harmony 鸿蒙@ohos.application.formError (formError)

  • 2022-12-22
  • 浏览 (650)

@ohos.application.formError (formError)

The formError module provides error codes for widgets.


The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 8. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version. This module is deprecated since API version 9. You are advised to use Form Error Codes instead.

Modules to Import

import formError from '@ohos.application.formError';

Required Permissions



Enumerates the widget types.

System capability


Name Value Description
ERR_COMMON 1 Default error code.
ERR_PERMISSION_DENY 2 You are not authorized to perform the operation.
ERR_GET_INFO_FAILED 4 Failed to obtain the widget information.
ERR_GET_BUNDLE_FAILED 5 Failed to obtain the bundle information.
ERR_GET_LAYOUT_FAILED 6 Failed to obtain the layout information.
ERR_ADD_INVALID_PARAM 7 Invalid parameters are detected.
ERR_CFG_NOT_MATCH_ID 8 The widget ID does not match any widget.
ERR_NOT_EXIST_ID 9 The widget ID does not exist.
ERR_BIND_PROVIDER_FAILED 10 Failed to bind to the widget provider.
ERR_MAX_SYSTEM_FORMS 11 The number of system widgets exceeds the upper limit.
ERR_MAX_INSTANCES_PER_FORM 12 The number of instances per widget exceeds the upper limit.
ERR_OPERATION_FORM_NOT_SELF 13 The application is not allowed to operate widgets provided by other applications.
ERR_PROVIDER_DEL_FAIL 14 The widget provider failed to delete the widget.
ERR_MAX_FORMS_PER_CLIENT 15 The number of widgets applied for by the widget host exceeds the upper limit.
ERR_MAX_SYSTEM_TEMP_FORMS 16 The number of temporary widgets exceeds the upper limit.
ERR_FORM_NO_SUCH_MODULE 17 The module does not exist.
ERR_FORM_NO_SUCH_ABILITY 18 The ability component does not exist.
ERR_FORM_NO_SUCH_DIMENSION 19 The widget dimension does not exist.
ERR_FORM_FA_NOT_INSTALLED 20 The FA where the widget is located is not installed.
ERR_SYSTEM_RESPONSES_FAILED 30 The system service failed to respond.
ERR_FORM_DUPLICATE_ADDED 31 The widget has been added.
ERR_IN_RECOVERY 36 Failed to overwrite the widget data.
ERR_DISTRIBUTED_SCHEDULE_FAILED9+ 37 The distributed scheduler failed.
System API: This is a system API.


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