go stmt0 源码

  • 2022-07-15
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golang stmt0 代码


// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

// statements

package stmt0

func assignments0() (int, int) {
	var a, b, c int
	var ch chan int
	f0 := func() {}
	f1 := func() int { return 1 }
	f2 := func() (int, int) { return 1, 2 }
	f3 := func() (int, int, int) { return 1, 2, 3 }

	a, b, c = 1, 2, 3
	a, b, c = 1 /* ERROR "cannot assign [1-9]+ values to [1-9]+ variables" */ , 2
	a, b, c = 1 /* ERROR "cannot assign [1-9]+ values to [1-9]+ variables" */ , 2, 3, 4
	_, _, _ = a, b, c

	a = f0 /* ERROR "used as value" */ ()
	a = f1()
	a = f2 /* ERROR "cannot assign [1-9]+ values to [1-9]+ variables" */ ()
	a, b = f2()
	a, b, c = f2 /* ERROR "cannot assign [1-9]+ values to [1-9]+ variables" */ ()
	a, b, c = f3()
	a, b = f3 /* ERROR "cannot assign [1-9]+ values to [1-9]+ variables" */ ()

	a, b, c = <- /* ERROR "cannot assign [1-9]+ values to [1-9]+ variables" */ ch

	return /* ERROR "not enough return values\n\thave \(\)\n\twant \(int, int\)" */
	return 1 /* ERROR "not enough return values\n\thave \(number\)\n\twant \(int, int\)" */
	return 1, 2
	return 1, 2, 3 /* ERROR "too many return values\n\thave \(number, number, number\)\n\twant \(int, int\)" */

func assignments1() {
	b, i, f, c, s := false, 1, 1.0, 1i, "foo"
	b = i /* ERROR "cannot use .* in assignment" */
	i = f /* ERROR "cannot use .* in assignment" */
	f = c /* ERROR "cannot use .* in assignment" */
	c = s /* ERROR "cannot use .* in assignment" */
	s = b /* ERROR "cannot use .* in assignment" */

	v0, v1, v2 := 1 /* ERROR "cannot initialize" */ , 2, 3, 4
	_, _, _ = v0, v1, v2

	b = true

	i += 1
	i += "foo" /* ERROR "mismatched types int and untyped string" */

	f -= 1
	f /= 0
	f = float32(0)/0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */
	f -= "foo" /* ERROR "mismatched types float64 and untyped string" */

	c *= 1
	c /= 0

	s += "bar"
	s += 1 /* ERROR "mismatched types string and untyped int" */

	var u64 uint64
	u64 += 1<<u64

	undeclared /* ERROR "undeclared" */ = 991

	// test cases for issue 5800
	var (
		_ int = nil /* ERROR "cannot use nil as int value in variable declaration" */
		_ [10]int = nil /* ERROR "cannot use nil as \[10\]int value in variable declaration" */
		_ []byte = nil
		_ struct{} = nil /* ERROR "cannot use nil as struct{} value in variable declaration" */
		_ func() = nil
		_ map[int]string = nil
		_ chan int = nil

	// test cases for issue 5500
	_ = func() (int, bool) {
		var m map[int]int
		return m /* ERROR "not enough return values" */ [0]

	g := func(int, bool){}
	var m map[int]int
	g(m /* ERROR "not enough arguments" */ [0])

	// assignments to _
	_ = nil /* ERROR "use of untyped nil" */
	_ = 1 /* ERROR overflow */ <<1000
	(_) = 0

func assignments2() {
	type mybool bool
	var m map[string][]bool
	var s []bool
	var b bool
	var d mybool
	_ = s
	_ = b
	_ = d

	// assignments to map index expressions are ok
	s, b = m["foo"]
	_, d = m["bar"]
	m["foo"] = nil
	m["foo"] = nil /* ERROR cannot assign [1-9]+ values to [1-9]+ variables */ , false
	_ = append(m["foo"])
	_ = append(m["foo"], true)

	var c chan int
	_, b = <-c
	_, d = <-c
	<- /* ERROR cannot assign */ c = 0
	<-c = 0 /* ERROR cannot assign [1-9]+ values to [1-9]+ variables */ , false

	var x interface{}
	_, b = x.(int)
	x /* ERROR cannot assign */ .(int) = 0
	x.(int) = 0 /* ERROR cannot assign [1-9]+ values to [1-9]+ variables */ , false

	assignments2 /* ERROR used as value */ () = nil
	int /* ERROR not an expression */ = 0

