harmony 鸿蒙Progress

  • 2022-08-09
  • 浏览 (923)


The <Progress> component represents a progress indicator that displays the progress of content loading or an operation.


This component is supported since API version 7. Updates will be marked with a superscript to indicate their earliest API version.

Child Components

Not supported


Progress(options: {value: number, total?: number, type?: ProgressType})

Creates a progress indicator.

Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.


Name Type Mandatory Description
value number Yes Current progress. If the value is less than 0, the value 0 is used. If the value is greater than that of total, the value of total is used.
Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.
total number No Total progress.
Default value: 100
Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.
type8+ ProgressType No Style of the progress indicator.
Default value: ProgressType.Linear
Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.
style(deprecated) ProgressStyle No Style of the progress indicator.
This parameter is deprecated since API version 8. You are advised to use type instead.
Default value: ProgressStyle.Linear


Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.

Name Description
Linear Linear style. Since API version 9, the progress indicator adaptively switches to vertical layout if the height is greater than the width.
Ring8+ Indeterminate ring style. The ring fills up as the progress increases.
Eclipse8+ Eclipse style, which visualizes the progress in a way similar to the moon waxing from new to full.
ScaleRing8+ Determinate ring style, which is similar to the clock scale. Since API version 9, when the outer circles of scales overlap, the progress indicator is automatically converted to the Ring style.
Capsule8+ Capsule style. At both ends, the progress indicator works in a same manner as the eclipse style. In the middle part of the capsule, the progress indicator works in a same manner as the linear style. If the height is greater than the width, the progress indicator adaptively switches to vertical layout.


Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.

Name Description
Linear Linear style.
Ring Indeterminate ring style. The ring fills up as the progress increases.
Eclipse Eclipse style, which visualizes the progress in a way similar to the moon waxing from new to full.
ScaleRing Determinate ring style, which is similar to the clock scale.
Capsule Capsule style. At both ends, the progress indicator works in a same manner as the eclipse style. In the middle part of the capsule, the progress indicator works in a same manner as the linear style. If the height is greater than the width, the progress indicator adaptively switches to vertical layout.


In addition to the universal attributes, the following attributes are supported.

Name Type Description
value number Current progress. If the value is less than 0, the value 0 is used. If the value is greater than that of total, the value of total is used. Invalid values do not take effect.
Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.
color ResourceColor |LinearGradient10+ Background color of the progress indicator.
Since API version 10, this attribute can be set to LinearGradient for the Ring style.
Default value (API version 9): ‘#ff007dff’
Default value (API version 10):
- Capsule: ‘#33006cde’
- Ring: starting point: ‘#ff3b61f7’, ending point: ‘#ff6591bf’
- Other styles: ‘#ff007dff’
Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets, except that LinearGradient is not supported.
backgroundColor ResourceColor Background color of the progress indicator.
Default value (API version 9): ‘#19182431’
Default value (API version 10):
- Capsule: ‘#33ffffff’
- Ring: ‘#08182431’
- Other styles: ‘#19182431’
Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets.
The settings of the universal attribute backgroundColor applies to the progress indicator instead of the entire <Progress> component.
style8+ ProgressStyleOptions |CapsuleStyleOptions10+ |RingStyleOptions10+ |LinearStyleOptions10+ |ScaleRingStyleOptions10+ |EclipseStyleOptions10+ Component style.
Since API version 10, the following types are supported:
- CapsuleStyleOptions: capsule style.
- RingStyleOptions: ring style.
- LinearStyleOptions: linear style.
- ScaleRingStyleOptions: determinate ring style.
- EclipseStyleOptions: eclipse style.
- ProgressStyleOptions: basic style.
Since API version 9, this API is supported in ArkTS widgets, but only the ProgressStyleOptions type is available.


