harmony 鸿蒙Ability Error Codes

  • 2022-12-05
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Ability Error Codes


This topic describes only module-specific error codes. For details about universal error codes, see Universal Error Codes.

16000001 Ability Name Does Not Exist

Error Message

Incorrect Ability name. The specified Ability name does not exist.


This error code is reported when the specified ability name does not exist.

Possible Causes

The ability to query does not exist.


  1. Pass in correct values of bundleName, moduleName, and abilityName in want.
  2. Check whether the application corresponding to bundleName in want is installed. You can run the following command to query the list of installed applications. If bundleName is not in the query result, the application is not installed. hdc shell bm dump -a
  3. For a multi-HAP application, check whether the HAP to which the ability belongs is installed. You can run the following command to query the bundle information. If the installed application does not contain the corresponding HAP and ability, the HAP to which the ability belongs is not installed. hdc shell bm dump -n bundleName

16000002 Incorrect Ability Type

Error Message

Incorrect Ability type.


This error code is reported when the ability type invoked by the API is incorrect.

Possible Causes

The ability with the specified type does not support the API invocation.


  1. Pass in correct values of bundleName, moduleName, and abilityName in want.
  2. Call APIs based on the ability type. For example, call startServiceExtensionAbility to start the ServiceExtensionAbility, or call connectServiceExtensionAbility() to connect to the ServiceExtensionAbility.

16000003 Nonexistent ID

Error Message

Input error. The specified ID does not exist.


This error code is reported when the specified ID does not exist.

Possible Causes

The target with the specified ID does not exist.


Use the correct ID.

16000004 Visibility Verification Failure

Error Message

Visibility verification failed.


This error code is reported when the application fails visibility verification.

Possible Causes

Visibility verification fails.


  1. Check whether exported under the Ability field in the module.json5 file of the ability is set to true. If this parameter is set to true, the ability can be started by other applications. If this parameter is set to false, the ability cannot be started by other applications.
  2. To start the ability for which exported is set to false, the caller must request the ohos.permission.START_INVISIBLE_ABILITY permission.

16000006 Cross-User Operation Is Not Allowed

Error Message

Cross-user operations are not allowed.


This error code is reported when an application tries to perform a cross-user operation.

Possible Causes

The application initiates a cross-user operation.


Do not perform a cross-user operation.

16000007 Service Busy

Error Message

Service busy, please wait and try again.


This error code is reported when the service requested is busy.

Possible Causes

The service is busy.


Try again later.

16000008 Crowdtesting Application Expires

Error Message

Crowdtest App Expired.


This error code is reported when users try to open a crowdtesting application that has expired.

Possible Causes

The crowdtesting application has expired.


Expired crowdtesting applications cannot be started.

16000009 Ability Start or Stop Failure in Wukong Mode

Error Message

Ability cannot be started or sotpped in Wukong mode.


This error code is returned when the application tries to start or stop an ability in Wukong mode.

Possible Causes

An ability cannot be started or stopped in Wukong mode.


Exit Wukong mode, and then start or stop the ability. An ability cannot be started or stopped in Wukong mode.

16000010 Continuation Flag Forbidden

Error Message

The call with the continuation flag is forbidden.


This error code is reported when the API call carries the continuation flag.

Possible Causes

The continuation flag is not allowed for the API call.


Remove the continuation flag.

16000011 Nonexistent Context

Error Message

The context does not exist.


This error code is reported when the specified context does not exist.

Possible Causes

The context passed in the API does not exist.


Use the correct context.

16000012 Application Under Control

Error Message

The application is controlled.


This error code is reported when an application is controlled by the application market.

Possible Causes

The application is suspected to have malicious behavior and is not allowed to start due to application market control.


It is recommended that end users uninstall the application.

16000013 Application Controlled by EDM

Error Message

The application is controlled by EDM.


This error code is reported when an application is controlled by Enterprise Device Manager (EDM).

Possible Causes

The application is controlled by EDM.


Contact the enterprise device management personnel.

16000017 Waiting for the Previous Abilities to Finish Startup

Error Message

The previous ability is starting, wait start later.


Too many abilities need to be started. Due to the limited processing capability of the system, the requests are cached in the queue and processed in sequence.

Possible Causes

The system has a large number of concurrent requests.


No action is required. Wait for the previous abilities to finish startup.

16000050 Internal Error

Error Message

Internal error.


This error code is reported when an error occurs during internal processing, such as memory application or multi-thread processing.

Possible Causes

Common kernel errors such as memory application and multi-thread processing errors occur. The possible causes are as follows: empty internal object, processing timeout, failure in obtaining application information, failing in obtaining the system service, and too many started ability instances.


