greenplumn ml_ipc 源码

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greenplumn ml_ipc 代码


 * ml_ipc.h
 *	  Motion Layer IPC Layer.
 * Portions Copyright (c) 2005-2008, Greenplum inc
 * Portions Copyright (c) 2012-Present VMware, Inc. or its affiliates.
 *	    src/include/cdb/ml_ipc.h
#ifndef ML_IPC_H
#define ML_IPC_H

#include "cdb/cdbselect.h"
#include "cdb/cdbinterconnect.h"
#include "cdb/cdbmotion.h"
#include "cdb/cdbvars.h"
#include "cdb/cdbgang.h"

struct SliceTable;                          /* #include "nodes/execnodes.h" */
struct EState;                              /* #include "nodes/execnodes.h" */

/* listener filedescriptors */
extern int		TCP_listenerFd;
extern int		UDP_listenerFd;

 * Registration message
 * Upon making a connection, the sender sends a registration message to
 * identify itself to the receiver.  A lot of the fields are just there
 * for validity checking.
typedef struct RegisterMessage
	int32       msgBytes;
	int32       recvSliceIndex;
	int32       sendSliceIndex;
	int32       srcContentId;
	int32       srcListenerPort;
	int32       srcPid;
	int32       srcSessionId;
	int32       srcCommandCount;
} RegisterMessage;

/* 2 bytes to store the size of the entire packet.	a packet is composed of
 * of one or more serialized TupleChunks (each of which has a TupleChunk
 * header.

/* Performs initialization of the MotionLayerIPC.  This should be called before
 * any work is performed through functions here.  Generally, this should only
 * need to be called only once during process startup.
 * Errors are indicated by calls to ereport(), and are therefore not indicated
 * by a return code.
extern void InitMotionLayerIPC(void);

/* Performs any cleanup necessary by the Motion Layer IPC.	This is the cleanup
 * function that matches InitMotionLayerIPC, it should only be called during
 * shutdown of the process. This includes shutting down the Motion Listener.
 * Errors are indicated by calls to ereport(), and are therefore not indicated
 * in the return code.
extern void CleanUpMotionLayerIPC(void);

 * Wait interconnect thread to quit, called when proc exit.
extern void WaitInterconnectQuit(void);

 * checkForCancelFromQD
 * 		Check for cancel from QD.
 * Should be called only inside the dispatcher
checkForCancelFromQD(ChunkTransportState *pTransportStates);

/* The SetupInterconnect() function should be called at the beginning of
 * executing any DML statement that will need to use the interconnect.
 * This function goes through the slicetable and makes any appropriate
 * outgoing connections as well as accepts any incoming connections.  Incoming
 * connections will have a "Register" message from them to see which remote
 * CdbProcess sent it.
 * So this function essentially performs all of the setup the interconnect has
 * to perform for all of the motion nodes in the upcoming DML statement.
 *	 mySliceTable - slicetable structure that correlates to the upcoming DML
 *					statement.
 *	 mySliceId - the index of the slice in the slicetable that we are a member of.
extern void SetupInterconnect(struct EState *estate);

/* The TeardownInterconnect() function should be called at the end of executing
 * a DML statement to close down all socket resources that were setup during
 * SetupInterconnect().
 * NOTE: it is important that TeardownInterconnect() happens
 *		 regardless of the outcome of the statement. i.e. gets called
 *		 even if an ERROR occurs during the statement. For abnormal
 *		 statement termination we can force an end-of-stream notification.
extern void TeardownInterconnect(ChunkTransportState *transportStates,
								 bool hasErrors);

extern void WaitInterconnectQuit(void);

/* Sends a tuple chunk from the Postgres process to the local AMS process via
 * IPC.  This function does not block; if the IPC channel cannot accept the
 * tuple chunk for some reason, then this is indicated by a return-code.
 * Errors are indicated by calls to ereport(), and are therefore not indicated
 * in the return code.
 *	 - motNodeID:	motion node Id that the tcItem belongs to.
 *	 - targetRoute: route to send this tcItem out over.
 *	 - tcItem:		The tuple-chunk data to send.
extern bool SendTupleChunkToAMS(MotionLayerState *mlStates,
								ChunkTransportState *transportStates, 
								int16 motNodeID, 
								int16 targetRoute, 
								TupleChunkListItem tcItem);

/* The SendEosToAMS() function is used to send an "End Of Stream" message to
 * all connected receivers (generally this is a broadcast)
 *	 - motNodeID:	motion node Id that the tcItem belongs to.
 *	 - tcItem:		The tuple-chunk data to send.
extern void SendEosToAMS(MotionLayerState *mlStates,
						 ChunkTransportState *transportStates, 
						 int motNodeID, 
						 TupleChunkListItem tcItem);

/* The RecvTupleChunkFromAny() function attempts to receive one or more tuple
 * chunks from any of the incoming connections.  This function blocks until
 * at least one TupleChunk is received. (Although PG Interrupts are still
 * checked for within this call).
 * This function makes some effort to "fairly" pull data from peers with data
 * available (a peer with data available is always better than waiting for
 * one without data available; but a peer with data available which hasn't been
 * read from recently is better than a peer with data available which has
 * been read from recently).
 * NOTE: The TupleChunkListItem can have other's chained to it.  The caller
 *		 should check and process all in list.
 *	- motNodeID:  motion node id to receive for.
 *	- srcRoute: output parameter that allows the function to return back which
 *				route the TupleChunkListItem is from.
 *	 - A populated TupleChunkListItemData structure (allocated with palloc()).
extern TupleChunkListItem RecvTupleChunkFromAny(MotionLayerState *mlStates,
												ChunkTransportState *transportStates, 
												int16 motNodeID, 
												int16 *srcRoute);

