echarts MapDraw 源码

  • 2022-10-20
  • 浏览 (573)

echarts MapDraw 代码


* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.

import * as zrUtil from 'zrender/src/core/util';
import RoamController from './RoamController';
import * as roamHelper from '../../component/helper/roamHelper';
import {onIrrelevantElement} from '../../component/helper/cursorHelper';
import * as graphic from '../../util/graphic';
import {
} from '../../util/states';
import geoSourceManager from '../../coord/geo/geoSourceManager';
import {getUID} from '../../util/component';
import ExtensionAPI from '../../core/ExtensionAPI';
import GeoModel, { GeoCommonOptionMixin, GeoItemStyleOption, RegoinOption } from '../../coord/geo/GeoModel';
import MapSeries, { MapDataItemOption } from '../../chart/map/MapSeries';
import GlobalModel from '../../model/Global';
import { Payload, ECElement, LineStyleOption, InnerFocus, DisplayState } from '../../util/types';
import GeoView from '../geo/GeoView';
import MapView from '../../chart/map/MapView';
import Geo from '../../coord/geo/Geo';
import Model from '../../model/Model';
import { setLabelStyle, getLabelStatesModels } from '../../label/labelStyle';
import { getECData } from '../../util/innerStore';
import { createOrUpdatePatternFromDecal } from '../../util/decal';
import ZRText, {TextStyleProps} from 'zrender/src/graphic/Text';
import { ViewCoordSysTransformInfoPart } from '../../coord/View';
import { GeoSVGGraphicRecord, GeoSVGResource } from '../../coord/geo/GeoSVGResource';
import Displayable from 'zrender/src/graphic/Displayable';
import Element from 'zrender/src/Element';
import SeriesData from '../../data/SeriesData';
import { GeoJSONRegion } from '../../coord/geo/Region';
import { SVGNodeTagLower } from 'zrender/src/tool/parseSVG';
import { makeInner } from '../../util/model';
import { GeoProjection, ProjectionStream } from '../../coord/geo/geoTypes';

interface RegionsGroup extends graphic.Group {

type RegionModel = ReturnType<GeoModel['getRegionModel']> | ReturnType<MapSeries['getRegionModel']>;

type MapOrGeoModel = GeoModel | MapSeries;

interface ViewBuildContext {
    api: ExtensionAPI;
    geo: Geo;
    mapOrGeoModel: GeoModel | MapSeries;
    data: SeriesData;
    isVisualEncodedByVisualMap: boolean;
    isGeo: boolean;
    transformInfoRaw: ViewCoordSysTransformInfoPart;

interface GeoStyleableOption {
    itemStyle?: GeoItemStyleOption;
    lineStyle?: LineStyleOption;
type RegionName = string;

 * Only these tags enable use `itemStyle` if they are named in SVG.
 * Other tags like <text> <tspan> <image> might not suitable for `itemStyle`.
 * They will not be considered to be styled until some requirements come.
    'rect', 'circle', 'line', 'ellipse', 'polygon', 'polyline', 'path'
const OPTION_STYLE_ENABLED_TAG_MAP = zrUtil.createHashMap<number, SVGNodeTagLower>(
const STATE_TRIGGER_TAG_MAP = zrUtil.createHashMap<number, SVGNodeTagLower>(
    OPTION_STYLE_ENABLED_TAGS.concat(['g']) as SVGNodeTagLower[]
const LABEL_HOST_MAP = zrUtil.createHashMap<number, SVGNodeTagLower>(
    OPTION_STYLE_ENABLED_TAGS.concat(['g']) as SVGNodeTagLower[]
const mapLabelRaw = makeInner<{
    ignore: boolean
}, ZRText>();

function getFixedItemStyle(model: Model<GeoItemStyleOption>) {
    const itemStyle = model.getItemStyle();
    const areaColor = model.get('areaColor');

    // If user want the color not to be changed when hover,
    // they should both set areaColor and color to be null.
    if (areaColor != null) {
        itemStyle.fill = areaColor;

    return itemStyle;
// Only stroke can be used for line.
// Using fill in style if stroke not exits.
// TODO Not sure yet. Perhaps a separate `lineStyle`?
function fixLineStyle(styleHost: { style: graphic.Path['style'] }) {
    const style =;
    if (style) {
        style.stroke = (style.stroke || style.fill);
        style.fill = null;

class MapDraw {

    private uid: string;

    private _controller: RoamController;

    private _controllerHost: {
        target: graphic.Group;
        zoom?: number;
        zoomLimit?: GeoCommonOptionMixin['scaleLimit'];

    readonly group: graphic.Group;

