
	TableEngines = "ENGINES"
	// TableViews is the string constant of infoschema table.
	TableViews           = "VIEWS"
	tableRoutines        = "ROUTINES"
	tableParameters      = "PARAMETERS"
	tableEvents          = "EVENTS"
	tableGlobalStatus    = "GLOBAL_STATUS"
	tableGlobalVariables = "GLOBAL_VARIABLES"
	tableSessionStatus   = "SESSION_STATUS"
	tableOptimizerTrace  = "OPTIMIZER_TRACE"
	tableTableSpaces     = "TABLESPACES"
	// TableCollationCharacterSetApplicability is the string constant of infoschema memory table.
	TableCollationCharacterSetApplicability = "COLLATION_CHARACTER_SET_APPLICABILITY"
	// TableProcesslist is the string constant of infoschema table.
	TableProcesslist = "PROCESSLIST"
	// TableTiDBIndexes is the string constant of infoschema table
	TableTiDBIndexes = "TIDB_INDEXES"
	// TableTiDBHotRegions is the string constant of infoschema table
	TableTiDBHotRegions = "TIDB_HOT_REGIONS"
	// TableTiDBHotRegionsHistory is the string constant of infoschema table
	TableTiDBHotRegionsHistory = "TIDB_HOT_REGIONS_HISTORY"
	// TableTiKVStoreStatus is the string constant of infoschema table
	TableTiKVStoreStatus = "TIKV_STORE_STATUS"
	// TableAnalyzeStatus is the string constant of Analyze Status
	TableAnalyzeStatus = "ANALYZE_STATUS"
	// TableTiKVRegionStatus is the string constant of infoschema table
	TableTiKVRegionStatus = "TIKV_REGION_STATUS"
	// TableTiKVRegionPeers is the string constant of infoschema table
	TableTiKVRegionPeers = "TIKV_REGION_PEERS"
	// TableTiDBServersInfo is the string constant of TiDB server information table.
	TableTiDBServersInfo = "TIDB_SERVERS_INFO"
	// TableSlowQuery is the string constant of slow query memory table.
	TableSlowQuery = "SLOW_QUERY"
	// TableClusterInfo is the string constant of cluster info memory table.
	TableClusterInfo = "CLUSTER_INFO"
	// TableClusterConfig is the string constant of cluster configuration memory table.
	TableClusterConfig = "CLUSTER_CONFIG"
	// TableClusterLog is the string constant of cluster log memory table.
	TableClusterLog = "CLUSTER_LOG"
	// TableClusterLoad is the string constant of cluster load memory table.
	TableClusterLoad = "CLUSTER_LOAD"
	// TableClusterHardware is the string constant of cluster hardware table.
	TableClusterHardware = "CLUSTER_HARDWARE"
	// TableClusterSystemInfo is the string constant of cluster system info table.
	TableClusterSystemInfo = "CLUSTER_SYSTEMINFO"
	// TableTiFlashReplica is the string constant of tiflash replica table.
	TableTiFlashReplica = "TIFLASH_REPLICA"
	// TableInspectionResult is the string constant of inspection result table.
	TableInspectionResult = "INSPECTION_RESULT"
	// TableMetricTables is a table that contains all metrics table definition.
	TableMetricTables = "METRICS_TABLES"
	// TableMetricSummary is a summary table that contains all metrics.
	TableMetricSummary = "METRICS_SUMMARY"
	// TableMetricSummaryByLabel is a metric table that contains all metrics that group by label info.
	TableMetricSummaryByLabel = "METRICS_SUMMARY_BY_LABEL"
	// TableInspectionSummary is the string constant of inspection summary table.
	TableInspectionSummary = "INSPECTION_SUMMARY"
	// TableInspectionRules is the string constant of currently implemented inspection and summary rules.
	TableInspectionRules = "INSPECTION_RULES"
	// TableDDLJobs is the string constant of DDL job table.
	TableDDLJobs = "DDL_JOBS"
	// TableSequences is the string constant of all sequences created by user.
	TableSequences = "SEQUENCES"
	// TableStatementsSummary is the string constant of statement summary table.
	TableStatementsSummary = "STATEMENTS_SUMMARY"
	// TableStatementsSummaryHistory is the string constant of statements summary history table.
	TableStatementsSummaryHistory = "STATEMENTS_SUMMARY_HISTORY"
	// TableStatementsSummaryEvicted is the string constant of statements summary evicted table.
	TableStatementsSummaryEvicted = "STATEMENTS_SUMMARY_EVICTED"
	// TableStorageStats is a table that contains all tables disk usage
	TableStorageStats = "TABLE_STORAGE_STATS"
	// TableTiFlashTables is the string constant of tiflash tables table.
	TableTiFlashTables = "TIFLASH_TABLES"
	// TableTiFlashSegments is the string constant of tiflash segments table.
	TableTiFlashSegments = "TIFLASH_SEGMENTS"
	// TableClientErrorsSummaryGlobal is the string constant of client errors table.
	TableClientErrorsSummaryGlobal = "CLIENT_ERRORS_SUMMARY_GLOBAL"
	// TableClientErrorsSummaryByUser is the string constant of client errors table.
	TableClientErrorsSummaryByUser = "CLIENT_ERRORS_SUMMARY_BY_USER"
	// TableClientErrorsSummaryByHost is the string constant of client errors table.
	TableClientErrorsSummaryByHost = "CLIENT_ERRORS_SUMMARY_BY_HOST"
	// TableTiDBTrx is current running transaction status table.
	TableTiDBTrx = "TIDB_TRX"
	// TableDeadlocks is the string constant of deadlock table.
	TableDeadlocks = "DEADLOCKS"
	// TableDataLockWaits is current lock waiting status table.
	TableDataLockWaits = "DATA_LOCK_WAITS"
	// TableAttributes is the string constant of attributes table.
	TableAttributes = "ATTRIBUTES"
	// TablePlacementPolicies is the string constant of placement policies table.
	TablePlacementPolicies = "PLACEMENT_POLICIES"
	// TableTrxSummary is the string constant of transaction summary table.
	TableTrxSummary = "TRX_SUMMARY"
	// TableVariablesInfo is the string constant of variables_info table.
	TableVariablesInfo = "VARIABLES_INFO"

const (
	// DataLockWaitsColumnKey is the name of the KEY column of the DATA_LOCK_WAITS table.
	DataLockWaitsColumnKey = "KEY"
	// DataLockWaitsColumnKeyInfo is the name of the KEY_INFO column of the DATA_LOCK_WAITS table.
	DataLockWaitsColumnKeyInfo = "KEY_INFO"
	// DataLockWaitsColumnTrxID is the name of the TRX_ID column of the DATA_LOCK_WAITS table.
	DataLockWaitsColumnTrxID = "TRX_ID"
	// DataLockWaitsColumnCurrentHoldingTrxID is the name of the CURRENT_HOLDING_TRX_ID column of the DATA_LOCK_WAITS table.
	DataLockWaitsColumnCurrentHoldingTrxID = "CURRENT_HOLDING_TRX_ID"
	// DataLockWaitsColumnSQLDigest is the name of the SQL_DIGEST column of the DATA_LOCK_WAITS table.
	DataLockWaitsColumnSQLDigest = "SQL_DIGEST"
	// DataLockWaitsColumnSQLDigestText is the name of the SQL_DIGEST_TEXT column of the DATA_LOCK_WAITS table.
	DataLockWaitsColumnSQLDigestText = "SQL_DIGEST_TEXT"

var tableIDMap = map[string]int64{
	TableSchemata:                           autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 1,
	TableTables:                             autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 2,
	TableColumns:                            autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 3,
	tableColumnStatistics:                   autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 4,
	TableStatistics:                         autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 5,
	TableCharacterSets:                      autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 6,
	TableCollations:                         autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 7,
	tableFiles:                              autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 8,
	CatalogVal:                              autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 9,
	TableProfiling:                          autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 10,
	TablePartitions:                         autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 11,
	TableKeyColumn:                          autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 12,
	TableReferConst:                         autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 13,
	TableSessionVar:                         autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 14,
	tablePlugins:                            autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 15,
	TableConstraints:                        autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 16,
	tableTriggers:                           autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 17,
	TableUserPrivileges:                     autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 18,
	tableSchemaPrivileges:                   autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 19,
	tableTablePrivileges:                    autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 20,
	tableColumnPrivileges:                   autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 21,
	TableEngines:                            autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 22,
	TableViews:                              autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 23,
	tableRoutines:                           autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 24,
	tableParameters:                         autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 25,
	tableEvents:                             autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 26,
	tableGlobalStatus:                       autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 27,
	tableGlobalVariables:                    autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 28,
	tableSessionStatus:                      autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 29,
	tableOptimizerTrace:                     autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 30,
	tableTableSpaces:                        autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 31,
	TableCollationCharacterSetApplicability: autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 32,
	TableProcesslist:                        autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 33,
	TableTiDBIndexes:                        autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 34,
	TableSlowQuery:                          autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 35,
	TableTiDBHotRegions:                     autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 36,
	TableTiKVStoreStatus:                    autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 37,
	TableAnalyzeStatus:                      autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 38,
	TableTiKVRegionStatus:                   autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 39,
	TableTiKVRegionPeers:                    autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 40,
	TableTiDBServersInfo:                    autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 41,
	TableClusterInfo:                        autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 42,
	TableClusterConfig:                      autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 43,
	TableClusterLoad:                        autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 44,
	TableTiFlashReplica:                     autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 45,
	ClusterTableSlowLog:                     autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 46,
	ClusterTableProcesslist:                 autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 47,
	TableClusterLog:                         autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 48,
	TableClusterHardware:                    autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 49,
	TableClusterSystemInfo:                  autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 50,
	TableInspectionResult:                   autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 51,
	TableMetricSummary:                      autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 52,
	TableMetricSummaryByLabel:               autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 53,
	TableMetricTables:                       autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 54,
	TableInspectionSummary:                  autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 55,
	TableInspectionRules:                    autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 56,
	TableDDLJobs:                            autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 57,
	TableSequences:                          autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 58,
	TableStatementsSummary:                  autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 59,
	TableStatementsSummaryHistory:           autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 60,
	ClusterTableStatementsSummary:           autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 61,
	ClusterTableStatementsSummaryHistory:    autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 62,
	TableStorageStats:                       autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 63,
	TableTiFlashTables:                      autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 64,
	TableTiFlashSegments:                    autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 65,
	// Removed, see https://github.com/pingcap/tidb/issues/28890
	//TablePlacementPolicy:                    autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 66,
	TableClientErrorsSummaryGlobal:       autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 67,
	TableClientErrorsSummaryByUser:       autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 68,
	TableClientErrorsSummaryByHost:       autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 69,
	TableTiDBTrx:                         autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 70,
	ClusterTableTiDBTrx:                  autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 71,
	TableDeadlocks:                       autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 72,
	ClusterTableDeadlocks:                autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 73,
	TableDataLockWaits:                   autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 74,
	TableStatementsSummaryEvicted:        autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 75,
	ClusterTableStatementsSummaryEvicted: autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 76,
	TableAttributes:                      autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 77,
	TableTiDBHotRegionsHistory:           autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 78,
	TablePlacementPolicies:               autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 79,
	TableTrxSummary:                      autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 80,
	ClusterTableTrxSummary:               autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 81,
	TableVariablesInfo:                   autoid.InformationSchemaDBID + 82,

