harmony 鸿蒙Sheet Transition

  • 2023-06-24
  • 浏览 (971)

Sheet Transition

You can bind a sheet to a component through the bindSheet attribute. You can also set the sheet to the preset or custom height for when the component is inserted.


The APIs of this module are supported since API version 10. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

Switching between landscape and portrait modes is not supported.

Route hopping is not supported.


Name Parameter Description
bindSheet isShow: boolean,
builder: CustomBuilder,
options?: SheetOptions
Binds a sheet to the component, which can be displayed when the component is touched.
isShow: whether to display the sheet.
Since API version 10, this parameter supports two-way binding through $$.
builder: content of the sheet.
options: optional attributes of the sheet.


When no two-way binding is set up for the isShow parameter, closing the sheet by dragging does not change the parameter value.

To synchronize the value of isShow with the actual state of the sheet, it is recommended that you use the $$ to set up two-way binding for isShow.


Name Type Mandatory Description
height SheetSize |Length No Height of the sheet.
Default value: LARGE
dragBar boolean No Whether to display the drag bar. By default, the drag bar is displayed .
backgroundColor ResourceColor No Background color of the sheet.
maskColor ResourceColor No Mask color of the sheet.
onAppear () => void No Callback invoked when the sheet is displayed.
onDisappear () => void No Callback invoked when the sheet is hidden.


Name Description
MEDIUM The sheet height is half of the screen height.
LARGE The sheet height is almost the screen height.


// xxx.ets
struct SheetTransitionExample {
  @State isShow:boolean = false
  @State isShow2:boolean = false
  @State sheetHeight:number = 300;
  @State showDragBar:boolean = true;

  @Builder myBuilder() {
    Column() {
      Button("change height")
          this.sheetHeight = 500;

      Button("Set Illegal height")
          this.sheetHeight = 300;

      Button("close dragBar")
          this.showDragBar = false;

      Button("close modal 1")
          this.isShow = false;

  build() {
    Column() {
      Button("transition modal 1")
        .onClick(() => {
          this.isShow = true
        .bindSheet($$this.isShow, this.myBuilder(), {height: this.sheetHeight, dragBar: this.showDragBar, backgroundColor: Color.Green, onAppear: () => {console.log("BindSheet onAppear.")}, onDisappear: () => {console.log("BindSheet onDisappear.")}})



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