go const0 源码

  • 2022-07-26
  • 浏览 (562)

golang const0 代码


// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

// constant declarations

package const0

import "unsafe"

// constants declarations must be initialized by constants
var x = 0
const c0 = x /* ERROR "not constant" */

// typed constants must have constant types
const _ interface /* ERROR invalid constant type */ {} = 0

func _ () {
	const _ interface /* ERROR invalid constant type */ {} = 0
	for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {} // don't crash with non-nil iota here

// untyped constants
const (
	// boolean values
	ub0 = false
	ub1 = true
	ub2 = 2 < 1
	ub3 = ui1 == uf1
	ub4 = true /* ERROR "mismatched types untyped bool and untyped int" */ == 0

	// integer values
	ui0 = 0
	ui1 = 1
	ui2 = 42
	ui3 = 3141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286
	ui4 = -10

	ui5 = ui0 + ui1
	ui6 = ui1 - ui1
	ui7 = ui2 * ui1
	ui8 = ui3 / ui3
	ui9 = ui3 % ui3

	ui10 = 1 / 0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */
	ui11 = ui1 / 0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */
	ui12 = ui3 / ui0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */
	ui13 = 1 % 0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */
	ui14 = ui1 % 0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */
	ui15 = ui3 % ui0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */

	ui16 = ui2 & ui3
	ui17 = ui2 | ui3
	ui18 = ui2 ^ ui3
	ui19 = 1 /* ERROR "invalid operation" */ % 1.0

	// floating point values
	uf0 = 0.
	uf1 = 1.
	uf2 = 4.2e1
	uf3 = 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286
	uf4 = 1e-1

	uf5 = uf0 + uf1
	uf6 = uf1 - uf1
	uf7 = uf2 * uf1
	uf8 = uf3 / uf3
	uf9 = uf3 /* ERROR "not defined" */ % uf3

	uf10 = 1 / 0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */
	uf11 = uf1 / 0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */
	uf12 = uf3 / uf0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */

	uf16 = uf2 /* ERROR "not defined" */ & uf3
	uf17 = uf2 /* ERROR "not defined" */ | uf3
	uf18 = uf2 /* ERROR "not defined" */ ^ uf3

	// complex values
	uc0 = 0.i
	uc1 = 1.i
	uc2 = 4.2e1i
	uc3 = 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286i
	uc4 = 1e-1i

	uc5 = uc0 + uc1
	uc6 = uc1 - uc1
	uc7 = uc2 * uc1
	uc8 = uc3 / uc3
	uc9 = uc3 /* ERROR "not defined" */ % uc3

	uc10 = 1 / 0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */
	uc11 = uc1 / 0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */
	uc12 = uc3 / uc0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */

	uc16 = uc2 /* ERROR "not defined" */ & uc3
	uc17 = uc2 /* ERROR "not defined" */ | uc3
	uc18 = uc2 /* ERROR "not defined" */ ^ uc3

type (
	mybool bool
	myint int
	myfloat float64
	mycomplex complex128

// typed constants
const (
	// boolean values
	tb0 bool = false
	tb1 bool = true
	tb2 mybool = 2 < 1
	tb3 mybool = ti1 /* ERROR "mismatched types" */ == tf1

	// integer values
	ti0 int8 = ui0
	ti1 int32 = ui1
	ti2 int64 = ui2
	ti3 myint = ui3 /* ERROR "overflows" */
	ti4 myint = ui4

	ti5 = ti0 /* ERROR "mismatched types" */ + ti1
	ti6 = ti1 - ti1
	ti7 = ti2 /* ERROR "mismatched types" */ * ti1
	ti8 = ti3 / ti3
	ti9 = ti3 % ti3

	ti10 = 1 / 0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */
	ti11 = ti1 / 0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */
	ti12 = ti3 /* ERROR "mismatched types" */ / ti0
	ti13 = 1 % 0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */
	ti14 = ti1 % 0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */
	ti15 = ti3 /* ERROR "mismatched types" */ % ti0

	ti16 = ti2 /* ERROR "mismatched types" */ & ti3
	ti17 = ti2 /* ERROR "mismatched types" */ | ti4
	ti18 = ti2 ^ ti5 // no mismatched types error because the type of ti5 is unknown

