greenplumn tupchunk 源码
greenplumn tupchunk 代码
* tupchunk.h
* The data-structures and functions for dealing with tuple chunks.
* Portions Copyright (c) 2005-2008, Greenplum inc
* Portions Copyright (c) 2012-Present VMware, Inc. or its affiliates.
* src/include/cdb/tupchunk.h
#ifndef TUPCHUNK_H
#define TUPCHUNK_H
/* Tuple Chunks */
typedef enum TupleChunkType
TC_WHOLE, /* Contains a whole tuple. */
TC_PARTIAL_START, /* Contains the starting portion of a tuple. */
TC_PARTIAL_MID, /* Contains a middle part of a tuple. */
TC_PARTIAL_END, /* Contains the final portion of a tuple. */
TC_END_OF_STREAM, /* Indicates "end of tuples" from this source. */
TC_EMPTY, /* Empty tuple */
TC_MAXVAL /* For range checks on type values. */
} TupleChunkType;
/* This is the size of a tuple-chunk header, as it appears in the packet that
* comes from the network. Thus, some values are packed into 2 bytes or 1
* byte in this header. The break-down is as follows:
* Offset Description Size
* 0 Tuple Chunk Size 2 bytes
* 2 Tuple Type 2 byte
* ------------------------------------------
* Yes, we could make this smaller. But we're doing lots of memcpy()s
* of data immediately following these headers. Let's align the data on
* 32-bit boundaries!
/* see MPP-2099, let's not run into this one again! NOTE: the
* definition of BROADCAST_SEGIDX is *key*.
* We don't support hash-motion to the QD, so any value that will not
* appear in our hash-mapping (see nodeMotion.c) will work
* Before changing this value make sure that you look for all uses of
#define BROADCAST_SEGIDX -2 /* to avoid confusion with a QD-content-id, I'll avoid -1 */
#define ANY_ROUTE -100
#define GetSegIdx(x) (x)
#define IsBroadcastSegIdx(x) (GetSegIdx(x) == BROADCAST_SEGIDX)
/* Simple macros for accessing tuple-chunk headers; NOTE: we no longer
* use network byte order */
/* add support for "inplace" chunk items */
#define GetChunkDataPtr(tcItem) \
(((tcItem)->inplace != NULL) ? ((char *)((tcItem)->inplace)) : ((char *)((tcItem)->chunk_data)))
#define GetChunkDataSize(tcItem, sizep) \
do { uint16 sizeid; memcpy(&sizeid, (GetChunkDataPtr(tcItem)), sizeof(uint16)); *(sizep) = sizeid; } while (0)
#define GetChunkType(/* uint 8 * */tcItem, /* TupleChunkType * */typep) \
do { uint16 typeid; memcpy(&typeid, (GetChunkDataPtr(tcItem) + 2), sizeof(uint16)); *(typep) = typeid; } while (0)
#define SetChunkDataSize(/* uint8 * */tc_data, /* uint16 */value) \
do { uint16 val = (value); memcpy((tc_data), &val, sizeof(uint16)); } while (0)
#define SetChunkType(/* uint8 * */tc_data, /* TupleChunkType */value) \
do { uint16 val = (value); memcpy(((tc_data)+2), &val, sizeof(uint16)); } while (0)
#endif /* TUPCHUNK_H */
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