func issue6487() {
	type S struct{x int}
	_ = &S /* ERROR "cannot take address" */ {}.x
	_ = &( /* ERROR "cannot take address" */ S{}.x)
	_ = (&S{}).x
	S /* ERROR "cannot assign" */ {}.x = 0
	(&S{}).x = 0

	type M map[string]S
	var m M
	m /* ERROR "cannot assign to struct field" */ ["foo"].x = 0
	_ = &( /* ERROR "cannot take address" */ m["foo"].x)
	_ = &m /* ERROR "cannot take address" */ ["foo"].x

func issue6766a() {
	a, a /* ERROR a repeated on left side of := */ := 1, 2
	_ = a
	a, b, b /* ERROR b repeated on left side of := */ := 1, 2, 3
	_ = b
	c, c /* ERROR c repeated on left side of := */, b := 1, 2, 3
	_ = c
	a, b := /* ERROR no new variables */ 1, 2

func shortVarDecls1() {
	const c = 0
	type d int
	a, b, c /* ERROR "cannot assign" */ , d /* ERROR "cannot assign" */  := 1, "zwei", 3.0, 4
	var _ int = a // a is of type int
	var _ string = b // b is of type string

func incdecs() {
	const c = 3.14
	c /* ERROR "cannot assign" */ ++
	s := "foo"
	s /* ERROR "invalid operation" */ --
	3.14 /* ERROR "cannot assign" */ ++
	var (
		x int
		y float32
		z complex128

func sends() {
	var ch chan int
	var rch <-chan int
	var x int
	x <- /* ERROR "cannot send" */ x
	rch <- /* ERROR "cannot send" */ x
	ch <- "foo" /* ERROR "cannot use .* in send" */
	ch <- x

func selects() {
	select {}
	var (
		ch chan int
		sc chan <- bool
	select {
	case <-ch:
	case (<-ch):
	case t := <-ch:
		_ = t
	case t := (<-ch):
		_ = t
	case t, ok := <-ch:
		_, _ = t, ok
	case t, ok := (<-ch):
		_, _ = t, ok
	case <-sc /* ERROR "cannot receive from send-only channel" */ :
	select {
	default /* ERROR "multiple defaults" */ :
	select {
	case a, b := <-ch:
		_, b = a, b
	case x /* ERROR send or receive */ :
	case a /* ERROR send or receive */ := ch:

	// test for issue 9570: ch2 in second case falsely resolved to
	// ch2 declared in body of first case
	ch1 := make(chan int)
	ch2 := make(chan int)
	select {
	case <-ch1:
		var ch2 /* ERROR ch2 declared but not used */ chan bool
	case i := <-ch2:
		print(i + 1)

func gos() {
	go 1 /* ERROR must be function call */ /* ERROR cannot call non-function */
	go int /* ERROR "go requires function call, not conversion" */ (0)
	go gos()
	var c chan int
	go close(c)
	go len /* ERROR "go discards result" */ (c)

func defers() {
	defer 1 /* ERROR must be function call */ /* ERROR cannot call non-function */
	defer int /* ERROR "defer requires function call, not conversion" */ (0)
	defer defers()
	var c chan int
	defer close(c)
	defer len /* ERROR "defer discards result" */ (c)

func breaks() {
	var x, y int

	break /* ERROR "break" */
		break /* ERROR "break" */
	if x < y {
		break /* ERROR "break" */

	switch x {
	case 0:
	case 1:
		if x == y {

	var z interface{}
	switch z.(type) {
	case int:

	for {

	var a []int
	for _ = range a {

	for {
		if x == y {

	var ch chan int
	select {
	case <-ch:

	select {
	case <-ch:
		if x == y {

func continues() {
	var x, y int

	continue /* ERROR "continue" */
		continue /* ERROR "continue" */

	if x < y {
		continue /* ERROR "continue" */

	switch x {
	case 0:
		continue /* ERROR "continue" */

	var z interface{}
	switch z.(type) {
	case int:
		continue /* ERROR "continue" */

	var ch chan int
	select {
	case <-ch:
		continue /* ERROR "continue" */

	for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
		if x < y {
		switch x {
		case y:
		select {
		case <-ch:

	var a []int
	for _ = range a {
		if x < y {
		switch x {
		case y:
		select {
		case <-ch:

func returns0() {
	return 0 /* ERROR too many return values */

func returns1(x float64) (int, *float64) {
	return 0, &x
	return /* ERROR not enough return values */
	return "foo" /* ERROR "cannot .* in return statement" */, x /* ERROR "cannot use .* in return statement" */
	return 0, &x, 1 /* ERROR too many return values */