     * This flag is used to make sure that only one among
     * `pan`, `zoom`, `click` can occurs, otherwise 'selected'
     * action may be triggered when `pan`, which is unexpected.
    private _mouseDownFlag: boolean;

    private _regionsGroup: RegionsGroup;

    private _regionsGroupByName: zrUtil.HashMap<RegionsGroup>;

    private _svgMapName: string;

    private _svgGroup: graphic.Group;

    private _svgGraphicRecord: GeoSVGGraphicRecord;

    // A name may correspond to multiple graphics.
    // Used as event dispatcher.
    private _svgDispatcherMap: zrUtil.HashMap<Element[], RegionName>;

    constructor(api: ExtensionAPI) {
        const group = new graphic.Group();
        this.uid = getUID('ec_map_draw');
        this._controller = new RoamController(api.getZr());
        this._controllerHost = { target: group }; = group;

        group.add(this._regionsGroup = new graphic.Group() as RegionsGroup);
        group.add(this._svgGroup = new graphic.Group());

        mapOrGeoModel: GeoModel | MapSeries,
        ecModel: GlobalModel,
        api: ExtensionAPI,
        fromView: MapView | GeoView,
        payload: Payload
    ): void {

        const isGeo = mapOrGeoModel.mainType === 'geo';

        // Map series has data. GEO model that controlled by map series
        // will be assigned with map data. Other GEO model has no data.
        let data = (mapOrGeoModel as MapSeries).getData && (mapOrGeoModel as MapSeries).getData();
        isGeo && ecModel.eachComponent({mainType: 'series', subType: 'map'}, function (mapSeries: MapSeries) {
            if (!data && mapSeries.getHostGeoModel() === mapOrGeoModel) {
                data = mapSeries.getData();

        const geo = mapOrGeoModel.coordinateSystem;

        const regionsGroup = this._regionsGroup;
        const group =;

        const transformInfo = geo.getTransformInfo();
        const transformInfoRaw = transformInfo.raw;
        const transformInfoRoam = transformInfo.roam;

        // No animation when first draw or in action
        const isFirstDraw = !regionsGroup.childAt(0) || payload;

        if (isFirstDraw) {
            group.x = transformInfoRoam.x;
            group.y = transformInfoRoam.y;
            group.scaleX = transformInfoRoam.scaleX;
            group.scaleY = transformInfoRoam.scaleY;
        else {
            graphic.updateProps(group, transformInfoRoam, mapOrGeoModel);

        const isVisualEncodedByVisualMap = data
            && data.getVisual('visualMeta')
            && data.getVisual('visualMeta').length > 0;

        const viewBuildCtx = {

        if (geo.resourceType === 'geoJSON') {
        else if (geo.resourceType === 'geoSVG') {

        this._updateController(mapOrGeoModel, ecModel, api);

        this._updateMapSelectHandler(mapOrGeoModel, regionsGroup, api, fromView);

    private _buildGeoJSON(viewBuildCtx: ViewBuildContext): void {
        const regionsGroupByName = this._regionsGroupByName = zrUtil.createHashMap<RegionsGroup, string>();
        const regionsInfoByName = zrUtil.createHashMap<{
            dataIdx: number;
            regionModel: Model<RegoinOption> | Model<MapDataItemOption>;
        }, string>();
        const regionsGroup = this._regionsGroup;
        const transformInfoRaw = viewBuildCtx.transformInfoRaw;
        const mapOrGeoModel = viewBuildCtx.mapOrGeoModel;
        const data =;
        const projection = viewBuildCtx.geo.projection;
        const projectionStream = projection &&;

        function transformPoint(point: number[], project: GeoProjection['project']): number[] {
            if (project) {
                // projection may return null point.
                point = project(point);
            return point && [
                point[0] * transformInfoRaw.scaleX + transformInfoRaw.x,
                point[1] * transformInfoRaw.scaleY + transformInfoRaw.y

        function transformPolygonPoints(inPoints: number[][]): number[][] {
            const outPoints = [];
            // If projectionStream is provided. Use it instead of single point project.
            const project = !projectionStream && projection && projection.project;
            for (let i = 0; i < inPoints.length; ++i) {
                const newPt = transformPoint(inPoints[i], project);
                newPt && outPoints.push(newPt);
            return outPoints;

        function getPolyShape(points: number[][]) {
            return {
                shape: {
                    points: transformPolygonPoints(points)