// columnInfo represents the basic column information of all kinds of INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables
type columnInfo struct {
	// name of column
	name string
	// tp is column type
	tp byte
	// represent size of bytes of the column
	size int
	// represent decimal length of the column
	decimal int
	// flag represent NotNull, Unsigned, PriKey flags etc.
	flag uint
	// deflt is default value
	deflt interface{}
	// comment for the column
	comment string
	// enumElems represent all possible literal string values of an enum column
	enumElems []string

func buildColumnInfo(col columnInfo) *model.ColumnInfo {
	mCharset := charset.CharsetBin
	mCollation := charset.CharsetBin
	if col.tp == mysql.TypeVarchar || col.tp == mysql.TypeBlob || col.tp == mysql.TypeLongBlob || col.tp == mysql.TypeEnum {
		mCharset = charset.CharsetUTF8MB4
		mCollation = charset.CollationUTF8MB4
	fieldType := types.FieldType{}
	return &model.ColumnInfo{
		Name:         model.NewCIStr(col.name),
		FieldType:    fieldType,
		State:        model.StatePublic,
		DefaultValue: col.deflt,
		Comment:      col.comment,

func buildTableMeta(tableName string, cs []columnInfo) *model.TableInfo {
	cols := make([]*model.ColumnInfo, 0, len(cs))
	primaryIndices := make([]*model.IndexInfo, 0, 1)
	tblInfo := &model.TableInfo{
		Name:    model.NewCIStr(tableName),
		State:   model.StatePublic,
		Charset: mysql.DefaultCharset,
		Collate: mysql.DefaultCollationName,
	for offset, c := range cs {
		if tblInfo.Name.O == ClusterTableSlowLog && mysql.HasPriKeyFlag(c.flag) {
			switch c.tp {
			case mysql.TypeLong, mysql.TypeLonglong,
				mysql.TypeTiny, mysql.TypeShort, mysql.TypeInt24:
				tblInfo.PKIsHandle = true
				tblInfo.IsCommonHandle = true
				tblInfo.CommonHandleVersion = 1
				index := &model.IndexInfo{
					Name:    model.NewCIStr("primary"),
					State:   model.StatePublic,
					Primary: true,
					Unique:  true,
					Columns: []*model.IndexColumn{
						{Name: model.NewCIStr(c.name), Offset: offset, Length: types.UnspecifiedLength}},
				primaryIndices = append(primaryIndices, index)
				tblInfo.Indices = primaryIndices
		cols = append(cols, buildColumnInfo(c))
	for i, col := range cols {
		col.Offset = i
	tblInfo.Columns = cols
	return tblInfo

var schemataCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "CATALOG_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 512},
	{name: "SCHEMA_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "DEFAULT_COLLATION_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 32},
	{name: "SQL_PATH", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 512},
	{name: "TIDB_PLACEMENT_POLICY_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},

var tablesCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "TABLE_CATALOG", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 512},
	{name: "TABLE_SCHEMA", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "TABLE_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "TABLE_TYPE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "ENGINE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "VERSION", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "ROW_FORMAT", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 10},
	{name: "TABLE_ROWS", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "AVG_ROW_LENGTH", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "DATA_LENGTH", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "MAX_DATA_LENGTH", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "INDEX_LENGTH", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "DATA_FREE", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "AUTO_INCREMENT", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "CREATE_TIME", tp: mysql.TypeDatetime, size: 19},
	{name: "UPDATE_TIME", tp: mysql.TypeDatetime, size: 19},
	{name: "CHECK_TIME", tp: mysql.TypeDatetime, size: 19},
	{name: "TABLE_COLLATION", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 32, deflt: mysql.DefaultCollationName},
	{name: "CHECKSUM", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "CREATE_OPTIONS", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 255},
	{name: "TABLE_COMMENT", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 2048},
	{name: "TIDB_TABLE_ID", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "TIDB_ROW_ID_SHARDING_INFO", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 255},
	{name: "TIDB_PK_TYPE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "TIDB_PLACEMENT_POLICY_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},

// See: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/information-schema-columns-table.html
var columnsCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "TABLE_CATALOG", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 512},
	{name: "TABLE_SCHEMA", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "TABLE_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "COLUMN_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "ORDINAL_POSITION", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64},
	{name: "COLUMN_DEFAULT", tp: mysql.TypeBlob, size: 196606},
	{name: "IS_NULLABLE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 3},
	{name: "DATA_TYPE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "NUMERIC_PRECISION", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "NUMERIC_SCALE", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "DATETIME_PRECISION", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "CHARACTER_SET_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 32},
	{name: "COLLATION_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 32},
	{name: "COLUMN_TYPE", tp: mysql.TypeBlob, size: 196606},
	{name: "COLUMN_KEY", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 3},
	{name: "EXTRA", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 30},
	{name: "PRIVILEGES", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 80},
	{name: "COLUMN_COMMENT", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 1024},
	{name: "GENERATION_EXPRESSION", tp: mysql.TypeBlob, size: 589779, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},

var columnStatisticsCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "SCHEMA_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "TABLE_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "COLUMN_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "HISTOGRAM", tp: mysql.TypeJSON, size: 51},

var statisticsCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "TABLE_CATALOG", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 512},
	{name: "TABLE_SCHEMA", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "TABLE_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "NON_UNIQUE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 1},
	{name: "INDEX_SCHEMA", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "INDEX_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "SEQ_IN_INDEX", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 2},
	{name: "COLUMN_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 21},
	{name: "COLLATION", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 1},
	{name: "CARDINALITY", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "SUB_PART", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 3},
	{name: "PACKED", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 10},
	{name: "NULLABLE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 3},
	{name: "INDEX_TYPE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 16},
	{name: "COMMENT", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 16},
	{name: "INDEX_COMMENT", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 1024},
	{name: "IS_VISIBLE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 3},
	{name: "Expression", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},

var profilingCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "QUERY_ID", tp: mysql.TypeLong, size: 20},
	{name: "SEQ", tp: mysql.TypeLong, size: 20},
	{name: "STATE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 30},
	{name: "DURATION", tp: mysql.TypeNewDecimal, size: 9},
	{name: "CPU_USER", tp: mysql.TypeNewDecimal, size: 9},
	{name: "CPU_SYSTEM", tp: mysql.TypeNewDecimal, size: 9},
	{name: "CONTEXT_VOLUNTARY", tp: mysql.TypeLong, size: 20},
	{name: "CONTEXT_INVOLUNTARY", tp: mysql.TypeLong, size: 20},
	{name: "BLOCK_OPS_IN", tp: mysql.TypeLong, size: 20},
	{name: "BLOCK_OPS_OUT", tp: mysql.TypeLong, size: 20},
	{name: "MESSAGES_SENT", tp: mysql.TypeLong, size: 20},
	{name: "MESSAGES_RECEIVED", tp: mysql.TypeLong, size: 20},
	{name: "PAGE_FAULTS_MAJOR", tp: mysql.TypeLong, size: 20},
	{name: "PAGE_FAULTS_MINOR", tp: mysql.TypeLong, size: 20},
	{name: "SWAPS", tp: mysql.TypeLong, size: 20},
	{name: "SOURCE_FUNCTION", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 30},
	{name: "SOURCE_FILE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 20},
	{name: "SOURCE_LINE", tp: mysql.TypeLong, size: 20},

var charsetCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "CHARACTER_SET_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 32},
	{name: "DEFAULT_COLLATE_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 32},
	{name: "DESCRIPTION", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 60},
	{name: "MAXLEN", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 3},

var collationsCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "COLLATION_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 32},
	{name: "CHARACTER_SET_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 32},
	{name: "ID", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 11},
	{name: "IS_DEFAULT", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 3},
	{name: "IS_COMPILED", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 3},
	{name: "SORTLEN", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 3},

var keyColumnUsageCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "CONSTRAINT_CATALOG", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 512, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "CONSTRAINT_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "TABLE_CATALOG", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 512, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "TABLE_SCHEMA", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "TABLE_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "COLUMN_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "ORDINAL_POSITION", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 10, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "POSITION_IN_UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 10},
	{name: "REFERENCED_TABLE_SCHEMA", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},

// See http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/information-schema-referential-constraints-table.html
var referConstCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "CONSTRAINT_CATALOG", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 512, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "CONSTRAINT_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_CATALOG", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 512, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "MATCH_OPTION", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "UPDATE_RULE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "DELETE_RULE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "TABLE_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},

// See http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/information-schema-variables-table.html
var sessionVarCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "VARIABLE_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "VARIABLE_VALUE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 1024},

// See https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/information-schema-plugins-table.html
var pluginsCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "PLUGIN_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "PLUGIN_VERSION", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 20},
	{name: "PLUGIN_STATUS", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 10},
	{name: "PLUGIN_TYPE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 80},
	{name: "PLUGIN_TYPE_VERSION", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 20},
	{name: "PLUGIN_LIBRARY", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "PLUGIN_LIBRARY_VERSION", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 20},
	{name: "PLUGIN_AUTHOR", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION", tp: mysql.TypeLongBlob, size: types.UnspecifiedLength},
	{name: "PLUGIN_LICENSE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 80},
	{name: "LOAD_OPTION", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},

// See https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/information-schema-partitions-table.html
var partitionsCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "TABLE_CATALOG", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 512},
	{name: "TABLE_SCHEMA", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "TABLE_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "PARTITION_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "SUBPARTITION_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "PARTITION_ORDINAL_POSITION", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "SUBPARTITION_ORDINAL_POSITION", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "PARTITION_METHOD", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 18},
	{name: "SUBPARTITION_METHOD", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 12},
	{name: "PARTITION_EXPRESSION", tp: mysql.TypeLongBlob, size: types.UnspecifiedLength},
	{name: "SUBPARTITION_EXPRESSION", tp: mysql.TypeLongBlob, size: types.UnspecifiedLength},
	{name: "PARTITION_DESCRIPTION", tp: mysql.TypeLongBlob, size: types.UnspecifiedLength},
	{name: "TABLE_ROWS", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "AVG_ROW_LENGTH", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "DATA_LENGTH", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "MAX_DATA_LENGTH", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "INDEX_LENGTH", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "DATA_FREE", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "CREATE_TIME", tp: mysql.TypeDatetime},
	{name: "UPDATE_TIME", tp: mysql.TypeDatetime},
	{name: "CHECK_TIME", tp: mysql.TypeDatetime},
	{name: "CHECKSUM", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "PARTITION_COMMENT", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 80},
	{name: "NODEGROUP", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 12},
	{name: "TABLESPACE_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "TIDB_PARTITION_ID", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "TIDB_PLACEMENT_POLICY_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},

var tableConstraintsCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "CONSTRAINT_CATALOG", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 512},
	{name: "CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "CONSTRAINT_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "TABLE_SCHEMA", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "TABLE_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "CONSTRAINT_TYPE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},

var tableTriggersCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "TRIGGER_CATALOG", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 512},
	{name: "TRIGGER_SCHEMA", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "TRIGGER_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "EVENT_MANIPULATION", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 6},
	{name: "EVENT_OBJECT_CATALOG", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 512},
	{name: "EVENT_OBJECT_SCHEMA", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "EVENT_OBJECT_TABLE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "ACTION_ORDER", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 4},
	{name: "ACTION_CONDITION", tp: mysql.TypeBlob, size: -1},
	{name: "ACTION_STATEMENT", tp: mysql.TypeBlob, size: -1},
	{name: "ACTION_ORIENTATION", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 9},
	{name: "ACTION_TIMING", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 6},
	{name: "ACTION_REFERENCE_OLD_TABLE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "ACTION_REFERENCE_NEW_TABLE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "ACTION_REFERENCE_OLD_ROW", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 3},
	{name: "ACTION_REFERENCE_NEW_ROW", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 3},
	{name: "CREATED", tp: mysql.TypeDatetime, size: 2},
	{name: "SQL_MODE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 8192},
	{name: "DEFINER", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 77},
	{name: "CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 32},
	{name: "COLLATION_CONNECTION", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 32},
	{name: "DATABASE_COLLATION", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 32},

var tableUserPrivilegesCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "GRANTEE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 81},
	{name: "TABLE_CATALOG", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 512},
	{name: "PRIVILEGE_TYPE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "IS_GRANTABLE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 3},

var tableSchemaPrivilegesCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "GRANTEE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 81, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "TABLE_CATALOG", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 512, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "TABLE_SCHEMA", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "PRIVILEGE_TYPE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "IS_GRANTABLE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 3, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},

var tableTablePrivilegesCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "GRANTEE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 81, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "TABLE_CATALOG", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 512, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "TABLE_SCHEMA", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "TABLE_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "PRIVILEGE_TYPE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "IS_GRANTABLE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 3, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},

var tableColumnPrivilegesCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "GRANTEE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 81, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "TABLE_CATALOG", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 512, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "TABLE_SCHEMA", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "TABLE_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "COLUMN_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "PRIVILEGE_TYPE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "IS_GRANTABLE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 3, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},

var tableEnginesCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "ENGINE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "SUPPORT", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 8},
	{name: "COMMENT", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 80},
	{name: "TRANSACTIONS", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 3},
	{name: "XA", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 3},
	{name: "SAVEPOINTS", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 3},

var tableViewsCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "TABLE_CATALOG", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 512, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "TABLE_SCHEMA", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "TABLE_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "VIEW_DEFINITION", tp: mysql.TypeLongBlob, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "CHECK_OPTION", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 8, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "IS_UPDATABLE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 3, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "DEFINER", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 77, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "SECURITY_TYPE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 7, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 32, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "COLLATION_CONNECTION", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 32, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},

var tableRoutinesCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "SPECIFIC_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "ROUTINE_CATALOG", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 512, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "ROUTINE_SCHEMA", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "ROUTINE_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "ROUTINE_TYPE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 9, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "DATA_TYPE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH", tp: mysql.TypeLong, size: 21},
	{name: "CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH", tp: mysql.TypeLong, size: 21},
	{name: "NUMERIC_PRECISION", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "NUMERIC_SCALE", tp: mysql.TypeLong, size: 21},
	{name: "DATETIME_PRECISION", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "CHARACTER_SET_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "COLLATION_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "DTD_IDENTIFIER", tp: mysql.TypeLongBlob},
	{name: "ROUTINE_BODY", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 8, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "ROUTINE_DEFINITION", tp: mysql.TypeLongBlob},
	{name: "EXTERNAL_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "EXTERNAL_LANGUAGE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "PARAMETER_STYLE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 8, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "IS_DETERMINISTIC", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 3, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "SQL_DATA_ACCESS", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "SQL_PATH", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "SECURITY_TYPE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 7, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "CREATED", tp: mysql.TypeDatetime, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag, deflt: "0000-00-00 00:00:00"},
	{name: "LAST_ALTERED", tp: mysql.TypeDatetime, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag, deflt: "0000-00-00 00:00:00"},
	{name: "SQL_MODE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 8192, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "ROUTINE_COMMENT", tp: mysql.TypeLongBlob},
	{name: "DEFINER", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 77, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 32, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "COLLATION_CONNECTION", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 32, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "DATABASE_COLLATION", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 32, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},

var tableParametersCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "SPECIFIC_CATALOG", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 512, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "SPECIFIC_SCHEMA", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "SPECIFIC_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "ORDINAL_POSITION", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 21, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "PARAMETER_MODE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 5},
	{name: "PARAMETER_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "DATA_TYPE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 21},
	{name: "CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 21},
	{name: "NUMERIC_PRECISION", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 21},
	{name: "NUMERIC_SCALE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 21},
	{name: "DATETIME_PRECISION", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 21},
	{name: "CHARACTER_SET_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "COLLATION_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "DTD_IDENTIFIER", tp: mysql.TypeLongBlob, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "ROUTINE_TYPE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 9, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},

var tableEventsCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "EVENT_CATALOG", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "EVENT_SCHEMA", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "EVENT_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "DEFINER", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 77, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "TIME_ZONE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "EVENT_BODY", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 8, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "EVENT_DEFINITION", tp: mysql.TypeLongBlob},
	{name: "EVENT_TYPE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 9, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "EXECUTE_AT", tp: mysql.TypeDatetime},
	{name: "INTERVAL_VALUE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 256},
	{name: "INTERVAL_FIELD", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 18},
	{name: "SQL_MODE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 8192, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "STARTS", tp: mysql.TypeDatetime},
	{name: "ENDS", tp: mysql.TypeDatetime},
	{name: "STATUS", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 18, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "ON_COMPLETION", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 12, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "CREATED", tp: mysql.TypeDatetime, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag, deflt: "0000-00-00 00:00:00"},
	{name: "LAST_ALTERED", tp: mysql.TypeDatetime, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag, deflt: "0000-00-00 00:00:00"},
	{name: "LAST_EXECUTED", tp: mysql.TypeDatetime},
	{name: "EVENT_COMMENT", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "ORIGINATOR", tp: mysql.TypeLong, size: 10, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag, deflt: 0},
	{name: "CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 32, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "COLLATION_CONNECTION", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 32, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "DATABASE_COLLATION", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 32, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},

var tableGlobalStatusCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "VARIABLE_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "VARIABLE_VALUE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 1024},

var tableGlobalVariablesCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "VARIABLE_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "VARIABLE_VALUE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 1024},

var tableSessionStatusCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "VARIABLE_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "VARIABLE_VALUE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 1024},

var tableOptimizerTraceCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "QUERY", tp: mysql.TypeLongBlob, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag, deflt: ""},
	{name: "TRACE", tp: mysql.TypeLongBlob, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag, deflt: ""},
	{name: "MISSING_BYTES_BEYOND_MAX_MEM_SIZE", tp: mysql.TypeShort, size: 20, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag, deflt: 0},
	{name: "INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES", tp: mysql.TypeTiny, size: 1, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag, deflt: 0},

var tableTableSpacesCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "TABLESPACE_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag, deflt: ""},
	{name: "ENGINE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag, deflt: ""},
	{name: "TABLESPACE_TYPE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "LOGFILE_GROUP_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "EXTENT_SIZE", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "AUTOEXTEND_SIZE", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "MAXIMUM_SIZE", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "NODEGROUP_ID", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "TABLESPACE_COMMENT", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 2048},

var tableCollationCharacterSetApplicabilityCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "COLLATION_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 32, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "CHARACTER_SET_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 32, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},

var tableProcesslistCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "ID", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, deflt: 0},
	{name: "USER", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 16, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag, deflt: ""},
	{name: "HOST", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag, deflt: ""},
	{name: "DB", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "COMMAND", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 16, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag, deflt: ""},
	{name: "TIME", tp: mysql.TypeLong, size: 7, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag, deflt: 0},
	{name: "STATE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 7},
	{name: "INFO", tp: mysql.TypeLongBlob, size: types.UnspecifiedLength},
	{name: "DIGEST", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, deflt: ""},
	{name: "MEM", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21, flag: mysql.UnsignedFlag},
	{name: "DISK", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21, flag: mysql.UnsignedFlag},
	{name: "TxnStart", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag, deflt: ""},

var tableTiDBIndexesCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "TABLE_SCHEMA", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "TABLE_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "NON_UNIQUE", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "KEY_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "SEQ_IN_INDEX", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "COLUMN_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "SUB_PART", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "INDEX_COMMENT", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 1024},
	{name: "Expression", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "INDEX_ID", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "IS_VISIBLE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "CLUSTERED", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},

var slowQueryCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: variable.SlowLogTimeStr, tp: mysql.TypeTimestamp, size: 26, decimal: 6, flag: mysql.PriKeyFlag | mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.BinaryFlag},
	{name: variable.SlowLogTxnStartTSStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 20, flag: mysql.UnsignedFlag},
	{name: variable.SlowLogUserStr, tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: variable.SlowLogHostStr, tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: variable.SlowLogConnIDStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 20, flag: mysql.UnsignedFlag},
	{name: variable.SlowLogExecRetryCount, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 20, flag: mysql.UnsignedFlag},
	{name: variable.SlowLogExecRetryTime, tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 22},
	{name: variable.SlowLogQueryTimeStr, tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 22},
	{name: variable.SlowLogParseTimeStr, tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 22},
	{name: variable.SlowLogCompileTimeStr, tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 22},
	{name: variable.SlowLogRewriteTimeStr, tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 22},
	{name: variable.SlowLogPreprocSubQueriesStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 20, flag: mysql.UnsignedFlag},
	{name: variable.SlowLogPreProcSubQueryTimeStr, tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 22},
	{name: variable.SlowLogOptimizeTimeStr, tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 22},
	{name: variable.SlowLogWaitTSTimeStr, tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 22},
	{name: execdetails.PreWriteTimeStr, tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 22},
	{name: execdetails.WaitPrewriteBinlogTimeStr, tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 22},
	{name: execdetails.CommitTimeStr, tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 22},
	{name: execdetails.GetCommitTSTimeStr, tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 22},
	{name: execdetails.CommitBackoffTimeStr, tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 22},
	{name: execdetails.BackoffTypesStr, tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: execdetails.ResolveLockTimeStr, tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 22},
	{name: execdetails.LocalLatchWaitTimeStr, tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 22},
	{name: execdetails.WriteKeysStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 22},
	{name: execdetails.WriteSizeStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 22},
	{name: execdetails.PrewriteRegionStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 22},
	{name: execdetails.TxnRetryStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 22},
	{name: execdetails.CopTimeStr, tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 22},
	{name: execdetails.ProcessTimeStr, tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 22},
	{name: execdetails.WaitTimeStr, tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 22},
	{name: execdetails.BackoffTimeStr, tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 22},
	{name: execdetails.LockKeysTimeStr, tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 22},
	{name: execdetails.RequestCountStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 20, flag: mysql.UnsignedFlag},
	{name: execdetails.TotalKeysStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 20, flag: mysql.UnsignedFlag},
	{name: execdetails.ProcessKeysStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 20, flag: mysql.UnsignedFlag},
	{name: execdetails.RocksdbDeleteSkippedCountStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 20, flag: mysql.UnsignedFlag},
	{name: execdetails.RocksdbKeySkippedCountStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 20, flag: mysql.UnsignedFlag},
	{name: execdetails.RocksdbBlockCacheHitCountStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 20, flag: mysql.UnsignedFlag},
	{name: execdetails.RocksdbBlockReadCountStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 20, flag: mysql.UnsignedFlag},
	{name: execdetails.RocksdbBlockReadByteStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 20, flag: mysql.UnsignedFlag},
	{name: variable.SlowLogDBStr, tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: variable.SlowLogIndexNamesStr, tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 100},
	{name: variable.SlowLogIsInternalStr, tp: mysql.TypeTiny, size: 1},
	{name: variable.SlowLogDigestStr, tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: variable.SlowLogStatsInfoStr, tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 512},
	{name: variable.SlowLogCopProcAvg, tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 22},
	{name: variable.SlowLogCopProcP90, tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 22},
	{name: variable.SlowLogCopProcMax, tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 22},
	{name: variable.SlowLogCopProcAddr, tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: variable.SlowLogCopWaitAvg, tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 22},
	{name: variable.SlowLogCopWaitP90, tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 22},
	{name: variable.SlowLogCopWaitMax, tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 22},
	{name: variable.SlowLogCopWaitAddr, tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: variable.SlowLogMemMax, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 20},
	{name: variable.SlowLogDiskMax, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 20},
	{name: variable.SlowLogKVTotal, tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 22},
	{name: variable.SlowLogPDTotal, tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 22},
	{name: variable.SlowLogBackoffTotal, tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 22},
	{name: variable.SlowLogWriteSQLRespTotal, tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 22},
	{name: variable.SlowLogResultRows, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 22},
	{name: variable.SlowLogBackoffDetail, tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 4096},
	{name: variable.SlowLogPrepared, tp: mysql.TypeTiny, size: 1},
	{name: variable.SlowLogSucc, tp: mysql.TypeTiny, size: 1},
	{name: variable.SlowLogIsExplicitTxn, tp: mysql.TypeTiny, size: 1},
	{name: variable.SlowLogIsWriteCacheTable, tp: mysql.TypeTiny, size: 1},
	{name: variable.SlowLogPlanFromCache, tp: mysql.TypeTiny, size: 1},
	{name: variable.SlowLogPlanFromBinding, tp: mysql.TypeTiny, size: 1},
	{name: variable.SlowLogHasMoreResults, tp: mysql.TypeTiny, size: 1},
	{name: variable.SlowLogPlan, tp: mysql.TypeLongBlob, size: types.UnspecifiedLength},
	{name: variable.SlowLogPlanDigest, tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 128},
	{name: variable.SlowLogBinaryPlan, tp: mysql.TypeLongBlob, size: types.UnspecifiedLength},
	{name: variable.SlowLogPrevStmt, tp: mysql.TypeLongBlob, size: types.UnspecifiedLength},
	{name: variable.SlowLogQuerySQLStr, tp: mysql.TypeLongBlob, size: types.UnspecifiedLength},