  1. Ensure sufficient system memory. Ensure that the system version used by the device is normal.
  2. Limit the number of ability processes started.
  3. Restart the device.

16000051 Network Error

Error Message

Network error.


This error code is reported when the network is abnormal.

Possible Causes

The network is unavailable.


Try again later or reconnect to the network.

16000052 Installation-Free Is Not Supported

Error Message

Installation-free is not supported.


This error code is reported when the application does not support installation-free.

Possible Causes

The application package does not meet the installation-free requirements. For example, the package is too large.


Check whether the application supports installation-free.

16000053 Ability Is Not on Top

Error Message

The ability is not on the top of UI.


This error code is reported when the ability is not displayed on the top of the UI.

Possible Causes

During the installation-free startup process, the ability is not displayed on the top of the UI.


Ensure that the ability is displayed on the top of the UI.

16000054 Installation-Free Busy

Error Message

Installation-free service is busy, please wait and try again later.


This error code is reported when the installation-free service is busy.

Possible Causes

Another installation-free task is in progress.


Try again later.

16000055 Installation-Free Timeout

Error Message

Installation-free time out.


This error code is reported when the installation-free task times out.

Possible Causes

Installation-free times out.


Try again later.

16000056 Installation-Free Is Not Allowed for Other Applications

Error Message

Installation-free is not allowed for other applications.


This error code is reported when users try to apply installation-free for other applications.

Possible Causes

Installation-free is allowed only for the current application.


Apply installation-free only for the current application.

16000057 Cross-Device Installation-Free Is Not Supported

Error Message

Cross-device installation-free is not supported.


This error code is reported when users try to apply installation-free across devices.

Possible Causes

Cross-device installation-free is not supported.


Use installation-free on the same device.

16000058 Specified URI Flag Is Invalid

Error Message

Invalid URI flag.


This error code is reported when the specified URI flag is invalid.

Possible Causes

An incorrect parameter is passed in.


Pass in a valid URI flag.

16000059 Specified URI Type Is Invalid

Error Message

Invalid URI type.


This error code is reported when the specified URI type is invalid.

Possible Causes

An incorrect parameter is passed in. Currently, URI authorization management supports only URIs of the file type.


Ensure that the input parameter is of the supported URI type.

16000060 Sandbox Applications Cannot Authorize URIs

Error Message

Sandbox application can not grant URI permission.


This error code is reported when a sandbox application authorizes a URI.

Possible Causes

Sandbox applications cannot authorize URIs.


Use a non-sandbox application.

16000061 Unsupport Operation

Error Message

Operation not supported.


This error code is reported when an operation is not supported.

Possible Causes

The operation is not supported.


Perform a supported operation.

16000062 Too Many Subprocesses

Error Message

The number of child process exceeds upper bound.


This error code is reported when the number of created subprocesses reaches the upper limit.

Possible Causes

The number of created subprocesses has reached the upper limit.


Limit the number of created subprocesses. The maximum number is 128.

16000101 shell Command Failure

Error Message

Failed to run the shell command.


This error code is reported when the command is not a valid shell command.

Possible Causes

The command is not a valid shell command.


Use a valid shell command.

16000151 Invalid wantAgent Object

Error Message

Invalid wantAgent object.


This error code is reported when the wantAgent object passed in the API is invalid.

Possible Causes

The wantAgent object is invalid.


Pass a valid wantAgent object in the API.

16000152 wantAgent Object Does Not Exist

Error Message

the wantAgent object does not exist.


This error code is reported when the wantAgent object passed in the API does not exist.

Possible Causes

The wantAgent object does not exist.


Pass a valid wantAgent object in the API.

16000153 wangAgent Object Canceled

Error Message

wangAgent object has been canceled.


This error code is reported when the wangAgent object passed in the API has been canceled.

Possible Causes

The wantAgent object has been canceled.


Pass a valid wantAgent object in the API.

16100001 Ability of the Specified URI Does Not Exist

Error Message

The ability with the specified URI does not exist.


This error code is reported when the ability with the specified URI does not exist.

Possible Causes

The ability to query does not exist.


Check the ability with the specified URI.

16100002 Incorrect Ability Type

Error Message

Incorrect ability type.


This error code is reported when the ability type invoked by the API is incorrect.

Possible Causes

The ability with the specified type does not support the API invocation.


  1. Check whether the ability name corresponding to the bundle name is correct.
  2. Call the supported APIs based on the ability type.

16200001 Caller Released

Error Message

The caller has been released.


