harmony 鸿蒙HUKS Changelog

  • 2023-10-30
  • 浏览 (571)

HUKS Changelog

OpenHarmony has the following changes.

cl.huks.1 Change of the Permission for Using attestKeyItem

The attestKeyItem interface attests a key using a public key encapsulated based on the device certificate chain. Any arbitrary export of the device certificate increases the risks on user privacy. Therefore, certain permissions are required for using this interface.

Change Impact

Applications without the ohos.permission.ACCESS_IDS permission or the system_basic or system_core permission cannot call attestKeyItem().

Key API/Component Changes

  • Involved APIs:

attestKeyItem(keyAlias: string, options: HuksOptions, callback: AsyncCallback<HuksReturnResult>): void; attestKeyItem(keyAlias: string, options: HuksOptions): Promise<HuksReturnResult>;

  • Before change:

The AccessToken permission is verified only for the applications that pass in a tag related to ATTESTATION_ID.

  • After change:

attestKeyItem() can be called only by a system application with the system_basic or system_core permission or an application with the ohos.permission.ACCESS_IDS permission.

Adaptation Guide

Applications with the system_basic or system_core permission can call attestKeyItem(). If an application with the normal permission needs to call attestKeyItem(), it must have the ohos.permission.ACCESS_IDS permission. For details about how to apply for the permission, see ACL.

cl.huks.2 Resolved the Issues in Storage or Export of Derived or Agreed Keys

Before the change, the HUKS supports storage and export of derived keys and agreed keys, which poses security risks.

After the change, the application needs to pass in HuksKeyStorageType for key derivation or key agreement. Only storage or export is allowed at a time. If this parameter is not passed in, both storage and export are supported by default, which poses security risks and is not recommended.

Change Impact

Behaviors of released JavaScript APIs have been changed.

Key API/Component Changes

Released JavaScript APIs remain unchanged, but the parameter set passed to the APIs are changed.

Adaptation Guide

For more information, see HUKS Development and HUKS.


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