harmony 鸿蒙USB DDK Development

  • 2023-10-30
  • 浏览 (584)

USB DDK Development

When to Use

USB Driver Development Kit (USB DDK) is a tool kit that helps you develop USB device drivers for your applications based on the user mode. It provides a series of device access APIs, which implement functions such as opening and closing USB interfaces, performing non-isochronous and isochronous data transfer, and implementing control transfer and interrupt transfer over USB pipes, etc.

Available APIs

Name Description
OH_Usb_Init(void) Initializes the DDK.
OH_Usb_Release(void) Releases the DDK.
OH_Usb_GetDeviceDescriptor(uint64_t deviceId, struct UsbDeviceDescriptor *desc) Obtains the device descriptor.
OH_Usb_GetConfigDescriptor(uint64_t deviceId, uint8_t configIndex, struct UsbDdkConfigDescriptor **const config) Obtains the configuration descriptor. To avoid memory leakage, use OH_Usb_FreeConfigDescriptor() to release a descriptor after use.
OH_Usb_FreeConfigDescriptor(const struct UsbDdkConfigDescriptor *const config) Releases a configuration descriptor. To avoid memory leakage, release a descriptor after use.
OH_Usb_ClaimInterface(uint64_t deviceId, uint8_t interfaceIndex, uint64_t *interfaceHandle) Declares a USB interface.
OH_Usb_ReleaseInterface(uint64_t interfaceHandle) Releases a USB interface.
OH_Usb_SendPipeRequest(const struct UsbRequestPipe *pipe, UsbDeviceMemMap *devMmap) Sends a pipe request. This API works in a synchronous manner. It applies to interrupt transfer and bulk transfer.
OH_Usb_CreateDeviceMemMap(uint64_t deviceId, size_t size, UsbDeviceMemMap **devMmap) Creates a buffer. To avoid memory leakage, use OH_Usb_DestroyDeviceMemMap() to destroy a buffer after use.
OH_Usb_DestroyDeviceMemMap(UsbDeviceMemMap *devMmap) Destroys a buffer. To avoid resource leakage, destroy a buffer in time after use.

For details about the APIs, see USB DDK.

How to Develop

To develop a USB driver using the USB DDK, perform the following steps:

Adding Dynamic Link Libraries

Add the following libraries to CMakeLists.txt:


Including Header Files

#include <usb/usb_ddk_api.h>
#include <usb/usb_ddk_types.h>
  1. Obtain the device descriptor. Initialize the DDK by calling OH_Usb_Init of usb_ddk_api.h, and obtain the device descriptor by calling OH_Usb_GetDeviceDescriptor.

    // Initialize the USB DDK.
    struct UsbDeviceDescriptor devDesc;
    uint64_t deviceId = 0;
    // Obtain the device descriptor.
    OH_Usb_GetDeviceDescriptor(deviceId, &devDesc);
  2. Obtain the configuration descriptor, and declare the USB interface. Obtain the configuration descriptor config by calling OH_Usb_GetConfigDescriptor of usb_ddk_api.h, and declare the USB interface by calling OH_Usb_ClaimInterface.

    struct UsbDdkConfigDescriptor *config = nullptr;
    // Obtain the configuration descriptor.
    OH_Usb_GetConfigDescriptor(deviceId, 1, &config);
    // Obtain the index of the target USB interface based on the configuration descriptor.
    uint8_t interfaceIndex = 0;
    // Declare the USB interface.
    uint64_t interfaceHandle = 0;
    OH_Usb_ClaimInterface(deviceId, interfaceIndex, &interfaceHandle);
    // Release the configuration descriptor.
  3. Create a device memory map, and send a request. Create the device memory map devMmap by calling OH_Usb_CreateDeviceMemMap of usb_ddk_api.h, and send a request by calling OH_Usb_SendPipeRequest.

    struct UsbDeviceMemMap *devMmap = nullptr;
    // Create a buffer for storing data.
    size_t bufferLen = 10;
    OH_Usb_CreateDeviceMemMap(deviceId, bufferLen, &devMmap);
    struct UsbRequestPipe pipe;
    pipe.interfaceHandle = interfaceHandle;
    // Obtain the target endpoint based on the configuration descriptor.
    pipe.endpoint = 128;
    pipe.timeout = UINT32_MAX;
    // Send a request.
    OH_Usb_SendPipeRequest(&pipe, devMmap);
  4. Release resources. After all requests are processed and before the application exits, destroy the buffer by calling OH_Usb_DestroyDeviceMemMap of usb_ddk_api.h to release resources. Release the USB interface by calling OH_Usb_ReleaseInterface. Release the USB DDK by calling OH_Usb_Release.

    // Destroy the buffer.
    // Release the USB interface.
    // Release the USB DDK.


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