harmony 鸿蒙native_avcodec_base.h

  • 2023-06-24
  • 浏览 (797)



The native_avcodec_base.h file declares the common structs, character constants, and enums for running OH_AVCodec instances.



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Name Description
OH_AVCodecBufferAttr Defines the description information about the buffer of an OH_AVCodec instance.
OH_AVCodecAsyncCallback Defines all the asynchronous callback function pointers of an OH_AVCodec instance.


Name Description
OH_AVCodecBufferFlags Defines an enum that enumerates the flags for the buffer of an OH_AVCodec instance.
OH_AVOutputFormat Defines an enum that enumerates the output file formats of a muxer.
OH_AVCodecBufferAttr Defines a struct for the description information about the buffer of an OH_AVCodec instance.
(*OH_AVCodecOnError) (OH_AVCodec *codec, int32_t errorCode, void *userData) Defines the pointer to the function that is called to report error information when an error occurs during the running of an OH_AVCodec instance.
(*OH_AVCodecOnStreamChanged) (OH_AVCodec *codec, OH_AVFormat *format, void *userData) Defines the pointer to the function that is called to report the new stream description when the output stream changes.
(*OH_AVCodecOnNeedInputData) (OH_AVCodec *codec, uint32_t index, OH_AVMemory *data, void *userData) Defines the pointer to the function that is called when new input data is required during the running of an OH_AVCodec instance. The function carries a buffer to fill in new input data.
(*OH_AVCodecOnNewOutputData) (OH_AVCodec *codec, uint32_t index, OH_AVMemory *data, OH_AVCodecBufferAttr *attr, void *userData) Defines the pointer to the function that is called when new output data is generated during the running of an OH_AVCodec instance. The function carries a buffer filled with new output data.
OH_AVCodecAsyncCallback Defines a struct for all the asynchronous callback function pointers of an OH_AVCodec instance.
OH_MediaType Defines an enum that enumerates the media types.
OH_AVCProfile Defines an enum that enumerates the Advanced Video Coding (AVC) profiles.
OH_HEVCProfile Defines an enum that enumerates the High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) profiles.
OH_AACProfile Defines an enum that enumerates the Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) profiles.
OH_AVSeekMode Defines an enum that enumerates the seek modes.
OH_ColorPrimary Defines an enum that enumerates the primary colors.
OH_TransferCharacteristic Defines an enum that enumerates the transfer characteristics.
OH_MatrixCoefficient Defines an enum that enumerates the matrix coefficients.
OH_BitsPerSample Defines an enum that enumerates the number of audio bits for each coded sample.


Name Description
OH_AVCodecBufferFlags {
Enumerates the flags for the buffer of an OH_AVCodec instance.
OH_AVOutputFormat {
Enumerates the output file formats of a muxer.
OH_MediaType {
Enumerates the media types.
OH_AVCProfile {
Enumerates the AVC profiles.
OH_HEVCProfile {
Enumerates the HEVC profiles.
OH_AACProfile {
Enumerates the AAC profiles.
OH_AVSeekMode {
Enumerates the seek modes.
OH_ColorPrimary {
    COLOR_PRIMARY_BT709 = 1,
    COLOR_PRIMARY_BT470_M = 4,
    COLOR_PRIMARY_BT601_625 = 5,
    COLOR_PRIMARY_BT601_525 = 6,
    COLOR_PRIMARY_BT2020 = 9,
    COLOR_PRIMARY_P3D65 = 12
Enumerates the primary colors.
OH_TransferCharacteristic {
Enumerates the transfer characteristics.
OH_MatrixCoefficient {
Enumerates the matrix coefficients.
OH_BitsPerSample {
    SAMPLE_U8 = 0,
    SAMPLE_S16LE = 1,
    SAMPLE_S24LE = 2,
    SAMPLE_S32LE = 3,
    SAMPLE_F32LE = 4,i
    SAMPLE_U8P = 5,
    SAMPLE_S16P = 6,
    SAMPLE_S24P = 7,
    SAMPLE_S32P = 8,
    SAMPLE_F32P = 9,
Enumerates the number of audio bits for each coded sample.