        // Only when the resource is GeoJSON, there is `geo.regions`.
        zrUtil.each(viewBuildCtx.geo.regions, function (region: GeoJSONRegion) {
            const regionName =;

            // Consider in GeoJson may be duplicated, for example,
            // there is multiple region named "United Kindom" or "France" (so many
            // colonies). And it is not appropriate to merge them in geo, which
            // will make them share the same label and bring trouble in label
            // location calculation.
            let regionGroup = regionsGroupByName.get(regionName);
            let { dataIdx, regionModel } = regionsInfoByName.get(regionName) || {};

            if (!regionGroup) {
                regionGroup = regionsGroupByName.set(regionName, new graphic.Group() as RegionsGroup);

                dataIdx = data ? data.indexOfName(regionName) : null;
                regionModel = viewBuildCtx.isGeo
                    ? mapOrGeoModel.getRegionModel(regionName)
                    : (data ? data.getItemModel(dataIdx) as Model<MapDataItemOption> : null);

                regionsInfoByName.set(regionName, { dataIdx, regionModel });

            const polygonSubpaths: graphic.Polygon[] = [];
            const polylineSubpaths: graphic.Polyline[] = [];

            zrUtil.each(region.geometries, function (geometry) {
                // Polygon and MultiPolygon
                if (geometry.type === 'polygon') {
                    let polys = [geometry.exterior].concat(geometry.interiors || []);
                    if (projectionStream) {
                        polys = projectPolys(polys, projectionStream);
                    zrUtil.each(polys, (poly) => {
                        polygonSubpaths.push(new graphic.Polygon(getPolyShape(poly)));
                // LineString and MultiLineString
                else {
                    let points = geometry.points;
                    if (projectionStream) {
                        points = projectPolys(points, projectionStream, true);
                    zrUtil.each(points, points => {
                        polylineSubpaths.push(new graphic.Polyline(getPolyShape(points)));

            const centerPt = transformPoint(region.getCenter(), projection && projection.project);

            function createCompoundPath(subpaths: graphic.Path[], isLine?: boolean) {
                if (!subpaths.length) {
                const compoundPath = new graphic.CompoundPath({
                    culling: true,
                    segmentIgnoreThreshold: 1,
                    shape: {
                        paths: subpaths
                    viewBuildCtx, compoundPath, dataIdx, regionModel
                    viewBuildCtx, compoundPath, regionName, regionModel, mapOrGeoModel, dataIdx, centerPt

                if (isLine) {
                    zrUtil.each(compoundPath.states, fixLineStyle);

            createCompoundPath(polylineSubpaths, true);

        // Ensure children have been added to `regionGroup` before calling them.
        regionsGroupByName.each(function (regionGroup, regionName) {
            const { dataIdx, regionModel } = regionsInfoByName.get(regionName);

                viewBuildCtx, regionGroup, regionName, regionModel, mapOrGeoModel, dataIdx
                viewBuildCtx, regionGroup, regionName, regionModel, mapOrGeoModel
                viewBuildCtx, regionGroup, regionName, regionModel, mapOrGeoModel

        }, this);

    private _buildSVG(viewBuildCtx: ViewBuildContext): void {
        const mapName =;
        const transformInfoRaw = viewBuildCtx.transformInfoRaw;

        this._svgGroup.x = transformInfoRaw.x;
        this._svgGroup.y = transformInfoRaw.y;
        this._svgGroup.scaleX = transformInfoRaw.scaleX;
        this._svgGroup.scaleY = transformInfoRaw.scaleY;

        if (this._svgResourceChanged(mapName)) {

        const svgDispatcherMap = this._svgDispatcherMap = zrUtil.createHashMap<Element[], RegionName>();

        let focusSelf = false;
        zrUtil.each(this._svgGraphicRecord.named, function (namedItem) {
            // Note that we also allow different elements have the same name.
            // For example, a glyph of a city and the label of the city have
            // the same name and their tooltip info can be defined in a single
            // region option.