	// floating point values
	tf0 float32 = 0.
	tf1 float32 = 1.
	tf2 float64 = 4.2e1
	tf3 myfloat = 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286
	tf4 myfloat = 1e-1

	tf5 = tf0 + tf1
	tf6 = tf1 - tf1
	tf7 = tf2 /* ERROR "mismatched types" */ * tf1
	tf8 = tf3 / tf3
	tf9 = tf3 /* ERROR "not defined" */ % tf3

	tf10 = 1 / 0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */
	tf11 = tf1 / 0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */
	tf12 = tf3 /* ERROR "mismatched types" */ / tf0

	tf16 = tf2 /* ERROR "mismatched types" */ & tf3
	tf17 = tf2 /* ERROR "mismatched types" */ | tf3
	tf18 = tf2 /* ERROR "mismatched types" */ ^ tf3

	// complex values
	tc0 = 0.i
	tc1 = 1.i
	tc2 = 4.2e1i
	tc3 = 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286i
	tc4 = 1e-1i

	tc5 = tc0 + tc1
	tc6 = tc1 - tc1
	tc7 = tc2 * tc1
	tc8 = tc3 / tc3
	tc9 = tc3 /* ERROR "not defined" */ % tc3

	tc10 = 1 / 0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */
	tc11 = tc1 / 0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */
	tc12 = tc3 / tc0 /* ERROR "division by zero" */

	tc16 = tc2 /* ERROR "not defined" */ & tc3
	tc17 = tc2 /* ERROR "not defined" */ | tc3
	tc18 = tc2 /* ERROR "not defined" */ ^ tc3

// initialization cycles
const (
	a /* ERROR "initialization cycle" */ = a
	b /* ERROR "initialization cycle" */ , c /* ERROR "initialization cycle" */, d, e = e, d, c, b // TODO(gri) should only have one cycle error
	f float64 = d

// multiple initialization
const (
	a1, a2, a3 = 7, 3.1415926, "foo"
	b1, b2, b3 = b3, b1, 42
	c1, c2, c3  /* ERROR "missing init expr for c3" */ = 1, 2
	d1, d2, d3 = 1, 2, 3, 4 /* ERROR "extra init expr 4" */
	_p0 = assert(a1 == 7)
	_p1 = assert(a2 == 3.1415926)
	_p2 = assert(a3 == "foo")
	_p3 = assert(b1 == 42)
	_p4 = assert(b2 == 42)
	_p5 = assert(b3 == 42)

func _() {
	const (
		a1, a2, a3 = 7, 3.1415926, "foo"
		b1, b2, b3 = b3, b1, 42
		c1, c2, c3  /* ERROR "missing init expr for c3" */ = 1, 2
		d1, d2, d3 = 1, 2, 3, 4 /* ERROR "extra init expr 4" */
		_p0 = assert(a1 == 7)
		_p1 = assert(a2 == 3.1415926)
		_p2 = assert(a3 == "foo")
		_p3 = assert(b1 == 42)
		_p4 = assert(b2 == 42)
		_p5 = assert(b3 == 42)

// iota
const (
	iota0 = iota
	iota1 = iota
	iota2 = iota*2
	_a0 = assert(iota0 == 0)
	_a1 = assert(iota1 == 1)
	_a2 = assert(iota2 == 4)
	iota6 = iota*3

	_a3 = assert(iota7 == 21)
	_a4 = assert(iota8 == 24)

const (
	_b0 = iota
	_b1 = assert(iota + iota2 == 5)
	_b2 = len([iota]int{}) // iota may appear in a type!
	_b3 = assert(_b2 == 2)
	_b4 = len(A{})

type A [iota /* ERROR "cannot use iota" */ ]int

// constant expressions with operands across different
// constant declarations must use the right iota values
const (
	_c0 = iota
	_x = _c2 + _d1 + _e0 // 3

const (
	_d0 = iota

const (
	_e0 = iota

var _ = assert(_x == 3)