Name Type Mandatory Description
strokeWidth Length No Stroke width of the progress indicator. It cannot be set in percentage.
Default value: 4.0vp
scaleCount number No Number of divisions on the ring-style process indicator.
Default value: 120
scaleWidth Length No Scale width of the ring-style progress bar. It cannot be set in percentage. If it is greater than the value of strokeWidth, the default scale width is used.
Default value: 2.0vp
enableSmoothEffect10+ boolean No Whether to enable the smooth effect. When this effect is enabled, the progress change to the set value takes place gradually. Otherwise, it takes place immediately.
Default value: true


Name Type Mandatory Description
borderColor ResourceColor No Border color.
Default value: ‘#33006cde’
borderWidth Length No Border width. It cannot be set in percentage.
Default value: 1vp
content string No Text content, which can be customized .
font Font No Text style.
Default value:
- Font size (cannot be set in percentage): 12fp
- Other attributes: following the settings of the <Text> component.
fontColor ResourceColor No Font color.
Default value: ‘#ff182431’
enableScanEffect boolean No Whether to enable the scan effect.
Default value: false
showDefaultPercentage boolean No Whether to show the percentage of the current progress. This attribute does not take effect when the content attribute is set.
Default value: false
enableSmoothEffect boolean No Whether to enable the smooth effect. When this effect is enabled, the progress change to the set value takes place gradually. Otherwise, it takes place immediately.
Default value: true


Name Type Mandatory Description
strokeWidth Length No Stroke width of the progress indicator. It cannot be set in percentage. A value greater than or equal to the radius evaluates to half of the radius.
Default value: 4.0vp
shadow boolean No Whether to enable the shadow effect.
Default value: false
status ProgressStatus10+ No Status of the progress indicator. When this parameter is set to LOADING, the check update animation is played, and the value settings do not take effect. When the value changes from LOADING to PROGRESSING, the check update animation stops when it has reached the end state.
Default value: ProgressStatus.PROGRESSING
enableScanEffect boolean No Whether to enable the scan effect.
Default value: false
enableSmoothEffect boolean No Whether to enable the smooth effect. When this effect is enabled, the progress change to the set value takes place gradually. Otherwise, it takes place immediately.
Default value: true


Name Type Mandatory Description
strokeWidth Length No Stroke width of the progress indicator. It cannot be set in percentage.
Default value: 4.0vp
strokeRadius PX |VP |LPX |Resource No Rounded corner radius of the progress indicator.
Value range: [0, strokeWidth/2] Default value: strokeWidth/2
enableScanEffect boolean No Whether to enable the scan effect.
Default value: false
enableSmoothEffect boolean No Whether to enable the smooth effect. When this effect is enabled, the progress change to the set value takes place gradually. Otherwise, it takes place immediately.
Default value: true


Name Type Mandatory Description
strokeWidth Length No Stroke width of the progress indicator. It cannot be set in percentage.
Default value: 4.0vp
scaleCount number No Number of divisions on the ring-style process indicator.
Default value: 120
scaleWidth Length No Scale width of the ring-style progress bar. It cannot be set in percentage. If it is greater than the value of strokeWidth, the default scale width is used.
Default value: 2.0vp
enableSmoothEffect boolean No Whether to enable the smooth effect. When this effect is enabled, the progress change to the set value takes place gradually. Otherwise, it takes place immediately.
Default value: true


Name Type Mandatory Description
enableSmoothEffect boolean No Whether to enable the smooth effect. When this effect is enabled, the progress change to the set value takes place gradually. Otherwise, it takes place immediately.
Default value: true


Name Description
LOADING Loading.
PROGRESSING The progress is being updated.


The universal events are supported.


Example 1

This example shows the effect of the basic attributes for different types of progress indicators.

// xxx.ets
struct ProgressExample {
  build() {
    Column({ space: 15 }) {
      Text('Linear Progress').fontSize(9).fontColor(0xCCCCCC).width('90%')
      Progress({ value: 10, type: ProgressType.Linear }).width(200)
      Progress({ value: 20, total: 150, type: ProgressType.Linear }).color(Color.Grey).value(50).width(200)

      Text('Eclipse Progress').fontSize(9).fontColor(0xCCCCCC).width('90%')
      Row({ space: 40 }) {
        Progress({ value: 10, type: ProgressType.Eclipse }).width(100)
        Progress({ value: 20, total: 150, type: ProgressType.Eclipse }).color(Color.Grey).value(50).width(100)

