go graph 源码

  • 2022-07-15
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golang graph 代码


// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package mvs

import (


// Graph implements an incremental version of the MVS algorithm, with the
// requirements pushed by the caller instead of pulled by the MVS traversal.
type Graph struct {
	cmp   func(v1, v2 string) int
	roots []module.Version

	required map[module.Version][]module.Version

	isRoot   map[module.Version]bool // contains true for roots and false for reachable non-roots
	selected map[string]string       // path → version

// NewGraph returns an incremental MVS graph containing only a set of root
// dependencies and using the given max function for version strings.
// The caller must ensure that the root slice is not modified while the Graph
// may be in use.
func NewGraph(cmp func(v1, v2 string) int, roots []module.Version) *Graph {
	g := &Graph{
		cmp:      cmp,
		roots:    roots[:len(roots):len(roots)],
		required: make(map[module.Version][]module.Version),
		isRoot:   make(map[module.Version]bool),
		selected: make(map[string]string),

	for _, m := range roots {
		g.isRoot[m] = true
		if g.cmp(g.Selected(m.Path), m.Version) < 0 {
			g.selected[m.Path] = m.Version

	return g

// Require adds the information that module m requires all modules in reqs.
// The reqs slice must not be modified after it is passed to Require.
// m must be reachable by some existing chain of requirements from g's target,
// and Require must not have been called for it already.
// If any of the modules in reqs has the same path as g's target,
// the target must have higher precedence than the version in req.
func (g *Graph) Require(m module.Version, reqs []module.Version) {
	// To help catch disconnected-graph bugs, enforce that all required versions
	// are actually reachable from the roots (and therefore should affect the
	// selected versions of the modules they name).
	if _, reachable := g.isRoot[m]; !reachable {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v is not reachable from any root", m))

	// Truncate reqs to its capacity to avoid aliasing bugs if it is later
	// returned from RequiredBy and appended to.
	reqs = reqs[:len(reqs):len(reqs)]

	if _, dup := g.required[m]; dup {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("requirements of %v have already been set", m))
	g.required[m] = reqs

	for _, dep := range reqs {
		// Mark dep reachable, regardless of whether it is selected.
		if _, ok := g.isRoot[dep]; !ok {
			g.isRoot[dep] = false

		if g.cmp(g.Selected(dep.Path), dep.Version) < 0 {
			g.selected[dep.Path] = dep.Version

// RequiredBy returns the slice of requirements passed to Require for m, if any,
// with its capacity reduced to its length.
// If Require has not been called for m, RequiredBy(m) returns ok=false.
// The caller must not modify the returned slice, but may safely append to it
// and may rely on it not to be modified.
func (g *Graph) RequiredBy(m module.Version) (reqs []module.Version, ok bool) {
	reqs, ok = g.required[m]
	return reqs, ok

// Selected returns the selected version of the given module path.
// If no version is selected, Selected returns version "none".
func (g *Graph) Selected(path string) (version string) {
	v, ok := g.selected[path]
	if !ok {
		return "none"
	return v

// BuildList returns the selected versions of all modules present in the Graph,
// beginning with the selected versions of each module path in the roots of g.
// The order of the remaining elements in the list is deterministic
// but arbitrary.
func (g *Graph) BuildList() []module.Version {
	seenRoot := make(map[string]bool, len(g.roots))

	var list []module.Version
	for _, r := range g.roots {
		if seenRoot[r.Path] {
			// Multiple copies of the same root, with the same or different versions,
			// are a bit of a degenerate case: we will take the transitive
			// requirements of both roots into account, but only the higher one can
			// possibly be selected. However — especially given that we need the
			// seenRoot map for later anyway — it is simpler to support this
			// degenerate case than to forbid it.

		if v := g.Selected(r.Path); v != "none" {
			list = append(list, module.Version{Path: r.Path, Version: v})
		seenRoot[r.Path] = true
	uniqueRoots := list

	for path, version := range g.selected {
		if !seenRoot[path] {
			list = append(list, module.Version{Path: path, Version: version})

	return list

// WalkBreadthFirst invokes f once, in breadth-first order, for each module
// version other than "none" that appears in the graph, regardless of whether
// that version is selected.
func (g *Graph) WalkBreadthFirst(f func(m module.Version)) {
	var queue []module.Version
	enqueued := make(map[module.Version]bool)
	for _, m := range g.roots {
		if m.Version != "none" {
			queue = append(queue, m)
			enqueued[m] = true

	for len(queue) > 0 {
		m := queue[0]
		queue = queue[1:]


		reqs, _ := g.RequiredBy(m)
		for _, r := range reqs {
			if !enqueued[r] && r.Version != "none" {
				queue = append(queue, r)
				enqueued[r] = true

// FindPath reports a shortest requirement path starting at one of the roots of
// the graph and ending at a module version m for which f(m) returns true, or
// nil if no such path exists.
func (g *Graph) FindPath(f func(module.Version) bool) []module.Version {
	// firstRequires[a] = b means that in a breadth-first traversal of the
	// requirement graph, the module version a was first required by b.
	firstRequires := make(map[module.Version]module.Version)

	queue := g.roots
	for _, m := range g.roots {
		firstRequires[m] = module.Version{}

	for len(queue) > 0 {
		m := queue[0]
		queue = queue[1:]

		if f(m) {
			// Construct the path reversed (because we're starting from the far
			// endpoint), then reverse it.
			path := []module.Version{m}
			for {
				m = firstRequires[m]
				if m.Path == "" {
				path = append(path, m)

			i, j := 0, len(path)-1
			for i < j {
				path[i], path[j] = path[j], path[i]

			return path

		reqs, _ := g.RequiredBy(m)
		for _, r := range reqs {
			if _, seen := firstRequires[r]; !seen {
				queue = append(queue, r)
				firstRequires[r] = m

	return nil


go 源码目录


go errors 源码

go mvs 源码

go mvs_test 源码

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