harmony 鸿蒙Common Components

  • 2022-12-05
  • 浏览 (528)

Common Components

Components are the core of a UI page. Each component can provide visible and interactive functional units that are independent from each other. This is achieved by data and method encapsulation. You can use and reuse any component anywhere as needed.

The table below lists the components available in the declarative development paradigm.

Component Type Components
Basic components Blank, Button, Checkbox, CheckboxGroup, DataPanel, DatePicker, Divider, Gauge, Image, ImageAnimator, LoadingProgress, Marquee, Navigation, PatternLock, PluginComponent, Progress, QRCode, Radio, Rating, RemoteWindow, RichText, ScrollBar, Search, Select, Slider, Span, Stepper, StepperItem, Text, TextArea, TextClock, TextInput, TextPicker, TextTimer, TimePicker, Toggle, Web, XComponent
Container components AbilityComponent, AlphabetIndexer, Badge, Column, ColumnSplit, Counter, Flex, FlowItem, GridContainer, GridCol, GridRow, Grid, GridItem, List, ListItem, ListItemGroup, Navigator, Panel, Refresh, RelativeContainer, Row, RowSplit, Scroll, SideBarContainer, Stack, Swiper, Tabs, TabContent, WaterFlow
Media components Video
Drawing components Circle, Ellipse, Line, Polyline, Polygon, Path, Rect, Shape
Canvas components Canvas


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