Name Description
OH_AVCodecBufferAttr::pts Defines the display timestamp of the buffer, in microseconds.
OH_AVCodecBufferAttr::size Defines the size of data contained in the buffer, in bytes.
OH_AVCodecBufferAttr::offset Defines the offset of valid data in the buffer.
OH_AVCodecBufferAttr::flags Defines the flags of the buffer. It is a combination of multiple OH_AVCodecBufferFlags.
OH_AVCodecAsyncCallback::onError Defines the callback used to report a codec operation error. For details, see OH_AVCodecOnError.
OH_AVCodecAsyncCallback::onStreamChanged Defines the callback used to report a codec stream change. For details, see OH_AVCodecOnStreamChanged.
OH_AVCodecAsyncCallback::onNeedInputData Defines the callback used to report input data required. For details, see OH_AVCodecOnNeedInputData.
OH_AVCodecAsyncCallback::onNeedOutputData Defines the callback used to report output data generated. For details, see OH_AVCodecOnNewOutputData.
*OH_AVCODEC_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_AVC Defines the pointer to the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME) type for AVC video codec.
*OH_AVCODEC_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_AAC Defines the pointer to the MIME type for AAC audio codec.
*OH_AVCODEC_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_MPEG4 Defines the pointer to the MIME type for MPEG4 video codec.
*OH_AVCODEC_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_HEVC Defines the pointer to the MIME type for HEVC video codec.
*OH_AVCODEC_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_MPEG Defines the pointer to the MIME type for MPEG audio codec.
*OH_AVCODEC_MIMETYPE_IMAGE_JPG Defines the pointer to the MIME type for JPG image codec.
*OH_AVCODEC_MIMETYPE_IMAGE_PNG Defines the pointer to the MIME type for PNG image codec.
*OH_AVCODEC_MIMETYPE_IMAGE_BMP Defines the pointer to the MIME type for BMP image codec.
*OH_AVCODEC_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_FLAC Defines the pointer to the MIME type for FLAC audio codec.
*OH_AVCODEC_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_VORBIS Defines the pointer to the MIME type for VORBIS audio codec.
*OH_ED_KEY_TIME_STAMP Defines the pointer to the timestamp in the extra data of the surface. The value type is int64.
*OH_ED_KEY_EOS Defines the pointer to the end of stream (EOS) in the extra data of the surface. The value type is Boolean.
*OH_MD_KEY_TRACK_TYPE Defines the pointer to a container for storing media descriptions.
*OH_MD_KEY_CODEC_MIME Define the pointer to the MIME type of codec. The value is a string.
*OH_MD_KEY_DURATION Defines the pointer to the duration. The value type is int64_t.
*OH_MD_KEY_BITRATE Defines the pointer to the bit rate. The value type is uint32_t.
*OH_MD_KEY_MAX_INPUT_SIZE Defines the pointer to the maximum input size. The value type is uint32_t.
*OH_MD_KEY_WIDTH Defines the pointer to the video width. The value type is uint32_t.
*OH_MD_KEY_HEIGHT Defines the pointer to the video height. The value type is uint32_t.
*OH_MD_KEY_PIXEL_FORMAT Defines the pointer to the video pixel format. The value type is int32_t. For details, see OH_AVPixelFormat.
*OH_MD_KEY_RANGE_FLAG Defines the pointer to the video YUV value range flag. The value type is Boolean.
*OH_MD_KEY_COLOR_PRIMARIES Defines the pointer to the primary color of the video. The value type is int32_t.
*OH_MD_KEY_TRANSFER_CHARACTERISTICS Defines the pointer to the video transfer characteristics. The value type is int32_t.
*OH_MD_KEY_MATRIX_COEFFICIENTS Defines the pointer to the video matrix coefficient. The value type is int32_t.