/* The RecvTupleChunkFrom() function is similar to the RecvTupleChunkFromAny()
 * function except that the connection we are interested in is specified with
 * srcRoute.
 *	 - motNodeID: motion node id to receive for.
 *	 - srcRoute:  which connection to receive on.
 *	 - A populated TupleChunkListItemData structure (allocated with palloc()).
extern TupleChunkListItem RecvTupleChunkFrom(ChunkTransportState *transportStates, 
											 int16 motNodeID, 
											 int16 srcRoute);

/* The DeregisterReadInterest() function is used to specify that we are no
 * longer interested in reading from the specified srcRoute. After calling this
 * function, we should no longer ever return TupleChunks from this srcRoute
 * when calling RecvTupleChunkFromAny().
 *	 - motNodeID: motion node id that this applies to.
 *	 - srcRoute:  which connection to turn off reads for.
extern void DeregisterReadInterest(ChunkTransportState *transportStates, 
								   int                  motNodeID, 
								   int                  srcRoute,
								   const char          *reason);

extern void readPacket(MotionConn *conn, ChunkTransportState *transportStates);

 * Return a UDP receive buffer to our freelist.
 * allows us to "keep" a buffer held for a connection, to avoid a copy
 * (see inplace in chunklist).
extern void  MlPutRxBufferIFC(ChunkTransportState *transportStates, int motNodeID, int route);

#define getChunkTransportState(transportState, motNodeID, ppEntry) \
	do { \
		Assert((transportState) != NULL);		\
		if ((motNodeID) > 0 &&					\
			(transportState) &&					 \
			(motNodeID) <= (transportState)->size &&					\
			(transportState)->states[(motNodeID)-1].motNodeId == (motNodeID) && \
			(transportState)->states[(motNodeID)-1].valid)				\
		{ \
			*(ppEntry) = &(transportState)->states[(motNodeID) - 1];	\
		} \
		else \
		{ \
							errmsg("Interconnect Error: Unexpected Motion Node Id: %d (size %d). This means" \
								   " a motion node that wasn't setup is requesting interconnect" \
								   " resources.", (motNodeID), (transportState)->size))); \
			/* not reached */ \
		} \
	} while (0)

#define ML_CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS(teardownActive) \
		do {if (!teardownActive && InterruptPending) CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS(); } while (0)

 * Return a direct pointer to a transmit buffer. This is actually two pointers
 * with accompanying lengths since we have separate xmit buffers for primary and mirror
 * segments.
extern void getTransportDirectBuffer(ChunkTransportState *transportStates,
									 int16 motNodeID, 
									 int16 targetRoute, 
									 struct directTransportBuffer *b);

 * Advance direct buffer beyond the message we just added.
extern void putTransportDirectBuffer(ChunkTransportState *transportStates,
									 int16 motNodeID,
									 int16 targetRoute, int serializedLength);

/* doBroadcast() is used to send a TupleChunk to all recipients.
 *   mlStates - motion-layer state ptr.
 *   transportStates - IC-instance ptr. 
 *	 pEntry - ChunkTransportState context that contains everything we need to send.
 *	 tcItem - TupleChunk to send.
#define doBroadcast(transportStates, pEntry, tcItem, inactiveCountPtr) \
	do { \
		MotionConn *conn; \
		int			*p_inactive = inactiveCountPtr; \
		int			i, index, inactive = 0; \
		/* add our tcItem to each of the outgoing buffers. */ \
		index = Max(0, GpIdentity.segindex); /* entry-db has -1 */ \
		for (i = 0; i < pEntry->numConns; i++, index++) \
		{ \
			if (index >= pEntry->numConns) \
				index = 0; \
			conn = pEntry->conns + index; \
			/* only send to still interested receivers. */ \
			if (conn->stillActive) \
			{ \
				transportStates->SendChunk(transportStates, pEntry, conn, tcItem, pEntry->motNodeId); \
				if (!conn->stillActive) \
					inactive++; \
			} \
		} \
		if (p_inactive != NULL)					\
			*p_inactive = (inactive ? 1 : 0);	\
	} while (0)

extern ChunkTransportStateEntry *createChunkTransportState(ChunkTransportState *transportStates,
														   ExecSlice *sendSlice,
														   ExecSlice *recvSlice,
														   int numConns);

extern ChunkTransportStateEntry *removeChunkTransportState(ChunkTransportState *transportStates,
														   int16 motNodeID);

extern TupleChunkListItem RecvTupleChunk(MotionConn *conn, ChunkTransportState *transportStates);

extern void InitMotionTCP(int *listenerSocketFd, uint16 *listenerPort);
extern void InitMotionUDPIFC(int *listenerSocketFd, uint16 *listenerPort);
extern void markUDPConnInactiveIFC(MotionConn *conn);
extern void CleanupMotionTCP(void);
extern void CleanupMotionUDPIFC(void);
extern void WaitInterconnectQuitUDPIFC(void);
extern void SetupTCPInterconnect(EState *estate);
extern void SetupUDPIFCInterconnect(EState *estate);
extern void TeardownTCPInterconnect(ChunkTransportState *transportStates,
									bool hasErrors);
extern void TeardownUDPIFCInterconnect(ChunkTransportState *transportStates,
								 bool hasErrors);

extern uint32 getActiveMotionConns(void);

extern char *format_sockaddr(struct sockaddr_storage *sa, char *buf, size_t len);

#endif   /* ML_IPC_H */


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