func returns2() (a, b int) {
	return 1, "foo" /* ERROR cannot use .* in return statement */
	return 1, 2, 3 /* ERROR too many return values */
		type a int
		return 1, 2
		return /* ERROR a not in scope at return */

func returns3() (_ int) {
		var _ int // blank (_) identifiers never shadow since they are in no scope

func switches0() {
	var x int

	switch x {

	switch x {
	default /* ERROR "multiple defaults" */ :

	switch {
	case 1  /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ :

	true := "false"
	_ = true
	// A tagless switch is equivalent to the bool
        // constant true, not the identifier 'true'.
	switch {
	case "false" /* ERROR "cannot convert" */:

	switch int32(x) {
	case 1, 2:
	case x /* ERROR "invalid case x in switch on int32\(x\) \(mismatched types int and int32\)" */ :

	switch x {
	case 1 /* ERROR "overflows" */ << 100:

	switch x {
	case 1:
	case 1 /* ERROR "duplicate case" */ :
	case ( /* ERROR "duplicate case" */ 1):
	case 2, 3, 4:
	case 5, 1 /* ERROR "duplicate case" */ :

	switch uint64(x) {
	case 1<<64 - 1:
	case 1 /* ERROR duplicate case */ <<64 - 1:
	case 2, 3, 4:
	case 5, 1 /* ERROR duplicate case */ <<64 - 1:

	var y32 float32
	switch y32 {
	case 1.1:
	case 11/10: // integer division!
	case 11. /* ERROR duplicate case */ /10:
	case 2, 3.0, 4.1:
	case 5.2, 1.10 /* ERROR duplicate case */ :

	var y64 float64
	switch y64 {
	case 1.1:
	case 11/10: // integer division!
	case 11. /* ERROR duplicate case */ /10:
	case 2, 3.0, 4.1:
	case 5.2, 1.10 /* ERROR duplicate case */ :

	var s string
	switch s {
	case "foo":
	case "foo" /* ERROR duplicate case */ :
	case "f" /* ERROR duplicate case */ + "oo":
	case "abc", "def", "ghi":
	case "jkl", "foo" /* ERROR duplicate case */ :

	type T int
	type F float64
	type S string
	type B bool
	var i interface{}
	switch i {
	case nil:
	case nil: // no duplicate detection
	case (*int)(nil):
	case (*int)(nil): // do duplicate detection
	case 1:
	case byte(1):
	case int /* ERROR duplicate case */ (1):
	case T(1):
	case 1.0:
	case F(1.0):
	case F /* ERROR duplicate case */ (1.0):
	case "hello":
	case S("hello"):
	case S /* ERROR duplicate case */ ("hello"):
	case 1==1, B(false):
	case false, B(2==2):

	// switch on array
	var a [3]int
	switch a {
	case [3]int{1, 2, 3}:
	case [3]int{1, 2, 3}: // no duplicate detection
	case [ /* ERROR "mismatched types */ 4]int{4, 5, 6}:

	// switch on channel
	var c1, c2 chan int
	switch c1 {
	case nil:
	case c1:
	case c2:
	case c1, c2: // no duplicate detection

func switches1() {
	fallthrough /* ERROR "fallthrough statement out of place" */

	var x int
	switch x {
	case 0:
		fallthrough /* ERROR "fallthrough statement out of place" */
	case 1:
	case 2:
		fallthrough; ; ; // trailing empty statements are ok
	case 3:
		fallthrough; ;
	case 4:
		fallthrough /* ERROR "cannot fallthrough final case in switch" */

	var y interface{}
	switch y.(type) {
	case int:
		fallthrough /* ERROR "cannot fallthrough in type switch" */ ; ; ;

	switch x {
	case 0:
		if x == 0 {
			fallthrough /* ERROR "fallthrough statement out of place" */

	switch x {
	case 0:
		goto L1
		L1: fallthrough; ;
	case 1:
		goto L2
		goto L3
		goto L4
		L2: L3: L4: fallthrough

	switch x {
	case 0:
		goto L5
		L5: fallthrough
		goto L6
		goto L7
		goto L8
		L6: L7: L8: fallthrough /* ERROR "cannot fallthrough final case in switch" */

	switch x {
	case 0:
		fallthrough; ;
	case 1:
			fallthrough /* ERROR "fallthrough statement out of place" */
	case 2:
	case 3:
		fallthrough /* ERROR "fallthrough statement out of place" */
		{ /* empty block is not an empty statement */ }; ;
		fallthrough /* ERROR "cannot fallthrough final case in switch" */

	switch x {
	case 0:
			fallthrough /* ERROR "fallthrough statement out of place" */

func switches2() {
	// untyped nil is not permitted as switch expression
	switch nil /* ERROR "use of untyped nil" */ {
	case 1, 2, "foo": // don't report additional errors here

