harmony 鸿蒙RelationalStore Development

  • 2023-10-30
  • 浏览 (726)

RelationalStore Development

When to Use

RelationalStore provides a complete mechanism for local database management. It offers a series of interfaces for adding, deleting, modifying, and querying data in an RDB store. To satisfy different needs in complicated scenarios, RelationalStore also supports direct execution of SQL statements.

Basic concepts

  • OH_Predicates: A representation of the property or feature of a data entity, or the relationship between data entities. It is used to define operation conditions.

  • OH_Cursor: A set of query results, which allows access to the required data in flexible modes.


  • The default logging mode is Write Ahead Log (WAL), and the default flushing mode is FULL mode.

  • RelationalStore supports a maximum of four connection pools to manage read and write operations.

  • To ensure data accuracy, only one write operation is allowed at a time.

  • Once an application is uninstalled, related database files and temporary files on the device are automatically deleted.

Available APIs

For details about the APIs, see RDB.

API Description
OH_Rdb_GetOrOpen(const OH_Rdb_Config *config, int *errCode) Obtains an OH_Rdb_Store instance for RDB store operations.
OH_Rdb_Execute(OH_Rdb_Store *store, const char *sql) Executes an SQL statement that contains specified arguments but returns no value.
OH_Rdb_Insert(OH_Rdb_Store *store, const char *table, OH_VBucket *valuesBucket) Inserts a row of data into a table.
OH_Rdb_Update(OH_Rdb_Store *store, OH_VBucket *valuesBucket, OH_Predicates *predicates); Updates data in the RDB store based on the specified OH_Predicates instance.
OH_Rdb_Delete(OH_Rdb_Store *store, OH_Predicates *predicates) Deletes data from the RDB store based on the specified OH_Predicates instance.
OH_Rdb_Query(OH_Rdb_Store *store, OH_Predicates *predicates, const char *const *columnNames, int length) Queries data in the RDB store based on specified conditions.
OH_Rdb_DeleteStore(const OH_Rdb_Config *config) Deletes an RDB store.

How to Develop

Adding the Dynamic Library

Add the following lib to CMakeLists.txt.


Including Header Files

#include <oh_cursor.h>
#include <oh_predicates.h>
#include <oh_value_object.h>
#include <oh_values_bucket.h>
#include <relational_store.h>
#include <relational_store_error_code.h>

  1. Obtain an OH_Rdb_Store instance and create a database file.

The dataBaseDir variable specifies the application sandbox path. In the stage model, you are advised to use the database directory. For details, see the databaseDir attribute of Context. In the FA model, there is no interface for obtaining the database sandbox path. Use the directory of the application. For details, see getFilesDir of Context.


   // Create an OH_Rdb_Config object.
   OH_Rdb_Config config;
   // The path is the application sandbox path.
   config.dataBaseDir = "xxx";
   // Database file name.
   config.storeName = "RdbTest.db";
   // Application bundle name.
   config.bundleName = "xxx";
   // Module name.
   config.moduleName = "xxx";
   // Security level of the database file.
   config.securityLevel = OH_Rdb_SecurityLevel::S1;
   // Whether the database is encrypted.
   config.isEncrypt = false;
   // Memory size occupied by config.
   config.selfSize = sizeof(OH_Rdb_Config);
   int errCode = 0;
   // Obtain the OH_Rdb_Store instance.
   OH_Rdb_Store *store_ = OH_Rdb_GetOrOpen(&config, &errCode);
  1. After obtaining the OH_Rdb_Store instance, call OH_Rdb_Execute to create a table and call OH_Rdb_Insert to insert data to the table created.


                           "AGE INTEGER, SALARY REAL, CODES BLOB)";
   // Create a table.
   OH_Rdb_Execute(store_, createTableSql);
   // Create a key-value pair instance.
   OH_VBucket *valueBucket = OH_Rdb_CreateValuesBucket();
   valueBucket->putText(valueBucket, "NAME", "Lisa");
   valueBucket->putInt64(valueBucket, "AGE", 18);
   valueBucket->putReal(valueBucket, "SALARY", 100.5);
   uint8_t arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
   int len = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);
   valueBucket->putBlob(valueBucket, "CODES", arr, len);
   // Insert data.
   int rowId = OH_Rdb_Insert(store_, "EMPLOYEE", valueBucket);
   // Destroy the KV pair instance.


RelationalStore does not provide explicit flush operations for data persistence. insert() stores data in a file persistently.

  1. Modify or delete data based on the specified Predicates instance.

Call OH_Rdb_Update to modify data and call OH_Rdb_Delete to delete data.


   // Modify data.
   OH_VBucket *valueBucket = OH_Rdb_CreateValuesBucket();
   valueBucket->putText(valueBucket, "NAME", "Rose");
   valueBucket->putInt64(valueBucket, "AGE", 22);
   valueBucket->putReal(valueBucket, "SALARY", 200.5);
   uint8_t arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
   int len = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);
   valueBucket->putBlob(valueBucket, "CODES", arr, len);
   OH_Predicates *predicates = OH_Rdb_CreatePredicates("EMPLOYEE");
   OH_VObject *valueObject = OH_Rdb_CreateValueObject();
   const char *name = "Lisa";
   valueObject->putText(valueObject, name);
   predicates->equalTo(predicates, "NAME", valueObject)->andOperate(predicates);
   uint32_t count = 1;
   double salary = 100.5;
   valueObject->putDouble(valueObject, &salary, count);
   predicates->equalTo(predicates, "SALARY", valueObject);
   int changeRows = OH_Rdb_Update(store_, valueBucket, predicates);
   // Delete data.
   OH_Predicates *predicates = OH_Rdb_CreatePredicates("EMPLOYEE");
   OH_VObject *valueObject = OH_Rdb_CreateValueObject();
   const char *name = "Lisa";
   valueObject->putText(valueObject, name);
   predicates->equalTo(predicates, "NAME", valueObject);
   int deleteRows = OH_Rdb_Delete(store_, predicates);
  1. Query data based on the conditions specified by Predicates.

Call OH_Rdb_Query to query data. The data obtained is returned in a OH_Cursor object.


   OH_Predicates *predicates = OH_Rdb_CreatePredicates("EMPLOYEE");
   const char *columnNames[] = {"NAME", "AGE"};
   int len = sizeof(columnNames) / sizeof(columnNames[0]);
   OH_Cursor *cursor = OH_Rdb_Query(store_, predicates, columnNames, len);
   int columnCount = 0;
   cursor->getColumnCount(cursor, &columnCount);
   // OH_Cursor is a cursor of a data set. By default, the cursor points to the -1st record. Valid data starts from 0.
   int64_t age;
   while (cursor->goToNextRow(cursor) == OH_Rdb_ErrCode::RDB_OK) {
       cursor->getInt64(cursor, 1, &age);
   // Destroy the Predicates instance.
   // Destroy the result set.
  1. Delete the database.

Call OH_Rdb_DeleteStore to delete an RDB store and related database files.


   // Close the database instance.
   // Delete the database file.


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