hugo exec 源码

  • 2022-10-23
  • 浏览 (706)

hugo exec 代码


// Copyright 2020 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package hexec

import (



var WithDir = func(dir string) func(c *commandeer) {
	return func(c *commandeer) {
		c.dir = dir

var WithContext = func(ctx context.Context) func(c *commandeer) {
	return func(c *commandeer) {
		c.ctx = ctx

var WithStdout = func(w io.Writer) func(c *commandeer) {
	return func(c *commandeer) {
		c.stdout = w

var WithStderr = func(w io.Writer) func(c *commandeer) {
	return func(c *commandeer) {
		c.stderr = w

var WithStdin = func(r io.Reader) func(c *commandeer) {
	return func(c *commandeer) {
		c.stdin = r

var WithEnviron = func(env []string) func(c *commandeer) {
	return func(c *commandeer) {
		setOrAppend := func(s string) {
			k1, _ := config.SplitEnvVar(s)
			var found bool
			for i, v := range c.env {
				k2, _ := config.SplitEnvVar(v)
				if k1 == k2 {
					found = true
					c.env[i] = s

			if !found {
				c.env = append(c.env, s)

		for _, s := range env {

// New creates a new Exec using the provided security config.
func New(cfg security.Config) *Exec {
	var baseEnviron []string
	for _, v := range os.Environ() {
		k, _ := config.SplitEnvVar(v)
		if cfg.Exec.OsEnv.Accept(k) {
			baseEnviron = append(baseEnviron, v)

	return &Exec{
		sc:          cfg,
		baseEnviron: baseEnviron,

// IsNotFound reports whether this is an error about a binary not found.
func IsNotFound(err error) bool {
	var notFoundErr *NotFoundError
	return errors.As(err, &notFoundErr)

// SafeCommand is a wrapper around os/exec Command which uses a LookPath
// implementation that does not search in current directory before looking in PATH.
// See and the linked issues.
func SafeCommand(name string, arg ...string) (*exec.Cmd, error) {
	bin, err := safeexec.LookPath(name)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return exec.Command(bin, arg...), nil

// Exec encorces a security policy for commands run via os/exec.
type Exec struct {
	sc security.Config

	// os.Environ filtered by the Exec.OsEnviron whitelist filter.
	baseEnviron []string

// New will fail if name is not allowed according to the configured security policy.
// Else a configured Runner will be returned ready to be Run.
func (e *Exec) New(name string, arg ...any) (Runner, error) {
	if err :=; err != nil {
		return nil, err

	env := make([]string, len(e.baseEnviron))
	copy(env, e.baseEnviron)

	cm := &commandeer{
		name: name,
		env:  env,

	return cm.command(arg...)


// Npx is a convenience method to create a Runner running npx --no-install <name> <args.
func (e *Exec) Npx(name string, arg ...any) (Runner, error) {
	arg = append(arg[:0], append([]any{"--no-install", name}, arg[0:]...)...)
	return e.New("npx", arg...)

// Sec returns the security policies this Exec is configured with.
func (e *Exec) Sec() security.Config {

type NotFoundError struct {
	name string

func (e *NotFoundError) Error() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("binary with name %q not found",

// Runner wraps a *os.Cmd.
type Runner interface {
	Run() error
	StdinPipe() (io.WriteCloser, error)

type cmdWrapper struct {
	name string
	c    *exec.Cmd

	outerr *bytes.Buffer

var notFoundRe = regexp.MustCompile(`(?s)not found:|could not determine executable`)

func (c *cmdWrapper) Run() error {
	err := c.c.Run()
	if err == nil {
		return nil
	if notFoundRe.MatchString(c.outerr.String()) {
		return &NotFoundError{name:}
	return fmt.Errorf("failed to execute binary %q with args %v: %s",, c.c.Args[1:], c.outerr.String())

func (c *cmdWrapper) StdinPipe() (io.WriteCloser, error) {
	return c.c.StdinPipe()

type commandeer struct {
	stdout io.Writer
	stderr io.Writer
	stdin  io.Reader
	dir    string
	ctx    context.Context

	name string
	env  []string

func (c *commandeer) command(arg ...any) (*cmdWrapper, error) {
	if c == nil {
		return nil, nil

	var args []string
	for _, a := range arg {
		switch v := a.(type) {
		case string:
			args = append(args, v)
		case func(*commandeer):
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid argument to command: %T", a)

	bin, err := safeexec.LookPath(
	if err != nil {
		return nil, &NotFoundError{

	outerr := &bytes.Buffer{}
	if c.stderr == nil {
		c.stderr = outerr
	} else {
		c.stderr = io.MultiWriter(c.stderr, outerr)

	var cmd *exec.Cmd

	if c.ctx != nil {
		cmd = exec.CommandContext(c.ctx, bin, args...)
	} else {
		cmd = exec.Command(bin, args...)

	cmd.Stdin = c.stdin
	cmd.Stderr = c.stderr
	cmd.Stdout = c.stdout
	cmd.Env = c.env
	cmd.Dir = c.dir

	return &cmdWrapper{outerr: outerr, c: cmd, name:}, nil

// InPath reports whether binaryName is in $PATH.
func InPath(binaryName string) bool {
	if strings.Contains(binaryName, "/") {
		panic("binary name should not contain any slash")
	_, err := safeexec.LookPath(binaryName)
	return err == nil

// LookPath finds the path to binaryName in $PATH.
// Returns "" if not found.
func LookPath(binaryName string) string {
	if strings.Contains(binaryName, "/") {
		panic("binary name should not contain any slash")
	s, err := safeexec.LookPath(binaryName)
	if err != nil {
		return ""
	return s


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