harmony 鸿蒙FormComponent

  • 2023-06-24
  • 浏览 (993)


The FormComponent is used to display widgets.


  • This component is supported since API version 7. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.
  • This component is intended for the widget host. For details about the widget provider, see JS Service Widget UI Components.
  • To use this component, you must have the system signature.
  • The APIs provided by this component are system APIs.

Required Permissions

ohos.permission.REQUIRE_FORM, ohos.permission.GET_BUNDLE_INFO_PRIVILEGED

Child Components

Not supported


FormComponent(value: { id: number; name: string; bundle: string; ability: string; module: string; dimension?: FormDimension; temporary?: boolean })

Creates a FormComponent instance to display the provided widget.


Name Type Mandatory Description
id number Yes Widget ID. Set this parameter to 0 for a new widget.
Different widget hosts cannot use the same ID.
If a widget host uses the same ID for two widgets, the one added later is displayed.
name string Yes Widget name.
bundle string Yes Bundle name of the widget.
ability string Yes Ability name of the widget.
module string Yes Module name of the widget.
dimension FormDimension No Dimensions of the widget. The widgets in the 2 x 2, 4 x 4, and 4 x 2 dimensions are supported.
Default value: Dimension_2_2
temporary boolean No Whether the widget is a temporary one.


Name Description
Dimension_1_2 1 x 2 widget.
Dimension_2_2 2 x 2 widget.
Dimension_2_4 2 x 4 widget.
Dimension_4_4 4 x 4 widget.
Dimension_2_19+ 2 x 1 widget.


Name Type Mandatory Description
size {
width?: Length,
height?: Length
Yes Size of the widget.
moduleName string Yes Module name of the widget.
dimension FormDimension No Dimensions of the widget. The widgets in the 2 x 2, 4 x 4, and 4 x 2 dimensions are supported.
Default value: Dimension_2_2
allowUpdate boolean No Whether to allow the widget to update.
Default value: true
visibility Visibility No Whether the widget is visible.
Default value: Visible


Name Description
onAcquired(callback: (info: { id: number }) => void) Triggered when a widget is obtained. This API returns the ID of the obtained widget.
onError(callback: (info: { errcode: number, msg: string }) => void) Triggered when an error occurs during component loading.
errcode: error code.
msg: error information.
For details, see Form Error Codes.
onRouter(callback: (info: any) => void) Triggered when routing occurs for the widget. This API returns information in routerEvent.
onUninstall(callback: (info: { id: number }) => void) Triggered when a widget is uninstalled. This API returns the ID of the uninstalled widget.


struct CardExample {
   @State formId:number = 0;
  build() {
    Column() {
      Text('this is a card')
          console.log(`form info : ${JSON.stringify(form)}`);
          this.formId = form.id;
          console.log(`fail to add form, err: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`);




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