harmony 鸿蒙\@Extend Decorator: Extension of Built-in Components

  • 2023-06-24
  • 浏览 (939)

\@Extend Decorator: Extension of Built-in Components

Apart from\@Styles used to extend styles, AkrUI also provides \@Extend, which allows you to add a new attribute feature to a built-in component.


Since API version 9, this decorator is supported in ArkTS widgets.

Rules of Use


@Extend(UIComponentName) function functionName { ... }

Rules of Use

  • Unlike \@Styles, \@Extend can be defined only globally, that is, outside a component declaration.

  • Unlike \@Styles, \@Extend can encapsulate private attributes and events of specified components and predefine \@Extend decorated methods of the same component.

  // @Extend(Text) supports the private attribute fontColor of the <Text> component.
  @Extend(Text) function fancy () {
  // superFancyText can call the predefined fancy method.
  @Extend(Text) function superFancyText(size:number) {
  • Unlike \@Styles, \@Extend decorated methods support parameters. You can pass parameters when calling such methods. Regular TypeScript provisions for method parameters apply.
  // xxx.ets
  @Extend(Text) function fancy (fontSize: number) {

  struct FancyUse {
    build() {
      Row({ space: 10 }) {
  • A function can be passed as a parameter in an \@Extend decorated method to be used as the handler of the event.
  @Extend(Text) function makeMeClick(onClick: () => void) {

  struct FancyUse {
    @State label: string = 'Hello World';

    onClickHandler() {
      this.label = 'Hello ArkUI';

    build() {
      Row({ space: 10 }) {
  • A state variable can be passed as a parameter in an \@Extend decorated method. When the state variable changes, the UI is updated and re-rendered.
  @Extend(Text) function fancy (fontSize: number) {

  struct FancyUse {
    @State fontSizeValue: number = 20
    build() {
      Row({ space: 10 }) {
          .onClick(() => {
            this.fontSizeValue = 30

Application Scenarios

The following example declares three <Text> components. The fontStyle, fontWeight, and backgroundColor styles are set for each <Text> component.

struct FancyUse {
  @State label: string = 'Hello World'

  build() {
    Row({ space: 10 }) {

\@Extend combines and reuses styles. The following is an example:

@Extend(Text) function fancyText(weightValue: number, color: Color) {

With the use of \@Extend, the code readability is enhanced.

struct FancyUse {
  @State label: string = 'Hello World'

  build() {
    Row({ space: 10 }) {
        .fancyText(100, Color.Blue)
        .fancyText(200, Color.Pink)
        .fancyText(300, Color.Orange)


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