spark JobGenerator 源码

  • 2022-10-20
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spark JobGenerator 代码


 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.apache.spark.streaming.scheduler

import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit

import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}

import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.streaming.{Checkpoint, CheckpointWriter, StreamingConf, Time}
import org.apache.spark.streaming.api.python.PythonDStream
import org.apache.spark.streaming.util.RecurringTimer
import org.apache.spark.util.{Clock, EventLoop, ManualClock, Utils}

/** Event classes for JobGenerator */
private[scheduler] sealed trait JobGeneratorEvent
private[scheduler] case class GenerateJobs(time: Time) extends JobGeneratorEvent
private[scheduler] case class ClearMetadata(time: Time) extends JobGeneratorEvent
private[scheduler] case class DoCheckpoint(
    time: Time, clearCheckpointDataLater: Boolean) extends JobGeneratorEvent
private[scheduler] case class ClearCheckpointData(time: Time) extends JobGeneratorEvent

 * This class generates jobs from DStreams as well as drives checkpointing and cleaning
 * up DStream metadata.
class JobGenerator(jobScheduler: JobScheduler) extends Logging {

  private val ssc = jobScheduler.ssc
  private val conf = ssc.conf
  private val graph = ssc.graph

  val clock = {
    val clockClass =
      "spark.streaming.clock", "org.apache.spark.util.SystemClock")
    try {
    } catch {
      case e: ClassNotFoundException if clockClass.startsWith("org.apache.spark.streaming") =>
        val newClockClass = clockClass.replace("org.apache.spark.streaming", "org.apache.spark")

  private val timer = new RecurringTimer(clock, ssc.graph.batchDuration.milliseconds,
    longTime => Time(longTime))), "JobGenerator")

  // This is marked lazy so that this is initialized after checkpoint duration has been set
  // in the context and the generator has been started.
  private lazy val shouldCheckpoint = ssc.checkpointDuration != null && ssc.checkpointDir != null

  private lazy val checkpointWriter = if (shouldCheckpoint) {
    new CheckpointWriter(this, ssc.conf, ssc.checkpointDir, ssc.sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration)
  } else {

  // eventLoop is created when generator starts.
  // This not being null means the scheduler has been started and not stopped
  private var eventLoop: EventLoop[JobGeneratorEvent] = null

  // last batch whose completion,checkpointing and metadata cleanup has been completed
  @volatile private[streaming] var lastProcessedBatch: Time = null

  /** Start generation of jobs */
  def start(): Unit = synchronized {
    if (eventLoop != null) return // generator has already been started

    // Call checkpointWriter here to initialize it before eventLoop uses it to avoid a deadlock.
    // See SPARK-10125

    eventLoop = new EventLoop[JobGeneratorEvent]("JobGenerator") {
      override protected def onReceive(event: JobGeneratorEvent): Unit = processEvent(event)

      override protected def onError(e: Throwable): Unit = {
        jobScheduler.reportError("Error in job generator", e)

    if (ssc.isCheckpointPresent) {
    } else {

   * Stop generation of jobs. processReceivedData = true makes this wait until jobs
   * of current ongoing time interval has been generated, processed and corresponding
   * checkpoints written.
  def stop(processReceivedData: Boolean): Unit = synchronized {
    if (eventLoop == null) return // generator has already been stopped

    if (processReceivedData) {
      logInfo("Stopping JobGenerator gracefully")
      val timeWhenStopStarted = System.nanoTime()
      val stopTimeoutMs = conf.getTimeAsMs(
        StreamingConf.GRACEFUL_STOP_TIMEOUT.key, s"${10 * ssc.graph.batchDuration.milliseconds}ms")
      val pollTime = 100

      // To prevent graceful stop to get stuck permanently
      def hasTimedOut: Boolean = {
        val diff = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis((System.nanoTime() - timeWhenStopStarted))
        val timedOut = diff > stopTimeoutMs
        if (timedOut) {
          logWarning("Timed out while stopping the job generator (timeout = " + stopTimeoutMs + ")")

      // Wait until all the received blocks in the network input tracker has
      // been consumed by network input DStreams, and jobs have been generated with them
      logInfo("Waiting for all received blocks to be consumed for job generation")
      while(!hasTimedOut && jobScheduler.receiverTracker.hasUnallocatedBlocks) {
      logInfo("Waited for all received blocks to be consumed for job generation")

      // Stop generating jobs
      val stopTime = timer.stop(interruptTimer = false)
      logInfo("Stopped generation timer")

      // Wait for the jobs to complete and checkpoints to be written
      def haveAllBatchesBeenProcessed: Boolean = {
        lastProcessedBatch != null && lastProcessedBatch.milliseconds == stopTime
      logInfo("Waiting for jobs to be processed and checkpoints to be written")
      while (!hasTimedOut && !haveAllBatchesBeenProcessed) {
      logInfo("Waited for jobs to be processed and checkpoints to be written")
    } else {
      logInfo("Stopping JobGenerator immediately")
      // Stop timer and graph immediately, ignore unprocessed data and pending jobs

    // First stop the event loop, then stop the checkpoint writer; see SPARK-14701
    if (shouldCheckpoint) checkpointWriter.stop()
    logInfo("Stopped JobGenerator")

   * Callback called when a batch has been completely processed.
  def onBatchCompletion(time: Time): Unit = {

   * Callback called when the checkpoint of a batch has been written.
  def onCheckpointCompletion(time: Time, clearCheckpointDataLater: Boolean): Unit = {
    if (clearCheckpointDataLater) {

