go const1 源码

  • 2022-07-26
  • 浏览 (548)

golang const1 代码


// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

// constant conversions

package const1

import "math"

	mi = ^int(0)
	mu = ^uint(0)
	mp = ^uintptr(0)

	logSizeofInt     = uint(mi>>8&1 + mi>>16&1 + mi>>32&1)
	logSizeofUint    = uint(mu>>8&1 + mu>>16&1 + mu>>32&1)
	logSizeofUintptr = uint(mp>>8&1 + mp>>16&1 + mp>>32&1)

const (
	minInt8 = -1<<(8<<iota - 1)
	minInt = -1<<(8<<logSizeofInt - 1)

const (
	maxInt8 = 1<<(8<<iota - 1) - 1
	maxInt = 1<<(8<<logSizeofInt - 1) - 1

const (
	maxUint8 = 1<<(8<<iota) - 1
	maxUint    = 1<<(8<<logSizeofUint) - 1
	maxUintptr = 1<<(8<<logSizeofUintptr) - 1

const (
	smallestFloat32 = 1.0 / (1<<(127 - 1 + 23))
	// TODO(gri) The compiler limits integers to 512 bit and thus
	//           we cannot compute the value (1<<(1023 - 1 + 52))
	//           without overflow. For now we match the compiler.
	//           See also issue #44057.
	// smallestFloat64 = 1.0 / (1<<(1023 - 1 + 52))
	smallestFloat64 = math.SmallestNonzeroFloat64

const (
	_ = assert(smallestFloat32 > 0)
	_ = assert(smallestFloat64 > 0)

const (
	maxFloat32 = 1<<127 * (1<<24 - 1) / (1.0<<23)
	// TODO(gri) The compiler limits integers to 512 bit and thus
	//           we cannot compute the value 1<<1023
	//           without overflow. For now we match the compiler.
	//           See also issue #44057.
	// maxFloat64 = 1<<1023 * (1<<53 - 1) / (1.0<<52)
	maxFloat64 = math.MaxFloat64

const (
	_ int8 = minInt8 /* ERROR "overflows" */ - 1
	_ int8 = minInt8
	_ int8 = maxInt8
	_ int8 = maxInt8 /* ERROR "overflows" */ + 1
	_ int8 = smallestFloat64 /* ERROR "truncated" */

	_ = int8(minInt8 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ - 1)
	_ = int8(minInt8)
	_ = int8(maxInt8)
	_ = int8(maxInt8 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ + 1)
	_ = int8(smallestFloat64 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */)

const (
	_ int16 = minInt16 /* ERROR "overflows" */ - 1
	_ int16 = minInt16
	_ int16 = maxInt16
	_ int16 = maxInt16 /* ERROR "overflows" */ + 1
	_ int16 = smallestFloat64 /* ERROR "truncated" */

	_ = int16(minInt16 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ - 1)
	_ = int16(minInt16)
	_ = int16(maxInt16)
	_ = int16(maxInt16 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ + 1)
	_ = int16(smallestFloat64 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */)

const (
	_ int32 = minInt32 /* ERROR "overflows" */ - 1
	_ int32 = minInt32
	_ int32 = maxInt32
	_ int32 = maxInt32 /* ERROR "overflows" */ + 1
	_ int32 = smallestFloat64 /* ERROR "truncated" */

	_ = int32(minInt32 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ - 1)
	_ = int32(minInt32)
	_ = int32(maxInt32)
	_ = int32(maxInt32 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ + 1)
	_ = int32(smallestFloat64 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */)

const (
	_ int64 = minInt64 /* ERROR "overflows" */ - 1
	_ int64 = minInt64
	_ int64 = maxInt64
	_ int64 = maxInt64 /* ERROR "overflows" */ + 1
	_ int64 = smallestFloat64 /* ERROR "truncated" */

	_ = int64(minInt64 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ - 1)
	_ = int64(minInt64)
	_ = int64(maxInt64)
	_ = int64(maxInt64 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ + 1)
	_ = int64(smallestFloat64 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */)

const (
	_ int = minInt /* ERROR "overflows" */ - 1
	_ int = minInt
	_ int = maxInt
	_ int = maxInt /* ERROR "overflows" */ + 1
	_ int = smallestFloat64 /* ERROR "truncated" */

	_ = int(minInt /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ - 1)
	_ = int(minInt)
	_ = int(maxInt)
	_ = int(maxInt /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ + 1)
	_ = int(smallestFloat64 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */)

const (
	_ uint8 = 0 /* ERROR "overflows" */ - 1
	_ uint8 = 0
	_ uint8 = maxUint8
	_ uint8 = maxUint8 /* ERROR "overflows" */ + 1
	_ uint8 = smallestFloat64 /* ERROR "truncated" */

	_ = uint8(0 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ - 1)
	_ = uint8(0)
	_ = uint8(maxUint8)
	_ = uint8(maxUint8 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ + 1)
	_ = uint8(smallestFloat64 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */)

const (
	_ uint16 = 0 /* ERROR "overflows" */ - 1
	_ uint16 = 0
	_ uint16 = maxUint16
	_ uint16 = maxUint16 /* ERROR "overflows" */ + 1
	_ uint16 = smallestFloat64 /* ERROR "truncated" */

	_ = uint16(0 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ - 1)
	_ = uint16(0)
	_ = uint16(maxUint16)
	_ = uint16(maxUint16 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ + 1)
	_ = uint16(smallestFloat64 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */)

const (
	_ uint32 = 0 /* ERROR "overflows" */ - 1
	_ uint32 = 0
	_ uint32 = maxUint32
	_ uint32 = maxUint32 /* ERROR "overflows" */ + 1
	_ uint32 = smallestFloat64 /* ERROR "truncated" */