            const regionName =;
            const mapOrGeoModel = viewBuildCtx.mapOrGeoModel;
            const data =;
            const svgNodeTagLower = namedItem.svgNodeTagLower;
            const el = namedItem.el;

            const dataIdx = data ? data.indexOfName(regionName) : null;
            const regionModel = mapOrGeoModel.getRegionModel(regionName);

            if (OPTION_STYLE_ENABLED_TAG_MAP.get(svgNodeTagLower) != null
                && (el instanceof Displayable)
            ) {
                applyOptionStyleForRegion(viewBuildCtx, el, dataIdx, regionModel);

            if (el instanceof Displayable) {
                el.culling = true;

            // We do not know how the SVG like so we'd better not to change z2.
            // Otherwise it might bring some unexpected result. For example,
            // an area hovered that make some inner city can not be clicked.
            (el as ECElement).z2EmphasisLift = 0;

            // If self named:
            if (!namedItem.namedFrom) {
                // label should batter to be displayed based on the center of <g>
                // if it is named rather than displayed on each child.
                if (LABEL_HOST_MAP.get(svgNodeTagLower) != null) {
                        viewBuildCtx, el, regionName, regionModel, mapOrGeoModel, dataIdx, null

                    viewBuildCtx, el, regionName, regionModel, mapOrGeoModel, dataIdx

                    viewBuildCtx, el, regionName, regionModel, mapOrGeoModel

                if (STATE_TRIGGER_TAG_MAP.get(svgNodeTagLower) != null) {
                    const focus = resetStateTriggerForRegion(
                        viewBuildCtx, el, regionName, regionModel, mapOrGeoModel
                    if (focus === 'self') {
                        focusSelf = true;
                    const els = svgDispatcherMap.get(regionName) || svgDispatcherMap.set(regionName, []);

        }, this);

        this._enableBlurEntireSVG(focusSelf, viewBuildCtx);

    private _enableBlurEntireSVG(
        focusSelf: boolean,
        viewBuildCtx: ViewBuildContext
    ): void {
        // It's a little complicated to support blurring the entire geoSVG in series-map.
        // So do not suport it until some requirements come.
        // At present, in series-map, only regions can be blurred.
        if (focusSelf && viewBuildCtx.isGeo) {
            const blurStyle = (viewBuildCtx.mapOrGeoModel as GeoModel).getModel(['blur', 'itemStyle']).getItemStyle();
            // Only suport `opacity` here. Because not sure that other props are suitable for
            // all of the elements generated by SVG (especially for Text/TSpan/Image/... ).
            const opacity = blurStyle.opacity;
            this._svgGraphicRecord.root.traverse(el => {
                if (!el.isGroup) {
                    // PENDING: clear those settings to SVG elements when `_freeSVG`.
                    // (Currently it happen not to be needed.)
                    setDefaultStateProxy(el as Displayable);
                    const style = (el as Displayable).ensureState('blur').style || {};
                    // Do not overwrite the region style that already set from region option.
                    if (style.opacity == null && opacity != null) {
                        style.opacity = opacity;
                    // If `ensureState('blur').style = {}`, there will be default opacity.

                    // Enable `stateTransition` (animation).
                    (el as Displayable).ensureState('emphasis');

    remove(): void {
        this._regionsGroupByName = null;
        this._controllerHost = null;

    findHighDownDispatchers(name: string, geoModel: GeoModel): Element[] {
        if (name == null) {
            return [];

        const geo = geoModel.coordinateSystem;

        if (geo.resourceType === 'geoJSON') {
            const regionsGroupByName = this._regionsGroupByName;
            if (regionsGroupByName) {
                const regionGroup = regionsGroupByName.get(name);
                return regionGroup ? [regionGroup] : [];
        else if (geo.resourceType === 'geoSVG') {
            return this._svgDispatcherMap && this._svgDispatcherMap.get(name) || [];

    private _svgResourceChanged(mapName: string): boolean {
        return this._svgMapName !== mapName;

    private _useSVG(mapName: string): void {
        const resource = geoSourceManager.getGeoResource(mapName);
        if (resource && resource.type === 'geoSVG') {
            const svgGraphic = (resource as GeoSVGResource).useGraphic(this.uid);
            this._svgGraphicRecord = svgGraphic;
            this._svgMapName = mapName;

