go mvs_test 源码
golang mvs_test 代码
// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package mvs
import (
var tests = `
# Scenario from blog.
name: blog
A: B1 C2
B1: D3
C1: D2
C2: D4
C3: D5
C4: G1
D2: E1
D3: E2
D4: E2 F1
D5: E2
G1: C4
A2: B1 C4 D4
build A: A B1 C2 D4 E2 F1
upgrade* A: A B1 C4 D5 E2 F1 G1
upgrade A C4: A B1 C4 D4 E2 F1 G1
build A2: A2 B1 C4 D4 E2 F1 G1
downgrade A2 D2: A2 C4 D2 E2 F1 G1
name: trim
A: B1 C2
B1: D3
C2: B2
build A: A B2 C2 D3
# Cross-dependency between D and E.
# No matter how it arises, should get result of merging all build lists via max,
# which leads to including both D2 and E2.
name: cross1
A: B C
B: D1
C: D2
D1: E2
D2: E1
build A: A B C D2 E2
name: cross1V
A: B2 C D2 E1
B2: D1
C: D2
D1: E2
D2: E1
build A: A B2 C D2 E2
name: cross1U
A: B1 C
B2: D1
C: D2
D1: E2
D2: E1
build A: A B1 C D2 E1
upgrade A B2: A B2 C D2 E2
name: cross1R
A: B C
B: D2
C: D1
D1: E2
D2: E1
build A: A B C D2 E2
name: cross1X
A: B C
B: D1 E2
C: D2
D1: E2
D2: E1
build A: A B C D2 E2
name: cross2
A: B D2
B: D1
D1: E2
D2: E1
build A: A B D2 E2
name: cross2X
A: B D2
B: D1 E2
C: D2
D1: E2
D2: E1
build A: A B D2 E2
name: cross3
A: B D2 E1
B: D1
D1: E2
D2: E1
build A: A B D2 E2
name: cross3X
A: B D2 E1
B: D1 E2
D1: E2
D2: E1
build A: A B D2 E2
# Should not get E2 here, because B has been updated
# not to depend on D1 anymore.
name: cross4
A1: B1 D2
A2: B2 D2
B1: D1
B2: D2
D1: E2
D2: E1
build A1: A1 B1 D2 E2
build A2: A2 B2 D2 E1
# But the upgrade from A1 preserves the E2 dep explicitly.
upgrade A1 B2: A1 B2 D2 E2
upgradereq A1 B2: B2 E2
name: cross5
A: D1
D1: E2
D2: E1
build A: A D1 E2
upgrade* A: A D2 E2
upgrade A D2: A D2 E2
upgradereq A D2: D2 E2
name: cross6
A: D2
D1: E2
D2: E1
build A: A D2 E1
upgrade* A: A D2 E2
upgrade A E2: A D2 E2
name: cross7
A: B C
B: D1
C: E1
D1: E2
E1: D2
build A: A B C D2 E2
# golang.org/issue/31248:
# Even though we select X2, the requirement on I1
# via X1 should be preserved.
name: cross8
M: A1 B1
A1: X1
B1: X2
X1: I1
build M: M A1 B1 I1 X2
# Upgrade from B1 to B2 should not drop the transitive dep on D.
name: drop
A: B1 C1
B1: D1
build A: A B1 C1 D1
upgrade* A: A B2 C2 D2
name: simplify
A: B1 C1
B1: C2
C1: D1
build A: A B1 C2 D1
name: up1
A: B1 C1
build A: A B1 C1
upgrade* A: A B4 C3
name: up2
A: B5.hidden C1
build A: A B5.hidden C1
upgrade* A: A B5.hidden C3
name: down1
A: B2
B1: C1
B2: C2
build A: A B2 C2
downgrade A C1: A B1 C1
name: down2
A: B2 E2
B2: C2 F2
C2: D2 E2
D2: B2
E2: D2
build A: A B2 C2 D2 E2 F2
downgrade A F1: A B1 C1 D1 E1 F1
# https://research.swtch.com/vgo-mvs#algorithm_4:
# “[D]owngrades are constrained to only downgrade packages, not also upgrade
# them; if an upgrade before downgrade is needed, the user must ask for it
# explicitly.”
# Here, downgrading B2 to B1 upgrades C1 to C2, and C2 does not depend on D2.
# However, C2 would be an upgrade — not a downgrade — so B1 must also be
# rejected.
name: downcross1
A: B2 C1
B1: C2
B2: C1
C1: D2
build A: A B2 C1 D2
downgrade A D1: A D1
# https://research.swtch.com/vgo-mvs#algorithm_4:
# “Unlike upgrades, downgrades must work by removing requirements, not adding
# them.”
# However, downgrading a requirement may introduce a new requirement on a
# previously-unrequired module. If each dependency's requirements are complete
# (“tidy”), that can't change the behavior of any other package whose version is
# not also being downgraded, so we should allow it.
name: downcross2
A: B2
B1: C1
B2: D2
build A: A B2 D2
downgrade A D1: A B1 C1 D1
name: downcycle