// special cases
const (
	_n0 = nil /* ERROR "not constant" */
	_n1 = [ /* ERROR "not constant" */ ]int{}

// iotas must not be usable in expressions outside constant declarations
type _ [iota /* ERROR "iota outside constant decl" */ ]byte
var _ = iota /* ERROR "iota outside constant decl" */
func _() {
	_ = iota /* ERROR "iota outside constant decl" */
	const _ = iota
	_ = iota /* ERROR "iota outside constant decl" */

func _() {
	iota := 123
	const x = iota /* ERROR "is not constant" */
	var y = iota
	_ = y

// iotas are usable inside closures in constant declarations (#22345)
const (
	_ = iota
	_ = len([iota]byte{})
	_ = unsafe.Sizeof(iota)
	_ = unsafe.Sizeof(func() { _ = iota })
	_ = unsafe.Sizeof(func() { var _ = iota })
	_ = unsafe.Sizeof(func() { const _ = iota })
	_ = unsafe.Sizeof(func() { type _ [iota]byte })
	_ = unsafe.Sizeof(func() { func() int { return iota }() })

// verify inner and outer const declarations have distinct iotas
const (
	zero = iota
	one  = iota
	_    = unsafe.Sizeof(func() {
		var x [iota]int // [2]int
		const (
			Zero = iota
			_ = unsafe.Sizeof([iota-1]int{} == x) // assert types are equal
			_ = unsafe.Sizeof([Two]int{} == x)    // assert types are equal
		var z [iota]int                           // [2]int
		_ = unsafe.Sizeof([2]int{} == z)          // assert types are equal
	three = iota // the sequence continues
var _ [three]int = [3]int{} // assert 'three' has correct value

var (
	_ = iota /* ERROR "iota outside constant decl" */
	_ = unsafe.Sizeof(iota  /* ERROR "iota outside constant decl" */ )
	_ = unsafe.Sizeof(func() { _ = iota /* ERROR "iota outside constant decl" */ })
	_ = unsafe.Sizeof(func() { var _ = iota /* ERROR "iota outside constant decl" */ })
	_ = unsafe.Sizeof(func() { type _ [iota /* ERROR "iota outside constant decl" */ ]byte })
	_ = unsafe.Sizeof(func() { func() int { return iota /* ERROR "iota outside constant decl" */ }() })

// constant arithmetic precision and rounding must lead to expected (integer) results
var _ = []int64{
	0.0005 * 1e9,
	0.001 * 1e9,
	0.005 * 1e9,
	0.01 * 1e9,
	0.05 * 1e9,
	0.1 * 1e9,
	0.5 * 1e9,
	1 * 1e9,
	5 * 1e9,

const _ = unsafe.Sizeof(func() {
	const _ = 0
	_ = iota

	const (
	   zero = iota
	assert(one == 1)
	assert(iota == 0)

// issue #52438
const i1 = iota
const i2 = iota
const i3 = iota

func _() {
	assert(i1 == 0)
	assert(i2 == 0)
	assert(i3 == 0)

	const i4 = iota
	const i5 = iota
	const i6 = iota

	assert(i4 == 0)
	assert(i5 == 0)
	assert(i6 == 0)

// untyped constants must not get arbitrarily large
const prec = 512 // internal maximum precision for integers
const maxInt = (1<<(prec/2) - 1) * (1<<(prec/2) + 1) // == 1<<prec - 1

const _ = maxInt + /* ERROR constant addition overflow */ 1
const _ = -maxInt - /* ERROR constant subtraction overflow */ 1
const _ = maxInt ^ /* ERROR constant bitwise XOR overflow */ -1
const _ = maxInt * /* ERROR constant multiplication overflow */ 2
const _ = maxInt << /* ERROR constant shift overflow */ 2
const _ = 1 << /* ERROR constant shift overflow */ prec

const _ = ^ /* ERROR constant bitwise complement overflow */ maxInt


go 源码目录


go blank 源码

go builtins0 源码

go builtins1 源码

go chans 源码

go compliterals 源码

go const1 源码

go constdecl 源码

go conversions0 源码

go conversions1 源码

go cycles0 源码

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