harmony 鸿蒙ArkUI Subsystem Changelog

  • 2023-10-30
  • 浏览 (576)

ArkUI Subsystem Changelog

cl.arkui.1 Change in the Default Scrollbar State of <List> and <Gird> Components

Changed the default state of the scrollbar in the <List> and <Gird> components from BarState.Off to BarState.Auto.

Change Impact

In the scenario where the scrollbar status is not set in the <List> and <Gird> components:

Before change:

The scrollbar is not displayed.

After change:

The scrollbar is displayed during scrolling and is hidden 2 seconds after the scrolling stops.

Key API/Component Changes

scrollBar attribute of the <List> and <Gird> components: - List - Grid

Adaptation Guide

In scenarios where the scrollbar is not required, set the scrollBar attribute of the <List> and <Gird> components to BarState.Off.

The code snippet is as follows:

// xxx.ets
struct ListItemExample {
  private arr: number[] = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

  build() {
    Column() {
      List({ space: 20, initialIndex: 0 }) {
        ForEach(this.arr, (item) => {
          ListItem() {
            Text('' + item)
        }, item => item)
    }.width('100%').height('100%').backgroundColor(0xDCDCDC).padding({ top: 5 })

cl.arkui.2 Fixing of the Stack Layout Issue

Fixed the issue where child components in the <Stack> container does not follow the alignContent settings when the child components stretch beyond the container. Example:

struct StackExample {
  build() {
      Text('First child, show in bottom')

Before: Child components are not arranged based on alignContent:Alignment.TopEnd. stack

After: Child components are arranged based on alignContent:Alignment.TopEnd. stack

Change Impact

  1. When the <Stack> component contains a child component larger than itself, adaptation to the application is required.
  2. The previous workaround – Offset and translate settings for the child component – must be removed.

Adaptation Guide

Remove the Offset and translate settings for the child component.

cl.arkui.3 Change in the <Button> Component Hover Effect

Changed the hover effect of the <Button> component from scale-up by 100% to 105% to overlay of 0% to 5% opacity. Changed the pressed effect of the component to overlay of 5% to 10% opacity.

Change Impact

The visual effect of the <Button> is affected.


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