A: A B2
B2: A
build A: A B2
downgrade A B1: A B1
# Both B3 and C2 require D2.
# If we downgrade D to D1, then in isolation B3 would downgrade to B1,
# because B2 is hidden — B1 is the next-highest version that is not hidden.
# However, if we downgrade D, we will also downgrade C to C1.
# And C1 requires B2.hidden, and B2.hidden also meets our requirements:
# it is compatible with D1 and a strict downgrade from B3.
# Since neither the initial nor the final build list includes B1,
# and the nothing in the final downgraded build list requires E at all,
# no dependency on E1 (required by only B1) should be introduced.
name: downhiddenartifact
A: B3 C2
A1: B3
B1: E1
B3: D2
C1: B2.hidden
C2: D2
build A1: A1 B3 D2
downgrade A1 D1: A1 B1 D1 E1
build A: A B3 C2 D2
downgrade A D1: A B2.hidden C1 D1
# Both B3 and C3 require D2.
# If we downgrade D to D1, then in isolation B3 would downgrade to B1,
# and C3 would downgrade to C1.
# But C1 requires B2.hidden, and B1 requires C2.hidden, so we can't
# downgrade to either of those without pulling the other back up a little.
# B2.hidden and C2.hidden are both compatible with D1, so that still
# meets our requirements — but then we're in an odd state in which
# B and C have both been downgraded to hidden versions, without any
# remaining requirements to explain how those hidden versions got there.
# TODO(bcmills): Would it be better to force downgrades to land on non-hidden
# versions?
# In this case, that would remove the dependencies on B and C entirely.
name: downhiddencross
A: B3 C3
B1: C2.hidden
B3: D2
C1: B2.hidden
C3: D2
build A: A B3 C3 D2
downgrade A D1: A B2.hidden C2.hidden D1
# golang.org/issue/25542.
name: noprev1
A: B4 C2
build A: A B4 C2
downgrade A B2.hidden: A B2.hidden C2
name: noprev2
A: B4 C2
build A: A B4 C2
downgrade A B2.hidden: A B2.hidden C2
name: noprev3
A: B4 C2
build A: A B4 C2
downgrade A B2.hidden: A B2.hidden C2
# Cycles involving the target.
# The target must be the newest version of itself.
name: cycle1
A: B1
B1: A1
B2: A2
B3: A3
build A: A B1
upgrade A B2: A B2
upgrade* A: A B3
# golang.org/issue/29773:
# Requirements of older versions of the target
# must be carried over.
name: cycle2
A: B1
A1: C1
A2: D1
B1: A1
B2: A2
C1: A2
build A: A B1 C1 D1
upgrade* A: A B2 C2 D2
# Cycles with multiple possible solutions.
# (golang.org/issue/34086)
name: cycle3
M: A1 C2
A1: B1
B1: C1
B2: C2
C2: B2
build M: M A1 B2 C2
req M: A1 B2
req M A: A1 B2
req M C: A1 C2
# Requirement minimization.
name: req1
A: B1 C1 D1 E1 F1
B1: C1 E1 F1
req A: B1 D1
req A C: B1 C1 D1
name: req2
A: G1 H1
G1: H1
H1: G1
req A: G1
req A G: G1
req A H: H1
name: req3
M: A1 B1
A1: X1
B1: X2
X1: I1
req M: A1 B1
name: reqnone
M: Anone B1 D1 E1
B1: Cnone D1
E1: Fnone
build M: M B1 D1 E1
req M: B1 E1
name: reqdup
M: A1 B1
A1: B1
req M A A: A1
name: reqcross
M: A1 B1 C1
A1: B1 C1
B1: C1
req M A B: A1 B1
func Test(t *testing.T) {
var (
name string
reqs reqsMap
fns []func(*testing.T)
flush := func() {
if name != "" {
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
for _, fn := range fns {
if len(fns) == 0 {
t.Errorf("no functions tested")
m := func(s string) module.Version {
return module.Version{Path: s[:1], Version: s[1:]}
ms := func(list []string) []module.Version {
var mlist []module.Version
for _, s := range list {
mlist = append(mlist, m(s))
return mlist
checkList := func(t *testing.T, desc string, list []module.Version, err error, val string) {
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("%s: %v", desc, err)