*OH_MD_KEY_AUDIO_SAMPLE_FORMAT Defines the pointer to the original audio format. The value type is uint32_t.
*OH_MD_KEY_FRAME_RATE Defines the pointer to the video frame rate. The value is a double-precision floating point number.
*OH_MD_KEY_VIDEO_ENCODE_BITRATE_MODE Defines the pointer to the video encoding bit rate mode. The value type is int32_t. For details, see OH_VideoEncodeBitrateMode.
*OH_MD_KEY_PROFILE Defines the pointer to the encoding template. The value is a number. For details, see OH_AVCProfile, OH_AACProfile, or CodecBase.
*OH_MD_KEY_AUD_CHANNEL_COUNT Defines the pointer to the number of audio channels. The value type is uint32_t.
*OH_MD_KEY_AUD_SAMPLE_RATE Defines the pointer to the audio sampling rate. The value type is uint32_t.
*OH_MD_KEY_I_FRAME_INTERVAL Defines the pointer to the key frame interval, in milliseconds. The value type is int32_t.
*OH_MD_KEY_ROTATION Defines the pointer to the rotation angle of the surface. The value type is int32_t, and the value range is {0, 90, 180, 270}. The default value is 0.
*OH_MD_KEY_CODEC_CONFIG Defines the pointer to the codec-specific data. The value type is uint8_t*.
*OH_MD_KEY_REQUEST_I_FRAME Defines the pointer to the request for immediate encoding of I-frames. The value type is Boolean.
*OH_MD_KEY_QUALITY Defines the pointer to the required encoding quality. The value type is uint32_t. This key applies only to encoders configured in constant quality mode.
*OH_MD_KEY_CHANNEL_LAYOUT Defines the pointer to the required encoding channel layout. The value type is int64_t. This key applies only to encoders.
*OH_MD_KEY_BITS_PER_CODED_SAMPLE Defines the pointer to the number of bits for each coded sample. The value type is uint32_t. This key applies to FLAC encoders.
*OH_MD_KEY_AAC_IS_ADTS Defines the pointer to the AAC format. The value type is uint32_t. This key applies to AAC decoders.
*OH_MD_KEY_SBR Defines the pointer to the AAC SBR format. The value type is uint32_t. This key applies to AAC encoders.
*OH_MD_KEY_COMPLIANCE_LEVEL Defines the pointer to the FLAC compliance level. The value type is int32_t.
*OH_MD_KEY_IDENTIFICATION_HEADER Defines the pointer to the VORBIS identification header. The value type is uint8_t*. This key applies only to VORBIS decoders.
*OH_MD_KEY_SETUP_HEADER Defines the pointer to the VORBIS setup header. The value type is uint8_t*. This key applies only to VORBIS decoders.
*OH_MD_KEY_TITLE Defines the pointer to the title of the input media. The value is a string.
*OH_MD_KEY_ARTIST Defines the pointer to the artist of the input media. The value is a string.
*OH_MD_KEY_ALBUM Defines the pointer to the album of the input media. The value is a string.
*OH_MD_KEY_ALBUM_ARTIST Defines the pointer to the album_artist of the input media. The value is a string.
*OH_MD_KEY_DATE Defines the pointer to the date of the input media. The value is a string.
*OH_MD_KEY_COMMENT Defines the pointer to the comment of the input media. The value is a string.
*OH_MD_KEY_GENRE Defines the pointer to the genre of the input media. The value is a string.
*OH_MD_KEY_COPYRIGHT Defines the pointer to the copyright of the input media. The value is a string.
*OH_MD_KEY_LANGUAGE Defines the pointer to the language of the input media. The value is a string.
*OH_MD_KEY_DESCRIPTION Defines the pointer to the description of the input media. The value is a string.
*OH_MD_KEY_LYRICS Defines the pointer to the lyrics of the input media. The value is a string.
*OH_MD_KEY_TRACK_COUNT Defines the pointer to the track count of the input media. The value type is uint32_t.


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