harmony 鸿蒙Util Subsystem Changelog

  • 2023-06-24
  • 浏览 (543)

Util Subsystem Changelog

Compared with OpenHarmony 3.2 Beta4, OpenHarmony has the following API changes in the util subsystem.

cl.util.1. randomUUID Name Changed

The randomUUID function name is changed to generateRandomUUID.

Before change: function randomUUID(entropyCache?: boolean): string
After change: function generateRandomUUID(entropyCache?: boolean): string

You need to adapt your application.

Change Impact

JS APIs in API version 9 are affected. Your application needs to adapt these APIs so that it can properly implement features in the SDK environment of the new version.

Key API/Component Changes

Module Method/Attribute/Enum/Constant Change Type
@ohos.util function randomUUID(entropyCache?: boolean): string Deleted
@ohos.util function generateRandomUUID(entropyCache?: boolean): string Added

Adaptation Guide

Refer to the code snippet below to call generateRandomUUID in your application.


import util from '@ohos.util'
let uuid = util.generateRandomUUID(true);
console.log("RFC 4122 Version 4 UUID:" + uuid);
// Output:
// RFC 4122 Version 4 UUID:88368f2a-d5db-47d8-a05f-534fab0a0045

cl.util.2 randomBinaryUUID Name Changed

The randomBinaryUUID function name is changed to generateRandomBinaryUUID.

Before change: function randomBinaryUUID(entropyCache?: boolean): Uint8Array
After change: function generateRandomBinaryUUID(entropyCache?: boolean): Uint8Array

You need to adapt your application.

Change Impact

JS APIs in API version 9 are affected. Your application needs to adapt these APIs so that it can properly implement features in the SDK environment of the new version.

Key API/Component Changes

Module Method/Attribute/Enum/Constant Change Type
@ohos.util function randomBinaryUUID(entropyCache?: boolean): Uint8Array; Deleted
@ohos.util function generateRandomBinaryUUID(entropyCache?: boolean): Uint8Array Added

Adaptation Guide

Refer to the code snippet below to call generateRandomBinaryUUID in your application.


import util from '@ohos.util'
let uuid = util.generateRandomBinaryUUID(true);
// Output:
// 138,188,43,243,62,254,70,119,130,20,235,222,199,164,140,150

cl.util.3. contains Parameter Type in the LRUCache Class Changed

The contains parameter type in the LRUCache class is changed from object to K.

Before change: contains(key: object): boolean
After change: contains(key: K): boolean

You need to adapt your application.

Change Impact

JS APIs in API version 9 are affected. Your application needs to adapt these APIs so that it can properly implement features in the SDK environment of the new version.

Key API/Component Changes

Module Class Method/Attribute/Enum/Constant Change Type
@ohos.util LRUCache contains(key: object): boolean Deleted
@ohos.util LRUCache contains(key: K): boolean Added

Adaptation Guide

Follow the code snippet to use the contains function in your application.


import util from '@ohos.util'
let pro = new util.LRUCache();
let obj = {1:"key"};
let result = pro.contains(obj);


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