	_ = uint32(0 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ - 1)
	_ = uint32(0)
	_ = uint32(maxUint32)
	_ = uint32(maxUint32 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ + 1)
	_ = uint32(smallestFloat64 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */)

const (
	_ uint64 = 0 /* ERROR "overflows" */ - 1
	_ uint64 = 0
	_ uint64 = maxUint64
	_ uint64 = maxUint64 /* ERROR "overflows" */ + 1
	_ uint64 = smallestFloat64 /* ERROR "truncated" */

	_ = uint64(0 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ - 1)
	_ = uint64(0)
	_ = uint64(maxUint64)
	_ = uint64(maxUint64 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ + 1)
	_ = uint64(smallestFloat64 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */)

const (
	_ uint = 0 /* ERROR "overflows" */ - 1
	_ uint = 0
	_ uint = maxUint
	_ uint = maxUint /* ERROR "overflows" */ + 1
	_ uint = smallestFloat64 /* ERROR "truncated" */

	_ = uint(0 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ - 1)
	_ = uint(0)
	_ = uint(maxUint)
	_ = uint(maxUint /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ + 1)
	_ = uint(smallestFloat64 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */)

const (
	_ uintptr = 0 /* ERROR "overflows" */ - 1
	_ uintptr = 0
	_ uintptr = maxUintptr
	_ uintptr = maxUintptr /* ERROR "overflows" */ + 1
	_ uintptr = smallestFloat64 /* ERROR "truncated" */

	_ = uintptr(0 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ - 1)
	_ = uintptr(0)
	_ = uintptr(maxUintptr)
	_ = uintptr(maxUintptr /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ + 1)
	_ = uintptr(smallestFloat64 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */)

const (
	_ float32 = minInt64
	_ float64 = minInt64
	_ complex64 = minInt64
	_ complex128 = minInt64

	_ = float32(minInt64)
	_ = float64(minInt64)
	_ = complex64(minInt64)
	_ = complex128(minInt64)

const (
	_ float32 = maxUint64
	_ float64 = maxUint64
	_ complex64 = maxUint64
	_ complex128 = maxUint64

	_ = float32(maxUint64)
	_ = float64(maxUint64)
	_ = complex64(maxUint64)
	_ = complex128(maxUint64)

// TODO(gri) find smaller deltas below

const delta32 = maxFloat32/(1 << 23)

const (
	_ float32 = - /* ERROR "overflow" */ (maxFloat32 + delta32)
	_ float32 = -maxFloat32
	_ float32 = maxFloat32
	_ float32 = maxFloat32 /* ERROR "overflow" */ + delta32

	_ = float32(- /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ (maxFloat32 + delta32))
	_ = float32(-maxFloat32)
	_ = float32(maxFloat32)
	_ = float32(maxFloat32 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ + delta32)

	_ = assert(float32(smallestFloat32) == smallestFloat32)
	_ = assert(float32(smallestFloat32/2) == 0)
	_ = assert(float32(smallestFloat64) == 0)
	_ = assert(float32(smallestFloat64/2) == 0)

const delta64 = maxFloat64/(1 << 52)

const (
	_ float64 = - /* ERROR "overflow" */ (maxFloat64 + delta64)
	_ float64 = -maxFloat64
	_ float64 = maxFloat64
	_ float64 = maxFloat64 /* ERROR "overflow" */ + delta64

	_ = float64(- /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ (maxFloat64 + delta64))
	_ = float64(-maxFloat64)
	_ = float64(maxFloat64)
	_ = float64(maxFloat64 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ + delta64)

	_ = assert(float64(smallestFloat32) == smallestFloat32)
	_ = assert(float64(smallestFloat32/2) == smallestFloat32/2)
	_ = assert(float64(smallestFloat64) == smallestFloat64)
	_ = assert(float64(smallestFloat64/2) == 0)

const (
	_ complex64 = - /* ERROR "overflow" */ (maxFloat32 + delta32)
	_ complex64 = -maxFloat32
	_ complex64 = maxFloat32
	_ complex64 = maxFloat32 /* ERROR "overflow" */ + delta32

	_ = complex64(- /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ (maxFloat32 + delta32))
	_ = complex64(-maxFloat32)
	_ = complex64(maxFloat32)
	_ = complex64(maxFloat32 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ + delta32)

const (
	_ complex128 = - /* ERROR "overflow" */ (maxFloat64 + delta64)
	_ complex128 = -maxFloat64
	_ complex128 = maxFloat64
	_ complex128 = maxFloat64 /* ERROR "overflow" */ + delta64

	_ = complex128(- /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ (maxFloat64 + delta64))
	_ = complex128(-maxFloat64)
	_ = complex128(maxFloat64)
	_ = complex128(maxFloat64 /* ERROR "cannot convert" */ + delta64)

// Initialization of typed constant and conversion are the same:
const (
	f32 = 1 + smallestFloat32
	x32 float32 = f32
	y32 = float32(f32)
	_ = assert(x32 - y32 == 0)

const (
	f64 = 1 + smallestFloat64
	x64 float64 = f64
	y64 = float64(f64)
	_ = assert(x64 - y64 == 0)

const (
	_ = int8(-1) << 7
	_ = int8 /* ERROR "overflows" */ (-1) << 8

	_ = uint32(1) << 31
	_ = uint32 /* ERROR "overflows" */ (1) << 32


go 源码目录


go blank 源码

go builtins0 源码

go builtins1 源码

go chans 源码

go compliterals 源码

go const0 源码

go constdecl 源码

go conversions0 源码

go conversions1 源码

go cycles0 源码

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