    private _freeSVG(): void {
        const mapName = this._svgMapName;
        if (mapName == null) {

        const resource = geoSourceManager.getGeoResource(mapName);
        if (resource && resource.type === 'geoSVG') {
            (resource as GeoSVGResource).freeGraphic(this.uid);
        this._svgGraphicRecord = null;
        this._svgDispatcherMap = null;
        this._svgMapName = null;

    private _updateController(
        this: MapDraw, mapOrGeoModel: GeoModel | MapSeries, ecModel: GlobalModel, api: ExtensionAPI
    ): void {
        const geo = mapOrGeoModel.coordinateSystem;
        const controller = this._controller;
        const controllerHost = this._controllerHost;

        // @ts-ignore FIXME:TS
        controllerHost.zoomLimit = mapOrGeoModel.get('scaleLimit');
        controllerHost.zoom = geo.getZoom();

        // roamType is will be set default true if it is null
        // @ts-ignore FIXME:TS
        controller.enable(mapOrGeoModel.get('roam') || false);
        const mainType = mapOrGeoModel.mainType;

        function makeActionBase(): Payload {
            const action = {
                type: 'geoRoam',
                componentType: mainType
            } as Payload;
            action[mainType + 'Id'] =;
            return action;
        }'pan').on('pan', function (e) {
            this._mouseDownFlag = false;

            roamHelper.updateViewOnPan(controllerHost, e.dx, e.dy);

            api.dispatchAction(zrUtil.extend(makeActionBase(), {
                dx: e.dx,
                dy: e.dy,
                animation: {
                    duration: 0
        }, this);'zoom').on('zoom', function (e) {
            this._mouseDownFlag = false;

            roamHelper.updateViewOnZoom(controllerHost, e.scale, e.originX, e.originY);

            api.dispatchAction(zrUtil.extend(makeActionBase(), {
                zoom: e.scale,
                originX: e.originX,
                originY: e.originY,
                animation: {
                    duration: 0

        }, this);

        controller.setPointerChecker(function (e, x, y) {
            return geo.containPoint([x, y])
                && !onIrrelevantElement(e, api, mapOrGeoModel);

     * FIXME: this is a temporarily workaround.
     * When `geoRoam` the elements need to be reset in `MapView['render']`, because the props like
     * `ignore` might have been modified by `LabelManager`, and `LabelManager#addLabelsOfSeries`
     * will subsequently cache `defaultAttr` like `ignore`. If do not do this reset, the modified
     * props will have no chance to be restored.
     * Note: This reset should be after `clearStates` in `renderSeries` because `useStates` in
     * `renderSeries` will cache the modified `ignore` to `el._normalState`.
     * TODO:
     * Use clone/immutable in `LabelManager`?
    resetForLabelLayout() { => {
            const label = el.getTextContent();
            if (label) {
                label.ignore = mapLabelRaw(label).ignore;

    private _updateMapSelectHandler(
        mapOrGeoModel: GeoModel | MapSeries,
        regionsGroup: RegionsGroup,
        api: ExtensionAPI,
        fromView: MapView | GeoView
    ): void {
        const mapDraw = this;'mousedown');'click');

        // @ts-ignore FIXME:TS resolve type conflict
        if (mapOrGeoModel.get('selectedMode')) {

            regionsGroup.on('mousedown', function () {
                mapDraw._mouseDownFlag = true;

            regionsGroup.on('click', function (e) {
                if (!mapDraw._mouseDownFlag) {
                mapDraw._mouseDownFlag = false;


function applyOptionStyleForRegion(
    viewBuildCtx: ViewBuildContext,
    el: Displayable,
    dataIndex: number,
    regionModel: Model<
        GeoStyleableOption & {
            emphasis?: GeoStyleableOption;
            select?: GeoStyleableOption;
            blur?: GeoStyleableOption;
): void {
    // All of the path are using `itemStyle`, because
    // (1) Some SVG also use fill on polyline (The different between
    // polyline and polygon is "open" or "close" but not fill or not).
    // (2) For the common props like opacity, if some use itemStyle
    // and some use `lineStyle`, it might confuse users.
    // (3) Most SVG use <path>, where can not detect wether draw a "line"
    // or a filled shape, so use `itemStyle` for <path>.