vs := ms(strings.Fields(val))
if !reflect.DeepEqual(list, vs) {
t.Errorf("%s = %v, want %v", desc, list, vs)
for _, line := range strings.Split(tests, "\n") {
line = strings.TrimSpace(line)
if strings.HasPrefix(line, "#") || line == "" {
i := strings.Index(line, ":")
if i < 0 {
t.Fatalf("missing colon: %q", line)
key := strings.TrimSpace(line[:i])
val := strings.TrimSpace(line[i+1:])
if key == "" {
t.Fatalf("missing key: %q", line)
kf := strings.Fields(key)
switch kf[0] {
case "name":
if len(kf) != 1 {
t.Fatalf("name takes no arguments: %q", line)
reqs = make(reqsMap)
fns = nil
name = val
case "build":
if len(kf) != 2 {
t.Fatalf("build takes one argument: %q", line)
fns = append(fns, func(t *testing.T) {
list, err := BuildList([]module.Version{m(kf[1])}, reqs)
checkList(t, key, list, err, val)
case "upgrade*":
if len(kf) != 2 {
t.Fatalf("upgrade* takes one argument: %q", line)
fns = append(fns, func(t *testing.T) {
list, err := UpgradeAll(m(kf[1]), reqs)
checkList(t, key, list, err, val)
case "upgradereq":
if len(kf) < 2 {
t.Fatalf("upgrade takes at least one argument: %q", line)
fns = append(fns, func(t *testing.T) {
list, err := Upgrade(m(kf[1]), reqs, ms(kf[2:])...)
if err == nil {
// Copy the reqs map, but substitute the upgraded requirements in
// place of the target's original requirements.
upReqs := make(reqsMap, len(reqs))
for m, r := range reqs {
upReqs[m] = r
upReqs[m(kf[1])] = list
list, err = Req(m(kf[1]), nil, upReqs)
checkList(t, key, list, err, val)
case "upgrade":
if len(kf) < 2 {
t.Fatalf("upgrade takes at least one argument: %q", line)
fns = append(fns, func(t *testing.T) {
list, err := Upgrade(m(kf[1]), reqs, ms(kf[2:])...)
checkList(t, key, list, err, val)
case "downgrade":
if len(kf) < 2 {
t.Fatalf("downgrade takes at least one argument: %q", line)
fns = append(fns, func(t *testing.T) {
list, err := Downgrade(m(kf[1]), reqs, ms(kf[1:])...)
checkList(t, key, list, err, val)
case "req":
if len(kf) < 2 {
t.Fatalf("req takes at least one argument: %q", line)
fns = append(fns, func(t *testing.T) {
list, err := Req(m(kf[1]), kf[2:], reqs)
checkList(t, key, list, err, val)
if len(kf) == 1 && 'A' <= key[0] && key[0] <= 'Z' {
var rs []module.Version
for _, f := range strings.Fields(val) {
r := m(f)
if reqs[r] == nil {
reqs[r] = []module.Version{}
rs = append(rs, r)
reqs[m(key)] = rs
t.Fatalf("bad line: %q", line)
type reqsMap map[module.Version][]module.Version
func (r reqsMap) Max(v1, v2 string) string {
if v1 == "none" || v2 == "" {
return v2
if v2 == "none" || v1 == "" {
return v1
if v1 < v2 {
return v2
return v1
func (r reqsMap) Upgrade(m module.Version) (module.Version, error) {
u := module.Version{Version: "none"}
for k := range r {
if k.Path == m.Path && r.Max(u.Version, k.Version) == k.Version && !strings.HasSuffix(k.Version, ".hidden") {
u = k
if u.Path == "" {
return module.Version{}, fmt.Errorf("missing module: %v", module.Version{Path: m.Path})
return u, nil
func (r reqsMap) Previous(m module.Version) (module.Version, error) {
var p module.Version
for k := range r {
if k.Path == m.Path && p.Version < k.Version && k.Version < m.Version && !strings.HasSuffix(k.Version, ".hidden") {
p = k
if p.Path == "" {
return module.Version{Path: m.Path, Version: "none"}, nil
return p, nil
func (r reqsMap) Required(m module.Version) ([]module.Version, error) {
rr, ok := r[m]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("missing module: %v", m)
return rr, nil
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