harmony 鸿蒙ErrorObserver

  • 2022-12-22
  • 浏览 (658)


The ErrorObserver module defines an observer to listen for application errors. It can be used as an input parameter in ErrorManager.on to listen for errors that occur in the current application.


The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 9. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

Modules to Import

import errorManager from '@ohos.app.ability.errorManager';


onUnhandledException(errMsg: string): void;

Called when an unhandled exception occurs in the JS runtime.

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.Core


Name Type Mandatory Description
errMsg string Yes Message and error stack trace about the exception.


import errorManager from '@ohos.app.ability.errorManager';

let observer: errorManager.ErrorObserver = {
  onUnhandledException(errorMsg) {
    console.error('onUnhandledException, errorMsg: ', errorMsg);

try {
    errorManager.on('error', observer);
} catch (error) {
    console.error('registerErrorObserver failed, error.code: ${error.code}, error.message: ${error.message}');


onException?(errObject: Error): void;

Called when an exception occurs during the application running.

System capability: SystemCapability.Ability.AbilityRuntime.Core


Name Type Mandatory Description
errObject Error Yes Event name, message, and error stack of the exception.


import errorManager from '@ohos.app.ability.errorManager';

let observer: errorManager.ErrorObserver = {
  onUnhandledException(errorMsg) {
    console.error('onUnhandledException, errorMsg: ', errorMsg);
  onException(errorObj) {
    console.log('onException, name: ', errorObj.name);
    console.log('onException, message: ', errorObj.message);
    if (typeof(errorObj.stack) === 'string') {
        console.log('onException, stack: ', errorObj.stack);

try {
    errorManager.on('error', observer);
} catch (error) {
    console.error('registerErrorObserver failed, error.code: ${error.code}, error.message: ${error.message}');


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