	// untyped constants are converted to default types
	switch 1<<63-1 {
	switch 1 /* ERROR "cannot use .* as int value.*\(overflows\)" */ << 63 {
	var x int
	switch 1.0 {
	case 1.0, 2.0, x /* ERROR "mismatched types int and float64" */ :
	switch x {
	case 1.0:

	// untyped bools become of type bool
	type B bool
	var b B = true
	switch x == x {
	case b /* ERROR "mismatched types B and bool" */ :
	switch {
	case b /* ERROR "mismatched types B and bool" */ :

func issue11667() {
	switch 9223372036854775808 /* ERROR "cannot use .* as int value.*\(overflows\)" */ {
	switch 9223372036854775808 /* ERROR "cannot use .* as int value.*\(overflows\)" */ {
	case 9223372036854775808:
	var x int
	switch x {
	case 9223372036854775808 /* ERROR "overflows int" */ :
	var y float64
	switch y {
	case 9223372036854775808:

func issue11687() {
	f := func() (_, _ int) { return }
	switch f /* ERROR "2-valued f" */ () {
	var x int
	switch f /* ERROR "2-valued f" */ () {
	case x:
	switch x {
	case f /* ERROR "2-valued f" */ ():

type I interface {

type I2 interface {

type T struct{}
type T1 struct{}
type T2 struct{}

func (T) m() {}
func (T2) m(int) {}

func typeswitches() {
	var i int
	var x interface{}

	switch x.(type) {}
	switch (x /* ERROR "outside type switch" */ .(type)) {}

	switch x.(type) {
	default /* ERROR "multiple defaults" */ :

	switch x /* ERROR "declared but not used" */ := x.(type) {}
	switch _ /* ERROR "no new variable on left side of :=" */ := x.(type) {}

	switch x := x.(type) {
	case int:
		var y int = x
		_ = y

	switch /* ERROR "x declared but not used" */ x := i /* ERROR "not an interface" */ .(type) {}

	switch t := x.(type) {
	case nil:
		var v bool = t /* ERROR "cannot use .* in variable declaration" */
		_ = v
	case int:
		var v int = t
		_ = v
	case float32, complex64:
		var v float32 = t /* ERROR "cannot use .* in variable declaration" */
		_ = v
		var v float32 = t /* ERROR "cannot use .* in variable declaration" */
		_ = v

	var t I
	switch t.(type) {
	case T:
	case T1 /* ERROR "missing method m" */ :
	case T2 /* ERROR "wrong type for method m" */ :
	case I2 /* STRICT "wrong type for method m" */ : // only an error in strict mode (issue 8561)

		x := 1
		v := 2
		switch v /* ERROR "v [(]variable of type int[)] is not an interface" */ .(type) {
		case int:
			println(x / /* ERROR "invalid operation: division by zero" */ 0)
		case /* ERROR "1 is not a type" */ 1:

// Test that each case clause uses the correct type of the variable
// declared by the type switch (issue 5504).
func typeswitch0() {
	switch y := interface{}(nil).(type) {
	case int:
		func() int { return y + 0 }()
	case float32:
		func() float32 { return y }()

// Test correct scope setup.
// (no redeclaration errors expected in the type switch)
func typeswitch1() {
	var t I
	switch t := t; t := t.(type) {
	case nil:
		var _ I = t
	case T:
		var _ T = t
		var _ I = t

