harmony 鸿蒙\@Styles Decorator: Definition of Resusable Styles

  • 2023-06-24
  • 浏览 (954)

\@Styles Decorator: Definition of Resusable Styles

If the style of each component needs to be set separately, this will result in a large amount of repeated code during development. Though copy and paste is available, it is inefficient and error-prone. To maximize code efficiency and maintainability, the \@Styles decorator is introduced.

\@Styles helps avoid repeated style setting, by extracting multiple style settings into one method. When declaring a component, you can invoke this method and use the \@Styles decorator to quickly define and reuse the custom styles of a component.


Since API version 9, this decorator is supported in ArkTS widgets.

Rules of Use

  // Invalid: @Styles does not support parameters.
  @Styles function globalFancy (value: number) {
  • \@Styles can be defined inside or outside a component declaration. When it is defined outside a component declaration, the component name must be preceded by the keyword function.
  // Global (outside a component declaration)
  @Styles function functionName() { ... }

  // Inside a component declaration
  struct FancyUse {
    @Styles fancy() {
  • \@Styles defined inside a component declaration can access constants and state variables of the component through this, and mutate the values of state variables through events in \@Styles. The following is an example:
  struct FancyUse {
    @State heightValue: number = 100
    @Styles fancy() {
      .onClick(() => {
        this.heightValue = 200
  • The priority of \@Styles defined inside a component declaration is higher than that of \@Styles defined outside a component declaration. The framework preferentially searches for \@Styles within the current component.

Application Scenarios

The following example demonstrates the usage of \@Styles inside and outside a component declaration.

// Define a \@Styles decorated method outside a component declaration.
@Styles function globalFancy  () {

struct FancyUse {
  @State heightValue: number = 100
  // Define a \@Styles decorated method inside a component declaration.
  @Styles fancy() {
    .onClick(() => {
      this.heightValue = 200

  build() {
    Column({ space: 10 }) {
      // Use the \@Styles decorated method defined outside a component declaration.
        .globalFancy ()
      // Use the \@Styles decorated method defined outside a component declaration.


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