开源鸿蒙 KWS SDK

  • 2022-08-09
  • 浏览 (839)


  1. Add the API of the KWS SDK to the //foundation/ai/engine /interfaces/kits directory. This API can be called by third-party applications. The following code snippet is an example API for the KWS SDK. The reference code is available at the //foundation/ai/engine /interfaces/kits/asr/keyword_spotting directory.

    class KWSSdk {
        virtual ~KWSSdk();
        // Create a KWS SDK instance.
        int32_t Create();
        // Synchronously execute the KWS task.
        int32_t SyncExecute(const Array<int16_t> &audioInput);
        // Set the KWS callback.
        int32_t SetCallback(const std::shared_ptr<KWSCallback> &callback);
        // Destroy the KWS SDK instance to release the session engaged with the plug-in.
        int32_t Destroy();
  2. Add the API implementation of the SDK to the //foundation/ai/engine/services/client/algorithm_sdk directory and call the APIs provided by the client to use the algorithm plug-in capabilities. The following code snippet is an example implementation of the create method in the API of the KWS SDK. For more details, see the reference code at //foundation/ai/engine/services/client/algorithm_sdk/asr/keyword_spotting.

    int32_t KWSSdk::KWSSdkImpl::Create()
        if (kwsHandle_ != INVALID_KWS_HANDLE) {
            HILOGE("[KWSSdkImpl]The SDK has been created");
            return KWS_RETCODE_FAILURE;
        if (InitComponents() != RETCODE_SUCCESS) {
            HILOGE("[KWSSdkImpl]Fail to init sdk components");
            return KWS_RETCODE_FAILURE;
        // Call the AieClientInit API provided by the client to initialize the engine service and activate IPC call.
        int32_t retCode = AieClientInit(configInfo_, clientInfo_, algorithmInfo_, nullptr);
        if (retCode != RETCODE_SUCCESS) {
            HILOGE("[KWSSdkImpl]AieClientInit failed. Error code[%d]", retCode);
            return KWS_RETCODE_FAILURE;
        if (clientInfo_.clientId == INVALID_CLIENT_ID) {
            HILOGE("[KWSSdkImpl]Fail to allocate client id");
            return KWS_RETCODE_FAILURE;
        DataInfo inputInfo = {
            .data = nullptr,
            .length = 0,
        DataInfo outputInfo = {
            .data = nullptr,
            .length = 0,
        // Call the AieClientPrepare API provided by the client to load the algorithm plug-in.
        retCode = AieClientPrepare(clientInfo_, algorithmInfo_, inputInfo, outputInfo, nullptr);
        if (retCode != RETCODE_SUCCESS) {
            HILOGE("[KWSSdkImpl]AieclientPrepare failed. Error code[%d]", retCode);
            return KWS_RETCODE_FAILURE;
        if (outputInfo.data == nullptr || outputInfo.length <= 0) {
            HILOGE("[KWSSdkImpl]The data or length of output info is invalid");
            return KWS_RETCODE_FAILURE;
        MallocPointerGuard<unsigned char> pointerGuard(outputInfo.data);
        retCode = PluginHelper::UnSerializeHandle(outputInfo, kwsHandle_);
        if (retCode != RETCODE_SUCCESS) {
            HILOGE("[KWSSdkImpl]Get handle from inputInfo failed");
            return KWS_RETCODE_FAILURE;
        return KWS_RETCODE_SUCCESS;

    The preceding code is the specific API implementation. The create function in the API of the KWS SDK calls the open AieClientInit and AieClientPrepare APIs provided by the client to connect to the server and load the algorithm model. For details, see the implementation of the create method in following sections.


    The sequence for the SDK to call client APIs: AieClientInit -> AieClientPrepare -> AieClientSyncProcess or AieClientAsyncProcess -> AieClientRelease -> AieClientDestroy. An exception will be thrown if the call sequence is violated.


开源鸿蒙 Subsystems

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开源鸿蒙 KWS Plug-in

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开源鸿蒙 Plug-in

开源鸿蒙 SDK

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