harmony 鸿蒙tftp

  • 2022-08-09
  • 浏览 (757)


Command Function

Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) is a protocol in the TCP/IP protocol suite for transferring files between clients and servers. TFTP provides simple and low-overhead file transfer services. The port number is 69.

The tftp command is used to transfer files with a TFTP server.


./bin/tftp *<-g/-p>-l[FullPathLocalFile] -r [RemoteFile] [Host]*


Table 1 Parameter description

Parameter Description Value Range
-g/-p Specifies the file transfer direction.
- -g: obtains a file from the TFTP server.
- -p: uploads a file to the TFTP server.
-l FullPathLocalFile Specifies the complete path of a local file. N/A
-r RemoteFile Specifies the file name on the server. N/A
Host Specifies the server IP address. N/A

Usage Guidelines

  1. Deploy a TFTP server on the server and configure the TFTP server correctly.

  2. Use the tftp command to upload files from or download files to an OpenHarmony board.

  3. The size of the file to be transferred cannot exceed 32 MB. > NOTICE
    > TFTP is used for debugging and disabled by default. Do not use it in formal products.


Download the out file from the server.


OHOS # ./bin/tftp -g -l /nfs/out -r out
TFTP transfer finish

After the tftp command is executed, TFTP transfer finish is displayed if the file transfer is complete. If the file transfer fails, other information is displayed to help locate the fault.


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