This error code is reported when the caller has been released.

Possible Causes

The caller has been released.


  1. Register a valid caller again.
  2. Check whether the ability corresponding to the context is still running when context.startAbility is called. This error code is thrown when the ability has been destructed.
  3. If startAbility() and terminateSelf() are called consecutively, ensure that a success or failure callback for startAbility() is received before calling terminateSelf().

16200002 Invalid Callee

Error Message

The callee does not exist.


This error code is reported when the callee is invalid.

Possible Causes

The callee does not exist.


Use a valid callee.

16200003 Release Failure

Error Message

Release error. The caller does not call any callee.


This error code is reported when the release fails.

Possible Causes

The caller is not registered with a callee.


Check whether the caller has registered.

16200004 Method Registered

Error Message

The method has registered.


This error code is reported when the method has been registered.

Possible Causes

The method has been registered by the callee.


Check whether the method has been registered.

16200005 Method Not Registered

Error Message

The method is not registered.


This error code is reported when the method has not been registered.

Possible Causes

The method has not been registered by the callee.


Check whether the method has been registered.

16300001 Nonexistent Mission

Error Message

The specified mission id does not exist.


This error code is reported when the specified mission does not exist.

Possible Causes

The mission does not exist.


Check the mission ID.

16300002 Nonexistent Mission Listener

Error Message

The specified mission listener does not exist.


This error code is reported when the specified mission listener does not exist.

Possible Causes

The mission listener does not exist.


Check the mission listener ID.

16300003 Target Application Is Not the Invoker Application

Error Message

The target application is not self application.


This error code is reported when the application to start is not the application that calls the API.

Possible Causes

The application to start and the invoker application are not the same application.


Ensure that the application to start is the invoker application.

18500001 Invalid Bundle Name

Error Message

Invalid bundle name.


This error code is reported when the specified bundle name is invalid.

Possible Causes

The bundle does not exist or is not installed.


Check whether the bundle has been installed.

18500002 Invalid Patch Package

Error Message

Invalid patch package.


This error code is returned when the specified patch package is invalid.

Possible Causes

The patch package does not exist or is inaccessible.


  1. Check whether the path of the patch package is valid.
  2. Check whether the application has the permission to access the patch package.

18500003 Patch Deployment Failure

Error Message

Failed to deploy the patch.


This error code is reported when the patch package fails to be deployed.

Possible Causes

  1. The type field in the patch.json file is set to a value other than patch or hotreload.
  2. The HAP corresponding to the bundle name is not installed.
  3. The values of bundleName and versionCode are different from those of the installed HAP. If the type field is set to patch, the values of versionName, bundleName, and versionCode are different from those of the installed HAP.
  4. If a patch package has been deployed, the versionCode of the new patch package is not later than that of the previous patch package.
  5. If the type field is set to patch, the signature information is different from that of the application.
  6. If the type field is set to patch and a debug version is to be installed, a hotreload patch is in use.
  7. If the type field is set to hotreload and a debug version is to be installed, a patch package is in use. If the type field is set to hotreload, a release version is to be installed.


Check whether the patch package complies with the deployment rules.

18500004 Patch Package Enablement Failure

Error Message

Failed to enable the patch package.


This error code is reported when the patch package fails to be enabled.

Possible Causes

The patch package is in an incorrect state.


Check the state of the patch package.

18500005 Patch Package Deletion Failure

Error Message

Failed to enable the patch package.


This error code is reported when the patch package fails to be deleted.

Possible Causes

The patch package is in an incorrect state.


Check the state of the patch package.

18500006 Patch Installation Failure

Error Message

Failed to load the patch.


This error code is reported when the patch fails to be installed.

Possible Causes

The Ark engine fails to install the patch.


Check whether the patch package is correct.

18500007 Patch Uninstall Failure

Error Message

Failed to unload the patch.


This error code is reported when the Ark engine fails to uninstall the patch.

Possible Causes

The Ark engine fails to uninstall the patch.


Check whether the patch package is correct.

18500008 Internal Error

Error Message

Internal error.


This error code is reported when an error occurs during internal processing, such as memory application or multi-thread processing.

Possible Causes

Common kernel errors such as memory application and multi-thread processing errors occur.


Ensure sufficient system memory.

18500009 Application Has a Quick Fix Task Being Processed

Error Message

The application has a apply quick fix task that is being processed.


This error code is reported when the application has a quick fix task that is under processing.

Possible Causes

When you try to cancel a quick fix task for an application, the application has a quick repair task that is under processing.


Wait until the quick fix task is complete.


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