harmony 鸿蒙Custom Component Lifecycle Callbacks

  • 2022-12-05
  • 浏览 (633)

Custom Component Lifecycle Callbacks

The lifecycle callbacks of a custom component are used to notify users of the lifecycle of the component. These callbacks are private and are invoked by the development framework at a specified time at runtime. They cannot be manually invoked from applications.


  • Promise and asynchronous callback functions can be used in lifecycle functions, for example, network resource getters and timer setters.

  • Do not use async await in lifecycle functions.


aboutToAppear?(): void

Invoked after a new instance of the custom component is created and before its build function is executed. You can change state variables in the aboutToAppear function. The change will take effect when you execute the build function next time.


aboutToDisappear?(): void

Invoked before the destructor of the custom component is consumed. Do not change state variables in the aboutToDisappear function as doing this can cause unexpected errors. For example, the modification of the @Link decorated variable may cause unstable application running.

Example 1:

// xxx.ets
struct CountDownTimerComponent {
  @State countDownFrom: number = 10
  private timerId: number = -1

  aboutToAppear(): void {
    this.timerId = setInterval(() => {
      if (this.countDownFrom <= 1) {
        clearTimeout(this.timerId) // Clear the timer when the value of countDownFrom is less than or equal to 1.
      this.countDownFrom -= 1
    }, 1000) // The value of countDownFrom decreases by 1 every second.

  aboutToDisappear(): void {
    if (this.timerId > 0) {
      this.timerId = -1

  build() {
    Column() {
      Text(`${this.countDownFrom} sec left`)


The example above shows that lifecycle functions are critical for CountDownTimerComponent to manage its timer resources. Similar functions include loading resources asynchronously from the network.


onPageShow?(): void

Invoked each time when a page is displayed. This callback is used in the routing process or scenarios where the application is switched to the foreground or background. Only the custom components decorated by @Entry take effect.


onPageHide?(): void

Invoked each time when a page is hidden. This callback is used in the routing process or scenarios where the application is switched to the foreground or background. Only the custom components decorated by @Entry take effect.


onBackPress?(): void

Invoked when a user clicks the back button. Only the custom components decorated by @Entry take effect. If true is returned, the page processes the return logic and no page routing is performed. If false is returned, the default route return logic is used. If the return value is not set, the value false is used.

Example 2:

// xxx.ets
struct IndexComponent {
  @State textColor: Color = Color.Black

  onPageShow() {
    this.textColor = Color.Blue
    console.info('IndexComponent onPageShow')

  onPageHide() {
    this.textColor = Color.Transparent
    console.info('IndexComponent onPageHide')

  onBackPress() {
    this.textColor = Color.Red
    console.info('IndexComponent onBackPress')

  build() {
    Column() {
      Text('Hello World')



onLayout?(children: Array<LayoutChild>, constraint: ConstraintSizeOptions): void

Invoked when the custom component lays out its child components. Through this callback the component receives its child component layout information and size constraint from the framework. The state variable cannot be changed in the onLayout function.


Name Type Description
children Array<LayoutChild> Child component layout information.
constraint ConstraintSizeOptions Size constraint information of the parent component.


onMeasure?(children: Array<LayoutChild>, constraint: ConstraintSizeOptions): void

Invoked when the custom component needs to determine its size. Through this callback the component receives its child component layout information and size constraint from the framework. The state variable cannot be changed in the onMeasure function.


Name Type Description
children Array<LayoutChild> Child component layout information.
constraint ConstraintSizeOptions Size constraint information of the parent component.


Provides the child component layout information.

Name Type Description
name string Name of the child component.
id string ID of the child component.
constraint ConstraintSizeOptions Size constraint of the child component.
borderInfo LayoutBorderInfo Border information of the child component.
position Position Position coordinates of the child component.
measure (childConstraint: ConstraintSizeOptions) => void Method called to apply the size constraint to the child component.
layout (LayoutInfo: LayoutInfo) => void Method called to apply the layout information to the child component.


Provides the border information of the child component.

Name Type Description
borderWidth EdgeWidths Edge widths in different directions of the child component.
margin Margin Margin areas in different directions of the child component.
padding Padding Padding areas in different directions of the child component.


Provides the layout information of the child component.

Name Type Description
position Position Position coordinates of the child component.
constraint ConstraintSizeOptions Size constraint of the child component.

Example 3:

// xxx.ets
struct Index {
  build() {
    Column() {
      CustomLayout() {
        ForEach([1, 2, 3], (index) => {
          Text('Sub' + index)

struct CustomLayout {
  @BuilderParam builder: () => {}

  onLayout(children: Array<LayoutChild>, constraint: ConstraintSizeOptions) {
    let pos = 0
    children.forEach((child) => {
      child.layout({ position: { x: pos, y: pos }, constraint: constraint })
      pos += 100

  onMeasure(children: Array<LayoutChild>, constraint: ConstraintSizeOptions) {
    let size = 100
    children.forEach((child) => {
      child.measure({ minHeight: size, minWidth: size, maxWidth: size, maxHeight: size })
      size += 50

  build() {



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