// TableTiDBHotRegionsCols is TiDB hot region mem table columns.
var TableTiDBHotRegionsCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "TABLE_ID", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "INDEX_ID", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "DB_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "TABLE_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "INDEX_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "REGION_ID", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "TYPE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "MAX_HOT_DEGREE", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "REGION_COUNT", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "FLOW_BYTES", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},

// TableTiDBHotRegionsHistoryCols is TiDB hot region history mem table columns.
var TableTiDBHotRegionsHistoryCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "UPDATE_TIME", tp: mysql.TypeTimestamp, size: 26, decimal: 6},
	{name: "DB_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "TABLE_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "TABLE_ID", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "INDEX_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "INDEX_ID", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "REGION_ID", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "STORE_ID", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "PEER_ID", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "IS_LEARNER", tp: mysql.TypeTiny, size: 1, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag, deflt: 0},
	{name: "IS_LEADER", tp: mysql.TypeTiny, size: 1, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag, deflt: 0},
	{name: "TYPE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "HOT_DEGREE", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "FLOW_BYTES", tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 22},
	{name: "KEY_RATE", tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 22},
	{name: "QUERY_RATE", tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 22},

// GetTableTiDBHotRegionsHistoryCols is to get TableTiDBHotRegionsHistoryCols.
// It is an optimization because Go does’t support const arrays. The solution  is to use initialization functions.
// It is useful in the BCE optimization.
// https://go101.org/article/bounds-check-elimination.html
func GetTableTiDBHotRegionsHistoryCols() []columnInfo {
	return TableTiDBHotRegionsHistoryCols

// TableTiKVStoreStatusCols is TiDB kv store status columns.
var TableTiKVStoreStatusCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "STORE_ID", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "ADDRESS", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "STORE_STATE", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "STORE_STATE_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "LABEL", tp: mysql.TypeJSON, size: 51},
	{name: "VERSION", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "CAPACITY", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "AVAILABLE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "LEADER_COUNT", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "LEADER_WEIGHT", tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 22},
	{name: "LEADER_SCORE", tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 22},
	{name: "LEADER_SIZE", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "REGION_COUNT", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "REGION_WEIGHT", tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 22},
	{name: "REGION_SCORE", tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 22},
	{name: "REGION_SIZE", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "START_TS", tp: mysql.TypeDatetime},
	{name: "LAST_HEARTBEAT_TS", tp: mysql.TypeDatetime},
	{name: "UPTIME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},

var tableAnalyzeStatusCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "TABLE_SCHEMA", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "TABLE_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "PARTITION_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "JOB_INFO", tp: mysql.TypeLongBlob, size: types.UnspecifiedLength},
	{name: "PROCESSED_ROWS", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64, flag: mysql.UnsignedFlag},
	{name: "START_TIME", tp: mysql.TypeDatetime},
	{name: "END_TIME", tp: mysql.TypeDatetime},
	{name: "STATE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "FAIL_REASON", tp: mysql.TypeLongBlob, size: types.UnspecifiedLength},
	{name: "INSTANCE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 512},
	{name: "PROCESS_ID", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64, flag: mysql.UnsignedFlag},

// TableTiKVRegionStatusCols is TiKV region status mem table columns.
var TableTiKVRegionStatusCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "REGION_ID", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "START_KEY", tp: mysql.TypeBlob, size: types.UnspecifiedLength},
	{name: "END_KEY", tp: mysql.TypeBlob, size: types.UnspecifiedLength},
	{name: "TABLE_ID", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "DB_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "TABLE_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "IS_INDEX", tp: mysql.TypeTiny, size: 1, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag, deflt: 0},
	{name: "INDEX_ID", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "INDEX_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "EPOCH_CONF_VER", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "EPOCH_VERSION", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "WRITTEN_BYTES", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "READ_BYTES", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "APPROXIMATE_SIZE", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "APPROXIMATE_KEYS", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "REPLICATIONSTATUS_STATE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "REPLICATIONSTATUS_STATEID", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},

// TableTiKVRegionPeersCols is TiKV region peers mem table columns.
var TableTiKVRegionPeersCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "REGION_ID", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "PEER_ID", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "STORE_ID", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "IS_LEARNER", tp: mysql.TypeTiny, size: 1, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag, deflt: 0},
	{name: "IS_LEADER", tp: mysql.TypeTiny, size: 1, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag, deflt: 0},
	{name: "STATUS", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 10, deflt: 0},
	{name: "DOWN_SECONDS", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21, deflt: 0},

// GetTableTiKVRegionPeersCols is to get TableTiKVRegionPeersCols.
// It is an optimization because Go does’t support const arrays. The solution  is to use initialization functions.
// It is useful in the BCE optimization.
// https://go101.org/article/bounds-check-elimination.html
func GetTableTiKVRegionPeersCols() []columnInfo {
	return TableTiKVRegionPeersCols

var tableTiDBServersInfoCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "DDL_ID", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "IP", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "PORT", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "STATUS_PORT", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "LEASE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "VERSION", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "GIT_HASH", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "BINLOG_STATUS", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "LABELS", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 128},

var tableClusterConfigCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "TYPE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "INSTANCE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "KEY", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 256},
	{name: "VALUE", tp: mysql.TypeLongBlob, size: types.UnspecifiedLength},

var tableClusterLogCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "TIME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 32},
	{name: "TYPE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "INSTANCE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "LEVEL", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 8},
	{name: "MESSAGE", tp: mysql.TypeLongBlob, size: types.UnspecifiedLength},

var tableClusterLoadCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "TYPE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "INSTANCE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "DEVICE_TYPE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "DEVICE_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 256},
	{name: "VALUE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 128},

var tableClusterHardwareCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "TYPE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "INSTANCE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "DEVICE_TYPE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "DEVICE_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 256},
	{name: "VALUE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 128},

var tableClusterSystemInfoCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "TYPE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "INSTANCE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "SYSTEM_TYPE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "SYSTEM_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 256},
	{name: "VALUE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 128},

var filesCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "FILE_ID", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 4},
	{name: "FILE_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 4000},
	{name: "FILE_TYPE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 20},
	{name: "TABLESPACE_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "TABLE_CATALOG", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "TABLE_SCHEMA", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "TABLE_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "LOGFILE_GROUP_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "LOGFILE_GROUP_NUMBER", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 32},
	{name: "ENGINE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "FULLTEXT_KEYS", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "DELETED_ROWS", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 4},
	{name: "UPDATE_COUNT", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 4},
	{name: "FREE_EXTENTS", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 4},
	{name: "TOTAL_EXTENTS", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 4},
	{name: "EXTENT_SIZE", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 4},
	{name: "INITIAL_SIZE", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "MAXIMUM_SIZE", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "AUTOEXTEND_SIZE", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "CREATION_TIME", tp: mysql.TypeDatetime, size: -1},
	{name: "LAST_UPDATE_TIME", tp: mysql.TypeDatetime, size: -1},
	{name: "LAST_ACCESS_TIME", tp: mysql.TypeDatetime, size: -1},
	{name: "RECOVER_TIME", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 4},
	{name: "TRANSACTION_COUNTER", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 4},
	{name: "VERSION", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "ROW_FORMAT", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 10},
	{name: "TABLE_ROWS", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "AVG_ROW_LENGTH", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "DATA_LENGTH", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "MAX_DATA_LENGTH", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "INDEX_LENGTH", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "DATA_FREE", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "CREATE_TIME", tp: mysql.TypeDatetime, size: -1},
	{name: "UPDATE_TIME", tp: mysql.TypeDatetime, size: -1},
	{name: "CHECK_TIME", tp: mysql.TypeDatetime, size: -1},
	{name: "CHECKSUM", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "STATUS", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 20},
	{name: "EXTRA", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 255},

var tableClusterInfoCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "TYPE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "INSTANCE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "STATUS_ADDRESS", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "VERSION", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "GIT_HASH", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "START_TIME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 32},
	{name: "UPTIME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 32},
	{name: "SERVER_ID", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21, comment: "invalid if the configuration item `enable-global-kill` is set to FALSE"},

var tableTableTiFlashReplicaCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "TABLE_SCHEMA", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "TABLE_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "TABLE_ID", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "REPLICA_COUNT", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64},
	{name: "LOCATION_LABELS", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "AVAILABLE", tp: mysql.TypeTiny, size: 1},
	{name: "PROGRESS", tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 22},

var tableInspectionResultCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "RULE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "ITEM", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "TYPE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "INSTANCE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "STATUS_ADDRESS", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "VALUE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "REFERENCE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "SEVERITY", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "DETAILS", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 256},

var tableInspectionSummaryCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "RULE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "INSTANCE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "METRICS_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "LABEL", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "QUANTILE", tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 22},
	{name: "AVG_VALUE", tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 22, decimal: 6},
	{name: "MIN_VALUE", tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 22, decimal: 6},
	{name: "MAX_VALUE", tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 22, decimal: 6},
	{name: "COMMENT", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 256},

var tableInspectionRulesCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "TYPE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "COMMENT", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 256},

var tableMetricTablesCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "TABLE_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "PROMQL", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "LABELS", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "QUANTILE", tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 22},
	{name: "COMMENT", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 256},

var tableMetricSummaryCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "METRICS_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "QUANTILE", tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 22},
	{name: "SUM_VALUE", tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 22, decimal: 6},
	{name: "AVG_VALUE", tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 22, decimal: 6},
	{name: "MIN_VALUE", tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 22, decimal: 6},
	{name: "MAX_VALUE", tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 22, decimal: 6},
	{name: "COMMENT", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 256},

var tableMetricSummaryByLabelCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "INSTANCE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "METRICS_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "LABEL", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "QUANTILE", tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 22},
	{name: "SUM_VALUE", tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 22, decimal: 6},
	{name: "AVG_VALUE", tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 22, decimal: 6},
	{name: "MIN_VALUE", tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 22, decimal: 6},
	{name: "MAX_VALUE", tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 22, decimal: 6},
	{name: "COMMENT", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 256},

var tableDDLJobsCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "JOB_ID", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "DB_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "TABLE_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "JOB_TYPE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "SCHEMA_STATE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "SCHEMA_ID", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "TABLE_ID", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "ROW_COUNT", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "CREATE_TIME", tp: mysql.TypeDatetime, size: 19},
	{name: "START_TIME", tp: mysql.TypeDatetime, size: 19},
	{name: "END_TIME", tp: mysql.TypeDatetime, size: 19},
	{name: "STATE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "QUERY", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},

var tableSequencesCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "TABLE_CATALOG", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 512, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "SEQUENCE_SCHEMA", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "SEQUENCE_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "CACHE", tp: mysql.TypeTiny, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "CACHE_VALUE", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "CYCLE", tp: mysql.TypeTiny, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "INCREMENT", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "MAX_VALUE", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "MIN_VALUE", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "START", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "COMMENT", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},

var tableStatementsSummaryCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: stmtsummary.SummaryBeginTimeStr, tp: mysql.TypeTimestamp, size: 26, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag, comment: "Begin time of this summary"},
	{name: stmtsummary.SummaryEndTimeStr, tp: mysql.TypeTimestamp, size: 26, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag, comment: "End time of this summary"},
	{name: stmtsummary.StmtTypeStr, tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag, comment: "Statement type"},
	{name: stmtsummary.SchemaNameStr, tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, comment: "Current schema"},
	{name: stmtsummary.DigestStr, tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: stmtsummary.DigestTextStr, tp: mysql.TypeBlob, size: types.UnspecifiedLength, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag, comment: "Normalized statement"},
	{name: stmtsummary.TableNamesStr, tp: mysql.TypeBlob, size: types.UnspecifiedLength, comment: "Involved tables"},
	{name: stmtsummary.IndexNamesStr, tp: mysql.TypeBlob, size: types.UnspecifiedLength, comment: "Used indices"},
	{name: stmtsummary.SampleUserStr, tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, comment: "Sampled user who executed these statements"},
	{name: stmtsummary.ExecCountStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 20, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Count of executions"},
	{name: stmtsummary.SumErrorsStr, tp: mysql.TypeLong, size: 11, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Sum of errors"},
	{name: stmtsummary.SumWarningsStr, tp: mysql.TypeLong, size: 11, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Sum of warnings"},
	{name: stmtsummary.SumLatencyStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 20, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Sum latency of these statements"},
	{name: stmtsummary.MaxLatencyStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 20, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Max latency of these statements"},
	{name: stmtsummary.MinLatencyStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 20, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Min latency of these statements"},
	{name: stmtsummary.AvgLatencyStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 20, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Average latency of these statements"},
	{name: stmtsummary.AvgParseLatencyStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 20, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Average latency of parsing"},
	{name: stmtsummary.MaxParseLatencyStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 20, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Max latency of parsing"},
	{name: stmtsummary.AvgCompileLatencyStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 20, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Average latency of compiling"},
	{name: stmtsummary.MaxCompileLatencyStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 20, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Max latency of compiling"},
	{name: stmtsummary.SumCopTaskNumStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 20, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Total number of CopTasks"},
	{name: stmtsummary.MaxCopProcessTimeStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 20, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Max processing time of CopTasks"},
	{name: stmtsummary.MaxCopProcessAddressStr, tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 256, comment: "Address of the CopTask with max processing time"},
	{name: stmtsummary.MaxCopWaitTimeStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 20, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Max waiting time of CopTasks"},
	{name: stmtsummary.MaxCopWaitAddressStr, tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 256, comment: "Address of the CopTask with max waiting time"},
	{name: stmtsummary.AvgProcessTimeStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 20, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Average processing time in TiKV"},
	{name: stmtsummary.MaxProcessTimeStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 20, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Max processing time in TiKV"},
	{name: stmtsummary.AvgWaitTimeStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 20, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Average waiting time in TiKV"},
	{name: stmtsummary.MaxWaitTimeStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 20, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Max waiting time in TiKV"},
	{name: stmtsummary.AvgBackoffTimeStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 20, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Average waiting time before retry"},
	{name: stmtsummary.MaxBackoffTimeStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 20, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Max waiting time before retry"},
	{name: stmtsummary.AvgTotalKeysStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 20, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Average number of scanned keys"},
	{name: stmtsummary.MaxTotalKeysStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 20, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Max number of scanned keys"},
	{name: stmtsummary.AvgProcessedKeysStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 20, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Average number of processed keys"},
	{name: stmtsummary.MaxProcessedKeysStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 20, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Max number of processed keys"},
	{name: stmtsummary.AvgRocksdbDeleteSkippedCountStr, tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 22, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Average number of rocksdb delete skipped count"},
	{name: stmtsummary.MaxRocksdbDeleteSkippedCountStr, tp: mysql.TypeLong, size: 11, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Max number of rocksdb delete skipped count"},
	{name: stmtsummary.AvgRocksdbKeySkippedCountStr, tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 22, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Average number of rocksdb key skipped count"},
	{name: stmtsummary.MaxRocksdbKeySkippedCountStr, tp: mysql.TypeLong, size: 11, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Max number of rocksdb key skipped count"},
	{name: stmtsummary.AvgRocksdbBlockCacheHitCountStr, tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 22, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Average number of rocksdb block cache hit count"},
	{name: stmtsummary.MaxRocksdbBlockCacheHitCountStr, tp: mysql.TypeLong, size: 11, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Max number of rocksdb block cache hit count"},
	{name: stmtsummary.AvgRocksdbBlockReadCountStr, tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 22, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Average number of rocksdb block read count"},
	{name: stmtsummary.MaxRocksdbBlockReadCountStr, tp: mysql.TypeLong, size: 11, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Max number of rocksdb block read count"},
	{name: stmtsummary.AvgRocksdbBlockReadByteStr, tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 22, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Average number of rocksdb block read byte"},
	{name: stmtsummary.MaxRocksdbBlockReadByteStr, tp: mysql.TypeLong, size: 11, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Max number of rocksdb block read byte"},
	{name: stmtsummary.AvgPrewriteTimeStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 20, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Average time of prewrite phase"},
	{name: stmtsummary.MaxPrewriteTimeStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 20, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Max time of prewrite phase"},
	{name: stmtsummary.AvgCommitTimeStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 20, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Average time of commit phase"},
	{name: stmtsummary.MaxCommitTimeStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 20, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Max time of commit phase"},
	{name: stmtsummary.AvgGetCommitTsTimeStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 20, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Average time of getting commit_ts"},
	{name: stmtsummary.MaxGetCommitTsTimeStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 20, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Max time of getting commit_ts"},
	{name: stmtsummary.AvgCommitBackoffTimeStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 20, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Average time before retry during commit phase"},
	{name: stmtsummary.MaxCommitBackoffTimeStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 20, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Max time before retry during commit phase"},
	{name: stmtsummary.AvgResolveLockTimeStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 20, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Average time for resolving locks"},
	{name: stmtsummary.MaxResolveLockTimeStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 20, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Max time for resolving locks"},
	{name: stmtsummary.AvgLocalLatchWaitTimeStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 20, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Average waiting time of local transaction"},
	{name: stmtsummary.MaxLocalLatchWaitTimeStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 20, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Max waiting time of local transaction"},
	{name: stmtsummary.AvgWriteKeysStr, tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 22, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Average count of written keys"},
	{name: stmtsummary.MaxWriteKeysStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 20, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Max count of written keys"},
	{name: stmtsummary.AvgWriteSizeStr, tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 22, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Average amount of written bytes"},
	{name: stmtsummary.MaxWriteSizeStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 20, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Max amount of written bytes"},
	{name: stmtsummary.AvgPrewriteRegionsStr, tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 22, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Average number of involved regions in prewrite phase"},
	{name: stmtsummary.MaxPrewriteRegionsStr, tp: mysql.TypeLong, size: 11, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Max number of involved regions in prewrite phase"},
	{name: stmtsummary.AvgTxnRetryStr, tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 22, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Average number of transaction retries"},
	{name: stmtsummary.MaxTxnRetryStr, tp: mysql.TypeLong, size: 11, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Max number of transaction retries"},
	{name: stmtsummary.SumExecRetryStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 20, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Sum number of execution retries in pessimistic transactions"},
	{name: stmtsummary.SumExecRetryTimeStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 20, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Sum time of execution retries in pessimistic transactions"},
	{name: stmtsummary.SumBackoffTimesStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 20, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Sum of retries"},
	{name: stmtsummary.BackoffTypesStr, tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 1024, comment: "Types of errors and the number of retries for each type"},
	{name: stmtsummary.AvgMemStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 20, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Average memory(byte) used"},
	{name: stmtsummary.MaxMemStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 20, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Max memory(byte) used"},
	{name: stmtsummary.AvgDiskStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 20, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Average disk space(byte) used"},
	{name: stmtsummary.MaxDiskStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 20, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Max disk space(byte) used"},
	{name: stmtsummary.AvgKvTimeStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 22, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Average time of TiKV used"},
	{name: stmtsummary.AvgPdTimeStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 22, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Average time of PD used"},
	{name: stmtsummary.AvgBackoffTotalTimeStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 22, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Average time of Backoff used"},
	{name: stmtsummary.AvgWriteSQLRespTimeStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 22, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Average time of write sql resp used"},
	{name: stmtsummary.MaxResultRowsStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 22, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag, comment: "Max count of sql result rows"},
	{name: stmtsummary.MinResultRowsStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 22, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag, comment: "Min count of sql result rows"},
	{name: stmtsummary.AvgResultRowsStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 22, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag, comment: "Average count of sql result rows"},
	{name: stmtsummary.PreparedStr, tp: mysql.TypeTiny, size: 1, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag, comment: "Whether prepared"},
	{name: stmtsummary.AvgAffectedRowsStr, tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 22, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Average number of rows affected"},
	{name: stmtsummary.FirstSeenStr, tp: mysql.TypeTimestamp, size: 26, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag, comment: "The time these statements are seen for the first time"},
	{name: stmtsummary.LastSeenStr, tp: mysql.TypeTimestamp, size: 26, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag, comment: "The time these statements are seen for the last time"},
	{name: stmtsummary.PlanInCacheStr, tp: mysql.TypeTiny, size: 1, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag, comment: "Whether the last statement hit plan cache"},
	{name: stmtsummary.PlanCacheHitsStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 20, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag, comment: "The number of times these statements hit plan cache"},
	{name: stmtsummary.PlanInBindingStr, tp: mysql.TypeTiny, size: 1, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag, comment: "Whether the last statement is matched with the hints in the binding"},
	{name: stmtsummary.QuerySampleTextStr, tp: mysql.TypeBlob, size: types.UnspecifiedLength, comment: "Sampled original statement"},
	{name: stmtsummary.PrevSampleTextStr, tp: mysql.TypeBlob, size: types.UnspecifiedLength, comment: "The previous statement before commit"},
	{name: stmtsummary.PlanDigestStr, tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, comment: "Digest of its execution plan"},
	{name: stmtsummary.PlanStr, tp: mysql.TypeBlob, size: types.UnspecifiedLength, comment: "Sampled execution plan"},
	{name: stmtsummary.BinaryPlan, tp: mysql.TypeBlob, size: types.UnspecifiedLength, comment: "Sampled binary plan"},

var tableStorageStatsCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "TABLE_SCHEMA", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "TABLE_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "TABLE_ID", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "PEER_COUNT", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21},
	{name: "REGION_COUNT", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21, comment: "The region count of single replica of the table"},
	{name: "EMPTY_REGION_COUNT", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21, comment: "The region count of single replica of the table"},
	{name: "TABLE_SIZE", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64, comment: "The disk usage(MB) of single replica of the table, if the table size is empty or less than 1MB, it would show 1MB "},
	{name: "TABLE_KEYS", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64, comment: "The count of keys of single replica of the table"},

var tableTableTiFlashTablesCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "DATABASE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "TABLE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "TIDB_DATABASE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "TIDB_TABLE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "TABLE_ID", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64},
	{name: "IS_TOMBSTONE", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64},
	{name: "SEGMENT_COUNT", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64},
	{name: "TOTAL_ROWS", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64},
	{name: "TOTAL_SIZE", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64},
	{name: "TOTAL_DELETE_RANGES", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64},
	{name: "DELTA_RATE_ROWS", tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 64},
	{name: "DELTA_RATE_SEGMENTS", tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 64},
	{name: "DELTA_PLACED_RATE", tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 64},
	{name: "DELTA_CACHE_SIZE", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64},
	{name: "DELTA_CACHE_RATE", tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 64},
	{name: "DELTA_CACHE_WASTED_RATE", tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 64},
	{name: "DELTA_INDEX_SIZE", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64},
	{name: "AVG_SEGMENT_ROWS", tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 64},
	{name: "AVG_SEGMENT_SIZE", tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 64},
	{name: "DELTA_COUNT", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64},
	{name: "TOTAL_DELTA_ROWS", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64},
	{name: "TOTAL_DELTA_SIZE", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64},
	{name: "AVG_DELTA_ROWS", tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 64},
	{name: "AVG_DELTA_SIZE", tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 64},
	{name: "AVG_DELTA_DELETE_RANGES", tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 64},
	{name: "STABLE_COUNT", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64},
	{name: "TOTAL_STABLE_ROWS", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64},
	{name: "TOTAL_STABLE_SIZE", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64},
	{name: "TOTAL_STABLE_SIZE_ON_DISK", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64},
	{name: "AVG_STABLE_ROWS", tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 64},
	{name: "AVG_STABLE_SIZE", tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 64},
	{name: "TOTAL_PACK_COUNT_IN_DELTA", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64},
	{name: "AVG_PACK_COUNT_IN_DELTA", tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 64},
	{name: "AVG_PACK_ROWS_IN_DELTA", tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 64},
	{name: "AVG_PACK_SIZE_IN_DELTA", tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 64},
	{name: "TOTAL_PACK_COUNT_IN_STABLE", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64},
	{name: "AVG_PACK_COUNT_IN_STABLE", tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 64},
	{name: "AVG_PACK_ROWS_IN_STABLE", tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 64},
	{name: "AVG_PACK_SIZE_IN_STABLE", tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 64},
	{name: "STORAGE_STABLE_NUM_SNAPSHOTS", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64},
	{name: "STORAGE_STABLE_OLDEST_SNAPSHOT_LIFETIME", tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 64},
	{name: "STORAGE_STABLE_OLDEST_SNAPSHOT_THREAD_ID", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64},
	{name: "STORAGE_STABLE_NUM_PAGES", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64},
	{name: "STORAGE_STABLE_NUM_NORMAL_PAGES", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64},
	{name: "STORAGE_STABLE_MAX_PAGE_ID", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64},
	{name: "STORAGE_DELTA_NUM_SNAPSHOTS", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64},
	{name: "STORAGE_DELTA_OLDEST_SNAPSHOT_LIFETIME", tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 64},
	{name: "STORAGE_DELTA_OLDEST_SNAPSHOT_THREAD_ID", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64},
	{name: "STORAGE_DELTA_NUM_PAGES", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64},
	{name: "STORAGE_DELTA_NUM_NORMAL_PAGES", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64},
	{name: "STORAGE_DELTA_MAX_PAGE_ID", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64},
	{name: "STORAGE_META_NUM_SNAPSHOTS", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64},
	{name: "STORAGE_META_OLDEST_SNAPSHOT_LIFETIME", tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 64},
	{name: "STORAGE_META_OLDEST_SNAPSHOT_THREAD_ID", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64},
	{name: "STORAGE_META_NUM_PAGES", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64},
	{name: "STORAGE_META_NUM_NORMAL_PAGES", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64},
	{name: "STORAGE_META_MAX_PAGE_ID", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64},
	{name: "BACKGROUND_TASKS_LENGTH", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64},
	{name: "TIFLASH_INSTANCE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},

var tableTableTiFlashSegmentsCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "DATABASE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "TABLE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "TIDB_DATABASE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "TIDB_TABLE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "TABLE_ID", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64},
	{name: "IS_TOMBSTONE", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64},
	{name: "SEGMENT_ID", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64},
	{name: "RANGE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},
	{name: "ROWS", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64},
	{name: "SIZE", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64},
	{name: "DELETE_RANGES", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64},
	{name: "STABLE_SIZE_ON_DISK", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64},
	{name: "DELTA_PACK_COUNT", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64},
	{name: "STABLE_PACK_COUNT", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64},
	{name: "AVG_DELTA_PACK_ROWS", tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 64},
	{name: "AVG_STABLE_PACK_ROWS", tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 64},
	{name: "DELTA_RATE", tp: mysql.TypeDouble, size: 64},
	{name: "DELTA_CACHE_SIZE", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64},
	{name: "DELTA_INDEX_SIZE", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64},
	{name: "TIFLASH_INSTANCE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64},

var tableClientErrorsSummaryGlobalCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "ERROR_NUMBER", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "ERROR_MESSAGE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 1024, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "ERROR_COUNT", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "WARNING_COUNT", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "FIRST_SEEN", tp: mysql.TypeTimestamp, size: 26},
	{name: "LAST_SEEN", tp: mysql.TypeTimestamp, size: 26},

var tableClientErrorsSummaryByUserCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "USER", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "ERROR_NUMBER", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "ERROR_MESSAGE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 1024, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "ERROR_COUNT", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "WARNING_COUNT", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "FIRST_SEEN", tp: mysql.TypeTimestamp, size: 26},
	{name: "LAST_SEEN", tp: mysql.TypeTimestamp, size: 26},

var tableClientErrorsSummaryByHostCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "HOST", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 255, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "ERROR_NUMBER", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "ERROR_MESSAGE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 1024, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "ERROR_COUNT", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "WARNING_COUNT", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "FIRST_SEEN", tp: mysql.TypeTimestamp, size: 26},
	{name: "LAST_SEEN", tp: mysql.TypeTimestamp, size: 26},

var tableTiDBTrxCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: txninfo.IDStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21, flag: mysql.PriKeyFlag | mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag},
	{name: txninfo.StartTimeStr, tp: mysql.TypeTimestamp, decimal: 6, size: 26, comment: "Start time of the transaction"},
	{name: txninfo.CurrentSQLDigestStr, tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, comment: "Digest of the sql the transaction are currently running"},
	{name: txninfo.CurrentSQLDigestTextStr, tp: mysql.TypeBlob, size: types.UnspecifiedLength, comment: "The normalized sql the transaction are currently running"},
	{name: txninfo.StateStr, tp: mysql.TypeEnum, enumElems: txninfo.TxnRunningStateStrs, comment: "Current running state of the transaction"},
	{name: txninfo.WaitingStartTimeStr, tp: mysql.TypeTimestamp, decimal: 6, size: 26, comment: "Current lock waiting's start time"},
	{name: txninfo.MemBufferKeysStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64, comment: "How many entries are in MemDB"},
	{name: txninfo.MemBufferBytesStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64, comment: "MemDB used memory"},
	{name: txninfo.SessionIDStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21, flag: mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Which session this transaction belongs to"},
	{name: txninfo.UserStr, tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 16, comment: "The user who open this session"},
	{name: txninfo.DBStr, tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, comment: "The schema this transaction works on"},
	{name: txninfo.AllSQLDigestsStr, tp: mysql.TypeBlob, size: types.UnspecifiedLength, comment: "A list of the digests of SQL statements that the transaction has executed"},
	{name: txninfo.RelatedTableIDsStr, tp: mysql.TypeBlob, size: types.UnspecifiedLength, comment: "A list of the table IDs that the transaction has accessed"},

var tableDeadlocksCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: deadlockhistory.ColDeadlockIDStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag, comment: "The ID to distinguish different deadlock events"},
	{name: deadlockhistory.ColOccurTimeStr, tp: mysql.TypeTimestamp, decimal: 6, size: 26, comment: "The physical time when the deadlock occurs"},
	{name: deadlockhistory.ColRetryableStr, tp: mysql.TypeTiny, size: 1, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag, comment: "Whether the deadlock is retryable. Retryable deadlocks are usually not reported to the client"},
	{name: deadlockhistory.ColTryLockTrxIDStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "The transaction ID (start ts) of the transaction that's trying to acquire the lock"},
	{name: deadlockhistory.ColCurrentSQLDigestStr, tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, comment: "The digest of the SQL that's being blocked"},
	{name: deadlockhistory.ColCurrentSQLDigestTextStr, tp: mysql.TypeBlob, size: types.UnspecifiedLength, comment: "The normalized SQL that's being blocked"},
	{name: deadlockhistory.ColKeyStr, tp: mysql.TypeBlob, size: types.UnspecifiedLength, comment: "The key on which a transaction is waiting for another"},
	{name: deadlockhistory.ColKeyInfoStr, tp: mysql.TypeBlob, size: types.UnspecifiedLength, comment: "Information of the key"},
	{name: deadlockhistory.ColTrxHoldingLockStr, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "The transaction ID (start ts) of the transaction that's currently holding the lock"},

var tableDataLockWaitsCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: DataLockWaitsColumnKey, tp: mysql.TypeBlob, size: types.UnspecifiedLength, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag, comment: "The key that's being waiting on"},
	{name: DataLockWaitsColumnKeyInfo, tp: mysql.TypeBlob, size: types.UnspecifiedLength, comment: "Information of the key"},
	{name: DataLockWaitsColumnTrxID, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "Current transaction that's waiting for the lock"},
	{name: DataLockWaitsColumnCurrentHoldingTrxID, tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 21, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag | mysql.UnsignedFlag, comment: "The transaction that's holding the lock and blocks the current transaction"},
	{name: DataLockWaitsColumnSQLDigest, tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, comment: "Digest of the SQL that's trying to acquire the lock"},
	{name: DataLockWaitsColumnSQLDigestText, tp: mysql.TypeBlob, size: types.UnspecifiedLength, comment: "Digest of the SQL that's trying to acquire the lock"},

var tableStatementsSummaryEvictedCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "BEGIN_TIME", tp: mysql.TypeTimestamp, size: 26},
	{name: "END_TIME", tp: mysql.TypeTimestamp, size: 26},
	{name: "EVICTED_COUNT", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},

var tableAttributesCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "ID", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: types.UnspecifiedLength, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "TYPE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 16, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "ATTRIBUTES", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: types.UnspecifiedLength},
	{name: "RANGES", tp: mysql.TypeBlob, size: types.UnspecifiedLength},

var tableTrxSummaryCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "DIGEST", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 16, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag, comment: "Digest of a transaction"},
	{name: txninfo.AllSQLDigestsStr, tp: mysql.TypeBlob, size: types.UnspecifiedLength, comment: "A list of the digests of SQL statements that the transaction has executed"},

var tablePlacementPoliciesCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "POLICY_ID", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "CATALOG_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 512, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "POLICY_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag}, // Catalog wide policy
	{name: "PRIMARY_REGION", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 1024},
	{name: "REGIONS", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 1024},
	{name: "CONSTRAINTS", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 1024},
	{name: "LEADER_CONSTRAINTS", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 1024},
	{name: "FOLLOWER_CONSTRAINTS", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 1024},
	{name: "LEARNER_CONSTRAINTS", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 1024},
	{name: "SCHEDULE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 20}, // EVEN or MAJORITY_IN_PRIMARY
	{name: "FOLLOWERS", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64},
	{name: "LEARNERS", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64},

var tableVariablesInfoCols = []columnInfo{
	{name: "VARIABLE_NAME", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "VARIABLE_SCOPE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "DEFAULT_VALUE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "CURRENT_VALUE", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},
	{name: "MIN_VALUE", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64},
	{name: "MAX_VALUE", tp: mysql.TypeLonglong, size: 64, flag: mysql.UnsignedFlag},
	{name: "POSSIBLE_VALUES", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 256},
	{name: "IS_NOOP", tp: mysql.TypeVarchar, size: 64, flag: mysql.NotNullFlag},

