hugo converter 源码

  • 2022-10-23
  • 浏览 (593)

hugo converter 代码


// Copyright 2019 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package converter

import (


// ProviderConfig configures a new Provider.
type ProviderConfig struct {
	MarkupConfig markup_config.Config

	Cfg       config.Provider // Site config
	ContentFs afero.Fs
	Logger    loggers.Logger
	Exec      *hexec.Exec

// ProviderProvider creates converter providers.
type ProviderProvider interface {
	New(cfg ProviderConfig) (Provider, error)

// Provider creates converters.
type Provider interface {
	New(ctx DocumentContext) (Converter, error)
	Name() string

// NewProvider creates a new Provider with the given name.
func NewProvider(name string, create func(ctx DocumentContext) (Converter, error)) Provider {
	return newConverter{
		name:   name,
		create: create,

type newConverter struct {
	name   string
	create func(ctx DocumentContext) (Converter, error)

func (n newConverter) New(ctx DocumentContext) (Converter, error) {
	return n.create(ctx)

func (n newConverter) Name() string {

var NopConverter = new(nopConverter)

type nopConverter int

func (nopConverter) Convert(ctx RenderContext) (Result, error) {
	return &bytes.Buffer{}, nil

func (nopConverter) Supports(feature identity.Identity) bool {
	return false

// Converter wraps the Convert method that converts some markup into
// another format, e.g. Markdown to HTML.
type Converter interface {
	Convert(ctx RenderContext) (Result, error)
	Supports(feature identity.Identity) bool

// Result represents the minimum returned from Convert.
type Result interface {
	Bytes() []byte

// DocumentInfo holds additional information provided by some converters.
type DocumentInfo interface {
	AnchorSuffix() string

// TableOfContentsProvider provides the content as a ToC structure.
type TableOfContentsProvider interface {
	TableOfContents() tableofcontents.Root

// AnchorNameSanitizer tells how a converter sanitizes anchor names.
type AnchorNameSanitizer interface {
	SanitizeAnchorName(s string) string

// Bytes holds a byte slice and implements the Result interface.
type Bytes []byte

// Bytes returns itself
func (b Bytes) Bytes() []byte {
	return b

// DocumentContext holds contextual information about the document to convert.
type DocumentContext struct {
	Document     any // May be nil. Usually a page.Page
	DocumentID   string
	DocumentName string
	Filename     string

// RenderContext holds contextual information about the content to render.
type RenderContext struct {
	// Src is the content to render.
	Src []byte

	// Whether to render TableOfContents.
	RenderTOC bool

	// GerRenderer provides hook renderers on demand.
	GetRenderer hooks.GetRendererFunc

var FeatureRenderHooks = identity.NewPathIdentity("markup", "renderingHooks")


hugo 源码目录


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hugo convert 源码

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