harmony 鸿蒙Resource Scheduler Subsystem Changelog

  • 2023-06-24
  • 浏览 (461)

Resource Scheduler Subsystem Changelog


The data type of the parameters attribute value is changed. Specifically, the number, string, and boolean types are supported, but the any type is not.

Change Impact

For applications developed based on OpenHarmony3.2.10.7 and later SDK versions, the parameters attribute value can use the number, string, and boolean types only. If it uses the any type, a compilation error is reported.

Key API/Component Changes

The parameters attribute in @ohos.resourceschedule.workScheduler.d.ts is changed.

|Class|API Type|Statement Before the Change|Statement After the Change| | –|–|–|–| |workScheduler.WorkInfo|field|parameters?: {[key: string]: any}|parameters?: {[key: string]: number|string|boolean}|

Adaptation Guide

The parameters attribute uses the {[key: string]: number|string|boolean} data type.


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