harmony 鸿蒙@ohos.arkui.dragController (DragController)

  • 2023-10-30
  • 浏览 (413)

@ohos.arkui.dragController (DragController)

The dragController module provides APIs for initiating drag actions. When receiving a gesture event, such as a click or long-press event, an application can initiate a drag action and carry drag information therein.


The initial APIs of this module are supported since API version 10. Newly added APIs will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

You can preview how this component looks on a real device. The preview is not yet available in the DevEco Studio Previewer.

excuteDrag and onDragStart cannot be configured at the same time.

Modules to Import

import dragController from "@ohos.arkui.dragController";


executeDrag(custom: CustomBuilder|DragItemInfo, dragInfo: DragInfo, callback: AsyncCallback<{event: DragEvent, extraParams: string}>): void

Initiates a drag action, with the object to be dragged and the drag information passed in. This API uses an asynchronous callback to return the result.

System capability: SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full


Name Type Mandatory Description
custom CustomBuilder |DragItemInfo Yes Object to be dragged.
dragInfo DragInfo Yes Drag information.
callback AsyncCallback<{event: DragEvent, extraParams: string}> Yes Callback used to return the result.


import dragController from "@ohos.arkui.dragController"
import UDMF from '@ohos.data.unifiedDataChannel';

struct DragControllerPage {
  @Builder DraggingBuilder() {
    Column() {

  build() {
    Column() {
      Button('touch to execute drag')
        .onTouch((event?:TouchEvent) => {
            if (event.type == TouchType.Down) {
              let text = new UDMF.Text()
              let unifiedData = new UDMF.UnifiedData(text)

              let dragInfo: dragController.DragInfo = {
                pointerId: 0,
                data: unifiedData,
                extraParams: ''
              class tmp{
                event:DragResult|undefined = undefined
                extraParams:string = ''
              let eve:tmp = new tmp()
              dragController.executeDrag(this.DraggingBuilder(), dragInfo, (err, eve) => {
                if (eve.event.getResult() == DragResult.DRAG_SUCCESSFUL) {
                // ...
                } else if (eve.event.getResult() == DragResult.DRAG_FAILED) {
                // ...


executeDrag(custom: CustomBuilder|DragItemInfo, dragInfo: DragInfo): Promise<{event: DragEvent, extraParams: string}>

Initiates a drag action, with the object to be dragged and the drag information passed in. This API uses a promise to return the result.

System capability: SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full


Name Type Mandatory Description
custom CustomBuilder |DragItemInfo Yes Object to be dragged.
dragInfo DragInfo Yes Drag information.

Return value

Type Description
Promise<{event: DragEvent, extraParams: string}> Promise used to return the result.


import dragController from "@ohos.arkui.dragController"
import componentSnapshot from '@ohos.arkui.componentSnapshot';
import image from '@ohos.multimedia.image';
import UDMF from '@ohos.data.unifiedDataChannel';

struct DragControllerPage {
  @State pixmap: image.PixelMap|null = null

  @Builder DraggingBuilder() {
    Column() {

  @Builder PixmapBuilder() {
    Column() {

  build() {
    Column() {
      Button('touch to execute drag')
        .onTouch((event?:TouchEvent) => {
            if (event.type == TouchType.Down) {
              let text = new UDMF.Text()
              let unifiedData = new UDMF.UnifiedData(text)

              let dragInfo: dragController.DragInfo = {
                pointerId: 0,
                data: unifiedData,
                extraParams: ''
              componentSnapshot.createFromBuilder(this.PixmapBuilder()).then((pix: image.PixelMap) => {
                this.pixmap = pix;
                let dragItemInfo: DragItemInfo = {
                  pixelMap: this.pixmap,
                  builder: this.DraggingBuilder(),
                  extraInfo: "DragItemInfoTest"

                class tmp{
                  event:DragResult|undefined = undefined
                  extraParams:string = ''
                let eve:tmp = new tmp()
                dragController.executeDrag(dragItemInfo, dragInfo)
                  .then((eve) => {
                    if (eve.event.getResult() == DragResult.DRAG_SUCCESSFUL) {
                      // ...
                    } else if (eve.event.getResult() == DragResult.DRAG_FAILED) {
                      // ...
                  .catch((err:Error) => {


System capability: SystemCapability.ArkUI.ArkUI.Full

Defines the attributes required for initiating a drag action and information carried in the dragging process.

Name Type Mandatory Description
pointerId number Yes ID of the touch point on the screen when dragging is started.
data unifiedDataChannel.UnifiedData No Data carried in the dragging process.
extraParams string No Additional information about the drag action. Not supported currently.


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