harmony 鸿蒙@ohos.file.statvfs (File System Space Statistics)

  • 2023-02-17
  • 浏览 (730)

@ohos.file.statvfs (File System Space Statistics)

The statfs module provides APIs for obtaining file system information, including the total number of bytes and the number of idle bytes of the file system.


The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 9. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

Modules to Import

import statvfs from '@ohos.file.statvfs';



Obtains the number of free bytes of the specified file system in asynchronous mode. This API uses a promise to return the result.

System capability: SystemCapability.FileManagement.File.FileIO


Name Type Mandatory Description
path string Yes File path of the file system.

Return value

Type Description
Promise<number> Promise used to return the number of free bytes obtained.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Basic File IO Error Codes.


  import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';
  let path: string = "/dev";
  statvfs.getFreeSize(path).then((number: number) => {
    console.info("getFreeSize promise successfully, Size: " + number);
  }).catch((err: BusinessError) => {
    console.info("getFreeSize failed with error message: " + err.message + ", error code: " + err.code);


getFreeSize(path:string, callback:AsyncCallback<number>): void

Obtains the number of free bytes of the specified file system in asynchronous mode. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.

System capability: SystemCapability.FileManagement.File.FileIO


Name Type Mandatory Description
path string Yes File path of the file system.
callback AsyncCallback<number> Yes Callback invoked to return the number of free bytes obtained.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Basic File IO Error Codes.


  import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';
  let path: string = "/dev";
  statvfs.getFreeSize(path, (err: BusinessError, number: number) => {
    if (err) {
      console.info("getFreeSize failed with error message: " + err.message + ", error code: " + err.code);
    } else {
      console.info("getFreeSize callback successfully, Size: " + number);


getFreeSizeSync(path:string): number

Obtains the number of free bytes of the specified file system. This API returns the result synchronously.

System capability: SystemCapability.FileManagement.File.FileIO


Name Type Mandatory Description
path string Yes File path of the file system.

Return value

Type Description
number Promise used to return the number of free bytes obtained.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Basic File IO Error Codes.


  let path = "/dev";
  let number = statvfs.getFreeSizeSync(path);
  console.info("getFreeSize promise successfully, Size: " + number);


getTotalSize(path: string): Promise<number>

Obtains the total number of bytes of the specified file system in asynchronous mode. This API uses a promise to return the result.

System capability: SystemCapability.FileManagement.File.FileIO


Name Type Mandatory Description
path string Yes File path of the file system.

Return value

Type Description
Promise<number> Promise used to return the total number of bytes obtained.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Basic File IO Error Codes.


  import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';
  let path: string = "/dev";
  statvfs.getTotalSize(path).then((number: number) => {
    console.info("getTotalSize promise successfully, Size: " + number);
  }).catch((err: BusinessError) => {
    console.info("getTotalSize with error message: " + err.message + ", error code: " + err.code);


getTotalSize(path: string, callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void

Obtains the total number of bytes of the specified file system in asynchronous mode. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.

System capability: SystemCapability.FileManagement.File.FileIO


Name Type Mandatory Description
path string Yes File path of the file system.
callback AsyncCallback<number> Yes Callback invoked to return the total number of bytes obtained.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Basic File IO Error Codes.


  import { BusinessError } from '@ohos.base';
  let path: string = "/dev";
  statvfs.getTotalSize(path, (err: BusinessError, number: number) => {
    if (err) {
      console.info("getTotalSize with error message: " + err.message + ", error code: " + err.code);
    } else {
      console.info("getTotalSize promise successfully, Size: " + number);


getTotalSizeSync(path: string): number

Obtains the total number of bytes of the specified file system. This API returns the result synchronously.

System capability: SystemCapability.FileManagement.File.FileIO


Name Type Mandatory Description
path string Yes File path of the file system.

Return value

Type Description
number Promise used to return the total number of bytes obtained.

Error codes

For details about the error codes, see Basic File IO Error Codes.


  let path = "/dev";
  let number = statvfs.getTotalSizeSync(path);
  console.info("getTotalSize promise successfully, Size: " + number);


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