  /** Processes all events */
  private def processEvent(event: JobGeneratorEvent): Unit = {
    logDebug("Got event " + event)
    event match {
      case GenerateJobs(time) => generateJobs(time)
      case ClearMetadata(time) => clearMetadata(time)
      case DoCheckpoint(time, clearCheckpointDataLater) =>
        doCheckpoint(time, clearCheckpointDataLater)
      case ClearCheckpointData(time) => clearCheckpointData(time)

  /** Starts the generator for the first time */
  private def startFirstTime(): Unit = {
    val startTime = new Time(timer.getStartTime())
    graph.start(startTime - graph.batchDuration)
    logInfo("Started JobGenerator at " + startTime)

  /** Restarts the generator based on the information in checkpoint */
  private def restart(): Unit = {
    // If manual clock is being used for testing, then
    // either set the manual clock to the last checkpointed time,
    // or if the property is defined set it to that time
    clock match {
      case manualClock: ManualClock =>
        val lastTime = ssc.initialCheckpoint.checkpointTime.milliseconds
        val jumpTime =
        manualClock.setTime(lastTime + jumpTime)
      case _ => // do nothing

    val batchDuration = ssc.graph.batchDuration

    // Batches when the master was down, that is,
    // between the checkpoint and current restart time
    val checkpointTime = ssc.initialCheckpoint.checkpointTime
    val restartTime = new Time(timer.getRestartTime(graph.zeroTime.milliseconds))
    val downTimes = checkpointTime.until(restartTime, batchDuration)
    logInfo("Batches during down time (" + downTimes.size + " batches): "
      + downTimes.mkString(", "))

    // Batches that were unprocessed before failure
    val pendingTimes = ssc.initialCheckpoint.pendingTimes.sorted(Time.ordering)
    logInfo("Batches pending processing (" + pendingTimes.length + " batches): " +
      pendingTimes.mkString(", "))
    // Reschedule jobs for these times
    val timesToReschedule = (pendingTimes ++ downTimes).filter { _ < restartTime }
    logInfo("Batches to reschedule (" + timesToReschedule.length + " batches): " +
      timesToReschedule.mkString(", "))
    timesToReschedule.foreach { time =>
      // Allocate the related blocks when recovering from failure, because some blocks that were
      // added but not allocated, are dangling in the queue after recovering, we have to allocate
      // those blocks to the next batch, which is the batch they were supposed to go.
      jobScheduler.receiverTracker.allocateBlocksToBatch(time) // allocate received blocks to batch
      jobScheduler.submitJobSet(JobSet(time, graph.generateJobs(time)))

    // Restart the timer
    logInfo("Restarted JobGenerator at " + restartTime)

  /** Generate jobs and perform checkpointing for the given `time`.  */
  private def generateJobs(time: Time): Unit = {
    // Checkpoint all RDDs marked for checkpointing to ensure their lineages are
    // truncated periodically. Otherwise, we may run into stack overflows (SPARK-6847).
    ssc.sparkContext.setLocalProperty(RDD.CHECKPOINT_ALL_MARKED_ANCESTORS, "true")
    Try {
      jobScheduler.receiverTracker.allocateBlocksToBatch(time) // allocate received blocks to batch
      graph.generateJobs(time) // generate jobs using allocated block
    } match {
      case Success(jobs) =>
        val streamIdToInputInfos = jobScheduler.inputInfoTracker.getInfo(time)
        jobScheduler.submitJobSet(JobSet(time, jobs, streamIdToInputInfos))
      case Failure(e) =>
        jobScheduler.reportError("Error generating jobs for time " + time, e)
    }, clearCheckpointDataLater = false))

  /** Clear DStream metadata for the given `time`. */
  private def clearMetadata(time: Time): Unit = {

    // If checkpointing is enabled, then checkpoint,
    // else mark batch to be fully processed
    if (shouldCheckpoint) {, clearCheckpointDataLater = true))
    } else {
      // If checkpointing is not enabled, then delete metadata information about
      // received blocks (block data not saved in any case). Otherwise, wait for
      // checkpointing of this batch to complete.
      val maxRememberDuration = graph.getMaxInputStreamRememberDuration()
      jobScheduler.receiverTracker.cleanupOldBlocksAndBatches(time - maxRememberDuration)
      jobScheduler.inputInfoTracker.cleanup(time - maxRememberDuration)

  /** Clear DStream checkpoint data for the given `time`. */
  private def clearCheckpointData(time: Time): Unit = {

    // All the checkpoint information about which batches have been processed, etc have
    // been saved to checkpoints, so its safe to delete block metadata and data WAL files
    val maxRememberDuration = graph.getMaxInputStreamRememberDuration()
    jobScheduler.receiverTracker.cleanupOldBlocksAndBatches(time - maxRememberDuration)
    jobScheduler.inputInfoTracker.cleanup(time - maxRememberDuration)

  /** Perform checkpoint for the given `time`. */
  private def doCheckpoint(time: Time, clearCheckpointDataLater: Boolean): Unit = {
    if (shouldCheckpoint && (time - graph.zeroTime).isMultipleOf(ssc.checkpointDuration)) {
      logInfo("Checkpointing graph for time " + time)
      checkpointWriter.write(new Checkpoint(ssc, time), clearCheckpointDataLater)
    } else if (clearCheckpointDataLater) {

  private def markBatchFullyProcessed(time: Time): Unit = {
    lastProcessedBatch = time


spark 源码目录


spark BatchInfo 源码

spark ExecutorAllocationManager 源码

spark InputInfoTracker 源码

spark Job 源码

spark JobScheduler 源码

spark JobSet 源码

spark OutputOperationInfo 源码

spark RateController 源码

spark ReceivedBlockInfo 源码

spark ReceivedBlockTracker 源码

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