// GetShardingInfo returns a nil or description string for the sharding information of given TableInfo.
// The returned description string may be:
//   - "NOT_SHARDED": for tables that SHARD_ROW_ID_BITS is not specified.
//   - "NOT_SHARDED(PK_IS_HANDLE)": for tables of which primary key is row id.
//   - "PK_AUTO_RANDOM_BITS={bit_number}, RANGE BITS={bit_number}": for tables of which primary key is sharded row id.
//   - "SHARD_BITS={bit_number}": for tables that with SHARD_ROW_ID_BITS.
// The returned nil indicates that sharding information is not suitable for the table(for example, when the table is a View).
// This function is exported for unit test.
func GetShardingInfo(dbInfo *model.DBInfo, tableInfo *model.TableInfo) interface{} {
	if dbInfo == nil || tableInfo == nil || tableInfo.IsView() || util.IsMemOrSysDB(dbInfo.Name.L) {
		return nil
	shardingInfo := "NOT_SHARDED"
	if tableInfo.PKIsHandle {
		if tableInfo.ContainsAutoRandomBits() {
			shardingInfo = "PK_AUTO_RANDOM_BITS=" + strconv.Itoa(int(tableInfo.AutoRandomBits))
			rangeBits := tableInfo.AutoRandomRangeBits
			if rangeBits != 0 && rangeBits != autoid.AutoRandomRangeBitsDefault {
				shardingInfo = fmt.Sprintf("%s, RANGE BITS=%d", shardingInfo, rangeBits)
		} else {
			shardingInfo = "NOT_SHARDED(PK_IS_HANDLE)"
	} else if tableInfo.ShardRowIDBits > 0 {
		shardingInfo = "SHARD_BITS=" + strconv.Itoa(int(tableInfo.ShardRowIDBits))
	return shardingInfo

const (
	// PrimaryKeyType is the string constant of PRIMARY KEY.
	PrimaryKeyType = "PRIMARY KEY"
	// PrimaryConstraint is the string constant of PRIMARY.
	PrimaryConstraint = "PRIMARY"
	// UniqueKeyType is the string constant of UNIQUE.
	UniqueKeyType = "UNIQUE"
	// ForeignKeyType is the string constant of Foreign Key.
	ForeignKeyType = "FOREIGN KEY"

// ServerInfo represents the basic server information of single cluster component
type ServerInfo struct {
	ServerType     string
	Address        string
	StatusAddr     string
	Version        string
	GitHash        string
	StartTimestamp int64
	ServerID       uint64

func (s *ServerInfo) isLoopBackOrUnspecifiedAddr(addr string) bool {
	tcpAddr, err := net.ResolveTCPAddr("", addr)
	if err != nil {
		return false
	ip := net.ParseIP(tcpAddr.IP.String())
	return ip != nil && (ip.IsUnspecified() || ip.IsLoopback())

// ResolveLoopBackAddr exports for testing.
func (s *ServerInfo) ResolveLoopBackAddr() {
	if s.isLoopBackOrUnspecifiedAddr(s.Address) && !s.isLoopBackOrUnspecifiedAddr(s.StatusAddr) {
		addr, err1 := net.ResolveTCPAddr("", s.Address)
		statusAddr, err2 := net.ResolveTCPAddr("", s.StatusAddr)
		if err1 == nil && err2 == nil {
			addr.IP = statusAddr.IP
			s.Address = addr.String()
	} else if !s.isLoopBackOrUnspecifiedAddr(s.Address) && s.isLoopBackOrUnspecifiedAddr(s.StatusAddr) {
		addr, err1 := net.ResolveTCPAddr("", s.Address)
		statusAddr, err2 := net.ResolveTCPAddr("", s.StatusAddr)
		if err1 == nil && err2 == nil {
			statusAddr.IP = addr.IP
			s.StatusAddr = statusAddr.String()

// GetClusterServerInfo returns all components information of cluster
func GetClusterServerInfo(ctx sessionctx.Context) ([]ServerInfo, error) {
	failpoint.Inject("mockClusterInfo", func(val failpoint.Value) {
		// The cluster topology is injected by `failpoint` expression and
		// there is no extra checks for it. (let the test fail if the expression invalid)
		if s := val.(string); len(s) > 0 {
			var servers []ServerInfo
			for _, server := range strings.Split(s, ";") {
				parts := strings.Split(server, ",")
				serverID, err := strconv.ParseUint(parts[5], 10, 64)
				if err != nil {
					panic("convert parts[5] to uint64 failed")
				servers = append(servers, ServerInfo{
					ServerType: parts[0],
					Address:    parts[1],
					StatusAddr: parts[2],
					Version:    parts[3],
					GitHash:    parts[4],
					ServerID:   serverID,
			failpoint.Return(servers, nil)

	type retriever func(ctx sessionctx.Context) ([]ServerInfo, error)
	//nolint: prealloc
	var servers []ServerInfo
	for _, r := range []retriever{GetTiDBServerInfo, GetPDServerInfo, GetStoreServerInfo} {
		nodes, err := r(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		for i := range nodes {
		servers = append(servers, nodes...)
	return servers, nil

// GetTiDBServerInfo returns all TiDB nodes information of cluster
func GetTiDBServerInfo(ctx sessionctx.Context) ([]ServerInfo, error) {
	// Get TiDB servers info.
	tidbNodes, err := infosync.GetAllServerInfo(context.Background())
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Trace(err)
	var isDefaultVersion bool
	if len(config.GetGlobalConfig().ServerVersion) == 0 {
		isDefaultVersion = true
	var servers = make([]ServerInfo, 0, len(tidbNodes))
	for _, node := range tidbNodes {
		servers = append(servers, ServerInfo{
			ServerType:     "tidb",
			Address:        fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", node.IP, node.Port),
			StatusAddr:     fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", node.IP, node.StatusPort),
			Version:        FormatTiDBVersion(node.Version, isDefaultVersion),
			GitHash:        node.GitHash,
			StartTimestamp: node.StartTimestamp,
			ServerID:       node.ServerIDGetter(),
	return servers, nil

// FormatTiDBVersion make TiDBVersion consistent to TiKV and PD.
// The default TiDBVersion is 5.7.25-TiDB-${TiDBReleaseVersion}.
func FormatTiDBVersion(TiDBVersion string, isDefaultVersion bool) string {
	var version, nodeVersion string

	// The user hasn't set the config 'ServerVersion'.
	if isDefaultVersion {
		nodeVersion = TiDBVersion[strings.LastIndex(TiDBVersion, "TiDB-")+len("TiDB-"):]
		if nodeVersion[0] == 'v' {
			nodeVersion = nodeVersion[1:]
		nodeVersions := strings.Split(nodeVersion, "-")
		if len(nodeVersions) == 1 {
			version = nodeVersions[0]
		} else if len(nodeVersions) >= 2 {
			version = fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", nodeVersions[0], nodeVersions[1])
	} else { // The user has already set the config 'ServerVersion',it would be a complex scene, so just use the 'ServerVersion' as version.
		version = TiDBVersion

	return version

// GetPDServerInfo returns all PD nodes information of cluster
func GetPDServerInfo(ctx sessionctx.Context) ([]ServerInfo, error) {
	// Get PD servers info.
	store := ctx.GetStore()
	etcd, ok := store.(kv.EtcdBackend)
	if !ok {
		return nil, errors.Errorf("%T not an etcd backend", store)
	members, err := etcd.EtcdAddrs()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Trace(err)
	// TODO: maybe we should unify the PD API request interface.
	var (
		memberNum = len(members)
		servers   = make([]ServerInfo, 0, memberNum)
		errs      = make([]error, 0, memberNum)
	if memberNum == 0 {
		return servers, nil
	// Try on each member until one succeeds or all fail.
	for _, addr := range members {
		// Get PD version, git_hash
		url := fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s%s", util.InternalHTTPSchema(), addr, pdapi.Status)
		req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, url, nil)
		if err != nil {
			logutil.BgLogger().Warn("create pd server info request error", zap.String("url", url), zap.Error(err))
			errs = append(errs, err)
		req.Header.Add("PD-Allow-follower-handle", "true")
		resp, err := util.InternalHTTPClient().Do(req)
		if err != nil {
			logutil.BgLogger().Warn("request pd server info error", zap.String("url", url), zap.Error(err))
			errs = append(errs, err)
		var content = struct {
			Version        string `json:"version"`
			GitHash        string `json:"git_hash"`
			StartTimestamp int64  `json:"start_timestamp"`
		err = json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(&content)
		if err != nil {
			logutil.BgLogger().Warn("close pd server info request error", zap.String("url", url), zap.Error(err))
			errs = append(errs, err)
		if len(content.Version) > 0 && content.Version[0] == 'v' {
			content.Version = content.Version[1:]

		servers = append(servers, ServerInfo{
			ServerType:     "pd",
			Address:        addr,
			StatusAddr:     addr,
			Version:        content.Version,
			GitHash:        content.GitHash,
			StartTimestamp: content.StartTimestamp,
	// Return the errors if all members' requests fail.
	if len(errs) == memberNum {
		errorMsg := ""
		for idx, err := range errs {
			errorMsg += err.Error()
			if idx < memberNum-1 {
				errorMsg += "; "
		return nil, errors.Trace(fmt.Errorf("%s", errorMsg))
	return servers, nil

// GetStoreServerInfo returns all store nodes(TiKV or TiFlash) cluster information
func GetStoreServerInfo(ctx sessionctx.Context) ([]ServerInfo, error) {
	isTiFlashStore := func(store *metapb.Store) bool {
		isTiFlash := false
		for _, label := range store.Labels {
			if label.GetKey() == placement.EngineLabelKey && label.GetValue() == placement.EngineLabelTiFlash {
				isTiFlash = true
		return isTiFlash

	store := ctx.GetStore()
	// Get TiKV servers info.
	tikvStore, ok := store.(tikv.Storage)
	if !ok {
		return nil, errors.Errorf("%T is not an TiKV or TiFlash store instance", store)
	pdClient := tikvStore.GetRegionCache().PDClient()
	if pdClient == nil {
		return nil, errors.New("pd unavailable")
	stores, err := pdClient.GetAllStores(context.Background())
	if err != nil {
		return nil, errors.Trace(err)
	servers := make([]ServerInfo, 0, len(stores))
	for _, store := range stores {
		failpoint.Inject("mockStoreTombstone", func(val failpoint.Value) {
			if val.(bool) {
				store.State = metapb.StoreState_Tombstone

		if store.GetState() == metapb.StoreState_Tombstone {
		var tp string
		if isTiFlashStore(store) {
			tp = kv.TiFlash.Name()
		} else {
			tp = tikv.GetStoreTypeByMeta(store).Name()

		servers = append(servers, ServerInfo{
			ServerType:     tp,
			Address:        store.Address,
			StatusAddr:     store.StatusAddress,
			Version:        FormatStoreServerVersion(store.Version),
			GitHash:        store.GitHash,
			StartTimestamp: store.StartTimestamp,
	return servers, nil

// FormatStoreServerVersion format version of store servers(Tikv or TiFlash)
func FormatStoreServerVersion(version string) string {
	if len(version) >= 1 && version[0] == 'v' {
		version = version[1:]
	return version

// GetTiFlashStoreCount returns the count of tiflash server.
func GetTiFlashStoreCount(ctx sessionctx.Context) (cnt uint64, err error) {
	failpoint.Inject("mockTiFlashStoreCount", func(val failpoint.Value) {
		if val.(bool) {
			failpoint.Return(uint64(10), nil)

	stores, err := GetStoreServerInfo(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return cnt, err
	for _, store := range stores {
		if store.ServerType == kv.TiFlash.Name() {
	return cnt, nil