    const normalStyleModel = regionModel.getModel('itemStyle');
    const emphasisStyleModel = regionModel.getModel(['emphasis', 'itemStyle']);
    const blurStyleModel = regionModel.getModel(['blur', 'itemStyle']);
    const selectStyleModel = regionModel.getModel(['select', 'itemStyle']);

    // NOTE: DONT use 'style' in visual when drawing map.
    // This component is used for drawing underlying map for both geo component and map series.
    const normalStyle = getFixedItemStyle(normalStyleModel);
    const emphasisStyle = getFixedItemStyle(emphasisStyleModel);
    const selectStyle = getFixedItemStyle(selectStyleModel);
    const blurStyle = getFixedItemStyle(blurStyleModel);

    // Update the itemStyle if has data visual
    const data =;
    if (data) {
        // Only visual color of each item will be used. It can be encoded by visualMap
        // But visual color of series is used in symbol drawing

        // Visual color for each series is for the symbol draw
        const style = data.getItemVisual(dataIndex, 'style');
        const decal = data.getItemVisual(dataIndex, 'decal');
        if (viewBuildCtx.isVisualEncodedByVisualMap && style.fill) {
            normalStyle.fill = style.fill;
        if (decal) {
            normalStyle.decal = createOrUpdatePatternFromDecal(decal, viewBuildCtx.api);

    // SVG text, tspan and image can be named but not supporeted
    // to be styled by region option yet.
    el.setStyle(normalStyle); = true;
    el.ensureState('emphasis').style = emphasisStyle;
    el.ensureState('select').style = selectStyle;
    el.ensureState('blur').style = blurStyle;

    // Enable blur

function resetLabelForRegion(
    viewBuildCtx: ViewBuildContext,
    el: Element,
    regionName: string,
    regionModel: RegionModel,
    mapOrGeoModel: MapOrGeoModel,
    // Exist only if `` exists.
    dataIdx: number,
    // If labelXY not provided, use `textConfig.position: 'inside'`
    labelXY: number[]
): void {
    const data =;
    const isGeo = viewBuildCtx.isGeo;

    const isDataNaN = data && isNaN(data.get(data.mapDimension('value'), dataIdx) as number);
    const itemLayout = data && data.getItemLayout(dataIdx);

    // In the following cases label will be drawn
    // 1. In map series and data value is NaN
    // 2. In geo component
    // 3. Region has no series legendIcon, which will be add a showLabel flag in mapSymbolLayout
    if (
        ((isGeo || isDataNaN))
        || (itemLayout && itemLayout.showLabel)
    ) {

        const query = !isGeo ? dataIdx : regionName;
        let labelFetcher;

        // Consider dataIdx not found.
        if (!data || dataIdx >= 0) {
            labelFetcher = mapOrGeoModel;

        const specifiedTextOpt: Partial<Record<DisplayState, TextStyleProps>> = labelXY ? {
            normal: {
                align: 'center',
                verticalAlign: 'middle'
        } : null;

        // Caveat: must be called after `setDefaultStateProxy(el);` called.
        // because textContent will be assign with `el.stateProxy` inside.
        setLabelStyle<typeof query>(
                labelDataIndex: query,
                defaultText: regionName

        const textEl = el.getTextContent();
        if (textEl) {
            mapLabelRaw(textEl).ignore = textEl.ignore;

            if (el.textConfig && labelXY) {
                // Compute a relative offset based on the el bounding rect.
                const rect = el.getBoundingRect().clone();
                // Need to make sure the percent position base on the same rect in normal and
                // emphasis state. Otherwise if using boundingRect of el, but the emphasis state
                // has borderWidth (even 0.5px), the text position will be changed obviously
                // if the position is very big like ['1234%', '1345%'].
                el.textConfig.layoutRect = rect;
                el.textConfig.position = [
                    ((labelXY[0] - rect.x) / rect.width * 100) + '%',
                    ((labelXY[1] - rect.y) / rect.height * 100) + '%'

        // PENDING:
        // If labelLayout is enabled (test/label-layout.html), el.dataIndex should be specified.
        // But el.dataIndex is also used to determine whether user event should be triggered,
        // where el.seriesIndex or el.dataModel must be specified. At present for a single el
        // there is not case that "only label layout enabled but user event disabled", so here
        // we depends `resetEventTriggerForRegion` to do the job of setting `el.dataIndex`.

