harmony 鸿蒙Switching of module

  • 2023-02-03
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Switching of module

When switching an application from the FA model to the stage model, migrate the configurations under module in the config.json file to module in the module.json5 file.

Table 1 module comparison

Field Name in the FA Model Field Description Field Name in the Stage Model Difference
mainAbility Ability displayed on the Service Center icon. When the resident process is started, the mainAbility is started. mainElement The field name is changed, and the stage mode does not use the period (.) in ability names.
package Package name of the HAP file, which must be unique in the application. / The stage model uses name to ensure application uniqueness. To ensure a successful switching from the FA model to the stage model, name in the stage model must be the same as package in the FA model.
name Class name of the HAP file. / This configuration is not enabled in the FA model, and the stage model does not have such a field.
supportedModes Modes supported by the application. Currently, only the drive mode is defined. / This configuration is deprecated in the stage model.
moduleName in the distro object Name of the current HAP file.
moduleName in the distro object.
name The field name is changed.
moduleType in the distro object Type of the HAP file. The value can be entry or feature. For the HAR type, set this field to har. type The field name is changed.
installationFree in the distro object Whether the HAP file supports the installation-free feature. installationFree The field name is changed.
deliveryWithInstall in the distro object Whether the HAP file is installed with the application. deliveryWithInstall The field name is changed.
metaData Metadata of the HAP file. metadata For details, see Table 2.
abilities All abilities in the current module. abilities For details, see Table 5.
js A set of JS modules developed using ArkUI. Each element in the set represents the information about a JS module. pages The stage model retains pages under the module tag. The window configuration is the lower level of pages.
shortcuts Shortcuts of the application. shortcut_config.json In the stage model, the shortcut_config.json file is defined in resources/base/profile in the developer view.
reqPermissions Permissions that the application requests from the system when it is running. requestPermissions The field name is changed.
colorMode Color mode of the application. / This configuration is not supported in the stage model.
distroFilter Distribution rules of the application. distributionFilter_config.json In the stage model, the distributionFilter_config.json file is defined in resources/base/profile in the developer view.
reqCapabilities Device capabilities required for running the application. / This configuration is not supported in the stage model.
commonEvents Common events. common_event_config.json In the stage model, the common_event_config.json file is defined in resources/base/profile in the developer view.
entryTheme Keyword of an OpenHarmony internal theme. / This configuration is not supported in the stage model.

Table 2 metaData comparison

Field Name in the FA Model Field Description Field Name in the Stage Model Difference
parameters Metadata of the parameters to be passed for calling the ability. / This configuration is not supported in the stage model.
results Metadata of the ability return value. / This configuration is not supported in the stage model.
customizeData Custom metadata of the parent component. parameters and results cannot be configured in application. metadata For details, see Table 3.

Table 3 Comparison between customizeData under metaData in the FA model and metadata in the stage Model

Field Name in the FA Model Field Description Field Name in the Stage Model Difference
name Key name that identifies a data item. The value is a string with a maximum of 255 bytes. name None.
value Value of the data item. The value is a string with a maximum of 255 bytes. value None.
extra Format of the current custom data. The value is the resource value of extra. resource The field name is changed. For details, see Table 4.

Table 4 metaData examples

Example in the FA Model Example in the Stage Model
“meteData”: {
“customizeDate”: [{
“name”: “label”,
“value”: “string”,
“extra”: “$string:label”,
“meteData”: [{
“name”: “label”,
“value”: “string”,
“resource”: “$string:label”,

Table 5 abilities comparison

Field Name Under abilities in the FA Model Field Description Field Name Under abilities in the Stage Model Difference
process Name of the process running the application or ability. / The stage model does not support configuration of process under abilities. The configuration of process is available under the module tag.
uri URI of the ability. / This configuration is not supported in the stage model.
deviceCapability Device capabilities required to run the ability. / This configuration is not supported in the stage model.
metaData Metadata of the ability. metadata For details, see Table 2.
type Ability type. / This configuration is not supported in the stage model.
grantPermission Whether permissions can be granted to any data in the ability. / The stage model does not support such a configuration under abilities.
readPermission Permission required for reading data in the ability. This field applies only to the ability using the Data template. / In the stage model, this configuration is available under extensionAbilities, but not abilities.
writePermission Permission required for writing data to the ability. / In the stage model, this configuration is available under extensionAbilities, but not abilities.
configChanges System configurations that the ability concerns. / This configuration is not supported in the stage model.
mission Mission stack of the ability. / This configuration is not supported in the stage model.
targetAbility Target ability that this ability alias points to. / This configuration is not supported in the stage model.
multiUserShared Whether the ability supports data sharing among multiple users. This field applies only to the ability using the Data template. / This configuration is not supported in the stage model.
supportPipMode Whether the ability allows the user to enter the Picture in Picture (PiP) mode. The PiP mode enables the user to watch a video in a small window that hovers on top of a full screen window (main window). / This configuration is not supported in the stage model.
formsEnabled Whether the ability can provide widgets. / This configuration is not supported in the stage model.
forms Information about the widgets used by the ability. This field is valid only when formsEnabled is set to true. form_config.json In the stage model, the form_config.json file is defined in resources/base/profile in the developer view.
srcLanguage Programming language used to develop the ability. / This configuration is not supported in the stage model.
srcPath Path of the JS component code corresponding to the ability. srcEntry Path of the JS code corresponding to the ability.
uriPermission Application data that the ability can access. / This configuration is not supported in the stage model.


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