// SysVarHiddenForSem checks if a given sysvar is hidden according to SEM and privileges.
func SysVarHiddenForSem(ctx sessionctx.Context, sysVarNameInLower string) bool {
	if !sem.IsEnabled() || !sem.IsInvisibleSysVar(sysVarNameInLower) {
		return false
	checker := privilege.GetPrivilegeManager(ctx)
	if checker == nil || checker.RequestDynamicVerification(ctx.GetSessionVars().ActiveRoles, "RESTRICTED_VARIABLES_ADMIN", false) {
		return false
	return true

// GetDataFromSessionVariables return the [name, value] of all session variables
func GetDataFromSessionVariables(ctx sessionctx.Context) ([][]types.Datum, error) {
	sessionVars := ctx.GetSessionVars()
	sysVars := variable.GetSysVars()
	rows := make([][]types.Datum, 0, len(sysVars))
	for _, v := range sysVars {
		if SysVarHiddenForSem(ctx, v.Name) {
		var value string
		value, err := sessionVars.GetSessionOrGlobalSystemVar(v.Name)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		row := types.MakeDatums(v.Name, value)
		rows = append(rows, row)
	return rows, nil

var tableNameToColumns = map[string][]columnInfo{
	TableSchemata:                           schemataCols,
	TableTables:                             tablesCols,
	TableColumns:                            columnsCols,
	tableColumnStatistics:                   columnStatisticsCols,
	TableStatistics:                         statisticsCols,
	TableCharacterSets:                      charsetCols,
	TableCollations:                         collationsCols,
	tableFiles:                              filesCols,
	TableProfiling:                          profilingCols,
	TablePartitions:                         partitionsCols,
	TableKeyColumn:                          keyColumnUsageCols,
	TableReferConst:                         referConstCols,
	TableSessionVar:                         sessionVarCols,
	tablePlugins:                            pluginsCols,
	TableConstraints:                        tableConstraintsCols,
	tableTriggers:                           tableTriggersCols,
	TableUserPrivileges:                     tableUserPrivilegesCols,
	tableSchemaPrivileges:                   tableSchemaPrivilegesCols,
	tableTablePrivileges:                    tableTablePrivilegesCols,
	tableColumnPrivileges:                   tableColumnPrivilegesCols,
	TableEngines:                            tableEnginesCols,
	TableViews:                              tableViewsCols,
	tableRoutines:                           tableRoutinesCols,
	tableParameters:                         tableParametersCols,
	tableEvents:                             tableEventsCols,
	tableGlobalStatus:                       tableGlobalStatusCols,
	tableGlobalVariables:                    tableGlobalVariablesCols,
	tableSessionStatus:                      tableSessionStatusCols,
	tableOptimizerTrace:                     tableOptimizerTraceCols,
	tableTableSpaces:                        tableTableSpacesCols,
	TableCollationCharacterSetApplicability: tableCollationCharacterSetApplicabilityCols,
	TableProcesslist:                        tableProcesslistCols,
	TableTiDBIndexes:                        tableTiDBIndexesCols,
	TableSlowQuery:                          slowQueryCols,
	TableTiDBHotRegions:                     TableTiDBHotRegionsCols,
	TableTiDBHotRegionsHistory:              TableTiDBHotRegionsHistoryCols,
	TableTiKVStoreStatus:                    TableTiKVStoreStatusCols,
	TableAnalyzeStatus:                      tableAnalyzeStatusCols,
	TableTiKVRegionStatus:                   TableTiKVRegionStatusCols,
	TableTiKVRegionPeers:                    TableTiKVRegionPeersCols,
	TableTiDBServersInfo:                    tableTiDBServersInfoCols,
	TableClusterInfo:                        tableClusterInfoCols,
	TableClusterConfig:                      tableClusterConfigCols,
	TableClusterLog:                         tableClusterLogCols,
	TableClusterLoad:                        tableClusterLoadCols,
	TableTiFlashReplica:                     tableTableTiFlashReplicaCols,
	TableClusterHardware:                    tableClusterHardwareCols,
	TableClusterSystemInfo:                  tableClusterSystemInfoCols,
	TableInspectionResult:                   tableInspectionResultCols,
	TableMetricSummary:                      tableMetricSummaryCols,
	TableMetricSummaryByLabel:               tableMetricSummaryByLabelCols,
	TableMetricTables:                       tableMetricTablesCols,
	TableInspectionSummary:                  tableInspectionSummaryCols,
	TableInspectionRules:                    tableInspectionRulesCols,
	TableDDLJobs:                            tableDDLJobsCols,
	TableSequences:                          tableSequencesCols,
	TableStatementsSummary:                  tableStatementsSummaryCols,
	TableStatementsSummaryHistory:           tableStatementsSummaryCols,
	TableStatementsSummaryEvicted:           tableStatementsSummaryEvictedCols,
	TableStorageStats:                       tableStorageStatsCols,
	TableTiFlashTables:                      tableTableTiFlashTablesCols,
	TableTiFlashSegments:                    tableTableTiFlashSegmentsCols,
	TableClientErrorsSummaryGlobal:          tableClientErrorsSummaryGlobalCols,
	TableClientErrorsSummaryByUser:          tableClientErrorsSummaryByUserCols,
	TableClientErrorsSummaryByHost:          tableClientErrorsSummaryByHostCols,
	TableTiDBTrx:                            tableTiDBTrxCols,
	TableDeadlocks:                          tableDeadlocksCols,
	TableDataLockWaits:                      tableDataLockWaitsCols,
	TableAttributes:                         tableAttributesCols,
	TablePlacementPolicies:                  tablePlacementPoliciesCols,
	TableTrxSummary:                         tableTrxSummaryCols,
	TableVariablesInfo:                      tableVariablesInfoCols,

func createInfoSchemaTable(_ autoid.Allocators, meta *model.TableInfo) (table.Table, error) {
	columns := make([]*table.Column, len(meta.Columns))
	for i, col := range meta.Columns {
		columns[i] = table.ToColumn(col)
	tp := table.VirtualTable
	if isClusterTableByName(util.InformationSchemaName.O, meta.Name.O) {
		tp = table.ClusterTable
	return &infoschemaTable{meta: meta, cols: columns, tp: tp}, nil

type infoschemaTable struct {
	meta *model.TableInfo
	cols []*table.Column
	tp   table.Type

// IterRecords implements table.Table IterRecords interface.
func (*infoschemaTable) IterRecords(_ sessionctx.Context, _ []*table.Column,
	_ table.RecordIterFunc) error {
	return nil

// Cols implements table.Table Cols interface.
func (it *infoschemaTable) Cols() []*table.Column {
	return it.cols

// VisibleCols implements table.Table VisibleCols interface.
func (it *infoschemaTable) VisibleCols() []*table.Column {
	return it.cols

// HiddenCols implements table.Table HiddenCols interface.
func (it *infoschemaTable) HiddenCols() []*table.Column {
	return nil

// WritableCols implements table.Table WritableCols interface.
func (it *infoschemaTable) WritableCols() []*table.Column {
	return it.cols

// DeletableCols implements table.Table WritableCols interface.
func (it *infoschemaTable) DeletableCols() []*table.Column {
	return it.cols

// FullHiddenColsAndVisibleCols implements table FullHiddenColsAndVisibleCols interface.
func (it *infoschemaTable) FullHiddenColsAndVisibleCols() []*table.Column {
	return it.cols

// Indices implements table.Table Indices interface.
func (it *infoschemaTable) Indices() []table.Index {
	return nil

// RecordPrefix implements table.Table RecordPrefix interface.
func (it *infoschemaTable) RecordPrefix() kv.Key {
	return nil

// IndexPrefix implements table.Table IndexPrefix interface.
func (it *infoschemaTable) IndexPrefix() kv.Key {
	return nil

// AddRecord implements table.Table AddRecord interface.
func (it *infoschemaTable) AddRecord(ctx sessionctx.Context, r []types.Datum, opts ...table.AddRecordOption) (recordID kv.Handle, err error) {
	return nil, table.ErrUnsupportedOp

// RemoveRecord implements table.Table RemoveRecord interface.
func (it *infoschemaTable) RemoveRecord(ctx sessionctx.Context, h kv.Handle, r []types.Datum) error {
	return table.ErrUnsupportedOp

// UpdateRecord implements table.Table UpdateRecord interface.
func (it *infoschemaTable) UpdateRecord(gctx context.Context, ctx sessionctx.Context, h kv.Handle, oldData, newData []types.Datum, touched []bool) error {
	return table.ErrUnsupportedOp

// Allocators implements table.Table Allocators interface.
func (it *infoschemaTable) Allocators(_ sessionctx.Context) autoid.Allocators {
	return nil

// Meta implements table.Table Meta interface.
func (it *infoschemaTable) Meta() *model.TableInfo {
	return it.meta

// GetPhysicalID implements table.Table GetPhysicalID interface.
func (it *infoschemaTable) GetPhysicalID() int64 {
	return it.meta.ID

// Type implements table.Table Type interface.
func (it *infoschemaTable) Type() table.Type {
	return it.tp

// VirtualTable is a dummy table.Table implementation.
type VirtualTable struct{}

// Cols implements table.Table Cols interface.
func (vt *VirtualTable) Cols() []*table.Column {
	return nil

// VisibleCols implements table.Table VisibleCols interface.
func (vt *VirtualTable) VisibleCols() []*table.Column {
	return nil

// HiddenCols implements table.Table HiddenCols interface.
func (vt *VirtualTable) HiddenCols() []*table.Column {
	return nil

// WritableCols implements table.Table WritableCols interface.
func (vt *VirtualTable) WritableCols() []*table.Column {
	return nil

// DeletableCols implements table.Table WritableCols interface.
func (vt *VirtualTable) DeletableCols() []*table.Column {
	return nil

// FullHiddenColsAndVisibleCols implements table FullHiddenColsAndVisibleCols interface.
func (vt *VirtualTable) FullHiddenColsAndVisibleCols() []*table.Column {
	return nil

// Indices implements table.Table Indices interface.
func (vt *VirtualTable) Indices() []table.Index {
	return nil

// RecordPrefix implements table.Table RecordPrefix interface.
func (vt *VirtualTable) RecordPrefix() kv.Key {
	return nil

// IndexPrefix implements table.Table IndexPrefix interface.
func (vt *VirtualTable) IndexPrefix() kv.Key {
	return nil

// AddRecord implements table.Table AddRecord interface.
func (vt *VirtualTable) AddRecord(ctx sessionctx.Context, r []types.Datum, opts ...table.AddRecordOption) (recordID kv.Handle, err error) {
	return nil, table.ErrUnsupportedOp

// RemoveRecord implements table.Table RemoveRecord interface.
func (vt *VirtualTable) RemoveRecord(ctx sessionctx.Context, h kv.Handle, r []types.Datum) error {
	return table.ErrUnsupportedOp

// UpdateRecord implements table.Table UpdateRecord interface.
func (vt *VirtualTable) UpdateRecord(ctx context.Context, sctx sessionctx.Context, h kv.Handle, oldData, newData []types.Datum, touched []bool) error {
	return table.ErrUnsupportedOp

// Allocators implements table.Table Allocators interface.
func (vt *VirtualTable) Allocators(_ sessionctx.Context) autoid.Allocators {
	return nil

// Meta implements table.Table Meta interface.
func (vt *VirtualTable) Meta() *model.TableInfo {
	return nil

// GetPhysicalID implements table.Table GetPhysicalID interface.
func (vt *VirtualTable) GetPhysicalID() int64 {
	return 0

// Type implements table.Table Type interface.
func (vt *VirtualTable) Type() table.Type {
	return table.VirtualTable


tidb 源码目录


tidb builder 源码

tidb cache 源码

tidb cluster 源码

tidb error 源码

tidb infoschema 源码

tidb metric_table_def 源码

tidb metrics_schema 源码

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