// Test correct typeswitch against interface types.
type A interface { a() }
type B interface { b() }
type C interface { a(int) }

func typeswitch2() {
	switch A(nil).(type) {
	case A:
	case B:
	case C /* STRICT "cannot have dynamic type" */: // only an error in strict mode (issue 8561)

func typeswitch3(x interface{}) {
	switch x.(type) {
	case int:
	case float64:
	case int /* ERROR duplicate case */ :

	switch x.(type) {
	case nil:
	case int:
	case nil /* ERROR duplicate case */ , nil /* ERROR duplicate case */ :

	type F func(int)
	switch x.(type) {
	case nil:
	case int, func(int):
	case float32, func /* ERROR duplicate case */ (x int):
	case F:

func fors1() {
	for {}
	var i string
	_ = i
	for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {}
	for i := 0; i < 10; j /* ERROR cannot declare */ := 0 {}

func rangeloops1() {
	var (
		x int
		a [10]float32
		b []string
		p *[10]complex128
		pp **[10]complex128
		s string
		m map[int]bool
		c chan int
		sc chan<- int
		rc <-chan int

	for range x /* ERROR "cannot range over" */ {}
	for _ = range x /* ERROR "cannot range over" */ {}
	for i := range x /* ERROR "cannot range over" */ {}

	for range a {}
	for i := range a {
		var ii int
		ii = i
		_ = ii
	for i, x := range a {
		var ii int
		ii = i
		_ = ii
		var xx float64
		xx = x /* ERROR "cannot use .* in assignment" */
		_ = xx
	var ii int
	var xx float32
	for ii, xx = range a {}
	_, _ = ii, xx

	for range b {}
	for i := range b {
		var ii int
		ii = i
		_ = ii
	for i, x := range b {
		var ii int
		ii = i
		_ = ii
		var xx string
		xx = x
		_ = xx

	for range s {}
	for i := range s {
		var ii int
		ii = i
		_ = ii
	for i, x := range s {
		var ii int
		ii = i
		_ = ii
		var xx rune
		xx = x
		_ = xx

	for range p {}
	for _, x := range p {
		var xx complex128
		xx = x
		_ = xx

	for range pp /* ERROR "cannot range over" */ {}
	for _, x := range pp /* ERROR "cannot range over" */ {}

	for range m {}
	for k := range m {
		var kk int32
		kk = k /* ERROR "cannot use .* in assignment" */
		_ = kk
	for k, v := range m {
		var kk int
		kk = k
		_ = kk
		if v {}

	for range c {}
	for _, _ /* ERROR "only one iteration variable" */ = range c {}
	for e := range c {
		var ee int
		ee = e
		_ = ee
	for _ = range sc /* ERROR "send-only channel" */ {}
	for _ = range rc {}

	// constant strings
	const cs = "foo"
	for range cs {}
	for range "" {}
	for i, x := range cs { _, _ = i, x }
	for i, x := range "" {
		var ii int
		ii = i
		_ = ii
		var xx rune
		xx = x
		_ = xx

func rangeloops2() {
	type I int
	type R rune

	var a [10]int
	var i I
	_ = i
	for i /* ERROR cannot use .* in assignment */ = range a {}
	for i /* ERROR cannot use .* in assignment */ = range &a {}
	for i /* ERROR cannot use .* in assignment */ = range a[:] {}

	var s string
	var r R
	_ = r
	for i /* ERROR cannot use .* in assignment */ = range s {}
	for i /* ERROR cannot use .* in assignment */ = range "foo" {}
	for _, r /* ERROR cannot use .* in assignment */ = range s {}
	for _, r /* ERROR cannot use .* in assignment */ = range "foo" {}

func issue6766b() {
	for _ := /* ERROR no new variables */ range "" {}
	for a, a /* ERROR redeclared */ := range "" { _ = a }
	var a int
	_ = a
	for a, a /* ERROR redeclared */ := range []int{1, 2, 3} { _ = a }

// Test that despite errors in the range clause,
// the loop body is still type-checked (and thus
// errors reported).
func issue10148() {
	for y /* ERROR declared but not used */ := range "" {
		_ = "" /* ERROR mismatched types untyped string and untyped int*/ + 1
	for range 1 /* ERROR cannot range over 1 */ {
		_ = "" /* ERROR mismatched types untyped string and untyped int*/ + 1
	for y := range 1 /* ERROR cannot range over 1 */ {
		_ = "" /* ERROR mismatched types untyped string and untyped int*/ + 1

func labels0() {
	goto L0
	goto L1
	L1 /* ERROR "already declared" */ :
	if true {
		goto L2
		L0 /* ERROR "already declared" */ :
	_ = func() {
		goto L0
		goto L1
		goto L2

func expression_statements(ch chan int) {

	0 /* ERROR "not used" */
	1 /* ERROR "not used" */ +2
	cap /* ERROR "not used" */ (ch)
	println /* ERROR "must be called" */


go 源码目录


go blank 源码

go builtins0 源码

go builtins1 源码

go chans 源码

go compliterals 源码

go const0 源码

go const1 源码

go constdecl 源码

go conversions0 源码

go conversions1 源码

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