        (el as ECElement).disableLabelAnimation = true;
    else {
        (el as ECElement).disableLabelAnimation = null;

function resetEventTriggerForRegion(
    viewBuildCtx: ViewBuildContext,
    eventTrigger: Element,
    regionName: string,
    regionModel: RegionModel,
    mapOrGeoModel: MapOrGeoModel,
    // Exist only if `` exists.
    dataIdx: number
): void {
    // setItemGraphicEl, setHoverStyle after all polygons and labels
    // are added to the regionGroup
    if ( {
        // FIXME: when series-map use a SVG map, and there are duplicated name specified
        // on different SVG elements, after `data.setItemGraphicEl(...)`:
        // (1) all of them will be mounted with `dataIndex`, `seriesIndex`, so that tooltip
        // can be triggered only mouse hover. That's correct.
        // (2) only the last element will be kept in `data`, so that if trigger tooltip
        // by `dispatchAction`, only the last one can be found and triggered. That might be
        // not correct. We will fix it in future if anyone demanding that., eventTrigger);
    // series-map will not trigger "geoselectchange" no matter it is
    // based on a declared geo component. Because series-map will
    // trigger "selectchange". If it trigger both the two events,
    // If users call `chart.dispatchAction({type: 'toggleSelect'})`,
    // it not easy to also fire event "geoselectchanged".
    else {
        // Package custom mouse event for geo component
        getECData(eventTrigger).eventData = {
            componentType: 'geo',
            componentIndex: mapOrGeoModel.componentIndex,
            geoIndex: mapOrGeoModel.componentIndex,
            name: regionName,
            region: (regionModel && regionModel.option) || {}

function resetTooltipForRegion(
    viewBuildCtx: ViewBuildContext,
    el: Element,
    regionName: string,
    regionModel: RegionModel,
    mapOrGeoModel: MapOrGeoModel
): void {
    if (! {
            el: el,
            componentModel: mapOrGeoModel,
            itemName: regionName,
            // @ts-ignore FIXME:TS fix the "compatible with each other"?
            itemTooltipOption: regionModel.get('tooltip')

function resetStateTriggerForRegion(
    viewBuildCtx: ViewBuildContext,
    el: Element,
    regionName: string,
    regionModel: RegionModel,
    mapOrGeoModel: MapOrGeoModel
): InnerFocus {
    // @ts-ignore FIXME:TS fix the "compatible with each other"?
    el.highDownSilentOnTouch = !!mapOrGeoModel.get('selectedMode');
    // @ts-ignore FIXME:TS fix the "compatible with each other"?
    const emphasisModel = regionModel.getModel('emphasis');
    const focus = emphasisModel.get('focus');
    toggleHoverEmphasis(el, focus, emphasisModel.get('blurScope'), emphasisModel.get('disabled'));
    if (viewBuildCtx.isGeo) {
        enableComponentHighDownFeatures(el, mapOrGeoModel as GeoModel, regionName);

    return focus;

function projectPolys(
    rings: number[][][], // Polygons include exterior and interiors. Or polylines.
    createStream: (outStream: ProjectionStream) => ProjectionStream,
    isLine?: boolean
) {
    const polygons: number[][][] = [];
    let curPoly: number[][];

    function startPolygon() {
        curPoly = [];
    function endPolygon() {
        if (curPoly.length) {
            curPoly = [];
    const stream = createStream({
        polygonStart: startPolygon,
        polygonEnd: endPolygon,
        lineStart: startPolygon,
        lineEnd: endPolygon,
        point(x, y) {
            // May have NaN values from stream.
            if (isFinite(x) && isFinite(y)) {
                curPoly.push([x, y]);
        sphere() {}
    !isLine && stream.polygonStart();
    zrUtil.each(rings, ring => {
        for (let i = 0; i < ring.length; i++) {
            stream.point(ring[i][0], ring[i][1]);
    !isLine && stream.polygonEnd();
    return polygons;

export default MapDraw;

// @ts-ignore FIXME:TS fix the "compatible with each other"?


echarts 源码目录


echarts BrushController 源码

echarts BrushTargetManager 源码

echarts RoamController 源码

echarts brushHelper 源码

echarts cursorHelper 源码

echarts interactionMutex 源码

echarts listComponent 源码

echarts roamHelper 源码

echarts sliderMove 源码

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