      Text('ScaleRing Progress').fontSize(9).fontColor(0xCCCCCC).width('90%')
      Row({ space: 40 }) {
        Progress({ value: 10, type: ProgressType.ScaleRing }).width(100)
        Progress({ value: 20, total: 150, type: ProgressType.ScaleRing })
          .style({ strokeWidth: 15, scaleCount: 15, scaleWidth: 5 })

      // scaleCount vs. scaleWidth
      Row({ space: 40 }) {
        Progress({ value: 20, total: 150, type: ProgressType.ScaleRing })
          .style({ strokeWidth: 20, scaleCount: 20, scaleWidth: 5 })
        Progress({ value: 20, total: 150, type: ProgressType.ScaleRing })
          .style({ strokeWidth: 20, scaleCount: 30, scaleWidth: 3 })

      Text('Ring Progress').fontSize(9).fontColor(0xCCCCCC).width('90%')
      Row({ space: 40 }) {
        Progress({ value: 10, type: ProgressType.Ring }).width(100)
        Progress({ value: 20, total: 150, type: ProgressType.Ring })
          .style({ strokeWidth: 20 })

      Text('Capsule Progress').fontSize(9).fontColor(0xCCCCCC).width('90%')
      Row({ space: 40 }) {
        Progress({ value: 10, type: ProgressType.Capsule }).width(100).height(50)
        Progress({ value: 20, total: 150, type: ProgressType.Capsule })
    }.width('100%').margin({ top: 30 })


Example 2

This example shows the effect of visual attributes of the ring style progress indicator.

struct ProgressExample {
  private gradientColor: LinearGradient = new LinearGradient([{ color: Color.Yellow, offset: 0.5 },
                                                              { color: Color.Orange, offset: 1.0 }])
  build() {
    Column({ space: 15 }) {
      Text('Gradient Color').fontSize(9).fontColor(0xCCCCCC).width('90%')
      Progress({ value: 70, total: 100, type: ProgressType.Ring })
        .width(100).style({ strokeWidth: 20 })

      Progress({ value: 70, total: 100, type: ProgressType.Ring })
        .style({ strokeWidth: 20, shadow: true })
    }.width('100%').padding({ top: 5 })


Example 3

This example shows the animation effect of the ring style progress indicator.

struct ProgressExample {
  private gradientColor: LinearGradient = new LinearGradient([{ color: Color.Yellow, offset: 0.5 },
                                                              { color: Color.Orange, offset: 1.0 }])
  build() {
    Column({ space: 15 }) {
      Text('Loading Effect').fontSize(9).fontColor(0xCCCCCC).width('90%')
      Progress({ value: 0, total: 100, type: ProgressType.Ring })
        .style({ strokeWidth: 20, status: ProgressStatus.LOADING })

      Text('Scan Effect').fontSize(9).fontColor(0xCCCCCC).width('90%')
      Progress({ value: 30, total: 100, type: ProgressType.Ring })
        .style({ strokeWidth: 20, enableScanEffect: true })
    }.width('100%').padding({ top: 5 })


Example 4

This example shows the effect of visual attributes of the capsule style progress indicator.

struct ProgressExample {

  build() {
    Column({ space: 15 }) {
      Row({ space: 40 }) {
        Progress({ value: 100, total: 100,type: ProgressType.Capsule }).width(100).height(50)
          .style({borderColor: Color.Blue, borderWidth: 1, content: 'Installing...',
                  font: {size: 13, style: FontStyle.Normal}, fontColor: Color.Gray,
                  enableScanEffect: false, showDefaultPercentage: false})
    }.width('100%').padding({ top: 5 })


Example 5

This example shows the smooth effect.

struct Index {
  @State value: number = 0

  build() {
    Column({space: 10}) {
      Text('enableSmoothEffect: true').fontSize(9).fontColor(0xCCCCCC).width('90%').margin(5)
        .margin({top: 20})
      Progress({value: this.value, total: 100, type:ProgressType.Linear})
        .style({strokeWidth: 10, enableSmoothEffect: true})

      Text('enableSmoothEffect: false').fontSize(9).fontColor(0xCCCCCC).width('90%').margin(5)
      Progress({value: this.value, total: 100, type:ProgressType.Linear})
        .style({strokeWidth: 10, enableSmoothEffect: false})

      Button('value +10').onClick(() => {
        this.value += 10



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