harmony 鸿蒙NativeBuffer Development

  • 2023-10-30
  • 浏览 (642)

NativeBuffer Development

When to Use

The NativeBuffer module provides APIs for you to apply for, use, and release the shared memory, and query memory properties.

The following scenario is common for NativeBuffer development:

Use the native APIs provided by NativeBuffer to create an OH_NativeBuffer instance, obtain memory properties, and map the corresponding ION memory to the process address space.

Available APIs

API Description
OH_NativeBuffer_Alloc (const OH_NativeBuffer_Config *config) Creates an OH_NativeBuffer instance based on an OH_NativeBuffer_Config struct. A new OH_NativeBuffer instance is created each time this function is called.
OH_NativeBuffer_Reference (OH_NativeBuffer *buffer) Increases the reference count of an OH_NativeBuffer instance by 1.
OH_NativeBuffer_Unreference (OH_NativeBuffer *buffer) Decreases the reference count of an OH_NativeBuffer instance by 1 and, when the reference count reaches 0, destroys the instance.
OH_NativeBuffer_GetConfig (OH_NativeBuffer *buffer, OH_NativeBuffer_Config *config) Obtains the properties of an OH_NativeBuffer instance.
OH_NativeBuffer_Map (OH_NativeBuffer *buffer, void **virAddr) Maps the ION memory corresponding to an OH_NativeBuffer instance to the process address space.
OH_NativeBuffer_Unmap (OH_NativeBuffer *buffer) Unmaps the ION memory corresponding to an OH_NativeBuffer instance from the process address space.
OH_NativeBuffer_GetSeqNum (OH_NativeBuffer *buffer) Obtains the sequence number of an OH_NativeBuffer instance.

For details about the APIs, see native_buffer.

How to Develop

The following describes how to use the native APIs provided by NativeBuffer to create an OH_NativeBuffer instance, obtain memory properties, and map the corresponding ION memory to the process address space.

Adding Dynamic Link Libraries

Add the following library to CMakeLists.txt:


Header File

#include <native_buffer/native_buffer.h>
  1. Create an OH_NativeBuffer instance.

    #include <iostream>
    OH_NativeBuffer_Config config {
        .width = 0x100,
        .height = 0x100,
    OH_NativeBuffer* buffer = OH_NativeBuffer_Alloc(&config);
    if (buffer == nullptr) {
        std::cout << "OH_NativeBuffer_Alloc Failed" << std::endl;
  2. Map the ION memory corresponding to the OH_NativeBuffer instance to the process address space by calling OH_NativeBuffer_Map, if the application needs to access the memory space of the buffer.

    // Map the ION memory to the process address space.
    void* virAddr = nullptr;
    int32_t ret = OH_NativeBuffer_Map(buffer, &virAddr); // After mapping, the start address of the memory is returned through the parameter virAddr.
    if (ret != 0) {
        std::cout << "OH_NativeBuffer_Map Failed" << std::endl;
    // Unmap the ION memory from the process address space when it is no longer needed.
    ret = OH_NativeBuffer_Unmap(buffer);
    if (ret != 0) {
        std::cout << "OH_NativeBuffer_Unmap Failed" << std::endl;
  3. Obtain the memory properties.

    // Obtain the properties of the OH_NativeBuffer instance.
    OH_NativeBuffer_Config config2 = {};
    OH_NativeBuffer_GetConfig(buffer, &config2);
    // Obtain the sequence number of the OH_NativeBuffer instance.
     uint32_t hwBufferID = OH_NativeBuffer_GetSeqNum(buffer);
  4. Destroy the OH_NativeBuffer instance.

    // Call OH_NativeBuffer_Unreference to decrease the reference count by 1. When the reference count reaches 0, the instance is destroyed.
    ret = OH_NativeBuffer_Unreference(buffer);
    if (ret != 0) {
        std::cout << "OH_NativeBuffer_Unreference Failed" << std::endl;


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